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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/20/2017 in all areas

  1. More Details On This: These corps notes were NOT just random, sketchy, drooled-on notes......scribbled during martindale corps-indoctrinated meetings. Craig's sister, kerry.....corps grad in tulsa......in former life, a paralegal, could type 135-140 words/minute and would sit during corps meetings and, type word-for-word that came from her brother's "teachings." He was "the mog" dontchaknow. Then, these notes were photocopied and she handed me these corps notes week after week. So,........anyways, four of those five years worth of notes I sent to Paul were transcribed in every sense of that word. Now, picture this.........imagine that the allen lawsuit would have gone to court. And, paul allen's lawyer stood up and read verbatim from those corps notes.....to give the court Exhibit A, B, and C of this cult, its indoctrination, and cult-predatory influence over paul and f3rn allen. Craig would have heard HIS OWN WORDS read back to him and incriminate him...........his own corps teachings transcribed by his sister.
    2 points
  2. Jesus is the healer. Anytime anyone's healed *he* gives the gift and should get the glory. Not a man. Not a ministry.
    2 points
  3. An . <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/mUPubonKLFM?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I tried to embed the video... couldn't figure it out. But the link in the first line should work.
    1 point
  4. If there were no GS then there would be one less resource for people to recover from the negative impact of the Way International. One of my relatives has a rare disease, OT - tremors. There are only a handful of people diagnosed with this disease across the world. She had great deliverance over the course of the last couple years when these folks got together and shared their stories, they even had a retreat. Hearing similar stories helped her to adjust to her disease, feel not alone, and since the two meetings she talks about them a great deal. Just seeing another human adjust to the condition and live a 'normal' life helped her so much. Like her, we who have experienced TWI also have a rare disease. I will be the first to admit I am damaged from it. The experiences there have affected aspects of my entire life into today. There aren't many people in public that can relate to me regarding this experience. it affects a lot in my life. I could ignore, that, suppress that, or admit it and heal and adjust. But admit it or not, my 'normal' life is a lot like my relative trying to adjust. To me the real heroes of The Way International experience are not the ones in lofty places, with condescending attitudes, being installed with pomp and ceremony into the highest offices of the organization that is growing less relevant every year. Not those who bury their heads in the sand, "thinking no evil" like the 3 monkey statue shows. Not those who use others to advance themselves. Not the enablers. No, the real heroes of The Way International are found on these pages. Those who tell the truth. Those who expose the lies, the control, the manipulation. Those who share real life drama about escape and adjustment. Those who say what everyone is thinking in the audience but are afraid to express to anyone - yes the STS sucks. Like every Way production. Boring, read teachings, whitewashed messages, all lies. The truth is what happens behind closed doors, where they are meeting out of fear. If you want to see a real hero from the Way experience, go look in the mirror. It's you. You survived. You told the truth. You, my friends on Greasespot, are the true heroes, not the moral midget being installed as President or any of his Pharisee buddies. Or any of the various hucksters selling versions of lies for their own profit. You are the true heroes. Even if you're damaged like me.
    1 point
  5. You didn't confuse me. I get why you'd be sad that we aren't biting on your bait hook. But I (and others) explained what the problems is/are. Bottom line is that you came here hoping to proselytize but nobody seems to be interested. You set forth your thing... if any one reads it and gets interested, I suppose they can get in touch with Blake. But that's really not the purpose of the Greasespot Cafe. We already escaped a spiritually abusive cult. You shouldn't be surprised that people here aren't interested in another one.
    1 point
  6. Maybe you just didn't hear, see or know vpw the same way that others of us might have. And I'm really not saying the healing(s) are or aren't real. But I can assure you there were incidents of (instant) healings while I was in the WC and on staff at HQ, which if that alone were the criteria used for the evaluation or endorsement of ANY ministry or denomination... well, maybe you catch my point. Or, maybe you don't. (But I suspect that some others that read here will.)
    1 point
  7. Thanks for witnessing to us.....over and over and over again. Some things never change. Thankfully, the GSC provides a place where you can espouse whatever floats your boat. These folks you're ceaselessly promoting and praising do not do ANYTHING for my Christianity other than insult it. One man's ceiling is another man's floor. One man's man-o-gawd is another's messenger from hell. C'est lavie. Enjoy your new Dominionist Cult Jim. Not many "hungry" converts here. I've thrown up and out this worn-out, greedy, self-aggrandizing form of "Christianity". As The Who sang...."We won't be fooled again!" Thanks for all the time you put in for your White-Curry team. They should hire you. Do they have a WOW program you can join?............peace.
    1 point
  8. To spell it out......further When Pa-ul All-en found out that Craig Martindale was using his "spiritual authority" to have sex with Paul's wife......he demanded a face-to-face confrontation at Craig's office in the Corps Chalet and that Rosalie, then vice-prez, and John Reynolds, then sec-treasurer, be there. This took place late in the evening.....like 10:30 or 11pm. Reynolds tried to berate Paul and talk him out of it......but Paul was livid. So.....the face-to-face meeting happened. Martindale was seated at his desk, Reynolds and Rivenbark were there.....and John Linder, security patrol man, stool alongside the wall brandishing his glock 9mm handgun. Pa-ul All-en demanded martindale's RESIGNATION.......Feb 1999. Martindale balked and tried to bribe Paul with a job promotion if they could resolve this adultery [sex predation] quietly. NO WAY, NO HOW. Paul was having none of it.......Reynolds and Rivenbark sided with Craig and wanted to sweep in under the carpet. As things escalated.......Craig ordered Linder the bum's rush: to escort Paul to his dorm room in founder's hall, pack his things and get him and ferne off grounds within hours [in the cover of darkness]. By noon meal next day, martindale fabricated the story and told staffers that the allens were "possessed" etc. etc. [same drill used time and time again.] Within three weeks......Paul, a computer website guru, had Waydale up and running. The sole mission of the website, the forerunner of GSC was two-fold: To seek and destroy 1) The Way International and 2) Craig Martindale....... hence Waydale. Reynolds and Rivenbark were the sleaze that continued to cover for martindale.....until the lawyers got involved and strongly recommended that martindale be ousted for legal/insurance liabilities. So, the "man-in-tights-from-spirits-in-the-athlete" fame who had been salted and oiled by dikter wierwille himself slithered to Toledo, Ohio to a twi-owned house......trying to take him off-grid from one and all. No forwarding address. No phone listing. No one need ask questions....its NONE of your business [to hell it isn't !!]. See, that's the essence of all those dirty, little secrets at twi: You, little peon, have NO RIGHT TO QUESTION THEM. They can lie to you face, intimidate you into submission.......but when they utterly screw up, Reynolds and Rivenbark use every weapon in their arsenal to keep THEIR secrets. And......Reynolds and Rivenbark have been JYDL's mentors for the past 28 YEARS. Now, ain't his installation going to be a grand kick in the bucket? lol
    1 point
  9. When my wife and I and kids decided to leave Indiana family campus in '94 coz we saw some things going on that would have made a resident of Sodom and Gomorrah blush, it was jean yves de Liar that got on the phone to me and said they would pay our airfares back to New Zealand ONLY IF we agreed to keep our mouths shut as to what we had seen going on around us...kinda says it all...doesn't it ?!
    1 point
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