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  1. I belong to two churches (both Anglican). They both support a lot of mission work both overseas and in the UK and specifically in this city. But I know from their annual reports that they donate AT LEAST 10% of income goes to support overseas missions - missionaries, start-up churches, Bible translations into other languages (here's a link to the Banen translation report). Regular reports of all projects supported are given at the annual church meetings (both churches). As to what TWI supports, by way of real outreach and support for the underprivileged... DWBH tells of two sets of books, one for the govt and one for TWI. And despite it being "available" for any tithing Wayfer to see the books - I never heard of anyone who did see them.
    1 point
  2. Thanks for those links, Rocky. It's especially important for us older folks, who have more occasion to have to deal with pain than some of our younger counterpart, to understand the dangers of mixing alcohol with acetaminophen.
    1 point
  3. For me, this man represents one of the greatest pure musical geniuses who ever lived. He took the world from Baroque to Classical in a 39 year life. The amount of music that streamed out of this Wunderkind is mind-boggling! This is my all-time favorite Mozart composition. My dad first played it for me when I was 5 years old and I've never forgotten it! ALL 4 MOVEMENTS are a must!
    1 point
  4. Greatest American composer IMO.
    1 point
  5. Hey Bean!!! i see you're keeping my favorite super-thread alive here! Have not been here in years, but I'm baaaack.....LOL! Been listening to some of what I consider to be some of the most influential pieces of music of all time and my faves. Eclectic, but that's the mood....... Pick # 1.....mainstreamed jazz worldwide. Composed by Paul Desmond who plays sax and performed by the original Dave Brubeck Quartet.
    1 point
  6. You can be dam* sure that however much he drank, it waaayyyy exceeded the two-drink limit that he imposed on the Corps. In fact, TWI threw people out for exceeding two drinks. Maybe he himself didn't throw people out (before my time) but I know LCM did.
    1 point
  7. OK, here is one thing RFR did that was "positive." Note the quotes. It came to in-rez assignment time. It seems I had been picked by LCM to help in the green room. But Rosalie kyboshed that. I know this because LCM yelled it at me in a face-melting session some time later. (I probably ended up in Dishroom instead. Where they sent troublemakers or people who asked questions. I don't remember) BUT: now I know what happened in the green room. Where LCM's "needs" got satisfied before he went on stage to yell at the congregation. So it's likely he fancied a go at me. AND Rosalie might remember my background. I was a litigation lawyer before going in rez. I think she could see potential litigation if I were in the green room and LCM assaulted me. Her kyboshing my appointment to the green room was not, therefore, to protect me, but to protect TWI. Whatever... Oh heck. I'm not even going to let my imagination play out any scenario along those lines. Too gross. She'll protect TWI. Not the minions, but the money.
    1 point
  8. Liver damage from acetaminophen, which can be severe, can result either from an overdose or from regular doses that are taken while drinking alcohol. -- from medicinenet.com It may be reasonable to infer that VeePee (unknowingly) killed himself.
    1 point
  9. I don't know how far back vic's daily drinking began. I DO know that, he drank daily during the time I knew him, 1970-1985. I am not saying he was drunk daily, but he did drink daily. Often, he would be shitfaced at nite owls, or corpse dances or parties. Before the motor coaches, vic liked his Drambuie and coffee in the morning. Usually had some more of this concoction at lunch. Then, as aforementioned, depending on what was scheduled for the evenings, he would enjoy old fashioned "high balls".....Seven and Seven was his favorite (Seagrams 7 mixed in 7-UP). Then, in the "afterglows"/nite owls, the coffee cups with straight Drambuie. This may sound like a lot, but when habitualuzed over a decade and a half (at least), the amount of alcohol necessary to really "tie one on" increases as biophysiological tolerance and demand increase. After the 40th anniversary inauguration and installation of da forehead as prez #2, vic had to acquiesce to his first surgery, which was the removal of his left eye secondary to ocular melanoma. Throughout the 40th anniversary year, with all the Regional Anniversary Weekends (8 of them), Living Victoriously, corpse week/ROA, vic's eye generated various increasing levels of pain. Prior to the surgery, vic self-medicated with Tylenol #3 with codeine and the continued daily alcohol use. Each Tylenol #3 tablet contains 30mg of codeine with 325mg of acetaminophen. On bad days, vic was taking 2 T3s every 4 hours with the alcohol. As the year progressed, vic graduated to Tylenol #4.....45mg codeine in each tab. After the surgery,,again with now a fairly substantial addiction to narcotic analgesics plus the alcohol abuse, pain management became an increasingly difficult "problem" for vic. As a result, the codeine was augmented and eventually replaced with MS Contin, oral morphine (MS04) at various doses, starting at 10mg, and increasing to 60mg "as needed" in the months immediately prior to his death in May,1985. Again, in addition to the daily alcohol use. So, it is fair and accurate to say that ole rattler was pretty strung out for months before he finally died. Official cause of death? "Ocular melanoma with metastatic liver and lung disease." That should fill in some detail for you Bolshevik. Peace.
    1 point
  10. Thanks!! But it really ticks me off when people are abused, especially in the name of God. I have had it happen to me, and it really p--ed me off!! TWI has the money to take care of all of its staff members, but it won't. Only the elite got taken care of. What about the people who dedicated their lives to that cesspool? They matter! I thank God every day for my VA benefits, minute as they are. I live a simple life; but I know that God takes care of me. What about all those that TWI have kicked to the curb? How will they survive in their Senior Years?
    1 point
  11. Yup. Right into a ditch filled with collaterals.
    1 point
  12. welcome to Grease Spot Out'n'About - thanks for sharing the update...and listen to what Twinky said about being discreet ....so continue to operate in stealth mode...and...we've never had this conversation...
    1 point
  13. It's rather obvious vpw didn't understand "his" "Great Principle" because it was both inconsistent and senseless. "God is Spirit. God can only give that which He is." As Raf pointed out on this once, God gave manna. God is not manna. (And so on.) "God is Spirit. Spirit can only communicate with spirit." Again, Raf pointed out that this is inconsistent. According to vpw, God CAN'T communicate with body-and-soul, flesh-and-blood. (Let's ignore all the instances where God did EXACTLY that.) So, God gives spirit, and God communicates with spirit, and that spirit God gave us communicates with our mind. Wait- that spirit can communicate with flesh-and-blood, body-and-soul, but God Almighty is UNABLE TO because he is spirit??? This gets even more senseless when they end up tacking on the wild explanation that every incident and instance in the Bible where God Almighty darn well DID communicate with people involved putting spirit upon them for just that moment in a "phenomena." It just gets more and more convoluted and wrong for every single incidence that's discussed-since that stupidity has to be tacked on to discussions about lots of unrelated things.
    1 point
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