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Everything posted by Zshot

  1. I hope that you have a fantastic Birthday!!
  2. Zshot


    Sedona is a beautiful city!. When I drive back from the Flaggstaff, I take a 2 lane road that winds through the mountains. It is a very pretty drive. The people that I have come in contact there have been friendly.
  3. One act of sexual misconduct is too many. I hope that all those who have been abused have been able to find proper help, support and understanding.
  4. Happy Birthday! I hope that you have a great day today and a great year ahead!
  5. Rocky, I hope you have a fantastic Birthday! In case you didn't already know, you are old enough to participate in the Arizona Senior Olympics Of course, so am I :blink:
  6. IMO... The main quailification to go wc was the ability to pay the tuitation and used chapstick befor kissing @$$...
  7. Here is a pic of me it's about 3 years old... This was right after a tournament...
  8. This is where I get some of my "stuff". http://www.chefscatalog.com/
  9. Zshot

    perfume suggestions

    I have to agree with cool chef. Perfume is/was used for those who had other odors to hide...
  10. I am truly sorry for your loss. I still "pop"in from time to time. It is good to "see" you again.
  11. Exercise is a very good stress reliver for me. My favorite exercise is playing racquetball. Sometimes I will take the ball and either draw a face or write a name on the ball before I start hitting it. And of course "Adult moments"
  12. Remember the words spoken in the musical "My fair Lady" before the song "I'm getting married in the morning"? Was it something like, 'A few more hours is all the time I've got, a few more hours till they tie the knot'.
  13. Another possible title for this thread could be: "you know you spend waaaay to much time here when..." Just kidding
  14. Raf, Congrats and best wishes. Are you having pineapple pizza at your reception? (as i run, duck, and dive )
  15. Zshot

    Honda Pilot

    I really like my 2007 Honda CR-V :)
  16. Zshot

    Your Avitar...

    I have been playing racquetball for about 17 years and have been playing in competitive tournaments for many years. For the past 3 years I have been one of ProKennex's sponsored players. My avitar is the logo for the United States Amature Racquetball Association. http://www.usaracquetball.com/
  17. Zshot

    Snooty Pans

    Penguin, I could suggest the 14 piece Cuisnart http://www.chefscatalog.com/catalog/subcat...y=Cookware+Sets There are also some other good set you could look at.
  18. Zshot

    Snooty Pans

    For cookware I have Cusinart cookware (non-stick, dishwasher safe) and Henkele twin 4 star knives. I have been called a "cookware snob" by a few friends. As a public service notice: Do not put non-stick cookware in the dishwasher unless it specifically states it is dishwasher safe in the instructions. (dishwasher safe non-stick is more expensive. Most "big box" retailers do not carry this product.) Here is one on the web sites I go to to purchase cooking "stuff": http://www.chefscatalog.com
  19. Zshot


    Praying also.
  20. I am noticing a trend here concerning at what age we started working. I wonder about the "current" generation of young people?
  21. Aside from the typical mowing lawns and shovelling show... I was about 10 when I went "door to door" selling air freshners... In 1976 I was 15 and got my first "real" job, and according to my social security statement I made $47.00 In 1977 I was working at a bakery as a dishwasher/janitor. I worked at that job till I graduated from high school in 79 (about 15 hours a week). Hmmmm.... I just told everybody how old I am... When I review my social security statement, I notice a drop in my earnings. The drop was due to me going out wow
  22. Zshot

    Inkblot Test

    Outcome A - The Human. Based on the descriptions you chose, you are practical, reliable, friendly, and fit in with people quite nicely. You probably have a regular family and do well in acedemia.
  23. For a long time she was V.F. secretary in Latham, NY. She got married, moved to NYC, had a couple of kids... Around this time I lost track of her. I hope all is well with her.
  24. One more thing about Southern Arizona, There are alot of Border Patrol agents that live and work here. Also, the group called the Minutemen, come down here and report sightings of illegals to the Border Patrol. This area is anti illegal immigrants to include the Mexican-Americans. Sierra Vista is the humming bird capital of the US. During the migration season, I have seen 20 humming birds in my back yard.
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