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Everything posted by HAPe4me

  1. umm, just who would Adam or Eve have had homosexual sex with? just curious, as i was not around by the time they came up with that depravation. ~HAP
  2. no wonder you weren't in chat tonight. toasting to you my friend. Happy birthday! ~HAP
  3. In 2007, tha date of the change to standard time will be pushed back to the the first sunday of November.YEAH! another week to play golf after work. ~HAP
  4. HAPe4me


    according to the artist's official site, it was 1962 (before my listening time). Bobby Pickett still performs.
  5. kicking it to the top so it can be seen. But I kinda like the one that was given to me!
  6. I still use my AC73 one.............. for taking out splinters ~HAP
  7. Hmm, I know a guy who has been in a wheel chair for ten years. he coaches a highschool age rec league team. and assistant coaches for the highschool JV team. he can't steal second, but he knows the game, knows the mechanics, and can outcoach many an able bodied cheerleader. ~HAP
  8. Earthquakes are not measured this way either. They are on a revised Richter scale as i recall. ~HAP
  9. umm, what was that we learned about interpretation being the gist of what is spoken in tongues, not a translation.? <------HAP tries to recall from this PFALwashed brain
  10. I use altavista-babelfish regularly into and from German to share information with genealogy researchers. If you want to check thereliability of a translation, translate it into a language and then back to the original language. It yields some strange results sometimes. LOL HOWEVER- if the goal is to try and convey my meaning, it is better than my attempts at using my own limited 11th grade german class memory. Altavista-babelfish does that level of translation quite well usually. ~HAPe4me
  11. HAPe4me


    Bramble- you did better for your people than we did in the early Peoria days (1972-5). Some of our grads at last report are STILL in. I hope I am not held accountable for what I did to their lives. Where in Peoria were you? ~HAP
  12. HAPe4me


    only if you ran your quota of Piffle classes. Does being WOW ever count for anything? ~HAP
  13. speaking of sending gifts, I have GOT to get these out to Dmiller and his client who took pictures for me. Dang it p's me off when I am this rude and don't get around to mailing things I have had for 2 months. ~HAP
  14. The truck DMiller posted on page one (the red one) was likely one from Colorado, here is the Texas truck: When I lived in Alaska, we used to tell the proud Texans, that if they didn't behave, we would split Alaska in half and make Texas the THIRD largest state. ~HAP
  15. hmm, Waukegan.... anyone know what became of Joan Kraj--ki? married name is Pavl-ca? Are they in,out? Banks- that is not the same as Orbin B is it? ~HAP (Howie from Peoria, early 70s)
  16. ICE is good, however two follow up comments are posted on: http://www.snopes.com/crime/prevent/icephone.asp First I throw this in: warning, expect hoax claims of viruses etc. that can be sent via text messages to retrieve this "personal data" etc. Please ignore those hoaxes, they are false. Secondly, this suggestion (from a comment on snopes): As the Los Angeles Fire Department (LAFD) has noted, ICE entries in cell phone address books should be used in addition to (not in place of) more standard forms of identification: Contrary to several chain e-mail warnings, ICE is not something that Paramedics will rush to look for the instant they arrive at an emergency, and is certainly not required in order for LAFD Paramedics to provide quick, focused and compassionate emergency care. We tell people: Add ICE to your cell phone only after you've affixed similar information to (or near) the official photo identification you routinely carry in your wallet. Why? With so many types and brands of wireless phones, it can take precious minutes to learn how to access a phone's directory. Many wireless devices are also found to be locked, damaged or have discharged batteries following an incident, rendering ICE unusable. Please do encourage your interested friends and colleagues to make an ICE entry in their cell phone, especially if it will give them peace of mind — but not at the expense of written emergency contact and medical information. ~HAP
  17. They really SAID that? omigod they know nothing of Columbine.
  18. not bad for useful phrases, but I think you have tag and abendt backwards, tag is day, abendt is evening. um not arrogant is not the same thing as being not proud. Sure he should be proud, being arrogant is not good sportsmanship anyway. ~HAP
  19. HAPe4me

    Breakfast Recipes

    you mean there is something more for breakfast than coffe, OJ, a cig and the newspaper?
  20. mood is a stupid mom, a few stupid kids, a very stupid situatuion, but its overwith. Not a big deal really, and not at all a common practice here or anywhere else. We really concern ourselves more with other stupid things like our US representative who thinks we should bomb Mecca to make the evil Islamists think twice about bombing us. Hee, ya'll must have slow dialup internet, she was arrested in December. Old news. ~HAP
  21. This took place in my town, and my local highschool. You picked up an old story off the internet somewhere Satone. (The February hearing was LAST February) The lady was in jail, and yesterday she plead guilty and expressed sincere remorse, and is facing perhaps 58 years, if I remember the newstory report from this morning correctly. By the way, she does have a daughter (same age as the boys). The daughter is very likely the one paying the highest price for all the stupid things her mom did.
  22. 10K MORE sounds like it must be a complicated and large foundation project. tackling it yourself as a firsttimer may be ill advised. If something goes wrong, that is a bunch of heavy trash to pull back out, or maybe you could change the homesite if that happens. I did my first foundation 22 years ago, (still live in that same house), but I was so worried through the whole foundation part, when I returned the forms I told the supplier NEVER let me do that again. I have let him do all my foundation work since then, and am glad I have. A good foundation makes the rest of the project go SO much easier. the one we poured last week was one brutal piece of work, as one wall of it (42x8 feet) had to act not only as a conventional foundation wall, but also as a retaining wall to hold back the dirt and original crawlspace foundation from moving. good luck with your project Galen. ~HAP
  23. HAPe4me

    New Used Cars

    I have used carfax three or four times. So far I have not discovered anything on the cars that would kick a deal, but ya never know. The $30 fee is good for unlimited reports for a month or two (or three?) I forgot exactly. The initial summary someone mentioned of having 4 reports could have been meaningless. The four reports were likely the sales recording, or emissions testing or registrations. This gives you some history on the car, like how many miles it has been driven in what stages of its life.you can't tell much from that summary. It will also divulge things like salvage titles or often, accidents which involved a police report. All good info to know. I recommend getting a carfax subscription when you are beginning your shopping. Ya never know what it can save you. I also get a carfax report on my own cars when I sell them. It helps the buyer to have more confidence in what you are selling. ~HAP
  24. huh? how does this mentally ill libertarian/ repulsican lie fit into this story? for the record, I also hope she sits in jail for a long time. HAP
  25. HAPe4me

    Naming Names.

    May I sugggest Paw re-words the banner at the top of the Tacks forum? It currently reads: No threats. No harassment. No profanity. Keep your fights indoors. just the line "no threats of physical injury" would suffice, as harrassment and profanity are allowed. Perhaps keep the line "Keep your fights indoors", which I take to mean don't harass and intimidate outside of the Tacks forum? Thank you for the update/explanation of the rules. We all can see more clearly now. ~HAP
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