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Thanks Waysider and Chas - that's a nifty thing to know. See - I thought that should have been covered in my 3 minute self-administered lesson encompassing all things bassdom...Now don't get me wrong - I appreciate your info - I've copied it to my hard drive - but I'm a slow learner. Right now, I see the circle of fifths as something to help transpose/compose/harmonize....And I beg your forgiveness - for having to educate an amateur - I'll have to think on this one awhile....

...When I said I negotiate around the neck in patterns - I meant that quite literally. When I first began playing - if I came up with a neat riff - I would draw the neck of the bass with strings and frets - and then draw circles with numbers inside the circles [to show sequence of playing] on the string/fret - sort of playing by numbers [i'm so embarrassed to be saying this stuff on the guitar thread - but I guess if I can admit to being dumb enough to give away my beloved Fender Jazz Bass after going ga-ga over a cult - then this ain't nothing :) ].

...That is the mental obstacle I was trying to convey in my post about trying to play lead guitar. Doing some kind of octave work - like the opening bass line of Purple Haze - I can go any where on the bass neck on the E or A string and the octave of the low note is always two frets over to the right and two strings up. Now on a guitar if I was on the D string my "pattern" wouldn't work because of the B string....I'm so sorry - to be talking baby-talk here on the guitar thread - but I really do appreciate you all leading me in the ways of musicianship.

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No shame here...

You were passionate enough about music to figure out a way to play. I think that takes determination and skill.

Some of the greatest musicians couldn't read a note of music. Not saying you can't but I think you get my drift.

I can barely read music myself.. but I know a few chords on a guitar and I LOVE music.. and I sometimes think... that's just as much as someone who's had it drilled to them all their lives.


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...me and a few friends once had a circle of fifths...

That probably would help my bass playing......okay - maybe if everyone else was drinking - they would think I was playing good - :) .

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No shame here...

You were passionate enough about music to figure out a way to play. I think that takes determination and skill.

Some of the greatest musicians couldn't read a note of music. Not saying you can't but I think you get my drift...

Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, Ala. You have no idea how privileged I feel to be hanging out with you all on this thread...I never considered myself a real musician - more of a technician - in that I have a knack for figuring out stuff. Whenever I played in bands - it seemed like most people I played with - it just came natural for them - easy - me, I had to work at it.

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T-Bone-------No need for embarressment. Playing bass is all about patterns. When you look at a "fake" sheet, what is missing? The left hand(bass part). Why? Because it is assumed the bass line will follow a standard pattern. Just for shirts and girdles play all four strings on each fret while looking at the circle of fifths. BTW.--------- there is a handy dandy way to learn key signatures using the circle of fifths. Again, a google search will lead you there.

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Thanks again, Waysider - for explaining this stuff...I guess I learn visually. Like when I said I like to play along side albums. Sometimes I want to just sit there and listen - not play - and try to visualize where the bass players fingers are - what both hands are doing...I derive hours of enjoyment from that - it's like the thrill of the hunt - figuring something out. Guess that's the technician in me....But like you were saying Ala - I love music too!...And this is weird - but I get so relaxed when I do this - it kinda helps me sort through other things on my mind - maybe a Mozart effect or something.

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Strange Boy,

Your line at the bottom of your posts says:

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away."

Reminds of this song by David Francey.... a folkie I love...

Broken Glass

Saw you standing in the cafeteria line

I'd have given the world just to make you mine

Saw you at your locker, in the high school hall

And it didn't take a minute for my heart to fall

When you hear a sound like broken glass

That's my heart every time that girl walks past

When you hear a sound like the rush of wind

It's just me catching my breath again

Saw you on the bus, on the way back home

You were sitting so pretty, sitting all alone

Couldn't think of anything much to say

Except I'll love you forever, 'til my dying day

When you hear a sound like broken glass

That's my heart every time that girl walks past

When you hear a sound like the rush of wind

It's just me catching my breath again

Seeing her now makes me think of then

And I remember how and I remember when

You'd go to a party hoping that she'd show

Then you'd dance in the darkness to Abbey Road

When you hear a sound like broken glass

That's my heart every time that girl walks past

When you hear a sound like the rush of wind

It's just me catching my breath again

Have a nice day everyone :wave:

(oops...edited because I highlighted the wrong part of the verse...duh... :blink: )

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I noticed below your avatar it says.. MY GALLERY...what is that exactly?

I clicked on it... but i keep getting this thing that says... I can't access it or something or other???

Just curious?

I think it's got something to do with pictures I could have in there for others to view. The problem is I tried putting some in there and either I was screwing it up or it was a GSC problem. So - nothings in there right now - I'll work on it another time.

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T-Bone, my man! The way you described drawing out bass patterns sounds like Tablature -have you ever checked that out? If you haven't you should. It's similiar by the sounds of it. Here's a link to some "Tab" resources - Harmony Central Tablature Resources

Tablature just assigns a number to the strings - 6 - 1, low to high, for the guitar. Each fret has a number,starting with 1, the "first fret" up the neck. And each finger has a number too, although that isn't always notated - index is 1, middle 2, 3 and the little finger is 4. "Th" is thumb.

The octave positioning you described works well on guitar and bass. Inside that octave you have an "L" - on it's side and that gives you the basic 1-4-5 progression. The lowest note first - then up one string on the same fret for the second note which is the "4" chord, and then to the right from that one 2 frets, which is the "5th".

If you start on G, it goes G, C, D. starting on the lowest string, "6" and on the 3rd fret

1 - - - - -

2 - - - - -

3 - - - - -

4 - - - - -

5 - - C - D

6 - - G - -

Musical lines build from there, really. That's pretty much the most basic pattern. Once you know that in one key, you know it in every key, on bass.

And that's pretty basic, I'm sure you know that by the sounds of it, but is that the kind of thing you're talking about? Cuz there's lots of patterns, LOTS of patterns.

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You've got it, Socks !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. Once again thanks also to Ala and Waysider - it's not like I've never heard about any of this stuff before - just didn't understand what it's about or how to use it. I get tired of trying to re-invent the wheel - well...it's really because my wheels usually turn out square.......I dunno.......Maybe some of my ignorance was not knowing what to ask of my musician buddies - maybe some embarrassment - yah know - having to keep up appearances of that bass player mystique. :spy: Socks, that Harmony Central is loaded with goodies - I've added that to my favorites - think I'll be going there frequently - thanks for the link.

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Here's a picture of my Kramer Bass - just put Fender Nylon Taped Strings on it last night - sounds nice and mellow - thanks for the recommendation, Socks. In the picture the bass and the dog look tired because I just got through walking them both...Hmmmmm - coincidentally my dog's name is T-Bone too.


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And Kathy, the one lizard deal on the glass is a gecko of some sort, and the other lizard looks to be a "Fence Swift". But neither are salamanders.

And T-Bone, too cool dude! I like critturs like that also. The dove peering out of the flower pot is an awesome photo as well...And I like your bass and your dog... :)

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Thanks, Waysider, Chatty and Jonny...The gecko is on our front glass door. I think you're right on the other lizard - I hear some people just call them fence lizards....The dove in the flower pot - Tonto called me out back when she discovered a momma bird made a nest in a pot on a shelf. Another thing - "I wish you could see it in the original" - I was so close to the bird - and took the shot set at 8 mega pixels - when you look at it on my Laptop and zoom in to the bird's eye - you can see ME holding my camera reflected in her eye! That's awesome!

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It's beautiful...you shoud feel so proud... and the fender ... well... I think yours is MUCH prettier!

I have no clue what Jonny is talking about ... what pot with the dove?

But I did notice those hefty research books in the shelves...whooaaa!!!

And the architecture book too... I think we own the same one...hubby loves architecture.

OH...by the way... I think I will be going to see Amos Lee in November... he's coming to Toronto...

Socks... Ya gotta love this place and the people who come here!

The junkie keeps on tickin' ... :dance:

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And Kathy, the one lizard deal on the glass is a gecko of some sort, and the other lizard looks to be a "Fence Swift". But neither are salamanders.

Oh I know those aren't salamanders, I was just saying I couldn't stand those. And I won't bring a picture here because I can't even go looking for them. Yuck!

Thanks, Waysider, Chatty and Jonny...The gecko is on our front glass door. I think you're right on the other lizard - I hear some people just call them fence lizards....The dove in the flower pot - Tonto called me out back when she discovered a momma bird made a nest in a pot on a shelf. Another thing - "I wish you could see it in the original" - I was so close to the bird - and took the shot set at 8 mega pixels - when you look at it on my Laptop and zoom in to the bird's eye - you can see ME holding my camera reflected in her eye! That's awesome!

You certainly know how to use a camera. I don't, but I can recognize the skill.

I have no clue what Jonny is talking about ... what pot with the dove?

Go here :) http://www.greasespotcafe.com/ipb/index.ph...=si&img=279

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Thank you!!!! Now I know what's going on!!!

T-Bone... You did your gallery thingy.... WOW!

Great Photos...

I loved that bird gone to pot shot...that's my favourite.... I could see the reflection in her eyeball you spoke of. The gecko on the the window....mighty cool as well ! And how in the world did you get that gull in flight? A huge zoom???

VERY nice work!!! Thanks for sharing T-Bone....and your puppy is cute too.

I know Socks takes some mighty pretty pictures as well. Sorry Socks... but I think you're gonna have to show us some of your work now...and this will become the GUITAR/PHOTO thread :biglaugh:

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