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new leader at wayland?

Georgio Jessio

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Hi Bliss!..........thanks for your posts!..........

As a long ago "former friend" of boob and doody, it is interesting to note that they, even after more than 20 YEARS of "acknowledging that they have done wrong" still have NOT STOPPED "DOING WRONG"!!..........funny, ....i was a "peer" of their's, of the same age, and, heck, i reproved them too.........IN 1986!.........they never "humbly apologized" to me!!.....how come???

"they have sold out to the 'message' of the bible the ministry teaches. they really don't think there is anywhere else to go."..............sorry, bliss......but....what a crock of ages!!..what biblical message is there in twi that ces, or geer, or cff can't provide for our forlorn moynihan's??........guess they just would'nt offer them a position nearly as prominent in their oufits as twi can!!...............certainly, doody's daddy left enough for her from the furniture business in nc to provide for any of the physical comforts the've grown accustomed to.....not to mention whatever real estate and financial investments he also may have left for them.......what they've "sold out" to is their upholding of the phoney myths and legends of twi that they are the guardians of for their own selfish and perverse reasons.........they've been "in" since 1969!........that's a badge of honor for them in twi..........they protect twi's "holy grail" at the cost of having their consciences "seared with a hot iron"!!..........makes them seem like some kind of heroes,..."knights templar".........what a mighty stand they've taken!!.....yeah.....what a crock!!...............the list of "friends" they've dumped, lied about and "M&A'd" just keeps on growing...they're like the energizer bunnies of lying and mistreating "friends".........nice little "niche" they've carved out for themselves within the walls of zion.....the halls of human carnage of twi!!............if you ever really get honest with them , bliss, your name will be added to that list!.....

But, no matter, twi "is just the vehicle they use to talk and teach about god"!...........more like the vehicle they use to continue to run down all who oppose them or "reprove" them..........vehicular homicide is a crime, bliss!........

"what am i supposed to do? dump them? sorry, my beliefs in jesus to love them where they are at, tell me otherwise."...........who you choose as your friends is totally up to you, bliss.......nobody else's business............but do your beliefs in jesus include not "casting your pearls before swine"??.......boob and doody, whited sepulchres that they are, certainly fit the category of swine..........just my opinion though..............just try asking them what they've known about vic and the dancing prez since 1986!......how many willful lies and cover-ups have they carried out since then???...........see how much they'll "acknowledge" before you too are dumped onto the garbage pile of their long list of "friends"!...........

Bliss.......you sound like a nice person...........i bet you are.............and i certainly would never presume to interfere with your choice of friends..........absolutely none of my business..........it just seems to me that there are a lot more people on this planet more worthy of your friendship than those 2 lying losers behind the walls of zion......i just pray you see it before it happens!............................................peace.

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It reads like from an old Star Wars movie.. father and son, joining forces to overthrow the "emperor", and bring peace to da galaxy..

do they really think they are THAT important? That much "in touch" with the cosmos or something?

So important.. that the presidency of a defunct, gasping for breath cult, is somehow going to make a difference?

Naw.. it's gotta be about the money.. and slaves..

Problem is, the new "queen" is gonna have to smell a lot like what came before..

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"certainly, doody's daddy left enough for her from the furniture business in nc to provide for any of the physical comforts the've grown accustomed to....."

Just as a minor point of clarification: it is not a furniture business ... it is Lowe's Home Improvement Warehouse, begun by Dottie's grandfather and some others in North Wilkesboro, NC with money made from selling "white lightning" ... the original hardware store was a way to safely launder moonshine money. In this part of the country, Lowe's is a strong competitor to Home Depot. Many smaller cities (such as the one in which I live) have a Lowe's, but not a Home Depot. Larger cities have both.

There may not be as much money, though, as you might think, although I am sure she has plenty. Her youngest sister was in a car wreck in her teens that left her permanently disabled and unable to walk, so much of the money has/will continue to go to care for her.

Bob and Dottie will reap what they have sown. God promises that, so no "walls of Zion" will protect them.

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BTNIS, I'm sure you got in the faces of those evil leaders and I'm sure you did everything you could to confront and expose the corruption. I'm sure I've read about all you've personally done to put a stop to TWI's abuse of the flock and I just don't recognize your name because of the screen name.

There's some verse about heaping coals on the head of your enemies.....turning the other cheek..... etc. Life just can't be answered with a bible verse. You can, indeed, prove whatever you want to prove by using the right verse and/or the right "twist" on a verse.

People used to say to me, "what kind of marriage do you really think you have if you can't talk to your husband about everything - especially things TWI-related? Do you think it's a good marriage if he refuses to listen to your concerns about TWI?" I justified it - I covered for my husband - I secretly dreaded facing that painful realization that, yes, TWI is my ex's god. And, no, my marriage was not what I thought it was.

TWI comes first to Bob and Dottie - they are loyal to the TWI paycheck above any thing else. TWI is their god. Bliss now knows what she's dealing with. She is doing what she thinks is best for her and her family. I can respect that....besides that - it's not my place to tell her what to do - much less, to judge what she does or doesn't do. :) I took her question as more rhetorical than seriously asking us for advice. :)

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Thanks Belle , and yes, it was more rhetorical, but I do appreciate everyone's opinion. I agree with everyone too.

I also know, that I am not their ''best friend'' and nor will I ever be................I think that if I had to see them on a regular basis, or even on the phone, it would be different. No, I wouldn't keep my mouth shut, I know it.

But, right now, communication stays to ''the weather'' if even that and goes no further.

Nor, in the position I am in (with many family member still IN) and them being ''family'', it just wouldn't be profitable for me to ''confront'' them at this stage.

Like I said, if God opens the door, I'll be there.

As far as why they don't leave and go with CES etc.....it is because of their screwed up beliefs that they are ''copouts'' and dogs for leaving in the first place! I am sure it has to do with status too.

whatever. They make their own bed. My conscience is clear.

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Hi Bliss!..............thanks for another enlightening post!............

I am grateful to you for giving us a little more context regarding your current relationship with boob and doody..........i apologize if any of my indignation toward them "spilled over" in your direction.............please know that you most certainly were not the "object" of my opinions of them.....sorry if i came across that way..........i was not aware of your family situation requiring you to maintain a "restrained" communication with the moynihan's.......i fully understand why you choose to interact with them in the manner you do...........hopefully, one day,....your family will be able to extricate themselves from twi's undo influence upon them.........unfortunately, i am aware of so much crap the moynihan's have pulled in their long and sorry history with twi, that when i'm reminded of them i still get pi$$ed off...........they have been willfully complicit with vic and the dancing prez in the cruel abuse of HUNDREDS of innocent christians, leading to the sad destruction of far too many lives and marriages!!..........and, yes......god is their judge......but justice demands they are continually confronted NOW as long as there are any of us in the position to do so...............i am in a position to do so........you are not..............thanks for your patience with me............and for your love and patience for your family...........nothing is worth any separation from your family in this life........i will pray for your family........i commend you for your wisdom and strength to keep your family "together" despite the claws of twi!..........................................peace.

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I completely understand your position, and no problemo! Thanks for the prayers.

Yes, its hard to even talk with family, because they don't ''go deep'' anymore. They want to keep it so basic and dull, it's very hard.

The times we did, it was UGLY. So, they like to live in happy happy joy joy land.................and thank The WAY for giving them a life (cough cough) worth living.

Quote: " If it wasn't for The Way, I'd be on drugs or dead"


"I am so thankful, if it wasn't for The Way, I wouldn't have met my wonderful husband."

I always come back with ''If it wasn't for GOD, you'd be that way!" Stop giving them the credit!

Or I say,

"So, if you met your hubby in a bar would you frequent and owe allegiance to that bar even though it's gone to the dogs?"

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :asdf:

It's no use some times. That is why I just leave it to God. It's like talking to a wall.

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Bnis here, again, I was just responding to what was written, bliss said, "But, if I am a friend, then, I will be one. What am I suppossed to do? Dump them? Sorry, my beliefs in Jesus to love them where they are at, tell me otherwise."

Bliss, after all your own words indicate by saying “what am I supposed to do?”, that you wanted a response, now you are saying that the situation is different than what was posted in that you're not just preserving a friendship, you have a stake in not rocking the boat because your family is still there. You have changed the story, what I commented on is not the real situation. Fine. I have no problem with that, if that is the case, I might not rock the boat either. 

Belle, I can proudly and honestly say that I do stand up for injustice and have put my neck out for others when they are being used, abused, threatened by bullies and harassed, even when I have no stake whatsoever with those involved. It is something I believe is the right thing to do, and I don’t feel that one has to have a title or some hierarchal ex ministry status to do so. That in itself was all part of the deception; we all have a responsibility to hold ANYONE who abuses the flock’s feet to the fire, especially those in TWI. And yes I did stand up to those weasels at Hq’s in the day…..and by the way, if you look at my original post, it was more like a call to action for anyone and a commentary toward what should be done when those who've set themselves up as "leaders" start hurting people, this also applies to those heading CES....it was originally supposed to be an indirect response to Bliss' personal statement, at least that is what I intended by my original statement when I posted my thoughts on this public web board thread.  I'm sorry you took it as giving orders to bliss specifically.  My original statement still stands.

Bliss, I apologize if I made you feel bad, my intentions were to motivate, in the present situation you’re in, with family there, it is good to keep the lines of communication intact with them, however you think you need to that, I did not know that was the situation. I’m grateful you told us the whole story, your actions are in keeping with the problem. I hope someday there will be a time with your family where these kinds of situations don’t happen. I hope God will give you peace and understanding in dealing with these tedious dynamics.

Take care,


Edited by but now I see
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I have no problem with anything you said BNIS. Not at all. I see others running to my defense, and although I appreciate it, (Belle I love you) I didn't really have an issue either way.

I do agree with what you said. It is just every case weighs its own set of circumstances and perspective........so in my case, more info was needed I guess. But, your opinion of the issue in general is right. I agree.

That is why, I stated that I need to give it to God, and let Him work on their hearts. I in my own selfish ways, would totally blow it. I know the ministry sucks. It's hard as heck to keep my mouth shut because I would give God a black eye by yelling about the ''terrible Way Ministry."

What's funny (not really) is that when I first left, boy did I have a lot to say.....gave em an earfull................it actually drew them ''CLOSER'' to the Way.................if you can imagine that!

Talk about backfire!

So, now I walk with a newness of repentance in MY heart. Hoping that by example it will show forth the love of God that they so ''preach'' about.


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im lost

who is the new leader and what position do they actually have?


No new leader.

There was some speculation that a new prez might be announced at the anniversary... There was a discussion about the possiblity of B. M0ynihan being this new leader and then some discussion of how much some folks here dislike his folks.

I think there will be some changes coming, but I would project that to be about 5 years out, and it won't involve BM, imo.

makes for lively discussion though.



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No new leader.

There was some speculation that a new prez might be announced at the anniversary... There was a discussion about the possiblity of B. M0ynihan being this new leader and then some discussion of how much some folks here dislike his folks.

I think there will be some changes coming, but I would project that to be about 5 years out, and it won't involve BM, imo.

makes for lively discussion though.



thanks amigo...

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Bliss, you probably did not draw them closer to TWI but rather, like a child who knows you are saying something they know to be true but don't want to hear, they put their hands up to their ears and screamed, "LA LA LA, I CAN'T HEAR YOU!!"


Brian Moynih@n thinking he can stage a coup ..... actually, anyone thinking they can get rid of rosie is just living a pipe dream. She is not going to go easily into that evil night. She's got her teeth in that TWI teet and she ain't letting go.

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Brian Moynih@n thinking he can stage a coup ..... actually, anyone thinking they can get rid of rosie is just living a pipe dream. She is not going to go easily into that evil night. She's got her teeth in that TWI teet and she ain't letting go.[/color]


Rosie's NOT stuuuupid.......she knows that when she relinquishes the top seat, her power-wielding is over. Sure, she can proudly sit in the emeritus section of twi notoriety, but really.........it's ho-hum cult retirement at the compound.

But, then again..............Rosie has HER OWN house and land in NC. And, money and investments..!!!!

Yep, she's got lots of aces in the hole.


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Rosie's NOT stuuuupid.......she knows that when she relinquishes the top seat, her power-wielding is over. Sure, she can proudly sit in the emeritus section of twi notoriety, but really.........it's ho-hum cult retirement at the compound.

But, then again..............Rosie has HER OWN house and land in NC. And, money and investments..!!!!

Yep, she's got lots of aces in the hole.


Yeah,You said a mouthful there!

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But, then again..............Rosie has HER OWN house and land in NC. And, money and investments..!!!!

Yep, she's got lots of aces in the hole.


Oh, and don't forget the big sailboat on Lake Mary.....................

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Why do I have the feeling that when Rosie "moves on".. she's gonna send donna packing..

Maybe no logic.. just a feeling..

she got what she want.. schmoozed her way to the top.. used the old prez's wife to acend the ladder.

What more does she need from the "administrative assistant"?

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