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Thomas Loy Bumgarner

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Everything posted by Thomas Loy Bumgarner

  1. He translated Wierwille's books into Spanish, German, and French. I think he was 1st Way corps
  2. hello, have I asked an question about some one that is off limits for discussion?
  3. so whatever happened to him? Is he still alive? does he teach foreign languages in school/college? is he involved with Geer and Cummins, or Christian Family Fellowship ministries? Inquiring minds want to know, or at least I do.
  4. You do know he really wasn't one, but played one in his own mind/imagination
  5. btw, what is Gary Curtis doing these days. that is if he is still living?
  6. If the idiot(idios- one self deluded fool) had not cast aspersions and ranted against all denominations in his Dillema(?) of Foreign Missions pamphelet, the Evangelical Christian Missionary Alliance/Nyack College was planning to award Wierwille an honorary doctorate of theology. Instead the fool offended every Christian denomination. oh, btw he did not have permission to take a sabbatical from his congregation to do a whirlwind tour of Europe, Middle East, or India. Truth is the Hindu was faking his lameness, and was cursing Wierwille in Hindi for trying to "heal" him in the name of Jesus(not praising as VPW claimed) and offended Jainists at convention in Japalur(?). He even considered a run as a dark horse for the presidency of the UCC, but decided against it(which would have destroyed the merger).
  7. Yes, ROA was Wierwille's answer to Woodstock and Christian music festivals like Sonshine(in FL, CA, and Myrtle Beach SC). It is ridiculous to wear fancy dress to evening teachings, though in 1976 Pat F was my date to dance at the Rock where I had my good leisure suit on and she wore nice long dress, but that was the only time the 2 of us dressed up, otherwise shorts and flip-flops. ah, another time and place, who knows? She and other friends made it worthwhile. Now I wish I had roomed with her in her pup tent, but was too much a gentleman
  8. Why is Victor Paul Wierwille the 1st(grandson is named after him by John Paul, not to be confused with the late pontiff) called Doctor? Because he is the last of aliens from the dead planet Gallifry and is the Lord of time, traveling in an disguised outhouse called the Tardis, and "J" is his traveling companion. He actually prefers women as his companions. The RV changed into an outhouse when the chameleon circuit got fried.
  9. at my church around Labor Day weekend(Friday through Monday) we have Rally Day to start off our Sunday Church School year and to invite neighbors to hear CCM(both live and CD's/DVD's through amps), have hot dogs/hamburgers, ice cream social, and lemonade, and to visit our various ministries booths(musical groups/fine arts, social ministry like night shelter/ food pantry/soup kitchen/meals on wheels, educational classes/bible studies,etc.) plus faith stories/journeys/testifying/testimonials(not typical Lutheran practice). All this plus our 2 worship services on Sundays. If it gets too hot, we move inside the church building. This is our 6th year and ironically this year is called Rock of Ages( based on the hymn , Rita Baloche's song of 10 or more years ago, and husband Paul's Rock of Ages, here I stand). Far better than TWI's answer to rock concert festivals.
  10. Ramdon Rose, ramdon rose. apoligies to Nat King Cole ok it is really rambling Rose(as in teaching)
  11. only when they became top leaders in TWI(like the president of the organization)
  12. Keith Getty and Stuart Townsend
  13. maybe Rosie the Riverter(of Donna) is in reality Angelique Bouchert from Dark Shadows
  14. Winding, Binding Road- Pressed Down, Shaken Together, Running Over
  15. I prefer Riders on the Storm
  16. dang, no wonder I haven't seen many recent posts from her. Lucky thing
  17. icons of St. Victor the leacherous, St. Craig the profane, and St. Rosie the human riverter
  18. it seems that Johnathan can't accept that Wierwille was a pervert and a con artist, and tries to imply Jesus was one too, or that Wierwille is Jesus reincarnate and incapable of lying or immorality of any sort. Otherwise, life isn't worth living if TWI is wrong. Plain and simple but pinheaded as Mr. O'Reilly would say. in reference to John.
  19. started college when I got involved with TWI, took nearly 10 years to get a BA in Music in 1982, got a 2 yr.certificate in Sacred Music(cont. ed.) but could have gotten a MM in organ if not derailed by Wierwille's fantasy, plus getting married and having 2 or 3 kids, and possible granchildren by now.
  20. Ex, began speaking in tongues again in private prayer life after taking Nicky Gumbel's video class Alpha which includes discussion on glossalia but unlike PFAL never demonstrates how to do it. Also SIT softly in a bare whisper during Contemporary Worship during Prayers of the People(there is no vocal SIT with Interpretation, not encouraged at Lutheran Church I serve). Sorry if this is off topic. Now back to our regular programming already in progress.
  21. You know, this topic could be mistaken for glossalia/SIT, because some have admited to faking that(not me personally since I started again about 11 years ago).
  22. You mean the Limb leader didn't get revelation that you were faking it, and sent his 2 cohorts to double check on you? why, you were suppose to memorize the class so in your sleep you would mumble everything while dreaming you were replacing Wierwille as The Teacher
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