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Everything posted by Zshot

  1. Zshot

    Organ Donation

    Mark correctly answered for me.
  2. Zshot

    Organ Donation

    I can't even donate blood (because of the time frame I was stationed in Germany when I was in the Army).
  3. Karmicdebt, It would be fun to get together again.
  4. Thank you all for the kind Birthday wishes! I took my Birthday off from work, played racquetball, had a steak dinner, and spent some quality time with my girlfriend.
  5. Let me jump to the bottom line here... Which has a better success rate, "faith based" groups or "secular groups"? The answer to that question should be the direction of where tax dollars go. It seems very foolish to waste tax dollars on something that has a marginal to poor success rate for the sake of being pollitically correct. Let's face it, there are those who demonize and/or are afraid of faith based groups who would rather see tax dollars not used efficiently in the name of "seperation of church and state".
  6. My WOW "brother" Dave, was on his 3rd time as a WOW when we went to Bossier City, LA. I beleive the Limb leader from the state where he was living wanted him gone. He joined us with $100.00 less than he was suppossed to. We didn't really get along that great... We seemed to tolerate each other. Myself, I just went once. And, that was too many times.
  7. Zshot

    Auto Inrurance

    I have Allstate for my home and my car. I have never had any problems, My questions have allways been answered with a full explaination. On a side note, I have been playing racquetball with my insurance agent for the past 13 years .
  8. Zshot

    For Singles Only !

    Cowgirl, Most guy's on online dating want more than "just friends" (even if they "agree" to be "just friends" up front). Is that being honest on his part? No. but that's the way it is for the most part (of course there will be a few exceptions). Usually, people on online dating are looking for more than "just friends". Also, some people tend to be jealous. My girlfriend tends to be on the jealous side (she has nothing to be jealous of.) Finding the right girl (or guy) to be around is tough at times.
  9. I am sorry for your loss. I am sure that Scrappy knew that he was loved.
  10. Zshot

    For Singles Only !

    I met my current girlfriend on match.com last August (after much online rejection). There are good and bad things about online dating services. Always be carefull!!
  11. It usually takes a minimum of 2 people to screw
  12. Zshot


    As some else that is retired military, let me say... When it comes to pay and entitlements (benifets), the military (as like any other business) weighs out the total cost of each Soldier in pay and entitlements (just like any other business). To be honest, being a Soldier is not the highest paying job out there, but it does have some of the best benifets of any occupation. Espicially when it comes to retirement. Being in the military is a very hard life and lifestyle. If it weren't for the retirement beni's, many a good person would leave the military after a shorter period of time.
  13. Greasytech, You should have put a warning lable on the picture, such as... This picture may cause see sickness...
  14. WhiteDove I would like a copy also. Let me know how much it will be to cover costs.
  15. The hard part about this poll is... While we were "in", many did not know of all the deeds that were done. Looking back, it is easier to see how he made the doctrine to fit his practices.
  16. Have a great Birthday!!
  17. Zshot

    2006 Cones

    The huricane season will soon be upon us again... Also, take note that Rafael made the list... The names assigned for the 2006 hurricane season are: •Alberto •Beryl •Chris •Debby •Ernesto •Florence •Gordon •Helene •Isaac •Joyce •Kirk (replaces Keith, which devastated Mexico and Belize in 2000) •Leslie •Michael •Nadine •Oscar •Patty •Rafael •Sandy •Tony •Valerie •William
  18. Just think... Next time you make a "service call" for something, And the guy at taking the call is from India... He prefers donkey's to women :blink: :huh:
  19. Zshot

    Table Wine

    I normally enjoy red semi-sweet wines. I love a good "port" wine!!! Lambrusco is good with pasta's. German glue wine is excellent when it is good out (better than hot chocolate )
  20. Zshot

    Moving Day

    I have helped load and off load more U-Hauls than I care to remember. I never had a truck. But, I was/am a strong single guy...
  21. Zshot


    Dot, You mentioned that "they" might be worried about a lawsuit if they let him go... Perhaps, they should be more worried about a sexual harrassment lawsuit for failing to put a stop to a hostile work enviroment.
  22. Zshot

    american idol

    IMO, the shows only redeeming quality is Simon's comments :blink: American Idol has turned into a hybrid of "Star Search" and the "Gong Show" <_< As for myself, I am happy when there is something better for me to do than watch TV. (except when the new season of SciFi friday begins: Stargate SG-1, Stargate Atlantis and Battlestar Galitica )
  23. Zshot

    Nationally Ranked

    The next tournament that I might be able to play in is in May. I have a Dr. appointment on the 23rd to figure out how my ankle is doing. There is a possisibility that I might have to have surgery on my ankle (this ankle has been injured many times before).
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