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Watered Garden

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Everything posted by Watered Garden

  1. Geisha I'm so sorry for your ordeal.
  2. Exxie - 1973, July and August to be exact.
  3. I think that scripture was used as a bludgeon over the heads of many. It was quoted to dissuade their victims from "making the Ministry" look bad. I figure, and this is my own thought, unhindered by wayisms, that if someone does something illegal against me, they are not acting like a Christian and if they don't accept being set aright by me or someone they respect in the church, I will sue them or if a felony has been committed, call 911. To make a short story long, I don't know exactly what it means, either, but this is my thinkin' on the subject.
  4. Yeah, I know, Linda, I was just being emotional. My husband's grandparents used to go there for the health treatments when the sisters ran it. Maybe I should just say I'd like to smack the daylights out of some folks who used to live there.
  5. Living well is the best revenge.
  6. If I had the money, I'd buy the damn place and burn every building to the ground.
  7. I worked for the physician at Indiana University Medical Center where HA was treated. I was not a PFAL grad and was not interested in their mumbo-jumbo. He did in fact have some kind of dread and loathsome disease, and they did give him blackstrap molasses and various raw juices, spun out by a centrifugal or some exotic kind of juicer by the Lynns. I think raw beet juice is good for building up hemoglobin, as beets have iron in them. I don't know what else; I was certainly not privy to his medical records as dictation on the Powers That Be never crossed my desk, nor would I repeat anything if it did as even then I had a little integrity. It probably was a miracle the man survived. TWI and the molasses and beet juice got all the glory. And that brings me to a point: How come when someone got well, God didn't get the glory, TWI did? And if that ill person died, someone else, the family, the devil, whoever, got blamed. People die. It's unfortunate, but it's true.
  8. Oops sorry about that. Anyways, that dog reminds me of our "first child" who was half lab and half Irish setter. Except he didn't dance, don't ask him.
  9. You might contact the English Department of a college of university near you. Remember the King James is roughly a contemporary of Shakespeare and some of the archaic language used in one is found also in the other. ("Anon" comes to mind). You might possibly be able to find a dictionary with archaic usages and words somewhere. I saw one of those once, which is where I discovered that "throughly" is just another form of "thoroughly." But I think I must have been in a library as I never owned one that throughly explained the meaning.
  10. Osama bin Laden's last Facebook post: "BRB, there's someone at the door!"
  11. You're right BA, I remember - didn't all the unmarried students have to live in dorms for the first year or two? Perhaps Ohio State would indeed have been a better choice or Capital (Bexley, not Berkely) but they had plenty of money. Athens was an interesting place. There was a population of 10% exchange students, many from the middle east. One time (perhaps BA remembers)some of them organized a protest march is support of Ayatollah Khomeini, who had captured the US Embassy and was holding hostages. Unfortunately for them, their route passed by a row of fraternity houses, and a melee ensued. Then there was "The Wall" a site where individuals could unofficially paint graffiti messages for all to see. And that strange smell of leaves burning wafting through the air on Friday and Saturday nights...Halloween downtown... It was a long time ago, but an interesting experience to live there.
  12. No analysis here, just a thought: "The devil can quote Scripture for his purpose. An evil soul producing holy witness is like a villain with a smiling cheek, a goodly apple rotten at the heart." Shakespeare, "The Merchant of Venice."
  13. My condolences for the loss of your sister-in-law.
  14. I took PFAL because I knew what the Methodists said about God and I knew what the Catholics said about God. I wanted to know what God had to say about Himself.
  15. The irony was - He was without sin and could have cast the first stone, but chose not to.
  16. Yes, I did indeed paraphrase the Apostles' Creed. It was fairly succinct and I added some thoughts of my own. Socks, all I see at the top is the poll results. That's okay, though. And then there are "Christian" churches who exclude women from fully sharing, who exclude anyone who is not in complete agreement with their teachings from the faith or exclude most Christians from heaven on some man's formula or other (TULIP comes to mind here). If Christians could see that the Body of Christ is bigger and more important then their church, their creed, their race, their politics, their nationality, that the Body of Christ is in all who confess His Name and believe God raised Him from the dead, that would be Christianity in action. I attend a church but I will never belong to another religious organization. Okay, this is probably off topic. Sorry.
  17. I think perhaps the vote mechanism is closed as I am not able to utilize it so I will answer the poll here: I am a Christian. I am a follower of the Lord Jesus Christ, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, borne of the Virgin Mary, suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried. I believe that on the third day He arose from the dead, appeared to the disciples and others, and ascended into heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God the Father. I believe He is coming to earth again in due time and will judge the quick and the dead. I do not believe churches or philosophies matter. I believe that if individuals who call themselves by His Name will seek Him diligently and have a personal relationship with Him their lives will change in ways they never dreamed of.
  18. The 1979 Advanced Class Special was in Athens, Ohio at Ohio University. It was two weeks long. The Saturday in the middle was called "Specially Mine in '79" and was open. Athens is a relatively small town except for the college and this was in the summer. Merchants who usually closed their stores and restaurants for the summer stayed open and made a fortune. The next spring, I had an acquaintance who was friends with some of the businessmen call me to ask if another special was planned for the summer of 1980. They wanted to know in advance whether to plan a summer vacation. We actually had to move the summer of 1979 to accommodate folks. One of our "housemates" was the BL and she filled the house where we lived with her kin and friends. We subleased a smaller house and she sent people to stay with us there. It was a really big stress for those of us who lived/attended college there. Not all of the "townies" were pleased. I do remember there was a nice restaurant on the corner of Union Street and Richland (?) called Town House and they were not expecting the "Specially Mine" influx of even more people so they were swamped. Mr. Garden and I ate there frequently, so we got up and helped bus tables until they could call in reinforcements. There are many more facilities and cities that were better suited to handle a huge crowd like that. I'm not sure what TWI was thinking when they picked OU.
  19. Watered Garden

    A1C is at 5

    Ham, that is just awesomely wonderful! Good for you! I'm a type I-A, so to speak and have an insulin pump. Joined a wellness center, working out 4-5 times a week and loving it, feeling much better. JohnIAm, when was your last hemoglobin A1C? The symptoms of lightheadedness may have been hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. That would simply mean your metformin needed to be cut in half. Diabetes is called a silent killer because the side effects sneak up on you. All the symptoms you describe, thirst, weight loss, blurred vision are those of uncontrolled diabetes. The lightheadedness after being on Metformin was a symptom of low blood sugar.
  20. These "specials" are usually scheduled over what is traditionally a family holiday. Word in Business and Professional conferences used to be scheduled over Thanksgiving holiday. The given reason was that hotel rates are cheaper then, but the underlying reason is to keep the attendees from going home to a family gathering, realizing how much more satisfying it is and how real the love of family is, and never coming back. "Builds more harmony in the home"? Not hardly.
  21. I yearned for garlic and onions, and REAL salsa, all three months.
  22. One of the big, huge, eyeopeners for me occurred before the formal start of FWC XX. Because we had a child in school, we had to be there early and were granted the privilege of being "volunteers" or unpaid staff. Because we garden and can, we got to process tomatoes that were being harvested. First they were rinsed in ice cold water, then cooked. They were NOT to be picked over and the rotten spots removed but stems and rotten ends and all went into those big cookers. I just knew they were wrong but got yelled at twice. Then, we got to make salsa with NO onion and NO garlic. "This isn't salsa." I stated. "Well, we can't put onion and garlic in the salsa because Rev. Martindale hates onions and despises garlic." was the reply. I was so stunned. One man decides what we get to eat? Why can't he have his own little batch made just for him? Call it "president's reserve" or something fancy sounding? I was immediately dragged through the brier patch, so to speak. Who was I to question the man of God? If Rev. Martindale hates onions and garlic, I better line up my thinking with that of the MOGFODAT! What BS! What micromanagement!
  23. I'm so glad I'm going to church on Easter Sunday instead of some lousy, stressful "advanced" class!
  24. I'm pretty sure there was some kind of government investigation regarding TWI helping him and I have a friend who was involved and I will try to find out more. It seems this individual was told to lie to the FBI or whoever if asked certain questions, perhaps "Did this TWI organization tell you to campaign for him?" I will see if the person remembers anything.
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