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Everything posted by Zshot

  1. I like living here in Southern Arizona. (I am about 200 miles south of where Rocky lives.) The air quality down here is very good!!! I live in what they call high desert about 4600 ft elevation. There are developments around here for adults and seniors. There is alot of retired military folks in this area. Many people flock down here during the winter months. The biggest employer in this area is the military installation and defense contrators. here are a couple links: http://www.ci.sierra-vista.az.us/ http://www.city-data.com/city/Sierra-Vista-Arizona.html
  2. I think that it boils down to is that the "reporters" on the news shows have stopped reporting the news. They editorilize the news. Reporters have stopped trying to get the news, they want to "get the story". CNN, Fox, NBC, CBS etc... are big business. They are after ratings and readership. Of course, what they are most interested in is advertising dollars. Some advertisers prefer some formats more than others. that is why we have "different flavors" of "the news". There are alot of people who turn to a certain news channel because of the bias of the news channel reflects and thereby justifies the viewers own bias.
  3. It is truly sad... Illegal acts are being rewarded... and people are being punished for doing there job.
  4. We don't play the clock shuffle... One more reason to Love Arizona
  5. I used to have a copy of aos on BETA . It's either buried i a box somewhere or thrown out (I don't remember). I knew 2 of the ladies that danced in that production Connie M*ll*ry and Sara B*g*n. I hope both are doing well.
  6. Sorry I missed your Birthday... I am glad that your Birthday was happy!
  7. If EVERY rule has an exception, what is the exception to this rule?
  8. Another reason for having a good credit report is: Some employers look at an applicants credit report when they hire for some positions. (I have very serious reservations about this practice. And, I heard of a company that is facing a law suit because of this practice.) Yes, employers can do this when you sign a form (giving them your permission) at the job interview or when you submit a job application. Of course, you have the option of not signing (then guess what happens to your application). I think that it is a good idea to bring up topics like this. Some people might have little to no information or worse yet is bad information on credit, credit reports and debt. Credit is a tool that can be used, and it can also be abused.
  9. As Hap mentioned, In today's economy, you need credit cards for a variety of good reasons. One thing that I did on my cards is I called the credit card companies and asked them to keep my credit limit at an amount I choose instead of them raising my credit limit. Of course, if need be I can request to have my credit limited raised. I would suggest that if anyone is having problems with finances, seek advice from a professional financial advisor. They can help you make a plan. The hard pard could be executing the plan. If you find yourself in heavy dept, it may take a while to get out from under it. And you might have to restrict yourself to purchases that are nessasary and cut out some "nice to have or do things.
  10. One thing I would suggest is going from "several" to a few (maybe one or two) credit cards. One for personnal and one for business (a third could be used for tax purposes such as medical expenses). I pay my bills utility bills and mortage payments on line through my banks web site. Many companies will let you adjust you "due date" (to general time frames). The below is easier said than done and might not be possible for some (depending on different circumstances). 1. My "primary" credit card is with the bank that my direct deposit goes to. From the bank web site I verify account balances, pay bills and transfer funds from one account to make payment on my credit card. 2. If you owe balances on credit cards, pay more than the min. amount due. 3. Pay off bills as quickly as possible. 4. If you get paid every two weeks, make a mortage payment every two pay periods (pay more the the min. if possible). eventually, you will have "payment due dates" a few months out. (This could be a good safety net). 5. If you are going to be "out of town" on payment due dates, double up on payents before hand. or estimate (high) and pay ahead of time. 6. My car payment is with a credit union, I have a payroll deduction go to my account there, and the credit union withdraws the loan payment every month. 7. don't spend more than you make... Unless it's an emergency, don't make purchases on credit that you can't pay off at the end of the month (two exceptions are house and car payments). When you get your credit report/scores they provide information on how to raise your credit scores. (to get this report, usually costs about $50.00. And you do get what you pay for on these services) here is a good site: http://www.equifax.com/
  11. Also, if you and other neighbors get a survailance system that can monitor the neighborhood, that would act a deturrent. Usually, gang members don't like to be on camera.
  12. Not to long ago I contacted the lady that got me involved with twi. (she is no longer in, thank goodness). It was a bit awkward at first... We had a good conversation, it was nice hearing her voice, etc... The simple face is, we are not the same people we were many years ago. (and this is not a bad thing). I don't think that we will ever again be that close of friends, but haveing a friend is always a good thing. There are people who I haven't seen or heard from in over a decade. I wish them all well. Maybe, someday, somehow one of us will receive a call... (I am not that hard to find). Connecting with long lost friends could be a wonderful thing. Connecting with current/former wafers we knew could be a little bit more risky.
  13. Robe, You are a wonderful lady!! I hope you have a fantastic Birthday!
  14. Shell, I hope that you have a fantastic Birthday!!!
  15. As I skimmed over the last 2 pages, a very good point was made. A couple of the huge problems problems we face (as related to welfare) is: The out sourcing of jobs outside the U.S. and companies paying a living wage. I think the government needs to do more to bring these jobs back to our soil. As Rocky mentioned, the state min. wage is increasing (yes, I voted for this as well). I think that as the lower and middle class workers are paid better, that does more to stimulate the economy than over inflated bonuses to the top wage earners in the country.
  16. Those are questions we as a society and those elected to public office have been struggling with for years. We all know that there are many who abuse the welfare system. There are people who are too lazy to work and have figured a way to milk the welfare system. There are women who have turned themselves in "baby machines" to stay on public assistance. I am sure someone has more knowledge of what percent abuse the system, I don't. The question is how do we minimize the fraud, waste, and abuse in the welfare system without hurting those in real need. The government does not have the work force to verify that everybody is "playing by the rules". Should the government offer rewards to those who turn in those who are abusing the system? I think so. I think that if we were able to eliminate the fraud, waste and abuse in the welfare system, the savings could be recycled into the system to help people to get the training/education to get off the welfare roles. Of course the assumption is that people want to get off the welfare roles. One of the stigma's that is out there is: You are no better than your current/last job. The problem is: Some people don't take a "lesser" job in fear that they could not get the type of job they had before. As long as employers have this attitude, it will be difficult to get people who can work to get a "lesser" job while seeking the type of job that they had before. On the flip side, I think it is easier to find a job when you currently have a job. So far in my life I have not received any welfare, un-employment etc. (and I hope I never have to). I have been working for a paycheck since I was 16 (cleaning a bakery after school and on weekends). At times in my life I worked 2 jobs or did "odd job" every once in a while to earn a few extra dollars. With that being said, someone with different life experiences may have a different view point than mine.
  17. Lisa, We are all better off for knowing the words of your Father. His wisdom and insights will be missed. But, more importantly, he will be missed. You and your family are in my prayers.
  18. Zshot


    I beleive that there is a difference between spanking a child and beating a child. And, children should not be beaten. The way to discliplin a child is as unique as the child themselves. what works for one child might not work for another. OF course I am one of those who thinks that sometimes parents should be discliplined for the way there children behave in stores, restraunts, etc... Maybe one of the reasons there are disclipline problems in schools is that parents don't disclipline there children. Of course it make me feel good that this Country has nothing more important going on in it than to try to get involved in the way parents raise there children.
  19. Here is a link from the Tucson Citizen concerning the daily flow of illegal immigrants that come here daily... http://www.tucsoncitizen.com/daily/local/39768.php
  20. I am sure that Rocky could go into more detail on this if he wants... Here in Arizona, there were ballot measures concerning the reduction/elimination of benifits for illegal immigrants. Among them is concerning higher education. If you are an illegal immigrant, you now have to pay "out of state" tuition. Some would say that these measures that passed (and went into law) went too far and others will say that they have not gone far enough. I believe that there will be more innicitavies concerning illegal immigration on future ballots. Also, based upon the previous ballot innicitavies passing with 70% of the votes, I conclude that the majority of the people in Arizona do not support of illegal immigration. It is fair to also point out that there are groups and private organizations that do set up "watering point" for illegal immigrants to help prevent deaths.
  21. Zshot

    Sick kitty

    ((((((((PSALMIE)))))))))) I am truly sorry for your loss. I know how painful of a time this is for you and your family. You and your family are in my prayers.
  22. Just to add my two cents worth in... Here is an interesting link: http://www.illegalimmigrationjournal.com/ it is run by the Mericopa County Attornys office. One of the things that I have noticed is that the view of illegal immigration changes the further away from the border you get... For example, I live about 30 miles North of the Mexican border. My friend Rocky lives about 200 miles (give or take) from the border. (And there is no doubt that Rocky is better at artuclating his views than I can). I tend to take a harder line against illegal immigration. I see first hand the damage caused by illegal immigration. I have seen the damage to public and private property. I have seen the tons (literaly) of trash (some contains biological waste). And have heard of emergency rooms closing because of too many patients with the inability to by the bills. On a side note, My boss lost his mother and her new spouse when a smuggler of illegals was trying to escape authorities a couple years ago (many of the illegals being transportated were also injured and some died) in a crash In Sierra Vista, AZ. (if someone is really interested, I can look up the old newspaper articles).
  23. Zshot

    Sick kitty

    Psalmie, I understand how important our four legged members of our family are. You and your kitty are in my prayers.
  24. Zshot


    I was thinking about her recently as well. Last I heard, she was getting married and was still in either the Reserves or National Guard. I hope she is well.
  25. Zshot


    Awwwww.... The sweet smell of gunpowder in the morning :) When I was on active duty in the Army, I learned how to handle weapons and enjoyed going to the firing range. Even now I enjoy going to the firing range and shooting off a few rounds. (unfortunatally, I haven't had a chance to go shooting for a while :( ) I am thinking about getting a new handgun and getting a concealed weapons permit. I keep my guns locked up when not in use, and the only time i take them out is when I am going to the shooting range.
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