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"Captain's Log, Stardate 41723.9. In response to a Starfleet order we are in the Xendi Sabu star system having rendezvoused with a Ferengi vessel which has requested a meeting. Although we arrived here and made appropriate signals to the Ferengi three days ago they have so far responded only with the message, 'Stand by, Enterprise.'"

"Something unusual has definitely been happening to you."

"Why do doctors always say the obvious, as though it's a revelation?"

"Why do captains always act like they're immortal?"

"Let the dead rest, and the past remain the past."

"As you hew-mons say, I'm all ears."


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Picards old ship was the Stargazer, but otherwise, correct. We learn that Picard came up with a maneuver whereby he warped right next to the Ferengi ship and blasted it; this would be called "the Picard Maneuver." (I, and apparently a number of other fans, jokingly refer to pulling down one's jersey every time one stands up as "the Picard Maneuver." I think it could also refer to surrendering to a much weaker foe in order to facilitate negotiations. :)) Picard comes under mind control and is about to use the PM against the Enterprise, when Riker orders Data to come up with a defense to it. He does so, saving them all. I find it odd that no one had ever though of a defense to the PM sooner!

Hit it, Mr Steve!!


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"Get word to Gosheven. Tell him I am coming to the pumping station. Tell him I am going to destroy the aqueduct."

"He'll try to stop you."

"I sincerely hope so."

"This colony exists because generations gave their lives for it. Many died before we found a way to adapt to the radiation, and many more died bringing water to this desert. My grandfather..."

"...is buried on that mountain! Well, who'll be left to bury you?"

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I believe this statement was uttered by Data on TNG. Because of a treaty with the Cardassions, a colony of humans needed to be moved from a planet that was now considered Cardassion territory. The Enterprise was ordered to remove the colonists within a certain timeframe or the Cardassions would move in and execute them. Problem was, the colonists considered the planet theirs and refused to move. Data was sent to the surface to prepare the population. When he reported back to Riker the scope of the problem, Riker ordered Data to, "use that positronic brain of yours and come up with a solution". It was Data's idea to destroy the aqueduct, something of which the colonists were very proud. The colonists were not able to stop Data, and Data's point was if they couldn't stop him, a friend, they would fare much worse against the Cardassions, a foe.

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I'm not as good at remembering specific dialogue as I am remembering plots. I will readily admit, as I viewed past posts, I am clearly out of my league here. However, since I stumbled on to a "close-enough" answer, I will humbly take my turn. The diaglogue is not exact but it goes something like:

"Remember, just because I can't see you very often doesn't mean I don't still want grandchildren!"

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There are several places to find actual quotes. I usually pick an episode I like and google it something like this:

"next generation" "the battle" "quotes"

You will then get some links, usually to IMDb, Memory-Alpha, StarTrek.com, and others.

You can also find entire scripts to many episodes of the various series at TWIZ TV. Just scroll down to the Ss.

You don't have to do this from memory!


P.S. I would open the google search or TWIZ TV site in a separate window, to facilitate transferring quotes.

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There are several places to find actual quotes. I usually pick an episode I like and google it something like this:

"next generation" "the battle" "quotes"

You will then get some links, usually to IMDb, Memory-Alpha, StarTrek.com, and others.

You can also find entire scripts to many episodes of the various series at TWIZ TV. Just scroll down to the Ss.

You don't have to do this from memory!


P.S. I would open the google search or TWIZ TV site in a separate window, to facilitate transferring quotes.

Oh good! I thought you guys were just plain amazing at remembering the diaglogue! I thought, "Man, who does that?" Anyway, why doesn't someone else take my turn this time and I'll jump in later more prepared.

Edited by erkjohn
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"If you met a double of yourself, would you have difficulty interacting with him?"

"I think so."


"I am not easy to get along with."

"I have found that humans value their uniqueness - that sense that they are different from everyone else. The existence of a double would preclude that feeling. Could that be the source of the friction?"

"Or perhaps it is more a matter of seeing something in your double...something you do not like in yourself."

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The episode is the ST:TNG episode "Second Chances."

Due to a freak accident involving the planet they were evacuating from, William T. Riker

barely escaped a planet several years ago during beam-out...

but a second William T. Riker materialized back on the planet as the first materialized

on the starship. The ship left with Riker and the crew had no idea anyone was left behind.

Years later, they visit the planet again-and both Rikers meet.

After an episode with some interesting character development and interaction-

and both Rikers grating on each other from the differences in their experiences since

the accident- they go their separate ways,

our usual Riker staying on the Enterprise, and the rescued Riker

accepting a posting on the USS Gandhi. To distinguish himself from our usual Riker,

he legally changed his name to "Thomas", his middle name.

(One book said "T." stood for "Thelonius", and another said he had 2 middle names,

Thomas AND Thelonius. That's not completely unheard of even in our present.)

Anyway, my cryptic question was understood-

"Thomas" means "twin", and was also translated "Didymus" in the Bible (also "twin".)

So, I asked if that was the episode without giving the episode name.

Personally, my favorite scene in the episode is in the prologue, when Riker is

playing in a jazz band and asking for requests. Troi keeps requesting "Nightbird"

because she knows he's never gotten the hang of playing the instrumental bridge.

As he prepares to try, Picard pages him to report to the Bridge.

(Once again, Jonathan Frakes said a LOT with his face in that scene.

He ignored Troi, then he gives her a flat look when he accepts the request,

then he focuses and pumps the slide as he gets ready,

and finally looks so pleased when he has to answer the call. :)

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Next episode.

"Earl Grey Tea... watercress sandwiches... Bularian canapes...Are you up for a promotion?"

"I'm trying to establish a new relationship with the Admiral. There's been a certain amount of... tension between us in the past."

"Tension's not the word I would use..."

"What do you know about your family, Captain?"

"A great deal actually. My father was a strong believer in passing along the family history and traditions."

"Tell me about your family. We have very strong ties to our ancestors... we believe their actions guide us even now. Knowing more about your family might help me to better understand you."

"There are many things you don't understand yet... but you will."

"I don't mean to be rude, but I wish you'd stop talking about me in the future tense."

Edited by WordWolf
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"Earl Grey Tea... watercress sandwiches... Bularian canapes...Are you up for a promotion?"

"I'm trying to establish a new relationship with the Admiral. There's been a certain amount of... tension between us in the past."

"Tension's not the word I would use..."

"What do you know about your family, Captain?"

"A great deal actually. My father was a strong believer in passing along the family history and traditions."

"Tell me about your family. We have very strong ties to our ancestors... we believe their actions guide us even now. Knowing more about your family might help me to better understand you."

"There are many things you don't understand yet... but you will."

"I don't mean to be rude, but I wish you'd stop talking about me in the future tense."

"...at that time they were warned the planet was hotly disputed by the Cardassians. The bottom line is... they never should have settled there in the first place."

"Remember how we always talked about improving the quantum efficiency by creating a new plasma-dyne relay? Well, feast your eyes on this."

"You've only got one micro-fusion inter-relay in here... the converter interface will never hold up."

"Hey, I ran the diagnostics myself.This little baby will withstand over five hundred Cochranes of warp field stress."

"I don't think so. You better put a secondary phase inverter in there.

In fact, this entire subprocessor matrix needs an overhaul."

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Was this the NG episode where the Federation wanted to relocate some settlers out of Cardassian space?

Yes. "Journey's End."

I believe Wesley and The Traveler got involved,

Actually, The Traveler (aka "Lakanta", was already involved and disguised as a settler.

No idea how that worked.

and Wesley actually joined the Maquis resistance.


Actually, there was no Maquis resistance at this time- the decision made at the beginning of

the episode was what eventually INSPIRED the Maquis resistance.


"I must point out that when you first came to this world, you were warned that it was the subject of a dispute between the Federation and the Cardassians. You were asked not to settle here."


"Do you know how long we have searched for a home? Almost two hundred years. Then we found this world... Can you blame us for not wanting to give it up?"


"I understand and respect the long journey of your people. But I believe we can help you find a new home."


"As you can see, there are three other planets in this sector that have environmental conditions similar to those here on Dorvan Five. They are all uninhabited... and could be colonized immediately."


"And if those worlds don't meet with your approval, then we'll find you other choices."


"You don't understand... the choice of this world was not limited to... "environmental conditions." There were other... more intangible concerns as well.

My people have always had an... intimate bond with nature. We think of ourselves as being a part of it... and it being a part of us. One of the reasons our ancestors left Earth two hundred years ago was because that bond had been severed.

They began to control the weather.

We believe -- very strongly --that nature should not be "fixed" or controlled. Droughts and floods... tornadoes and hurricanes... these are natural events. By putting man above nature... an imbalance was created. We could no longer live in harmony with our environment."


"I can assure you that we will not impose a weather control system or anything else on your people. Whatever world you choose to colonize will be completely yours to do with as you please."


"Captain, once the bond between us and Earth had been broken, we had to find a planet where we could establish a new bond... a planet that would welcome us. When I came here twenty years ago, I was welcomed by the mountains... the rivers... the sky."


"He's laughing at you, Anthwara. He thinks you're talking about old superstition and nonsense."


"That's not true. I have a great deal of respect for your beliefs and the meaning they hold for your people."


"Then you should respect the fact that this planet holds a deeply spiritual significance for us. It took us two centuries to find a place where the mountains gave us permission to use their stone for our houses... where the rivers let us drink from their waters... and where the wind sang to us at night.

We don't want to spend another two hundred years searching for what we already have."

The settlers, for all their convictions, and the spiritual significance of the planet,

faced the same questions as Goshaven several seasons earlier.

Leave the planet-which they didn't WANT to do- or be killed off by another group of "settlers"-

which they really have to avoid. No point in having a deep spiritual connection to a planet

you're on if it's going to get you turned into an oily smear. How did they know that the other

planets Picard offered would not welcome them just as much, or even more? They didn't even

entertain the notion that they could find any candidate to be acceptable to their spiritual

criteria. If they tried and it didn't happen, then they lost nothing by sending a few people

to look around.

We even saw them prepared to make the same mistake Goshaven was prepared to make.

"Why have you taken these men prisoner?"

"They were invading our homes...violating our privacy... this is not their world. They have no right to be here."

"The terms of the treaty do give them the right to... survey this planet."

"We don't recognize that treaty. We're not going to let the Cardassians have Dorvan Five. No matter what the cost."

1) Disregarding a treaty signed by the Federation means they're breaking Federation law-

and that's exactly what they want.

2) Fighting an overt, "hot" war with the arriving Cardassians was more than stupid.

Gul Evek's response was obvious and predictable.

"Two of our men on the surface have been taken prisoner. Prepare to send an armed squad to rescue them and to occupy the village."

Picard talked him into just beaming his men up instead- rather than shooting and dragging

the Enterprise into another shooting war right then and there.

"Gul Evek, those people down there are Federation citizens and I am sworn to protect them. If your troops attack the village, my security forces will respond..."

The settlers ultimately had 3 choices:

1) Resettle on a different planet.

2) Stay and resist-and be bombed to bits once the Enterprise left.

3) Forswear their Federation citizenship and take their chances the Cardassians will somehow

treat them fairly, despite little motivation to do so.

"Anthwara... I want to make absolutely sure you understand the implications of this agreement. By giving up your status as Federation citizens... any future request you or your people make for assistance from Starfleet will go unanswered. You will be on your own... and under Cardassian jurisdiction."

"I understand, Captain. And we are prepared to take that risk.

Will the Cardassian government honor the agreement you've made here?"

"I believe that I can convince them this is an... equitable solution. I cannot speak for every Cardassian you will encounter..but if you leave us alone... I suspect that we will do the same."

Now, see, if all settlers in the new Cardassian territories who chose to stay ALSO made the

same agreement, they were NO LONGER Federation citizens and their own problem from then on.

The real problem with the Maquis was not the utter stupidity of the Maquis, but the Federation's

refusal to stick to its OWN agreements. They should have said

"Well, it's tragic that the Cardassians are wiping out their own colonies, but those ARE

Cardassian colonies, after all, and that's a purely internal matter, and the Federation does

not involve itself with the internal problems of the Cardassians or anyone else."

After all, that's what was said in OTHER episodes, and even how they dealt with the

Romulans arming the sisters of Duras in a Klingon Civil War.

(They prevented the Romulans from interfering, and ended their involvement there.)

Instead, the Feds disregarded the legal status of the FORMER Federation citizens,

and interfered anyway.

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You sure put a lot of thought into that one! :)

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, my brooch has been stolen. It's been in my family for 36 generations, it's absolutely priceless and I want it back!"

"You're certain you were wearing it today?"

"Yes, of course I'm certain. I never use this hair without it."

"Procreation does not require changing how you smell, or writing bad poetry, or sacrificing various plants to serve as tokens of affection."


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"Think of it as an opportunity, Doctor. You never know when a friendly ambassador is going to be in the right place at the right time to help your career."

"Another hour with them could destroy my career!"

"It's a simple job: just keep them happy, and away from me."

"Simple? Nothing makes them happy! They are dedicated to being UN-happy, and to spreading that unhappiness wherever they go! They are the Ambassadors of Unhappy!"

"All the men I've known have needed to be shaped and molded and manipulated. Finally I've met a man who knows how to do it himself."

"There was a minor incident at the bar that I helped her with, and now she's... grateful."

"What's the problem?"

"The manner in which she expresses her gratitude."

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, my brooch has been stolen. It's been in my family for 36 generations, it's absolutely priceless and I want it back!"

"You're certain you were wearing it today?"

"Yes, of course I'm certain. I never use this hair without it."

"Procreation does not require changing how you smell, or writing bad poetry, or sacrificing various plants to serve as tokens of affection."


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"You are dealing with the daughter of the Fifth House, Holder of the Sacred Chalice of Rixx and the Holy Rings of Betazed!"

"Ow, not my ear, please!"

"Yes, and I know where it hurts the most, you little troll!"

"All of us have had these assignments, Doctor."

"Have you, sir?"

"As a matter of fact, Curzon Dax used to take perverse pleasure in assigning me to take care of V.I.P. guests."

"Ah, so now you take the same perverse pleasure in doing it to me."


"Think of it as an opportunity, Doctor. You never know when a friendly ambassador is going to be in the right place at the right time to help your career."

"Another hour with them could destroy my career!"

"It's a simple job: just keep them happy, and away from me."

"Simple? Nothing makes them happy! They are dedicated to being UN-happy, and to spreading that unhappiness wherever they go! They are the Ambassadors of Unhappy!"

"All the men I've known have needed to be shaped and molded and manipulated. Finally I've met a man who knows how to do it himself."

"There was a minor incident at the bar that I helped her with, and now she's... grateful."

"What's the problem?"

"The manner in which she expresses her gratitude."

"What seems to be the problem?"

"Well, my brooch has been stolen. It's been in my family for 36 generations, it's absolutely priceless and I want it back!"

"You're certain you were wearing it today?"

"Yes, of course I'm certain. I never use this hair without it."

"Procreation does not require changing how you smell, or writing bad poetry, or sacrificing various plants to serve as tokens of affection."


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I've known since the first post that the quotes included lines from Lwaxana Troi, but I still can't pinpoint the actual episode. From the last post quotes, I know it's DS9, but I'm still unable to figure out the episode. I barely remember Lwaxana and Odo being involved somehow, but other than that I can't remember when Majel Barret appeared in DS9. :(

I hope someone else can guess it.

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That's good enough for me. The episode was titled "The Forsaken." One plot involved Bashir dealing with unruly diplomats, but the more entertaining one was Lwaxana's attempts to lure Odo. The two of them get trapped in a turbolift, and Odo reveals that he can't hold his shape. Lwaxana removes her wig, saying that no one sees her that way, either. Finally, Odo can't hold on any longer, and she tells him to let himself go, catching his liquid form in her skirt. I always found that quite touching.

Go ahead, Maddy.


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Now that you're telling me, I've started remembering that scene.

Ok, let's see... next quotes...

"You know that woman?"

"I know her. She used to be my wife..."

"He used to say there was an exception to every rule; and he usually went out of his way to find it."

"If I were in your position, I'd probably be just as ready to throw away everything for the person I love. But I would also want to be sure... that I was ready to pay the price."

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I seem to remember a DS9 episode where a person involved with one of Dax's earlier manifestations tried to re-unite with Jadzia, something forbidden for Trills. It might have been Curzon Dax's ex-wife. Is this the episode you mean?


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