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Just out of curiosity, who are the current region leaders?


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So is there a list anywhere of the current legion leaders? limb leaders? stump leader? etc?

You know, there are so few people left in TWItland (some say less than 3000), that I bet between all of us greasespotters we could probably name almost all of them.

So does anyone know who the leaders are?

Any innies that post here that would like to pass along the info but anonymously, feel free to start a private topic with me.

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Steve! This is what I do know, from the Leadership Changes at TWI thread:

A little birdie at HQ gave me this information:

President: Ros@lie Rivenb@rk

Vice Presidents:

Vince McF@dden

Roger Mitl*r

John R*pp

Secretary Treasurer: Je@n Yves DeLisle

2005-2006 ministry year will have: 15 Regions

New Foundational Class in Mar/Apr

Miceal Ad@ms & family @ HQ to setup a new Int'l Outreach Ldrship training program

Sean Strickl@nd and family new country Coordinators of New Zealand

Moneyhands will be special ambassadors to United Kingdom to help with outreach and leadership training

Per Rosalie all this was done to plan for and prepare for the next 5 years of growth

Florida's new region coordinators are N@viellos and they will also coord FL.


Harvey is overseeing Ohio - no confirmation if it's just the state or a Region.

Maybe one of the lurking innies I'm in contact with can fill in the blanks.

I imagine that the Green*'s are still RC's of GA and SC.

Weren't P@ula & J0seph Wr*n RC's of NC and another state?

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Originally posted by Steve!:

Thanks, Belle!

Oh, and I can just hear some waybrained person saying, "They're not 'leaders'! They're called 'coordinators'!"

So what?

SO WHAT????....Jeezuz died for you, don't you think he wants you to know there were four crucified with him and not two?? Integrity and accuracy.....that's WHAT!!

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Steve! My hq friend has come through:

Presidents cabinet/officers:

G*ry Fred*ick CFO

D*nna M*rtindale Housing


M*ke And*rson

I*a B*rger

D*vid Ch*vistie

A*ron H*mpton

Andy J*honson

J*hn L*nder

St*ve L*ngly

R*co M*gnelli

D*n L*max

R*bert McC*lloch

Br*an Moneyhands

Gr*g Sh*fer

Gunnison has

V*nce Mcf*ddan Head of Executive Committe with Al*n Dr*m and Gr*g B*lchek

Gr*g B*lchek still is WC Coordinator


New England Region

(& coord MA NH VT) Gr*mlicks

CT Matl*cks

ME R*ck Br*wn

RI P*rry P*ace

North Atlantic Reg

(Coord NY) Sc*tt Bod*loskie

NJ J*hn Ch*lar

Chesapeeke Bay Reg

(Coord DE&PA) Er*k Ketter*tz

MD B*ll Bearyh*ll

Blue Ridge Reg

(Coord VA) L*pdallens

Wash DC M*rk Ge*rge

West VA St*n T*nsley

East Central

(Coord NC) J*e Wr*n

KY V*ctor L*snewski

Mid South

(Coord GA) B*ll Gre*n

SC ? Br*nys

TN St*ven R*berts

South Atlantic

(Coord FL) J*e Nav*elo

AL Er*k Ko*ll

Ohio Valley

(Coord OH) H*rve Pl*tig

Midwest Reg

(Coord MI) M*rk L*dwig

IN J*hn Ry*n

Great Plains

(Coord WI) J*hn Sp*evak

IL R*n Wr*ght

MN ND SD B*ll S*ge

Central Reg

(Coord MO & NE) T*m H*rocks

IA H*rm Olth*use

KS S*m S*ldon

Mid America

(Coord TX) T*m M*llens

AR J*ck De*rs

LA&MS V*rn Edw*rds

OK R*dney Gr*llio

Rocky Mtn

(Coord CO UT WY) M*rk W*llace

AZ D*n D*vis

NM D*rin S*nds

Pacific Reg

(Coord Alaska & WA) M*tt St*les

ID D*nis H*m

MT (state contact) Br*an S*yther

OR St*ven D*dley

Western Reg

(Coord CA & HI) *d O*ding

NV R*ck W*lton

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I am Flabergasted to read of Harm Olthouse still being there. He was one of the most serious downhome guys that I knew in the Tenth. I loved old Harm and still do. He gave me more Pall Mall non filters than I care to remember.

Hey Harm! I love you Bro! remember the times we had at Gunnision? Those times when we went there when Dr needed us to take care of the Camp during our first year in the Tenth? That was some of the sweestimes there...

Hey Harm, I love you Brother..

Edited by Jonny Lingo
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Weren't P@ula & J0seph Wr*n RC's of NC and another state?

Hmmmm, Belle, yeah I do not see Joseph & Paula listed anywhere. They need to get honest with themselves and come home before they are old a gray and lost. Maybe they are starting to wise up.

Heck their home in O that they sold to go "full time" has surely doubled in value as you would know. And that's not to mention where they would be in their careers and Joe in his business by now.

We all make mistakes and I still love them, but IMO they made a big one there.

Think about it....what did some of the other "leaders" on that list give up to take on a new assignment? For example, Moneyhands? Not much at all.

Yet Joe & Paula sacrificed much and uprooted their family, etc., ..... and for what?

John Richeson

Tampa, FL for 26 years

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Per Rosalie all this was done to plan for and prepare for the next 5 years of growth

Well, to me it looks like a plan for these "workers" to take care of the assests of a wealthy 501c corporation largely controlled by one elderly woman for the next 5 years. And for very meager pay.

Doesn't sound like much fun.

Thank God I didn't fall for that when I had the chance years ago.

Some need to get out now before it is too late. They WILL have regrets if they do not act soon.

John R.

PS - Belle (and Skyrider if you are reading), by now I am sure our friends Paul & Pxhyl G would have easily made that list as one of the RC's....it was in their past plans obviously.

But things seem to have changed for them. THey are not nearly as ambitious as in previous years. Quite the contrary!

Whey do some wait until they are in their 50's to wake up. Ha! And they used to yell at me for being spiritually unaware, spirit of slumber, etc. In hindsight I do not think I was the one who was fooled. Now they are playing "catch up" and working their buns off to do so. Not sure if they ever will. Meanwhile I'm ready to "retire" in a couple years.

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All these state and regional "leaders" just to overlord what? - about 3,500 - 4,500 folks that are still in TWI? I bet some of these states and regions have less than 20 followers.

I counted about 55 or so on the list and these are the real "heavies". That's about one overlord for every 100 mullets.

I guess quite a few of these folks have to work a job now - too bad.

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I counted 11 states that don't have their own Limb Coordinator, that's up from 10 when I was kicked out in 2001. I wonder how many of them have NO organized fellowship. When I left there was only one anemic fellowship in Nebraska which they considered an outlying area of the Kansas City branch. It may be gone by now.

I counted only 2 regions where the region coordinator oversees 3 limb coordinators;

5 regions where the rc is over just 2 other lc's;

7 where the rc lords it over only ONE other limb guy,

and of course Ohio, which is it's own region.

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Goey, and with today's technology it could all be effectively run with just a handful of capable managers, no doubt, each armed with a Dell Pentium 4 and some basic knowledge of the Web.

But technophobia seems to be the norm in the very fabric of TWI. Wasn't until recent years that they started drifting away from Howard's advice that the "fax machine was the greatest invention ever!" and began using cheap Juno email. (Doubt if Howard cares for email.) I think they may still be fawning over their phone system that they researched for several years before making a decision. Ha, ha, Ha,

Gawd, they are so behind, in sooo many ways....

.....because the top leaders have no clue.

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Whoa, all those regions! No wonder there is so much micro-management. They all have to do something, and justify their job to an overseer, and there just aren't enough members to do much with!

And I never could figure out what a "region" had to do with a tree.... So much for ol' Victor's "vision" of the tree organization! wink2.gif;)-->



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Joe & Paula are RC over NC and KY, John.

The G*les had a rather rude awakening as their girls got older and started looking at colleges, talking about weddings and they were no longer on the TWI payroll. Pity, like you said. I probably have more money for my retirement in 20-30 years than they do. I'll have a house and it will be paid for by then, too!

Realizing you have no real world skills and no way to live above the poverty line while towing the party line must be very hard. They've probably had to swallow quite a bit of ****. Imagine if they had been re-located in the assignments! LOL! Don't know that that didn't happen, actually....

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Originally posted by igotout:

Goey, and with today's technology it could all be effectively run with just a handful of capable managers, no doubt, each armed with a Dell Pentium 4 and some basic knowledge of the Web.

But technophobia seems to be the norm in the very fabric of TWI. Wasn't until recent years that they started drifting away from Howard's advice that the "fax machine was the greatest invention ever!" and began using cheap Juno email. (Doubt if Howard cares for email.) I think they may still be fawning over their phone system that they researched for several years before making a decision. Ha, ha, Ha,

Gawd, they are so behind, in sooo many ways....

.....because the top leaders have no clue.

This means they need a handful of capable managers first.

And presumes they WANT to run this more efficiently with less micromanagement.

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Does anyone else notice the ever-present “H*rney”s have been very quiet and you don’t see their names anymore. I wonder if they’re being punished for Jaque’s services to the MOG now that he’s gone.

G*ry Fred*ick, CFO and D*onna are the two officers on the president’s cabinet. That would be the two with the most information on rosie, would it not?

Moneyhands’ son has made it to the cabinet, too. He must be as good an a s s kisser and free ticket rider as his daddy.

The Matl*cks are recent grads of the wc. Maybe a year or two ago. I hope they’ve been able to find good jobs since graduating. They’re nice people.

The Greens are still in GA. Wonder how his health is. Maybe it’s better having a few years away from NK under his belt. I sure hope so, because as soon as the medical bills start piling up, he’s in for a rude awakening.

With Harm & Debra being in IA, I guess that means she’s no longer a “Singing Lady”. Hard to believe they went back through the wc program after being so mis-treated by craig. I hope they’re doing well. Maybe he’s flying again?

R*dney Grilli*t in OK is also a newly graduated wc. He graduated a few years ago and lived with the Moneyhands for a couple of years. Really nice guy, so are his parents. Sad that they are still so blind.

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Belle, I noticed that young Moneyhands has quickly risen to the top. I also thought it interesting that his buddy is on his way too?

Another case of not what you know, but who you know. Sounds like the Moneyhands are making inroads for the future.

Donna in charge of housing? Is that glorified housekeeper - or just in charge of them? How the mighty have fallen.

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