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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. Thanks for the insight. The statement to which I referred was (is) so outrageous, it demanded attention. IF it is shown to have been true/correct, I will apologize. Otherwise, an intelligent fellow like eagle, whether a talk show host in real life or not, should know that slanderous comments, even if the target never knows they are made, really do NOT demonstrate the intelligence and integrity that he (eagle) is apparently known for. And on the three versions of the truth... though that's really only an expression, there is a kernel of truth to it, and it IS an excellent point.
  2. Wouldn't THAT be "hard working" gossip? :P
  3. There you go pretending to know what's inside my head AGAIN. If you had INTELLLECTUAL HONESTY, we wouldn't be having to go over this issue AGAIN. IF you find your documentation, I'll respect you a bit more. IF you find your documentation, we'll see -- perhaps from the context -- what it really means... and we'll get to evaluate (not just me... every one who would like to will get to) whether it IS or is NOT relevant to this discussion. Do you make idle gossip on unfounded allegations on your talk show? Do you inform your guests/listeners about what they will or will not like?
  4. Now you want someone ELSE to do research to back up YOUR idiotic claim? That's rich. First, you demonstrate how loose you like to play with facts about people who hold different values than yourself... Then you psychoanalyze ME... then you want OTHERS to help you out of the jam your sloppy writing/conduct gets you in? That's even richer. If you want to prove Alec Baldwin is more "evil" or "sick" than having made a very serious mistake in what SHOULD have been a private situation, then it behooves YOU (not those who might "remember" something for you) to back up your claims. IF you are/were REALLY (any kind of) talk show host, the YOU would know the seriousness of making slanderous/libelous claims. I'm NOT defending what Baldwin DID (that has been documented beyond question). I AM saying that we cannot have any serious discussion if people introduce unrelated, undocumented GOSSIP into it. And let's make sure readers know that the quote, from me, that you cited above, was NOT addressed by me to YOU. Otherwise, one might surmise that I told YOU that you had good insight on this matter. Which I did not.
  5. Rick, I emphatically disagree with you on this one. I was NOT bullying ANYONE. My response to "eagle"'s INSANE comment was plenty reasonable. IF he has the intellectual honesty to either document his claim or if unable to do so, then withdraw it and apologize for making it, THEN I will certainly consider apologizing. Otherwise, I did NOTHING untoward on this item, UNLIKE what "eagle" did. He might be (probably is) a good guy otherwise... but there's NO justifying unloading something so outrageous in a discussion like this.
  6. That's what I thought! ;)
  7. Let's take the uncertainty out of that statement. Why? There's ONLY one person whose opinion matters in this whole shebang (shades of American Idol and William Hung?). And that one person gets to give Baldwin ORDERS that Baldwin MUST obey... and here's a hint... that person is NOT Kim Basinger. But is there dew on the fleece? But I AM here! Behaving nicely? :blink: Who ME? Couldn't be... :P
  8. Hate to disappoint you then... but not only COULD she have done so, that's the ONLY WAY she SHOULD HAVE dealt with it. There is wisdom, nandon, in making your points by asking questions like you did. For many people who might not have gotten the point otherwise, you gave them the opportunity to come to the ONLY best answer on their own. Nice job.
  9. U R 1 sick puppy! Let's not forget -- vibram souls! (or is that SOLES?) :wacko:
  10. FYI From Monsters and Critics.com People News Basinger backlash grows after Baldwin rant By Stone Martindale Apr 23, 2007, 16:13 GMT There are no winners in the sordid, never ending custody battle over Ireland Baldwin. In the aftermath of the voice mail message Alec Baldwin left for his daughter, which sounded as if Alec was addressing his agent or manager, the Basinger-Baldwin players were seen out and about this past weekend. Baldwin was seen leaving a deli in the Hamptons, and Kim Basinger and Ireland were seen with a man reported to be a bodyguard according to TMZ. There is a growing chorus of negative comments on web chat rooms, blogs and talkback commentaries to posted stories regarding the fact the mother, Basinger, did not keep the family business private and not expose the problems to a court of public opinion. Baldwin's frustrations turned to rageful anger at his loss of control in the lack of access to his daughter, and he wrongly took it out on her as if she were an unrelated adult Many wonder why the acrimony and ill will has grown to such an unmanageable level over a child both parents love and care for. On May 4th, the judge will decide what kind of contact Baldwin will have in the long term. TMZ reports both Baldwin and Basinger will attend the hearing.
  11. I certainly do not speak for Krys, but my impression of her post is that she was indicating her belief that the frustration/anger so obviously apparent on the recording was due to his frustration with Basinger. I believe that very likely IS the source of the emotion we heard on it. And, to reiterate, I still do not excuse Baldwin for saying what he did to his daughter.
  12. Yes sir! Will do! I was just wondering... no call for alarm. Here, have a snow cone, or something...
  13. Here's to your continued success in doing that for your children.
  14. I believe you have good insight on this type of problem situation. I feel the sadness you must have experienced. Unfortunately, this very point/issue is well documented in professional literature regarding child custody matters. I too have experienced this very thing. That's why I'm sure there's more to it than we've been made privy to. Emphatically, the child should NOT be subjected to what she experienced from EITHER parent. Obviously, all of us here can related to this whole thing from completely different sets of experiences. Which likely accounts for the wide range of reaction. But the most likely thing happening is that BOTH parents are doing things they should not. And Edi... could it be that Basinger is just trying to protect her child? NO. That scenario is highly implausible. IF that's ALL she wanted to do, she would NOT have had the recording leaked to the media. That Baldwin says what he says about Basinger leaking the recording certainly doesn't help his case, and that what he says -- about Basinger leaking it -- is true does NOT excuse what Baldwin said to his daughter. And Eagle, your statement, the one regarding which you don't approve of my characterization... was and is absurd on its face. Further, it is MOST irrelevant to this thread, even in the unlikely event your claim is true. Therefore, my point, still quite valid, is that your statement/claim has NO place on this thread because it is probably NOT true, but even if it is true, it just doesn't belong in this discussion. Therefore, I reiterate -- it's B***S***. And if you don't like what I have to say, it won't hurt my feelings is you simply ignore it...
  15. What will you be cooking?
  16. THIS post, by nyunknown NAILS it. and while I understand the point satori made about it being good for the daughter that the recording was made public, I believe that view lacks insight into the realities of divorce and child custody battles. It is NEVER good for the child to be made a public spectacle/pawn in such a high profile divorce situation. The child could, just as easily, been given appropriate intervention/counseling or whatever else might be therapeutic for her, with this recording being made known ONLY to the judge in family court. The actions of BOTH parents are tragically faulty in this situation, and BOTH aspects of it, almost certainly, caused harm to the child.
  17. Not listening to it -- a VERY wise strategy. NOT a bit edifying, I must say. Indeed, Baldwin and Basinger do indeed deserve each other (IMO)... but as Rascal mentioned, the child certainly doesn't deserve either being subject to the verbal abuse from her father, NOR being used as a pawn by her mother (which is pretty obviously the case).
  18. centrally located based on all those expected to attend sounds good to me... so we could minimize the "carbon footprints" we leave on the trail making our way to and from... ;)
  19. I'll have ESPN on for Jon and Joe to call the big game tomorrow night... Ah, Bonds... yes, I very much understand your frustration there. Unfortunately, I think the media (sports guys) started rationalizing away the steroids controversy during the offseason, so they could justify paying attention to Bonds. It goes something like this -- well, the PITCHERS were doing it too... so, it evened out. Which I believe is nonsense... but barring unforeseen tragedy, it's going to happen, and most likely this season, and probably before August.
  20. Yeah, I could get it on AM radio... which, if it were the Dodgers (Vin Scully) I would do, or find a way to do in a heartbeat. Otherwise, I don't have a radio in my 93 nissan pickumup truck and the AM reception on my home theater system is bad due to interference from the TV and other stuff. btw, the ONLY scoring in the Dbacks/Giants game was Barry's 739th, a solo shot.
  21. Fox just showed A-Rod's at bat... producing another extra base hit... talk about being in the zone!
  22. Fox has the Cards @ Cubs game here... Cubbies up 4-0 after 2 innings. Jason Marquis pitching FOR the Cubs. For the life of me I can't understand why Fox isn't carrying the Dbacks @ Giants game... especially since Barry just hit #739... THAT game is on NO TV today! "#$!%&$"#$!%&$. I'm thinking Gibson's iconic HR was 1988... but I should look it up to verify (but won't just now). THAT HR will be to our generation what The Babe's "Called Shot" was to an earlier generation, I figure.
  23. How very true! Not UNlike Kirk Gibson's HR against Eckersley in the WS... I forget the year, but could NEVER forget the images... btw, Gibson's now bench coach for the Dbacks.
  24. No problem... and indeed, Schilling/Johnson the WS 2001 MVP (together)... Ya know, Bolshevik, the BoSox are coming to Phoenix in June... hopefully we'll be treated to a Johnson/Schilling showdown.
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