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Migraine headaches are caused by devil spirits


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Anybody remember that one?

First of all, an apology to anyone who suffered from migraines and that I suspected had a devil spirit. I was young and stupid.

Secondly, it was a big surprise to find out that in my old age, I could get a migraine headache. All I have to do is eat more than a little bit of cheese or more than a little bit of chocolate, or drink too much port wine. Hmm, wonder how the devil spirit gets in?

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Hi Jim,

I hadn't heard that one.

For me it's just another reason that I'm glad I'm not an advanced class grad. What a bunch of whooee that masqueraded as spiritual insight for us back then!

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Anybody remember that one?

First of all, an apology to anyone who suffered from migraines and that I suspected had a devil spirit. I was young and stupid.

Secondly, it was a big surprise to find out that in my old age, I could get a migraine headache. All I have to do is eat more than a little bit of cheese or more than a little bit of chocolate, or drink too much port wine. Hmm, wonder how the devil spirit gets in?

If that's true I was possessed most of my WOW year and much of my young adult life.

I do believe migraines are triggered by extremes of anything, and allergies. I'm happy I know how to balance my diet and I try to avoid bad cheap cologne, it seems the more expensive colognes don't give me a headache. Spearmint gives me a migraine as does stress, I think the house I grew up in had a furnace leak and carbon monoxide was always in the air, I had less migraines when the windows were open.


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Migraine headaches caused by devil spirits - no, I don't remember that one....Butchaknow, thinking about how often they attributed problems to them - makes you wonder if TWI caused devil spirits.

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I've only had three in my lifetime. One was at Rome City when FLO were sent over there to pick potatoes and other veggies, help out in the garden while the WC was at some special event or other. This would have been in 1977

We drove over there from Columbus Ohio Friday night, slept in some Godawful place and were aroused from peaceful slumber at dark-thirty, which we were used to after all. After something vaguely resembling breakfast (much,much worse than FLO breakfasts, which were usually not that great) we were sent out in the hot, hot sun to do something or other in the gardens. I got a headache that night, and ended up in the hot sun ready to pass out.

Went inside. Went to the kitchen. Asked for some aspirin or something. Got startled, shocked looks. "We do not keep aspirin or any such thing on this campus. If you like, we can pray for you. Then you need to get right back to work."

Oh for heaven's sake! I had blurred vision by this time. Nope, ain't goin' back out there. Got some water, went back and laid down in the hot room in my little bunk bed. Eventually someone came and exhorted me to believe God, rebuke the adversary and get out to pick potato bugs off potato plants or something. I suggested she get me some aspirin or get out of my room.

As I recall, someone eventually produced some pain medication, which I took, and was somewhat better. I knew very little about migraines at all at that time and wouldn't have imagined at the moment that was what was happening. I did eventually drag my sorry self back out to the garden, but wasn't worth much the rest of the exciting tour of duty.

I was a real smart-a$$ in those days. Actually until we went in the FWC ourselves and after King Okie took over, I pretty much spoke my mind. Guess FWC broke me.


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I don't really remember going but that once, though there may well have been more times. We did go to Muncie to help out with some big whoopee do deal. Slept on Army cots in one big room, one bathroom for all of us to use in turn. Ri** Pa&&ard was in charge, and really nasty to us. We worked our butts off and were fed one slider and a handful of lettuce. PJ and someone else took up a collection and went out and got pizza and soda at 10 pm to sustain us through the night.

The next day was this big deal. I remember standing on the steps of the building and having LCM hissownself come up to me and "suggest" maybe I could round up some other FLO and we could sweep the cigarette butts and dead leaves (must have been autumn or early winter) off the steps. I suggested right back maybe the WC could quit throwing cigarette butts on the steps. Someone finally got me and told me that I should do as he asked because he was a great man of God. I cannot remember what I did, but I don't think I personally swept anything.

You know, I had another damn migraine that time, too.

Probably dehydrated and half starved on top of it.

There were times in FLO when I swear they tried deliberately to dehumanize us.

I wish I had stayed the little zeeaytch I was then; FWC and the Ru**os broke my heart.


I sure disliked

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Went inside. Went to the kitchen. Asked for some aspirin or something. Got startled, shocked looks. "We do not keep aspirin or any such thing on this campus. If you like, we can pray for you. Then you need to get right back to work."

Strange. That even contradicts what other TWI leaders taught. Particularly at the ROA, there was the concept of first, second, and third aid. First aid was praying, second was getting somebody else to pray for you, and then they would provide basic medical things like aspirin as third aid. But it wasn't "forbidden" as I remember. Maybe Rome City was a different administration.

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Well, it's true. I don't remember who was in charge of RC in 1977. Maybe H**dricks? We were sent over there because there was some big deal going on somewhere else that the WC were required to attend, PFAL '77 I think.

I will say this, during our three months of dang the food was much better, though there was never quite enough of it.


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Like a lot of other things, aspirin was not "officially" forbidden, it was denounced in an unspoken (and sometimes spoken) manner.

It was linked directly to the "law" of believing.

Admitting aspirin usage was an indicator of the level of one's believing.

Thus, it was a "sign" to others that you had a weakness in your spirituality.

Can't have any weaklings dragging us down now can we?

So, much of it was a pizzing match, of sorts, to demonstrate your spiritual prowess.

Those with a lower "quotient of spirituality" were often bypassed when "promotions" were being considered.

I, myself, opted for a surgical procedure that I am certain affected my advancement options.

(ie:"If you can't believe for your own healing, how can you be entrusted with God's people?")


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Like a lot of other things, aspirin was not "officially" forbidden, it was denounced in an unspoken (and sometimes spoken) manner.

It was linked directly to the "law" of believing.

Admitting aspirin usage was an indicator of the level of one's believing.

Thus, it was a "sign" to others that you had a weakness in your spirituality.

Didnt Wierwille mention something in the 'advanced class' about aspirin being able to hold back some devil spirits?


I distinctly remember that although I forget the context..


it was a big surprise to find out that in my old age, I could get a migraine headache. All I have to do is eat more than a little bit of cheese or more than a little bit of chocolate, or drink too much port wine. Hmm, wonder how the devil spirit gets in?

They must be cheese spirits riding in on the cheese--I get those cheese headaches too, in fact I have one now that Ive had for two days

Im sure given the opportunity some good old wafer would concoct a very elaborate pitch about mold and spores, the fall of man, the descent into darkness and tie them all into the evils inherent in cheesemaking---then present it as if it were the greatest revelation since the first century.

Me? Im just allegic to it

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One of my favorite all-time movie lines, which I did not, unfortunately, have in my verbal ammunition way back then, is from "I, Robot," starring Will Smith.

"HAAACCCHOOOO! Oh, excuse, me. I'm allergic to bull$ hit!"

Probably why I had those migraines in FLO.

I have only had one since then, and it was a long time ago. None since leaving TWI.


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I remember hearing that in the Advanced Class too.

Funny, in my mind, while I am sitting there listening to this stuff, I immediately went to the teachings of Grace Bliss and Ira Hearn.

I also went to my Jethro Kloss Back to Eden Book.

Migranes became one of the dis-eases of the body that I studied. Being a "leader", I was frustrated by seeing my fellowship folks go through such a painful episode. I wanted "the eyes of my understanding" to be enlightened. So I read up on everything.

Ultimately I came up with several ideas. First was to keep a diary of all activities, diet, sleep, etc. to see what pattern may appear prior to the onset. I also found a natural therapist who was an MD who found there is a pattern to migranes. The pain and symptoms can assist the diagnosis in the trigger mechanism. I used various herbal formula combinations.

The best story that I have on this issue is when my then eight year old son and I went to the movies. Suddenly there arose from the back of the theatre the type of cry that any parent would recognize as a child in pain. You know the cry types: cranky, sleepy, attention demanding, etc. This wasn't one of those. I felt inspired to get up from the movie with my son to see if I could help the child. I located the child, who was about five and his thirteen year old brother at the refreshment stand. I heard the thirteen year old ask the seventeen year old behind the counter for some Excedrin. In my mind, I was aghast. First, because a thirteen year old is asking for a drug, and an adult strength drug at that for a five year old. Second, because not only was there Excedrin available at the refreshment stand, but a seventeen year old was going to dispense however many the thirteen year old requested.

So I walk over to the kids who had sat down and the five year old is wailing in pain. I asked the thirteen year old if there was anything I could do. He said, "No, I've called our mother and she is coming to pick us up." I asked if I could touch his brother. I asked where the pain in the head seemed to be coming from and I prayed in my mind for God's help. Instantly I got my answer. I looked at my son and said " take this child to the men's room". There was a pause and I repeated more sternly, "Take this child to the men's room, he has a sick stomach and is going to throw up". My son got the five year old to the restroom where the child emptied his stomach. Upon emerging from the bathroom, the child's color had returned to his face and the visible relief told me the headache was gone.

I am not surprised by posts which suggest that once the stressor triggering the migrane was removed, the migranes no longer came.

In short, migranes being caused by devil spirits is bunk. There are principles upon which the human body functions and violation of any of those principles can cause dis-ease. Reversing the cause= restored health. We are wonderfully and awesomely made.

The Masterherbalist

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They must be cheese spirits riding in on the cheese--I get those cheese headaches too, in fact I have one now that Ive had for two days

Im sure given the opportunity some good old wafer would concoct a very elaborate pitch about mold and spores, the fall of man, the descent into darkness and tie them all into the evils inherent in cheesemaking---then present it as if it were the greatest revelation since the first century.

OK Mstar - I have a dark and cynical sense of humor. You know as well as I do that after enough time in TWI you can make ANYTHING sound like the bible...

And it came to pass that Adam and Eve darkened their hearts and eyes to the Lord God.

And God spake to them saying, "I have cast thee out of Eden into the wilderness." Flowers and herbs ye shall no longer have"

Verily, instead of flowers and herbs ye shall have mold and spores which will follow you into the wilderness. They shall curdle the milk of your animals such that when you eat of the curdled milk (ancient San Diegan text calls it cheese) the sons of Lucifer shall come down and gnaw at your head and your stomach.

They shall gnaw at all parts of your heads until your pain is exceeding. Your stomachs shall hold no victuals and sleep will leave from thee until such time as the sons of Lucifer are sated in their bondage of thee.

Then shall the pain leave and ye will repent and turn back to the Lord your God.

These things shall ye teach unto your children so that when they to consume of the mold and spore smitten curdled milk that they too shall remember the God who created all and turn their hearts back to them.

[Author's note: I wish you could see it in the original]

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hiya rumrunner!!!

ROTFL!!!!!..........that's as "god-breathed" as anything i ever read that twi produced!.......i think, despite your best wishes, that i just did see it "in the original"!........very funny post!..........thanks for unfolding gawd's word to us!........you da best!..............peace.

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