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This will potentially be harder than I thought


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Another example to add to the list.

I was a in my early 20's with a wonderful wife and 4 kids. I just about walked away from it all to follow what at that time I believed to be the man of God.

I wish I could tell you I stood strong and defied the temptation but that would not be totally honest. I got lucky!

I did not know how lucky until I learned from some of these good people what was really going on.

Many of us were fooled but hopefully with all these witnesses we can spare someone else the grief.

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Considering that "they" (the parents.. and most everyone else involved in the way) have been threatened (ahem, "warned") to stay off the internet.. i.e., no surfing, no playing around on the net.. if you really need something there, get on, then get off- AS SOON AS POSSIBLE- because that it's a possible conduit to possession- I'd have a few questions.

I'm not being accusatory.. consider it food for thought..

What is the young lady even DOING there?

Are the parents aware that she is seeking a connection with someone on the "infested with devils" internet?

If so, do they approve of this? Or not? If not, what would they say?

apparently she is eighteen years old, still living at home.. is it possible.. they are looking for someplace for her to go, ANYWHERE?

I'm just saying.. or rather asking.


I've spoken with her mother, and her parents/my parents have talked about me coming over. Her mom's a nice woman, very unassuming, and she says that these things (online/long-distance relationships) are hard to make work and that she's here to support us in any way she can. Her mom and I actually talked very briefly about what we believe a few months back, and she was very courteous and respectful as we exchanged viewpoints. I got the impression that despite what I had studied and known about TWI at the time, and what I know now from here, that Steph's family is very devout in their faith and they don't really seem the type of people to try to subtly convince me to convert as you guys make it seem. Maybe they're a bit more...liberal...not in the political sense, but in the sense that they maybe show a bit more impartiality than most TWI followers of the past. But of course, I'll be careful.

So yes, they're quite aware that she's conversing with someone she met online, and they're quite aware of my personal beliefs and my beliefs about The Way. If they weren't aware of it, then I wouldn't be coming over.

Brushstroke/Phil, it is interesting that the title of the "Blue" book is based on the children's hymn Jesus Loves Me(proably not sung in the Greek or Russian Orthodox

church biglaugh.gif ), this I know for the Bible tells me so. If TWI were really honest it would say"Doctor Wierwille loves me this I know ,for he tells me that is so"

All the women to him belong for they are weak but he 's too strong. Yes, docvic loves me(repeat 2 more times), for all the lies he told. Gawsh, you is my kids. Whoops, the devil spirit named legion tried to posses me. Where's Taps/Ghost Hunters when you need them? spy.gif To any females who just felt insulted , please for give me, for I know not what I do. My humble apologies. My satire was too painful, just got caugth(where's the dictionary when you need one?) up in the morose humor.


You know, that hymn started playing in my head when Steph read the title of the book over the phone one night, before she sent it. I was like, "Hey, I remember that hymn! We used to sing that in the Baptist church I went to before I converted to Orthodoxy!" And then I thought "What a stupid title!"

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So yes, they're quite aware that she's conversing with someone she met online, and they're quite aware of my personal beliefs and my beliefs about The Way. If they weren't aware of it, then I wouldn't be coming over.

then I guess we will see what we will see..


Maybe the parents acttually grew up.. who knows..

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I will be praying for you and your situation.

I have only been gone from twi for a little over 2 years. Things had started to appear "nicer" on the outside but the same motivations mentioned by others were still present. When we had Way Disciples ("volunteers" who for 6 months get sent somewhere new with 3 or more strangers who go witnessing and running fellowships/classes on a full-time basis while holding down part-time jobs) and whenever we went witnessing in our area, we would attempt to not mention that we were with the Way so people couldn't look us up on the internet. We would say, "Bible fellowship" in our home. We would look for beliefs that we had in common with people and not point out errors in their beliefs.

I was raised Roman Catholic. I got sucked in at 15 by a boyfriend's brother who seemed like he had all the answers and these people were all loving, positive and said good things about God. I took their foundational class and didn't realize they didn't believe Jesus was God. It took me 20 years to leave, but not for doctrinal reasons. I still thought everything they taught was correct. It took me being around a bunch of caring, non-judgemental people who were encouraging AND being a part of genuine worship service to get me to see what I was missing.

Feel free to pm me if you want. I went through the Way Corps program, have worked on their staff and have had various local responsibilities.

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Brush,This is from an old guy,53.Been married almost 27 years.

Despite what twi says life is a compromise.

This too,Believe me they(parentsof steph) are not more liberal,EVERYONE,EVERYONE

in twi toes the line or they are not in twi,it is that simple.

Good luck,God blessyou

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Yeah they are aware Brushstroke.

After all these warnings, you still pursue it.

Either you are not reading, can't read.

Or you are already twi, and this is bs.

The warnings are real and they have no respect as to who you are.

WordWolf's post sums it up very well.

It's exactly what will happen, if hasn't already

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After all these warnings, you still pursue it.

Either you are not reading, can't read.

Or you are already twi, and this is bs.

I don't think he is any of these things... I think he is an 18 yr old kid who likes a girl, and thinks he is now informed enough to watch his step and somehow avoid all the pitfalls we made. He thinks we are old school and painting the picture more extreme than it now is, and that he can handle himself because this girl is pretty cool, and her parents seem to be, too.

How many of us thought the same thing when we were 18 and just getting sucked into twi?

That's why I said to him that I was sure he would come out okay in the end, I'm just not sure he'll get there without being hurt...

Ahhh, youth.

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I found out on this or the other thread that Brushstroke was originally Southern Baptist before he joined the Eastern Orthodox Church(he doesn't say if his parents were or are Baptist or if they are Orthodox). If that is the case, then he could easily get caughth up into Stephanie's mindset and her parents' with TWI. I had assumed that Phil had always been Orthodox since birth, which begs the question if his parents were originally Baptist, why did they join the Greek Orthodox Church? Just curious.

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I found out on this or the other thread that Brushstroke was originally Southern Baptist before he joined the Eastern Orthodox Church(he doesn't say if his parents were or are Baptist or if they are Orthodox). If that is the case, then he could easily get caughth up into Stephanie's mindset and her parents' with TWI. I had assumed that Phil had always been Orthodox since birth, which begs the question if his parents were originally Baptist, why did they join the Greek Orthodox Church? Just curious.

My parents never became Orthodox. I chose it on my own.

Yes, I was originally a member of the Southern Baptist Church, but my parents have not been/are not affiliated with any religion or denomination. I was delved heavily in Islam (through a friend...its a long story and I don't want to talk about it) for awhile before I became a Christian about 6 years ago. I was a member of the Southern Baptist Church, but my views have always been much closer to those of John Wesley and the Methodist movement, and some much closer to Catholicism. After awhile I started doing more study into church history and the writings of the early church fathers, and joined the Orthodox Church in May of 2006. So I know where I stand and I don't believe I'll be sucked into TWI. Converting to Orthodoxy isn't just something my parents did and I blindly followed with them.

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I'm happy to see you looking before you leap. Many of us weren't as careful when we signed that Green card. Also, the fact that you've involved your parents is a plus.

I'd say one of the biggest advantages you have is that you live far enough to have to fly to see this gal. It's harder to get sucked into more and more hoops to jump through when you're long distance.

Keep your head. Protect your heart. Don't make the mistake of getting involved with TWI in order to "save her."

Please remember that to you she is a person you care about. She most likely feels the same way about you - now. Unfortunately, the TWI mindset looks at people as just more prospects. There's "hard sell" and "soft sell" - they both have the same goal.

I think you're smart and I wish you well.

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Unfortunately, the TWI mindset looks at people as just more prospects. There's "hard sell" and "soft sell" - they both have the same goal.

And the hardest part is understanding that as nice as people can be to you, and as innocent as it all seems, there IS always a sell of some kind going on...

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And the hardest part is understanding that as nice as people can be to you, and as innocent as it all seems, there IS always a sell of some kind going on...

Yep - down the river...

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Remember, Just because they are sincere it is no gaurentee for truth.

Hey,Brush,Get your feet good and wet,Then you will know,We here are all jaundiced,We

KNOW the outcome.You will either walk away,or become a waybrained twi follower

to THEWOMAN OF GAWD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

If the subject of our beliefs comes up and they ask if I'd like to join or there's some sort of subtle pressure, I'll tell them that -- that sincerity is no guarantee for truth. I have no problem telling them how I feel. I'll just say "Thanks, but no thanks." She and I really like each other...a lot haha...but I'm not going to sacrifice what I have discovered as truth for something that might not last.

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Brusbhstroke --- check out my thread ---

Critique ---- or Criticize

The minister there (seemed) to be interested in adding new members.

He was also willing to talk (to me -- an ex-cult membter).

I'm always willing to talk to folks, but I have no agenda to *sell* to them.

FYI --- twi folks DO have an *agenda* to sell. They will be less hospitable than I. :)

Give them a listen -- but keep both ears WIDE open, eh?? ;)

(edddiTED for my terroushous speeling! --- sowwy!)

Edited by dmiller
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Brusbhstroke --- check out my thread ---

Critique ---- or Criticize

The minister there (seemed) to be interested in adding new members.

He was also willing to talk (to me -- an ex-cult membter).

I'm always willing to talk to folks, but I have no agenda to *sell* to them.

FYI --- twi folks DO have an *agenda* to sell. They will be less hospitable than I. :)

Give them a listen -- but keep both ears WIDE open, eh?? ;)

(edddiTED for my terroushous speeling! --- sowwy!)

Oh of course I'll listen to them. :)

But will they listen to me? :(

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If the subject of our beliefs comes up and they ask if I'd like to join or there's some sort of subtle pressure, I'll tell them that -- that sincerity is no guarantee for truth. I have no problem telling them how I feel. I'll just say "Thanks, but no thanks." She and I really like each other...a lot haha...but I'm not going to sacrifice what I have discovered as truth for something that might not last.

Proverbs 1:17

Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird.

You're aware of the possible dangers, the tactics, and the most important things to be careful to avoid.

So long as you stay alert, you should be fine.

Oh of course I'll listen to them. :)

But will they listen to me? :(

Probably not. But, who knows? You might happen to find this family at a unique point when they'll listen.

Understand the odds are against you, but the odds have been beaten before like that.

(I'm one of many people who've gone up against such odds, and won before.)

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Mmm - is the girl willing to come to church with you? To listen to some other views? To discuss without an agenda any points of difference - where she might believe differently? Does she and do her parents consider your biblical views? Or do they just try to show you where you are "wrong"?

Not everything TWI taught is wrong (if it were, we wouldn't all have stuck around so long). But it is very difficult to sort out the truth from the private interpretation sometimes. And the practice, the stuff that's not written down, ... enjoy the good side of it.

The greatest, most wonderful loving Christians I have met have been in TWI or ex Wayfers.

The worst, most vicious and spiteful Christians I have met have been in TWI or ex Wayfers.

Some started by being the first and stayed that way. Some started by being the first and the legalism turned them into the latter. Some started by being the latter and disguising it under religious piety. ...Stay sharp...!

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