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Everything posted by frank123lol

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  3. The way was so stingy,All about the money,Lead was another way to make a few bucks. As a apprentice corps,we will treat you like real corps,yes we can really abuse you now. A gal had a rock fall on her head,she was told it was her fault,she fad taken her helmet off.
  4. frank123lol

    my friends

    Several years ago Roy,you made a difference in my life.How?Just simply in how you respond to people, We all need something from someone.God supplies that someone,if they are willing.Peace.
  5. Always a friend Ham,I ain't in no stinking cult either. Friends?People say a lot.Friends come and go. Came in this world alone.
  6. They say a salesman is the easiest to sell to,exwayers sold a product.Me I am leary of everything.
  7. pretty simple really,woodstock generation meets huckster,with I got the answers,great rehab,of course girls,pretty girls,and you could kissem.
  8. Lets face it the "Dr"was a alcoholic,he had problems,at one meeting,i thought he sounds just like my dad,who had alcoholic problems. The "Dr." would be really chatty,other times grumpy,quiet,stone face if you will,very elf serving.you get the picture."Coffee cup"always full. We all tried to imitate a drunk!Twi as a whole never gave a rats a@2 for anyone unless you had money position ect.The it was special favors,permission to go where no one else went. The aa program works,I never went again after the director admitted he went out and got blitzed the night before.You have to decide yourself to quit,
  9. One other, alcohol will get you one way or the other.It is a drug.Some can drink a lifetime. Some cannot.What I said way back when is"I'm fine until I take the cap off the bottle." Another is you have to value your sobriety,let no one take that away from you. Somehow you go from being insane to being sober,beware of "dry drunks"stinking thinking came from AA. I like being in this sober state,being sharp aware liking normal feelings.It is the best rush. An alcoholic goes from one addiction to another,make sure it is not harmful to you or others.Peace.
  10. You have to change,friends,hangouts,ideas,one of which,time to get a buzz,buzz,buzz,no one seems to understand. The best one I heard is the difference between alcohol and either,is that alcohol has water.They both are depressants. A recovering Priest said that.Also an alcoholic is insane,why else would you do the same thing over and over?Been there done that.
  11. Substance abuse is a nasty animal,Twi,was a start for me people my own age. The spiel was just as toxic in the long run.Too bad where the chewy center was supposed to be it was a rotten apple
  12. That is funny,1rst twi would have to admit.That is something they will not do.
  13. Smoking bad,smoking and alcohol reaaly,really bad for you.Vp also said he had never got drunk his whole life,just was never sober either.
  14. Old testament was in lunar months approx 28 days go from there.
  15. You have more kindness,forgivness and understanding in spiritual things than twi ever had or will.You have been a rock here at GSC.
  16. Well if God truly makes a way where there is no way,then we somehow get it back,or has been said the quality is there.
  17. Ex,You have alot more insite than most,At least here you choose the color of kooaid. It is fun to shoot the shi@,People listen too.
  18. The lie is that "they' have some super secret truth,that only god specially gave to "them" and that "they" pass on to a select few. Like the Matrix red or blue pill,once awoke we expose.
  19. That is why it was/is doomed to fail.If anything God is a rewarder who diligently seek him.Hmm..twi is/was seeking somthing else..........
  20. To your'e kids and friends,there will never be another,you are one of a kind.
  21. You could say you believe in Santa Claus!!
  22. Consequence?Leaving twi?Maybe the only consequence will be rosie left alone with her 52 million dollars. Hey thats how koresh got his start in waco,met the gal of the org and married her,kicked her out and became king Maybe history does repeat itself.
  23. The big sponge,suck everybodies life like vampires.1rst time I went to roa my car broke down.went to some shop to get it fixed.While there had a conversation with a older gentleman.Itold him I was on my way to a christian thing,he says the way?Problem I have with it is the young people need to get jobs and build thier lifes insteadf of wasting it on the way,shouldv'e listened to him.
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