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Everything posted by outofdafog

  1. Happy Birthday dmiller - Happy birthday to youuuuuuuuuu.......... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  2. Afterthought............. I bet I will hear a little less from her. In alot of ways that is good......The past two weeks the phone has been attached to our ears......she will feel alot better and not quite as lost.......
  3. Okay daughter is now gainfully employed at an 8-5 job with benefits to start this coming Monday in downtown Chicago. Makes more money than her mother who worked 30 years (guess that is the benefits of college) :lol: I can now breathe a little bit of a sigh of relief. Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers.......
  4. Hopeful..... My heart goes out to you. I lost my mom about a year and a half ago. I had taken care of her for the last three years of her life when she was suffering from dimentia. It was like taking care a baby, role reversal. I was devestated when she died although at 87 one has lived a full life. "I ran away from home" to another city and threw myself into a job and just "hid" I guess would be a good way to put it. When I thought of her the pain was sharp and hurtful and I would cry so much. As the months went by as someone said above, the sharp edges got softer and now when I think of her, I chuckle sometimes at things she said or did, and remember her with such fondness and less sadness. That deep wound has healed quite a bit. I believe it was Shellon who talked about the music. I made a tape of all of my favorite romantic and sad songs and played it whenever I wanted. It brought the emotions out and I know mentally wise I am healthier that the grieving got out. A time to mourn is really important. And when that time is over you will know. And don't let anyone else tell you when that time should be. I know the relationship of spouses is different than parent/child, but the unconditional love is no different and the loss of someone you love that much is not that different. Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers, and most important, your husband lives on in your heart and memories. Love, fog
  5. aw shucks guys, you all are so sweet, thanks..... sudo....kiss kiss that was too cool jet.....
  6. outofdafog

    Dog Story

    could someone explain the uploading of pictures procedure.....I want you all to see Boo Boo Kitty - he's pretty worthless, but I love him...haha Cats are smart. At the apartment complex that I manage we had a calico cat with green eyes that was living between two of the buildings. After a few weeks the cleaning lady got tired of this. People would leave food out for the cat but never let the cat out of the building to do its business. Consequently, disgusting things for said cleaning woman to clean up. She finally came and dumped the cat into my office - she had had enough. Being the animal lover that I am I took the cat home. About a month later husband threw cat out into alley behind our apartments. Did not see her again. One month later cleaning woman again dumps same cat in my office. It had found it's way back to the complex after about a month of traveling from the alley behind my house. When the cleaning lady put the cat down on the floor of my office, it ran over to my desk and jumped on my lap and started purring. This story amazes me because I have heard of this before but had not experienced it. Of course....end of story, cat is home, husband thrown out .....ironic how things work out......
  7. You guys are sooooooo bad hahaha.....
  8. Talk about hypocrisy.......good grief.......he's the one that took it to the top of the legalism chart....
  9. Belle, I did ship her a birthday box yesterday. I called it "Birthday in a Box". It has candles, plates, food, candy and best of all - all kinds of little presents and trinkets wrapped up inside. I got her roommates silly string. All they needs is a cake and their preferred beverage. Party favors and all. I am hoping that it cheers her up. She can have a birthday party on me. Good idea on the recipes too!
  10. outofdafog

    Dog Story

    I know this is mostly about dogs, but kitties have a way of tugging on the old heart strings too. When I took my daughter to Chicago last week we also moved her cat Lily with her. My daughter has raised her from a kitten and loves her so much. She was kind of a security blanket for the move too. When we first got there, one of her roommates handed her the other roommates keys. Later that night as we slept the roommate without the keys could not get in and he climbed through a window. He left the window partially open and the last time I saw Lily was at 5 am Sunday moning. When re awakening at 8 am the cat was definately gone. We spent at least 2 hours looking for her. We also spent at least two more hours having signs made at kinkos with her picture on it and putting them on just about every tree we could find surrounding the neighborhood two blocks in either direction. My daughter was heartbroken and this was not the way to start her new life. She was jazzed about the cat being with her. We ended up staying at least 3 hours longer than we had planned to and I prayed that I would find the cat and be able to give it to her before we left, because it was hard enough leaving her in Chicago let alone leaving her so emoitional about the cat. Anyways, no sign of cat and we had to leave. We still had a 6 hour drive in front of us. By the time I got home and called, said kitty had been successfully retrieved from back yard under house. Needless to say we both slept better that night.
  11. She's homesick :( and I miss her like crazy..she cried today on the phone.... Our birthdays are Wednesday and Thursday and we have never spent them apart.... :( :( :( I know she will adjust, it's just hard sometimes.....
  12. me too dmiller I guess Marshall Fields was recently purchased by Macy's but retains the name (at least for now). I was reading about the Walnut room and I guess it is pretty swanky. At christmas they put a 40 foot tall tree in the center of the restaurant...the saying is the closer to the tree, the better the tips. Must put people in a holiday mood to give hahaha
  13. Groomer got careless "What are you looking at.......so I am having a bad hair day....so what....."
  14. oh these are too good how cute.........!! wish I knew how to put some up here Gun on kitten pic.............. "I sear I didn't know it was a plant......it looked like kitty litter......"
  15. You can tell from her posts that she is an intelligent awesome person.....a little southern hospitality like you'd get at Tara huh? :D
  16. not that Jerry Springer is the top or anything....... :P but I am still going.......and I am going to have fuuuuuuuun........I looooooove Steve!! she lives in Lakeview. anybody know that area......looks like a great place and everyone is so nice.
  17. Okay, day 7 of daughter living in chicago............two jobs, a recruiter who found her resume on careerbuilders.com looking for her a job in her field.......while she gets some cash flow going she is bartending in the NBC towers in downtown and waitressing during the Christmas season at Marshall Fields in the Walnut room (they have to wear tuxedo uniforms). They told her a bad night there in tips is $200.00. Between $500.00 and $600.00 is a good night (thru december). New boss gives her cab money every night so she doesn't have to take the subway home. Her first night in the NBC towers working, all the guys from Jerry Springer show come in (the studio is right above the restaurant and bar that she works in.) She gets tickets and back stage passes for me and some of my girlfriends to come up one day for the taping of the show. All I can say is this girl goes for the top........ How fun to be 23 and living in Chicago, we talk about 3 times a day....I am sure that will level off the more she gets her life going up there....but all is well and thanks for the prayers........
  18. Allan - first of all I wasn't even talking to you - I was replying to dmiller or anyone who might take offense at that statement. If you noticed it was on a separate post, an afterthought, a tongue in cheek bumper sticker type saying. So no back tracking there. In addition I could care less if I offended you, but I do care about the other posters who might honestly disagree with homosexuality, but don't feel it is their mission in life to wipe them off the face of the earth. As far as my mothering skills go, I am just a screen name on a page to you, so how would you know? And now I am a peeping tom too, because my daughter is gay and I want to figure out their agenda...... One can only hope and pray that that was your final reply on the subject......
  19. thanks everybody... well the deed is done....she is there and in a beautiful neighborhood....she is in Lakeview....alot of young college and young college professionals i feel alot better now that I see where she is living and meeting room mates and all....I had never been there and I just "LOVED" it.....there is so much life there..... the public transportation system is awesome, so in a couple of weeks her car is coming home....parking in Lakeview is nearly non existent. we woke up sunday morning with a $5o.oo parking ticket eagle.....I can't even imagine mine going that far....I have the same persmission hahaha to call anytime.... I rode the subway for the first time in my life....it was great..... coming from such a small town....I was awed at the life there is out there.....it is so different.....everyone is so different, but you can just be you....it was great
  20. the homophobia statement was just a kind of tongue in cheek.....i didn't really mean it as a definition....just kind of a joke... my daughter didn't even go....I went to kind of see what those marches and stuff were all about....we are not all up in your face kind of folks.....she doesn't like that type of thing..... :)
  21. Homophobia is the insecurity of beng heterosexual....
  22. thank you Belle, I did not want to speak out of turn...........or of speculation Allan I was serious, not joking, about your need for help...I don't hate, and I don't hate you. I accept all for who they are. Hatred to any extreme is unhealthy. May God enlighten the eyes of your understanding. This weekend I dropped my daughter off to her new home in Chicago. I had never been there. I LOVED IT. Allan you may want to cover your eyes or ears at his point. I marched in a gay pride parade. About two blocks from where she lives is an area known as Boy's Town. A very professional college area of Chicago, (remember Craiggers was all for college for our kids) of course, as long as we didn't go into debt or become homosexuals. I am thinking our ABS might have paid for Leah's college (with all due respect Leah, you can't help what parents you are born too - no judgement on you). I did not march for all their beliefs. As a matter of fact, they spewed lude and venomous hate toward our President, and they were vulgar about it. I don't understand the gay folks spewing hate when that is what they were protesting against in the first place. They were bashing George Bush and Pat Robertson with vulgar and disgusting comments. Not all were like that though, they were in support of AIDS and I thought one of the best signs was "Marriage is for humans, not just heterosexuals"or something like that. I marched because all people deserve "equal rights" and "freedom of speech", whether I agreed with their agenda or not. I did ask one of the "organizers" who came up to me how can they justify their obnoxious and beligerant hatefilled behavior, when that is what they were protesting about. Hatred and gay bashing. I marched because I understand on a personal level the discrimination. I know Allan that you will interject your religious dogma toward all this, but after this weekend, your judgement means nothing to me. There is such a higher level of thinking and intelligence that you could ever see. It transcends the outside, and directs itself to people's hearts. I don't really expect you to understand that, you are still in the "God of the Way Box". Non-judgement transcends all - that is what I learned this weekend. I was serious when I spoke of your homophobia Allan. I do not understand how your homophobia has any healthy outcome, except to make you feel superior to others. If that is what you need, man, Godspeed, I hope you can achieve that. If you need to feel better than others, Go for it Man!
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