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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. I don't know the episode's name-but I should. Data was having odd waking dreams, seeing mouths on crewmembers, and a straw and similar things. He even consulted a holodeck simulation of Sigmund Freud about them. (Freudian diagnoses was amazingly funny for this case-if Steve! posts the exchange, you'll get the idea.) Turned out some lifeforms slightly out of phase were parasites, and feeding off the cellular peptides of the crewmembers. (In his dream, Worf was eating "cellular peptide cake...with mint frosting".) It's also the episode where Data, concerned he was attacking crew (subconsciously trying to hit a parasite) that he asked Worf to watch Spot for him. It's a priceless scene, between the way Worf held the cat and Data's elaborate instructions, and how Worf agreed. I used to remember the name...
  2. Next song. A videogame commercial got me thinking about this one- they used THIS song, if you can believe it. "One pill makes you larger, and one pill makes you small"
  3. "Dirty Deeds (Done Dirt Cheap)", covered by Joan Jett. I think the original was AC/DC.
  4. *nudges thread* Whoever has quotes from any television series (they don't have to be from the same episode-just the same series) can go next.....
  5. Little Feat, "Let it Roll". "Why should I care? Why should I care?"
  6. "This is where the fun begins!" "That wasn't much of a rescue." "So this is how liberty dies – with thunderous applause." "Good! Twice the pride, double the fall." "Execute Order 66."
  7. WordWolf

    c.s lewis

    I don't consider it doctrine or anything, but I find it's a good thing to encourage some "thinking outside the box." I like the premise. Lewis also wrote a sequel, but I'm blanking on the name.
  8. I don't think those who want to "give them a pass" say that because they claim to be a Christian group. David Koresh's "Branch Davidians" and Jim Jones' "Peoples Temple" don't get defended here, and they-supposedly- were Christian groups as well. I think the "give them a pass" "stop warning people" advocates are saying that for one reason and one reason only: They have fond personal memories of twi, and all discussions of bad experiences, wrong doctrine, and so on, interfere with their ability to maintain BLOODLESS fond personal memories, and they would rather SILENCE THE ONE TELLING THE TRUTH and warning people than to adjust their thinking to say "I had many fond memories-but some people's experiences were horrific." That's how I see it. Me, I DO have some fond memories, but acknowledge that while I was making fond memories in one place, others were having horrific experiences in another place.
  9. Actually, I left Roman Catholicism a few years before I ended up with twi. I went from the RCC to monotheism, and didn't think any Christians had the answers I needed, and they certainly couldn't be found in the Bible. I think God has a sense of humour. I got the answers I was looking for, IMHO. (Along with some harmful stuff I WASN'T looking for.) So, as always, I'm thankful I got in (I got answers I needed, I met some loving Christians), and I'm thankful I got out (I separated from dangerous attitudes and arrogance, and could see other Christians as equals after leaving.) Some people insist that those who warn about the harm from twi are blithely refusing to acknowledge there was ever any benefit from being in twi, and I'm usually counted among those they mean.... ....which is odd, since I keep saying "I'm glad I got in, and glad I got out", which means I see 2 sides to this story.....
  10. I'm chagrined I don't have it yet. I'm sure I've heard it before.
  11. Next movie: "This is where the fun begins!" "That wasn't much of a rescue." "So this is how liberty dies – with thunderous applause."
  12. You're much safer starting from scratch. Try reading the Bible for yourself, or talk to some other Christians who never heard of vpw, twi or whatever, or do some searches online for work that doesn't include twi buzzwords.
  13. Charlie Sheen Wall Street Martin Sheen
  14. I think we didn't see this show. Please accept you stumped us and take another or make it a toss-up or whatever.
  15. *blink* I got some sleep. It's GOT to be a "Lethal Weapon" movie. For the sake of moving this along, may I be permitted-this once- to use a scattershot guess, and say A) Lethal Weapon 2 or Lethal Weapon 3 or Lethal Weapon 4?
  16. Ditto. When lcm drew his "line in the sand"(1988-1989), I did my own investigating, and-based on what lcm himself and his cronies said themselves, I made tracks.
  17. I couldn't find it either. Can we get a link or something?
  18. [WordWolf in boldface as usual. I shall also shorten the original post. Feel free to jump back using the arrow or scroll up for the original post in its entirety-I kept what was germane to my reply.] All sin still comes down to the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. (I John 2:16) Taking money or sex out of its proper place- like stealing money from God's people, or using a coersive method to get them to have sex with you- is sin, and falls under those categories, too. Sin still has a powerful hold on people. God forbid His people learn to accept sin!]
  19. I thought that behaviour was a bit different, depending on if you were dealing with a brown bear or a black bear. (Or a polar bear of course, but we're not talking about them...)
  20. You're lucky he wasn't one of the "inner circle" types that learned vpw's "lockbox"... he probably would have dropped in MORE to try to see nekkid wimmin....
  21. I'd like a citation of these "STATISTICS." My understanding is that crime goes DOWN from about 1am on into the morning, and it also goes down on rainy nights. Criminals don't bother staying up when fewer people are on the street. I've cheerfully gone about my business all hours of the night, and walked the streets of NYC at 2am, 3am, 4am, 5am, without problems. It's EARLIER than that that I've ever had problems on the street. Forgive me if I take years of my own experience at face value.
  22. CORRECT! Here's how the quotes fit in.... "This is gonna replace CD's soon; guess I'll have to buy The White Album again." Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones) was briefing Agent J (Will Smith) on various alien technologies that were gradually released as commercial products. "You see this? Huh?! N-Y-P-D! Means I will kNock Your Punkass Down!" Very early, with Will Smith as a policeman, catching a fleeing fugitive (an alien in disguise.) "You here to make fun of me too?" " No, ma'am. We at the FBI do not have a sense of humor we're aware of. May we come in? "Sure." Agent K and the woman at the house where that "bug" landed. "Did he say anything to you? "Yeah, that the world is coming to an end." "Did he say when?" "So what do you think? "Whew! Very interesting. She got a whole 'Queen of the Undead' thing going on... "What about the body?" "Great body..." "The dead body." Agent K and Agent J at the coroner's office to retrieve a "dead" alien. Linda Fiorentino played the coroner. "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it." K explaining to J. "Place projectile weapon on the ground." "You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers." "Your proposal is acceptable." The "bug" and the guy whose truck he landed on. GO, Raf!
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