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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/13/2018 in all areas

  1. SSDD indeed. I should apologia to Taxidev because this might irritate him further, but it is now abundantly clear that Rico and R&R, regardless of distinctions they might want to make about each other, are very much tied in together. I listened to all of maybe 30 seconds of Rico's recording on obedience to the Household of Faith and recognized that the very first point he made was to conflate obedience to the HOF with obedience to God. "Obedience to the household or the family faith is really about obeying God." He sets up his new cult structure with the old cult dogma. Nothing more. Nothing less. Same S*it, Different Name for the cult. So, there you have it. We've wondered for a year or so what's up with these knuckleheads, and despite the protestations of Taxidev who claimed to be giving them the benefit of the doubt and watching their behavior and words, they're NO different from the group they splintered from.
    1 point
  2. Another total crock of alt-right, fundamentalist, John Birch Society Nazi anti-Christ bullshit. FucKKK these morons! Sheesh!
    1 point
  3. And the teaching goes pretty rapidly south. "It's about obeying God first, individually, and then helping others in the household of faith do better. Titles aren't bad. It's OK to have a title. It's OK not to have a title. The key is what you do with your heart and mind." You see, for Rico, like for VPW, teaching solves everything. One of the first apologia teachings here, to sum up, is mildly introducing the fact that structure is good. It's OK to have titles. You know, like the ones we are making up in our new ministry, with me as President. You see, that title is OK, because it's not the title itself, but what you do with it. Rico is sounding more and more like his father in the Word.
    1 point
  4. So I look at things like this: https://oikeos.org/teachings/series/mystery-minded-leadership-conference/ Branded oikeos. February 2018 Taught by Moynihan, Horney, Fort, Ryan, Rico So to me it looks like these guys are teaming up and forming a ministry. But maybe you know more.
    1 point
  5. Apologia, Part V: Obedience to the Household of Faith (R. Magnelli) Closing out his "class" with Obedience to the Household of Faith...........SEE, back to following orders!! Him leader........you grunt. SSDD
    1 point
  6. So Rico has developed 2 classes. His 2018 and 2019 calendar show him traveling around the countryside teaching these 2 classes. The places he is going to teach these classes at least to me look like they are the physical locations where the R & R "board of directors" live. He has a huge ego that will not permit sharing the spotlight with others. This is most directly evidenced by his actions leaving the Way. He got revelation from God according to his story to go in and confront Rosalie and tell her that she was to step down and that he Rico was to be President, according to God. According to Rosalie, he was a security risk by that statement who she had removed from the premises and kicked him out of the Way. The R&R "BOD" shows not much initiative. They pass around a weekly teaching calendar, control only who teaches, are not driving towards a theme. Rico shows more leadership. He actually developed content that is different than the Way. He had an annual conference on "Hope". He has his own subgroup of leaders there it looks like, other people I know with less prominent names than the R&R "BOD". But here is the rub. This is all for filthy lucre. How can I say that? Look at the ego, the lust for power. Rico couldn't stomach being a "yes ma'am" for decades he finally lost it and blew up. Now post Way what is he doing? Integrating with the rest of the body of Christ, or magnifying his ego to produce his own intellectual property, start up a 501c organization, put together bylaws, institute a board of directors of wihch he will be President? It is not enough to say that the household of God teaching by the Way is anti-Christ. Why? Because you have to actually live it too. That is where the power lies. If you say the household of God includes all Christians, but your manner of living and leadership says by your fruits that it does not, then you are at fault. Even more extreme is the lust to be at the top position answering only to God. Just like Rosalie; Just like Craig. Just like Victor Paul Wierwille. Your mentors.
    1 point
  7. Adding the Knupps, Longleys and other corps grads........lots have found the exit doors in the past two years. Maybe, that's another reason why Bill and Marcia Greene were called in to headquarters.......to repair the storm-torn sails. Man, it must really suck to sit in that "prevailing auditorium at hq"..........and see deadness all around.
    1 point
  8. Taxi, there is a splinter group from R&R already? I imagine there will be more splinter groups from it, in the near future.
    1 point
  9. I don't need to strain my imagination to see this happening.
    1 point
  10. According to their calendar, lots of activity in Florida...... Will the R&R leadership seek to establish a "central headquarters" in Florida? The salaried positions will try to rally the troops..........to give, to witness, and attend meetings. Decisions, decisions...........and the less committed will start heading for the exits.
    1 point
  11. Yeah.........right now, this group has "too many corps and not enough followers." Wait till they start delving into salaried positions, travel expenses, company car, room rentals, petty cash reimbursements, financial transparency and long-term investment into a "central headquarters." Just how committed are these folks when it comes to their pocketbook? To grow.......they've got to be committed. To grow.......they've got to have outreach. Who is going to go door-to-door witnessing? Plus, on the horizon.......they will be prompted to discuss, determine and restate their stance on the holy spirit field, namely the nine manifestations. Demonstration of the power of God........ie signs, miracles and wonders. Back in twi's heyday, THAT was what separated "the groovy Christians" from the church Christians. If this R&R group is going to have any longevity, it has to be more than just having butts in seats......and another weekend of listening to a teaching series.
    1 point
  12. Sky, I wonder how many years this group will last before, they devour each other.
    1 point
  13. Your guarantee of eternal life is as valuable as the Muslim's. As valuable as the Mormon's. As valuable as the Scientologist's belief in clearing the tanks from our minds. Your fervent belief is not a guarantee. Yes, I repeated myself. Because for some reason it didnt sink in. You seem to think this is a matter of perspective. It's not. You seem to think declarations have as much value as evidence. They do not. It is obscene that you misrepresent my position. YOU are the one minimizing atrocities by viewing them through eternal-life glasses, not I. Why think God would be close enough to talk to Abel to talk to him? I can't believe that question is being asked with a straight face. God speaks directly to Cain, whose sacrifice is not accepted. Yet he ignores Abel. And you seriously are asking me why I think God would speak to Abel. Dude, I can't even.
    1 point
  14. ** Spiritual System ** .........most likely class-based [foundational, intermediate, advanced], but of course R&R will tweak the designation. Perhaps, they will be color-coded like ski slopes or whatever..... Churches had "retreats." Twi had "advances." Perhaps, R&R will have "wierwille-seances."
    1 point
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