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Uncle Harry Day


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Does twi still recognize and celebrate Uncle Harry Day or equivalent?

All those in-house buzzwords and made-to-order twi celebrations seem laughable today. Teach a verse, embrace its meaning,

laud it above all else.......and strike up a celebration. The morphing Uncle Harry Day was one of the most bizarre.

Back in the '70s, wierwille found it fitting to set aside a day to burn books and albums......things that were holding you back

from "doing the word." The pilgrimage to this sunday celebration was stoked by the erection of a big bonfire, literally. Yes,

a bonfire where one could toss "the evils of the world" -- books, albums, crosses, tarot cards, beatles collection, etc. -- into

the fire and commended by believers of your "stand on the word."

A verse in the Book of Acts was the source of this spectacle and the name changed thru the years.

Burn the Ballast -- around 1975

Burn the Chaff -- 1976, 1977

Uncle Harry Day -- beginning in 1978

With Harry Wierwille's death, in the Fall of 1977, the twi-edict granted a day of recognition of Harry's birthdate and "traveling light"

as a lifestyle. Being victor's older and contributing brother, Harry got special celebratory and immortal status. Be like harry, do not carry excessive baggage thru life.

All the craziness of years gone by.......you gotta love it. :biglaugh:

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I never celebrated Uncle (he wasn't MY uncle) Harry Day in the literal sense. (I never attended one of the bon-fires.) I did, however, relinquish possession of far too many things under the guise of this controlling and ludicrous Way tenet.

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still regretting throwing out a pristine vinyl collection.

total TWI BS - take a common-sense practice (don't be a hoarder / spring cleaning) and cement it in history with the name of a founder. I wonder if we counted up the value of stuff burned at these days if there wasn't a better way.

nowadays we have ebay and craigslist.

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wonder if there burn the chaff/ballast/Anti-Way Day by destroying Wierwille's books in a bonfire? :biglaugh::rolleyes:

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I did that, Thomas.

Yep, can agree that burning the chaff is immensely freeing.

Kept the woodburner going for a looooong time.

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.......by destroying Wierwille's books in a bonfire? :biglaugh:/> :rolleyes:/>

Well, for me.....it wasn't an actual bonfire, but I did trash the wierwille books nearly 15 years ago.

No e-bay or re-selling, nope. I didn't want to pass along this stuff to another unsuspecting soul.

That "law of believing" doctrine was aligned with the occult. And, wierwille died of cancer, a devil spirit. sarc/

And, during those so-called fog years.....twi leadership spewed teachings that one could closely associate with voodoo

-- i.e. "believing" for geer and cop-outs to drop dead.

A good fire could make for a weiner roast, or something.

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Well, for me.....it wasn't an actual bonfire, but I did trash the wierwille books nearly 15 years ago.

No e-bay or re-selling, nope. I didn't want to pass along this stuff to another unsuspecting soul.

That "law of believing" doctrine was aligned with the occult. And, wierwille died of cancer, a devil spirit. sarc/

And, during those so-called fog years.....twi leadership spewed teachings that one could closely associate with voodoo

-- i.e. "believing" for geer and cop-outs to drop dead.

A good fire could make for a weiner roast, or something.

that reminds me we need a weenie roast in NC, Southern VA, or Eastern TN :biglaugh:
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You know. A real life meeting.. where internet paranoid souls can object to the terms of a real life meeting of souls. We will have to set some ground rules this time. 1. A person cannot ask another person any real world geographical questions. Like.. where are you from..

that is Verboten. We need.. a casual meeting without casual exchanges.


Maybe we could just show up wearing masks.


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