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What does Rosie Actually DO?


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Just a question for those in the know. As awful as Craig was, when he wasn't busy boinking corspse ladies and staffers wives, or marking and avoiding those who confronted him, he sometimes could sling a pretty hot bible. What about his replacement? What does Rose actually do? I think it is an honest question that deserves honest answers for innie or outies alike, after all, our hard earned ABS continues to provide for her lavish lifestyle.

Is she an administrator? My opinion is that she seems to be only qualified to know when to call the lawyers, though I doubt that even she is the one to make the call. Anybody know?

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One of the things that LCM and the other top dogs said about RFR was that she was a good administrator.

Aside from whether TWI is a "ministry", or a cult, an organization always needs somebody who can keep things organized, to "keep the trains running on time" so to speak.

Back in Wierwille's and Martindale's regimes, I thought that the Vice Prez and Sec'y-Treasurer filled that role. Vic and Loy were the front men, the idea men, while the other two trustees implemented the "Great One's" ideas and orders.

Say what you will, but Wierwille knew how to run a cult, he knew how to be the center of attention. Martindale could have had it too, but did himself in.

Since Martindale's ouster, roles seem to have reversed. The Vice President, the administrator, the implementer had now been elevated to the top spot, and appears to be acting the same as when she was Vice President.

I believe that this is a good startegic move on TWI's part. RFR is not a good speaker, taught seldom in public, did not have a loyal sub-group of followers due to be a Limb Coordinator or Corps leader, but I'll bet she rules with an iron fist while letting "the boys" have little pieces of the spotlight to teach and run limbs and regions. The central, powerful MOG version of TWI failed, why continue in the same fashion.

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I don't know what she's doing now--I haven't seen her in about 15 years. But I know what she used to do when I worked for her.

She sat in her office sipping coffee (or was it tea?) from a dainty, costly Belleek teacup, holding court with a parade of people.

She hung out with Donna Martindale. A lot. At HQ. At her house. At Donna's house (mansion). In Europe.

Oh, and she made rules. Lots and lots of rules.

She was also quite adept at stabbing people in the back, all the while with a shinola-eating grin on her face. My old friend MMF used to say (and I paraphrase), "She can stab you in the back and you don't even realize it until you've walked away and thought about it."

RFR had the reputation for being able to get things done around HQ. She had the power to pull the strings, and she used it. Never mind whose toes she stepped on in the process. I'm sure she thinks she's right. I'm sure she thinks her actions, no matter how manipulative or deceitful, are "for a good cause."

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Oaks.. makes sense. Only problem is, they are running out of trains. I thought she was a funny choice for pres. Kind of like putting the bit in the wrong end of the horse.

The only public speaches I remember her making were during her University of Life tenure. That voice could really lull you off to sleep. After an half hour of that, you would be in a state that you would believe almost anything.

Linda, thanks for your input. It seems to me that for somebody to be THAT GOOD at deceit and manipulation, they must either be pretty twisted to begin with, or really work hard practicing their "craft." (or both).

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One thing more. You would think the Harve and the other BOD would see this too. They have the power to vote her off and give her and Donna the bums rush out of that place. What's stopping them? What she knows may be irrelevant- the law suits are probably gonna do them in anyway.

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One thing more. You would think the Harve and the other BOD would see this too. They have the power to vote her off and give her and Donna the bums rush out of that place. What's stopping them? What she knows may be irrelevant- the law suits are probably gonna do them in anyway.

Does anyone know whether or not the charter or bylaws of TWI have ever been made public? It would be interesting to know exactly what it would take to change the president or the BOD.

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A few of my thoughts were,

1. They have done away with the ROA.

2. Closed and sold two campuses.

3. Reduced their most loyal following from thousands to perhaps 75-150, who would attend the various "offerings" through the year.

4. Corps training (ha!). How many in residence? They only graduated five last year.

5. How many vey disciples? Not many.

6. No "research" department to speak of.. at least anymore.

7. Publications must be a joke. Who would buy it except for the few 75-150 real loyal wayfers?

8. Oh, the way rag. May take a staff of two to put that beauty together..

The list could go on and on, but I will spare you..

What in the world does ole Rose have to do? For the life of me, I cannot imagine the level of "oversight" required for this broken down, defunct cult commanding a full-time salary, even at minimum wage levels. As an "administrator", she is rapidly running out of trains to keep on time.

Looks like life on welfare to me.

If the place folded, she would be unemployable, in my opinion.

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She kinda looks like death warmed over, doesn't she? Is there anyone that would hire her for, oh, let's say a customer service position?


Hotel maid?

I think the only thing she's now qualified to do is to run an ultra-controlling religious cult in a cornfield. And she's barely qualified for that!

Of course, once she figures out how to access the million$ without having to show up at Way Nash, that's the last anyone (except Donna) will ever see of her.

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Maybe Wal Mart or another big place like that could hire her- put her in customer complaints department. Their store would instantly go to the top in the organization as far as customer complaints are concerned.. "no more complaints here!"

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