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Dot, it's a quirk! I don't know why it just feels better!

I also hate to stop under overpasses. I think that's from the earthquake in San Francisco when part of the freeway came down on the Bay Bridge. It weirds me out to sit there even though I live in TN now. Earthquakes aren't a big thing here.

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oh unlike many here.. i hate wearing socks.

I wear them only til april and then it's off they go.. and i hold off as long as i can ... sometimes til end of november.

I feel my feet are way too hot in socks. And if slippers are worn in the winter ... they cannot be worn with socks. Way too hot!

A la, :wave:

I'm so with you there! The first thing I do when I get in the house is kick off my shoes and walk around barefoot, though I do wear slippers on really cold days (no socks though).

I also have to sleep with one or both feet out of the covers. I cannot stand hot feet! :biglaugh:


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Dot, it's a quirk! I don't know why it just feels better!

I also hate to stop under overpasses. I think that's from the earthquake in San Francisco when part of the freeway came down on the Bay Bridge. It weirds me out to sit there even though I live in TN now. Earthquakes aren't a big thing here.

I hate being under them or on them for the same reason.

I prefer to NOT have electric windows incase the car plunges into water and the electricity blows on the car locking you in ----

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Gosh these are all so good. Ex, I loved about your hubs washing the doggie bowl with your dish sponge for 9 years. Ohmygosh. I would have died.

One of my quirks is it irks me to no end when people talk during movies while the characters are talking and it's playing on TV 'cause can't run the tape back. DVD too because sometimes the stupid DVD player will go back and sometimes it won't.

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thanks gals for the laughs and empathy regarding the sponge and dog dish :)

i hate it when people talk when the people in the movie are talking. you can miss the most important line

i watch most movies alone or with the dogs. they're fine as long as the damn ups man doesn't come to the door


i really love people's quirks on here, they are wonderfully quirky mwah


i have a thing about passing through a room and making sure i take with me what needs to go to next room.....

but sometimes i have all these things in my hands and i end up in the wrong room and i get so mad at myself, i have to backtrack.....

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I ALWAYS prefer silence to music. Drives my husband especially crazy when driving somewhere together. He's a musician. So, our compromise is that whoever is driving gets to control the radio/cd player. This usually means that I NEVER have to drive when going somewhere. Comes in especially handy when traveling on long trips where there is good scenery.

I can't stand to have doors partially open. They should either be open or closed. Except cabinet doors. They must always be closed.

I HATE background noise.

I go insane when I am speaking with someone and then someone else comes up, interrupts the conversation, and then the person I was conversing with stops our conversation and begins another conversation on an unrelated topic with the intruder. People are in danger of losing teeth doing this.

I also go insane when I am a customer at the checkout stand and the employee checking my groceries or whatever holds a conversation with someone else the entire time they are checking my stuff. Especially sucks if they never even look at me or acknowledge my presence.

Dirty dishes, pots and pans at our house go thru "pre clean" with the dogs on the deck before being loaded into the dishwasher. You wouldn't believe now much work that saves me.

That's all I can think of for now.

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I also go insane when I am a customer at the checkout stand and the employee checking my groceries or whatever holds a conversation with someone else the entire time they are checking my stuff. Especially sucks if they never even look at me or acknowledge my presence.

Well, I don't go insane, BUT I DO get irritated. Enough so that I ask the cashier to wait... wait until the person prior to me (who is invariably the person with whom the cashier is conversing, in my experience) clears out before starting to scan my merchandise.

Usually, the cashier knows better than to even do this (start scanning my stuff before ending the previous conversation). I was at a grocery store the other day and the cashier's name tag said she was a trainer. I believed it too, because she paused while the previous customer put her stuff in her wallet and then purse before taking her groceries and heading out.

BUT a couple of weeks ago, I was in TARGET. When I was in the checkout line, the cashier was engaged in light hearted banter with the previous customer. When that customer was done paying/getting change/picking up her merchandise bag, the conversation continued. The cashier began to scan my stuff. I asked her to wait. The conversation stopped. As I explained that I could wait until they were done, they both gave me the evil eye. Meaning that they looked at me with scowls on their faces. Well, I generally don't give a hoot what strangers (except for Tom Strange ;) ) think about me, and therefore am not intimidated simply by a nasty expression. As I tried to explain, I got a few more people looking disapprovingly at me... those others, of course, didn't have the background understanding of how the whole thing started... this, of course, irritates me more. So, I go find a manager at the customer service counter... and one of the lookie lou's follows me and tells the manager that I "ruined that poor woman's day." That poor woman being the cashier. I think to myself, "gimme a break." and roll my eyes... because by then, I'm clearly the bad guy. But the manager, thankfully, didn't buy into the nonsense that I ruined his employee's day.

I suppose there's some quirkiness in there somewhere! :P (my quirkiness, that is).

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Bumpy just wants to say bye bye to all the "nice" people I have met on the gs site. I have a 3am taxi pickup to catch my Dakar-Jo'burg flight.

Quirks...African taxis which break down on the road to the airport or in the middle of nowhere, it's happened more than once. Surprises, don't need them. Phony people, especially those using mobile phones next to me while I'm eating. Sad people with broken hearts, I feel so bad when I hear what they have had to endure. Social injustice, especially people who use $$$ to hurt those underneath them. An expensive bottle of wine that's "corked" and no way to return it. And finally, seeing the body of Christ so divided like I've seen on gs. Is there no way for us to come together except behind a modern day mask of disguise? I keep asking myself.

Oh well...that's it for now. If you're in Cape Town on the 12th of Feb drop me a line.


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So, I go find a manager at the customer service counter... and one of the lookie lou's follows me and tells the manager that I "ruined that poor woman's day." That poor woman being the cashier. I think to myself, "gimme a break." and roll my eyes... because by then, I'm clearly the bad guy. But the manager, thankfully, didn't buy into the nonsense that I ruined his employee's day.

I suppose there's some quirkiness in there somewhere! :P (my quirkiness, that is).

"lookie lou's



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Whoever said they don't like to leave a room without taking something with them to the next room that needs to be put away or whatever - THAT'S ME! I stack stuff near the top or bottom of the steps, so that next time I go up or down the stairs, it goes with me.

I realized another quirk of mine today at work... and I can't believe I saw this at work (I work at a hospital)...

But I get super grossed out when someone serving food, like in a cafeteria or restaurant, has chipped nail polish. I can't stand to see nail polish on anyone in food service to begin with, but CHIPPED... WHERE DID THE CHIPS GO? Ewwwwwww!

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I can't remember names, movies, or jokes. I can watch a movie, thoroughly enjoy it, and by the next day I won't remember what it was called or what it was about. Of course the good news is, I never mind it if someone rents a movie I've already seen. :D

Likewise, Sushi can tell me the same jokes over and over again and I am never bothered by it, because I can't remember the punch line, no matter how many times I've heard it before.

On the other hand, I can remember songs - the melody, the words, the voices. I can hear one or two words of a song and know who did it. I can even usually (and this would be the exception to the name thing) tell you who sings it.

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