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Everything posted by WordWolf

  1. "This is gonna replace CD's soon; guess I'll have to buy The White Album again." "You see this? Huh?! N-Y-P-D! Means I will kNock Your Punkass Down!" "You here to make fun of me too? " No, ma'am. We at the FBI do not have a sense of humor we're aware of. May we come in? "Sure." "Did he say anything to you? "Yeah, that the world is coming to an end." "Did he say when?" "So what do you think? "Whew! Very interesting. She got a whole 'Queen of the Undead' thing going on... "What about the body?" "Great body..." "The dead body." "A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky, dangerous animals, and you know it." "Place projectile weapon on the ground." "You can have my gun, when you pry it from my cold dead fingers." "Your proposal is acceptable."
  2. Actually, you completely READ THAT INTO what was said. There's nothing about "busy" or "lazy". The only thing we have to go on is what they said "unable to do things that are outside of your comfort zone". Does that mean "learn to chop firewood correctly"? Does it mean "get up at 5am"? Does it mean "ride rollercoasters without fear?" Does it mean "risk life and limb hitchhiking to another state, where unqualified climbers will lead you up a mountain"? Does it mean "go into housing projects and go door to door preaching the Bible"? Does it mean "eating substandard food, living in a closet, and performing manual labour full-time while paying for the privilege of working for someone?" There's nothing to indicate any of those is true-or false. It's equally possible that it might be for some noble purpose- "the person will be busy" as it is for some ignoble purpose- "it is a "hold-harmless" clause, and if anyone finds anything wrong with the program, they are welcome to just leave it or shut up." Since the phrasing is, in part, identical to some things that some of us saw some INCREDIBLE harm done in before, and the resemblances are INTENTIONAL, NOT ACCIDENTAL, I think some caution is called for.
  3. If snow is on the ground, the ground will be white with reflected light. If the snow is in the air, the air will be white with reflected light. If snow is in the air AND on the ground, the area will be bright with reflected light. Even if there's no electrical sources of light, the area will be lit with reflected light. I've gone camping in the winter. With snow on the ground, no snow in the air, and no lights on. Late at night, it was still very bright. I noted this, because it meant that practical jokers could not sneak around. (Someone later recommended WHITE camouflage for snow, because, even at night, that's more effective than trying to keep to shadows that aren't there.) So, if he made the claim that there was "pitch-black" and heavy snow (and he saw heavier snow than he'd ever seen at any other time by his 40s/50s), I find that unsupportable. If the sky was heavily clouded, but the air was carrying snow, the white snow EVERYWHERE would make the sky look a LOT brighter. ====== As to any of this actually having been actually seen by vpw (that is, that he actually saw physical snow, or actually saw a real vision), we can test this without having been there. See, he claimed this was given as PROOF he'd heard from God. Therefore, if we test the promise he claimed was from God, and it's an invalid promise, or it is not delivered, then we can dismiss the snowstorm- since it was "proof" of something that didn't happen. This supposed promise: He (God) would teach him (Victor) His Word (God's Word) like it had not been known since the 1st century, if he (Victor) would teach it to others. (This is the famous 1942 promise.) BTW, he NEVER told anyone this promise IN 1942-he started telling them in the early 1970s- Mrs W herself said he first told it to the early corps, and that means the early 1970s. Looking at the claim, the claim was that God would teach vpw God's Word like it hadn't been known since the First Century", which is a claim that is dependent upon the hearer being as ignorant of "First Century" history as vpw was and presumed his hearers to be. In the First Century AD- before Gutenberg invented his printing press- God's Word as known was the Torah- the Old Testament. It wasn't until the SECOND Century AD that enough handwritten copies of the New Testament Gospels, Letters, Acts and Revelation were distributed for Christians to "know" them. What vpw taught didn't reflect their lack of copies of the New Testament. Either he invented that claim, or the promise came from an ignorant god. vpw didn't teach the First Century church in ACTION. REALLY look at Acts sometime. They were SHORT on documentation. REALLY short on books. There was a lot of prayer, considerable deliverance, and a level of NORMAL miracles everyday such that the SPECIAL miracles with Paul went beyond them. Authority was de-centralized, money was distributed among the poor as they had need, everything was local, nothing was official, the few "leaders" travelled, dealt with things in a "hands-on" fashion, and lived simply. Compare that to twi. HEAVY on reading, reading, reading. Deliverance levels painfully shy of Acts. Authority was all concentrated to vpw, money funnelled to vpw- even when he had to trash the Way East and Way West and stop local use of cash to do it. LITTLE was local, EVERYTHING was official, the "leaders" stay in one spot and enjoy their luxuries as you travel to them on your dime, and their involvement is anything but personal- just a handful of verses, and some micro-management. Finally, the supposed promise was predicated on the concept that there was information that was UNKNOWN from 101 AD- 1943, and God Almighty would supply that information to vpw. Few people who've been at the GSC awhile can't trace the sources of vpw's information. Some came from BG Leonard and his class, some came from JE Stiles, his book and his direct teaching, some came from EW Bullinger's books, some came from EW Kenyon and his books. (If you used your initials, vpw would plagiarize freely from you.) EVERYTHING HE TAUGHT WAS ALREADY KNOWN AS OF 1943. So, this supposed "god" who promised him this should have known better. Taking all this into consideration, the promise vpw claimed he was given was a complete sham. Either vpw was given a promise by an ignorant god, or he was given a promise by a lying devil and couldn't tell the difference, or vpw made the whole thing up. Therefore, either the snowstorm came from an ignorant god, or it came from a devil, or it never happened and vpw made it up.
  4. WordWolf


    I don't know who passed that story around, but it would not surprise me if twi tried to make claims like that if they heard about them.
  5. WordWolf

    Cat whispering

    I just wanted to add something. Don't worry about them not meowing to you. If a cat hasn't been exposed to humans in its first 4 weeks of life, (supposedly) it will never be much of a "talker." Humans are MUCH more vocal than animals, and the cats pick up using their voices to communicate that way. They may not be VERBAL (no words), but they certainly can communicate a lot by being VOCAL (making sounds), mostly their mood. I've seen cats communicate a range of emotions with different meows, ranging from an angry, upset "MYOW!" to "Meow?" which quite obviously was a question. In this case, they will communicate with you by body language. For now, they need to learn-on their own schedule- to not be afraid.
  6. I didn't hear anything about a BLACK snowstorm until sometime into discussions of Mrs W's book. I'd heard of a miraculous snowstorm, but never that a colour was mentioned. Since snowstorms are only 1 colour, I didn't think to ask. Even a heavy blizzard looks WHITE. And the worst snow conditions are called "WHITE-OUT". Maybe this wasn't circulated where I heard it because I might have said "wait a minute", and had an "AHA" moment over twi. Remember, he wasn't a genius, but as a marketer and a con-man, he did an incredible job- he adjusted his "advertisements" so the average "customer" wouldn't doubt the "product."
  7. WordWolf

    For Ham

    "Baby, baby...."
  8. "This is gonna replace CD's soon; guess I'll have to buy The White Album again." "You see this? Huh?! N-Y-P-D! Means I will kNock Your Punkass Down!" "You here to make fun of me too? " No, ma'am. We at the FBI do not have a sense of humor we're aware of. May we come in? "Sure." "Did he say anything to you? "Yeah, that the world is coming to an end." "Did he say when?" "So what do you think? "Whew! Very interesting. She got a whole 'Queen of the Undead' thing going on... "What about the body? "Great body... "The dead body."
  9. Talia Shire the Godfather Andy Garcia
  10. "This is gonna replace CD's soon; guess I'll have to buy The White Album again." "You see this? Huh?! N-Y-P-D! Means I will kNock Your Punkass Down!"
  11. I thought you were being a gentleman and letting me get it since I was so close. :)
  12. If this is Voyager, you can post the entire script and I still won't get it. I haven't seen much of that series or Enterprise.
  13. Sigourney Weaver Trading Places Eddie Murphy
  14. Wolf/dog mixes are not trainable like dogs-they combine the wolf nature with an unpredictable element from the dog. This doesn't mean he's untrainable- no animal is untrainable. However, this is not an easy task. I would read up on wolves for some insight. If you can "see things from a wolf's perspective", you can figure out what he wants, and maybe work something out. From what you said, he wants his trophies. Possibly you can set up a wolf-den for him, and socialize him to associate that with "his spot", where he can relax and play with anything he wants. (Maybe he'd leave the rest of the area neater.) I knew someone who "owned a wolf", and it socialized well- about as well as a dog. That's an incredible exception-not a rule. (This wolf was allowed indoors in winter, which should tell you how well he was socialized to that home.)
  15. It's on my "To-do" list. As soon as I can figure out when to see it.
  16. vpw: "Finally, my brethren, be strong in VP Wierwille." crowd:"No." vpw:"Say it LOUDER!" crowd:"NO!" vpw:"That's right. You're not strong in VP Wierwille. Many of you have heard God's Word through my ministry, but I didn't die for you." (shouted from offsides):"It was Jesus Christ!" vpw:"You said it man!" There were times-like then, like in ROA 77, when he covered Hebrews 13, when vpw claimed we were to look to Jesus Christ, and not to himself or any other leader. I think this was correct to say. "OK, let it be so and let us take him at his word on that and be strong in the Lord." I agree.
  17. Depends on where and when the class was run. I was a fulltime student when I took that class. And I was an EXCELLENT note-taker. (Well, it was "my job.") So, when Session I began, I had the syllabus, a large-print Bible, and a book to take notes in all on my lap, and I successfully juggled all three until the first pause. At that point, the person running the class let me know I could take the notes in the syllabus. (Which worked better for everyone.) Taking notes was one way I kept awake through the whole thing. In fact, I also got other people taking notes in later classes for the same reason. ("Professional student.") Then again, in NYC, things didn't really conform so closely to the expected standard. (That's why almost everyone IN NYC left when lcm drew his line in the sand in 1989.) It wouldn't surprise me if the remainder started banning that practice in the 1990s. Locally, we had it SO much better than in most of your areas. One guy I know, his class, they were told to write down their questions before session 1 began- questions they wanted answered. After session 12, the questions were gone over, and most of them had been touched on during the class. (His question: What about the dinosaurs? Session 6.) Then again, when conforming corps were placed here, their efforts were a lot like kicking a bale of cotton- the impression went away as soon as you moved your foot. :)
  18. (Not a diehard one...it's not gelling for me....)
  19. [WordWolf in [brackets]as usual.] [Thanks for posting.]
  20. It's completely new to me. Offhand, I'm slower to believe this one than, say, Raphael Gasson's personal accounts in "the Challenging Counterfeit", since I'm able to contextualize his claims in a non-contradictory framework. Or, to put it differently, I can buy a spiritualist leaving spiritualism for Christ would be harassed by demons that would try to possess him, involuntarily doing what they did before. I can't buy 48 people being given diseases by demons. Not without a whole additional framework I see no reason to add- except "I want to believe them", of course. Your Mileage May Vary.
  21. The impression I've gotten is that some corps and/or higher-ups had a bigger problem with men who were Spouse Corps, i.e., "If you were a REAL man, you've have gone Corps!" Was this experienced, or is this just they way I've read the posts?
  22. Oh, it gets worse than that. As you know, that was to cover the alcohol-breath from all his drinking. So, he would put a mint in his mouth, break it open in his mouth, and use the freshly-broken mint to cover the alcohol reek. So, eventually, he complained that he couldn't find a normal mint to put in his mouth- that at the lectern, they were all broken up. When someone said they did that because he said he broke mints, he clarified that he broke them in his MOUTH. I can't find the original post this second, but it's here somewhere. So, it wasn't even the way vpw liked it. It was done like the famous old story about cutting the end of the ham off, which-ironically- I first heard in twi.
  23. Here's how some of the quotes went.... "How do you spell that, 'Honkey'?' "Uh, 'Y,T'!" " 'Y,T'?" "Yeah! Say it again!" "Y,T, Y,T'..." "Whitey!" Fred giving a police report to Officer Swanson, "Swanny", who was Caucasian, and extremely straight-lace and un-hip. "You said that two of them held you, and one of them beat you. What about the fourth man?" "That's the one that yelled 'Get him.'" Fred claimed Lamont's fragile new collection was STOLEN rather than admit he broke it. So, he invented an entire police report to give them. Swanny was getting all the details down. "Watch it, sucka." Aunt Esther said this a LOT. "The fungus is among us!" "You can say that again!" From the episode Fred tried to do a tax scam by declaring his house/business a church, but discovered the overseeing body was a scam.... "Who you calling ugly, sucka?" "I'm calling you ugly. I could push your face in some dough and make gorilla cookies." Fred and Aunt Esther. (IRL, Redd Foxx and LaWanda Page were good friends, and he recommended her for this part.) "Come on and hear, come on and hear, Alexander's Ragtime Band!" When Fred tried to break the world's record for staying awake, Bubba was one of his helpers. Bubba would sing to jostle him. Bubba only knew one song. So he kept singing this line all through the episode. "I want my Daddy's records." Fred donated some vinyl records to a library, then discovered they were collectibles, especially some "Blind Mellow Jelly" records. Bubba posed as one performer's son, and they tried to scam the library into handing them over. Bubba's only line was this one. "Come on-eat a table, run through a tree, do something!" Grady met a martial arts black belt, and the guy just stood there, so Grady wanted to see some parlor trick. (Some of what the guy said made sense, but when he showed what a martial artist would do in a fight, he stopped for several seconds to warm up, which is just ridiculous.) "The wrath of God will strike you down!" "This Louisville Slugger will knock you out!" My favourite exchange between Aunt Esther and Fred G. Sanford. "You fish-eyed heathen!" Yes, Aunt Esther had several things she'd call Fred-this was the most common. "Fish-eyed fool" was another. ======== Redd Foxx was a stage-name for an actor- his birth-name was Fred Sanford Junior. He was nicknamed "Little Red" once for his hair. The actor had an unusual death. He had a heart attack in front of friends. They were so used to him faking heart attacks it took several seconds to realize he was having a real heart attack. Go, George!
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