"Six months ago, while all at TWI HQ are undergoing extreme austerity measures with the "emergency financial cutbacks," Rosalie saw fit to spend over $20,000 on a sailing boat."
Lesbians living in her basement?
Cats despite the "no serious pet" policy?
Owning lots of property despite the demands to live on a "need basis"?
Did she personally draw up and approve the 2+ million dollar expansion to the corps chalet, too?
Not only is Rosalie the smiling phoney, but Harve Platig has been her puppet since Bob W****g***** left the WOW Auditorium overseer position. Never have I seen two such artificially "sweet" people in my life! My personal ouster from twi was orchestrated and choreographed by that dynamic duo. It was through a letter penned by the Ice Queen herself that I learned I was forbidden to set foot on twi grounds and that I would be arrested if I dared. This letter was left inside my house (which was not twi property), on my dining room table by someone who apparently entered the house during the day while I was at work and my children were at school.
Rosalie's "roomies" in the basement were conspicuously overlooked when lcm began his homo-hunt back in '92(?), or whatever year it was. So many people questioned their relationship that at least on one occasion I remember lcm mentioning that they were "former" lesbians and that their expertise in that area enabled them to advise the trustees in dealing with the purge. What a crock! And for RR to have lived with them for so many years only reenforces the aspersions which have been cast on her relationship with Donna. The two of them together, especially after Dorothy Grace came along, were a chilling sight. But I have never felt sorry for Donna. She has known about VPW and lcm and all the rest of them all along. Small price to pay for the lifestyle of the rich and famous, huh?
I remember her installation as a trustee. Afterward, she read a speech praising LCM. Very strange. If this was such a key spiritual position, I thought God should have been given the glory and professed allegiance of her heart.
It' s chilling to think that RFR may have played such a key role in the destruction of the ministry. Someone who had been on staff said that LCM trusted RFR and was blind to the evil.
Are we saying she incrementally wormed her way into being president?
Allegiance to God from a woman who, when I said to her during a staff evaluation that I was so busy going to meetings and classes and mandatory functions on top of doing my job that I barely had time to read my Bible, responded: "Oh, you don't need to read the Bible. You read The Way Magazine every day."
Meet your President, those of you who are still in and thinking LCM's demise will improve twi. This woman is a self-promoting weasel who will stop at nothing to keep herself and her pals in possession of the prime real estate of twi power. That she's the head of what is purported to be a BIBLICAL research ministry would be downright laughable if it weren't so sad.
But back to Rosalie: Here's another tidbit that illustrates her "leadership" style. A week or two before my servitude under Rosalie was to end, our work "Twigs" were having Twig night. A couple people wanted to go watch somebody's Bible lands tour home movies, and a couple others said, "Hey, Lxxx's got a lot of packing and stuff to do. We'd like to go to her place and help her." I thanked those who volunteered to help (I didn't suggest this...they offered) and said to our TC, "Hey, why don't the ones who want to go to the movie thing do that, and the rest of us can hang out at my place and get a pizza."
Heavens no! My replacement (whom I love still despite this junk that he got sucked into) as editorial' s TC apparently could not make such a weighty decision without first consulting Rosalie. When she heard that we "weren' t likeminded" she said, as if to a classroom full of 2nd- graders, "If you all can't decide something to do together, fine; you'll all stay in the office and work." Mind you, we were not arguing about this. We simply wanted to do two different things and we were perfectly fine with some doing one and some doing the other.
Even her yes-men and -women were astounded by this. And btw, hey Rosalie, we didn't work a *lick* that night. Not even one of us. We all sat on the floor of our office and talked about how legalistic HQ was becoming and how sick we were of being treated like children. *All* of us. Even your devoted ones.
Now if she knew what was going on, as is clearly stated above, then why did it take them 5 years to consider these matters serious enough to 'do the right thing'. Is there perhaps another reason. On 10/20/2000, they admitted to knowing LCM was doing this in June of 1998. I was involved in an confrontation with LCM regarding his sexual practices during the June Advanced Class 1998.
On 10 /20 /0000 the papers reported on the Allens case:
'In June 1998, the Board of Trustees learned Martindale had a sexual relationship with another follower of The Way. Board members "chastised" Martindale and took steps to guard against another incident. The board learned of the encounters with Allen in March 1999, but the motion explained that since those encounters predated June 1998 and the measures the board took then, board members decided no additional action was necessary. '
believe me now or believe me later......rivenbark knew ALL ABOUT EVERYTHING way before 1995......she was as aware of the myriad sordid details in 1986.... that i personally know.....probably even before that. ....why would any honest or self-respecting human being agree to be the prez of that rotten-to-the-corps outfit???....unless she's got plenty of her own skeletons to keep in her dank, steamy closets over there at crotch-haven.....er...skuse me.....foxhaven? .....can you 'splain these things to us miss rosalie fox rivenbark? .....or would such 'splainin' tarnish your standing in the social register??.....
I for one believe that RR did know about LCM's activities. I have no proof, but I feel pretty certain about this.
When Rosalie had made her denials, those that were furious with her after reading the article, believed her. She convinced all present.
I wish we could have some proof that RR knew about stuff.
Although I didn't know Rosalie well, I did know Donna well. I watched as Rosalie started sinking her hooks into Donna and as she started isolating Donna from many people around her. Rosalie wanted Donna to herself. Under Rosalie's influence, Donna, who always was strong but compassionate, lost the compassion and just became hard. But, in my opinion, they are perfect for each other. Both wanted power, both wanted to be "at the top," and both wanted to "whisper in the kings ear." Believe Ralph, I guarantee you Rosalie knew about things for years.
I know Donna offered one friend of mine, who was married to a "high profile" person, and who was getting a divorce, that if they'd stay together, there were plenty of married men Donna could set her up with to "take care of her needs." This was the early-mid '80s. Rosalie knew back then, not just since '95. Donna and Rosalie were, more emotionally married to each other than Donna and Craig. As long as Rosalie is at H.Q., Donna will never leave, unless of course Rosalie betrays Donna and stabs her in the back and gets rid of her to consolidate her power.
As for Safety, they know everything. I used to spend hours with those guys on staff at H.Q. and was actually asked if I wanted to join for my next assignment.
I know Donna used to smoke but had quit. I remember one corps week, after the meeting we were hanging out and she really, really wanted a cigarrette. Did she pick it up again? Or did she always smoke, but hid it from everyone?
Denial in TWI is Standard Operating Procedure.
LCM also denied sex with any but one woman!
The Colorado Court Case...which Riverwitch had to now about indicated 4 ....SHE KNEW
quote: To the best of my knowledge, SHE CURRENTLY OWNS PROPERTY IN NEW BERN, NC. This fact is not known by hardly any Way people. She sends the various taxing authorities checks to cover her taxes annually.
Rosalie Rivenbark's property is in the public records of Craven County, NC. Anybody can look it up to see where it is and how much it's worth..
quote:Donna started taking her vacations with RR. They went to Scotland, and they went on shopping excursions, and they went here and there. Never with LCM, but often with Leah and Timmy. And the more Donna was with RR, the harsher and colder and more unlike her former self she became. The change was dramatic and so very sad.
They went to Scotland????? We are told to take vacations close to home and they went to Scotland?!?! WTF? And why did they go together and why not lcm? Yeah, that's your normal family life. --> -->
Isn't one of rfr's sons in jail?
I wonder what would happen if we posted something in her hometown newspaper asking people to contact us for information about her... What is she hiding that she goes to such great lengths to keep her name and face off the internet?
Yes, they went on a jaunt to Scotland when I worked for RFR on staff, not long after twi acquired the Gartmore property but before PoP--I'm thinking it must have been '84 or early
As for RFR's son, I think we should leave him out of it. Wasn't it enough to have had her for a mother without having his business discussed here because of that unfortunate fact? :)-->
So it's 288 acres valued then at just under £100K of forest but seems to have no building improvements. And it's jointly owned (in a previous name for RFR) with Virginia Fox - a sister??
So it's 288 acres valued then at just under £100K of forest but seems to have no building improvements. And it's jointly owned (in a previous name for RFR) with Virginia Fox - a sister??
Our poster is not a happy person about RFR...
288 acres of N.C. forest??
I wonder what kind of harvest value you're looking at there!
After reading this thread, I would have to say that Rosie the riveter, for the most part...get's a free pass at GreaseSpot...relative to which she deserves!!
I remember meeting her for the first time at "pfal 77"...She had been put in charge of some important "operation function" at this event and old Vic was introducing her around. She came across as a southern belle with a sick syrupy southern drawl that invoked vague memories of a horror movie. She reeked of insincerity and her ambition bubbled from her like the fumes of a boiling tar pit. It was clear at that moment that she was a rising star in the false prohet's cult.
I figured that Vic was getting tired of the "hippie chick" image and was trying to inject, what he considered, a more polished and sophisticated look...but who knows, maybe Rosie was polishing Vic's knob.
At any rate, I think that we Greasespotters should be putting the boots to Rosie a little harder...afterall, it's OUR abs money she's still living off of!
At any rate, I think that we Greasespotters should be putting the boots to Rosie a little harder...afterall, it's OUR abs money she's still living off of!
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Radar OReilly
Well....we know that the fox is ruling the hen house for starters!
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"Six months ago, while all at TWI HQ are undergoing extreme austerity measures with the "emergency financial cutbacks," Rosalie saw fit to spend over $20,000 on a sailing boat."
Lesbians living in her basement?
Cats despite the "no serious pet" policy?
Owning lots of property despite the demands to live on a "need basis"?
Did she personally draw up and approve the 2+ million dollar expansion to the corps chalet, too?
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just a little more I found:
Not only is Rosalie the smiling phoney, but Harve Platig has been her puppet since Bob W****g***** left the WOW Auditorium overseer position. Never have I seen two such artificially "sweet" people in my life! My personal ouster from twi was orchestrated and choreographed by that dynamic duo. It was through a letter penned by the Ice Queen herself that I learned I was forbidden to set foot on twi grounds and that I would be arrested if I dared. This letter was left inside my house (which was not twi property), on my dining room table by someone who apparently entered the house during the day while I was at work and my children were at school.
Rosalie's "roomies" in the basement were conspicuously overlooked when lcm began his homo-hunt back in '92(?), or whatever year it was. So many people questioned their relationship that at least on one occasion I remember lcm mentioning that they were "former" lesbians and that their expertise in that area enabled them to advise the trustees in dealing with the purge. What a crock! And for RR to have lived with them for so many years only reenforces the aspersions which have been cast on her relationship with Donna. The two of them together, especially after Dorothy Grace came along, were a chilling sight. But I have never felt sorry for Donna. She has known about VPW and lcm and all the rest of them all along. Small price to pay for the lifestyle of the rich and famous, huh?
---------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
And the sick thing about this is, she knew ALL of the CRIMES even as LCM was swearing her in as a BOT!
----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
I remember her installation as a trustee. Afterward, she read a speech praising LCM. Very strange. If this was such a key spiritual position, I thought God should have been given the glory and professed allegiance of her heart.
It' s chilling to think that RFR may have played such a key role in the destruction of the ministry. Someone who had been on staff said that LCM trusted RFR and was blind to the evil.
Are we saying she incrementally wormed her way into being president?
Allegiance to God from a woman who, when I said to her during a staff evaluation that I was so busy going to meetings and classes and mandatory functions on top of doing my job that I barely had time to read my Bible, responded: "Oh, you don't need to read the Bible. You read The Way Magazine every day."
Meet your President, those of you who are still in and thinking LCM's demise will improve twi. This woman is a self-promoting weasel who will stop at nothing to keep herself and her pals in possession of the prime real estate of twi power. That she's the head of what is purported to be a BIBLICAL research ministry would be downright laughable if it weren't so sad.
But back to Rosalie: Here's another tidbit that illustrates her "leadership" style. A week or two before my servitude under Rosalie was to end, our work "Twigs" were having Twig night. A couple people wanted to go watch somebody's Bible lands tour home movies, and a couple others said, "Hey, Lxxx's got a lot of packing and stuff to do. We'd like to go to her place and help her." I thanked those who volunteered to help (I didn't suggest this...they offered) and said to our TC, "Hey, why don't the ones who want to go to the movie thing do that, and the rest of us can hang out at my place and get a pizza."
Heavens no! My replacement (whom I love still despite this junk that he got sucked into) as editorial' s TC apparently could not make such a weighty decision without first consulting Rosalie. When she heard that we "weren' t likeminded" she said, as if to a classroom full of 2nd- graders, "If you all can't decide something to do together, fine; you'll all stay in the office and work." Mind you, we were not arguing about this. We simply wanted to do two different things and we were perfectly fine with some doing one and some doing the other.
Even her yes-men and -women were astounded by this. And btw, hey Rosalie, we didn't work a *lick* that night. Not even one of us. We all sat on the floor of our office and talked about how legalistic HQ was becoming and how sick we were of being treated like children. *All* of us. Even your devoted ones.
Now if she knew what was going on, as is clearly stated above, then why did it take them 5 years to consider these matters serious enough to 'do the right thing'. Is there perhaps another reason. On 10/20/2000, they admitted to knowing LCM was doing this in June of 1998. I was involved in an confrontation with LCM regarding his sexual practices during the June Advanced Class 1998.
On 10 /20 /0000 the papers reported on the Allens case:
'In June 1998, the Board of Trustees learned Martindale had a sexual relationship with another follower of The Way. Board members "chastised" Martindale and took steps to guard against another incident. The board learned of the encounters with Allen in March 1999, but the motion explained that since those encounters predated June 1998 and the measures the board took then, board members decided no additional action was necessary. '
Reply rivenbark
------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
believe me now or believe me later......rivenbark knew ALL ABOUT EVERYTHING way before 1995......she was as aware of the myriad sordid details in 1986.... that i personally know.....probably even before that. ....why would any honest or self-respecting human being agree to be the prez of that rotten-to-the-corps outfit???....unless she's got plenty of her own skeletons to keep in her dank, steamy closets over there at crotch-haven.....er...skuse me.....foxhaven? .....can you 'splain these things to us miss rosalie fox rivenbark? .....or would such 'splainin' tarnish your standing in the social register??.....
---------------------------------------- --------------------------------------
I for one believe that RR did know about LCM's activities. I have no proof, but I feel pretty certain about this.
When Rosalie had made her denials, those that were furious with her after reading the article, believed her. She convinced all present.
I wish we could have some proof that RR knew about stuff.
Although I didn't know Rosalie well, I did know Donna well. I watched as Rosalie started sinking her hooks into Donna and as she started isolating Donna from many people around her. Rosalie wanted Donna to herself. Under Rosalie's influence, Donna, who always was strong but compassionate, lost the compassion and just became hard. But, in my opinion, they are perfect for each other. Both wanted power, both wanted to be "at the top," and both wanted to "whisper in the kings ear." Believe Ralph, I guarantee you Rosalie knew about things for years.
I know Donna offered one friend of mine, who was married to a "high profile" person, and who was getting a divorce, that if they'd stay together, there were plenty of married men Donna could set her up with to "take care of her needs." This was the early-mid '80s. Rosalie knew back then, not just since '95. Donna and Rosalie were, more emotionally married to each other than Donna and Craig. As long as Rosalie is at H.Q., Donna will never leave, unless of course Rosalie betrays Donna and stabs her in the back and gets rid of her to consolidate her power.
As for Safety, they know everything. I used to spend hours with those guys on staff at H.Q. and was actually asked if I wanted to join for my next assignment.
I know Donna used to smoke but had quit. I remember one corps week, after the meeting we were hanging out and she really, really wanted a cigarrette. Did she pick it up again? Or did she always smoke, but hid it from everyone?
Denial in TWI is Standard Operating Procedure.
LCM also denied sex with any but one woman!
The Colorado Court Case...which Riverwitch had to now about indicated 4 ....SHE KNEW
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Rosalie Rivenbark's property is in the public records of Craven County, NC. Anybody can look it up to see where it is and how much it's worth..
If you're interested:
Craven County GIS
The Parcel ID is 6-204-002.
Be patient. This site can be very, very slow.
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They went to Scotland????? We are told to take vacations close to home and they went to Scotland?!?! WTF? And why did they go together and why not lcm? Yeah, that's your normal family life.
Isn't one of rfr's sons in jail?
I wonder what would happen if we posted something in her hometown newspaper asking people to contact us for information about her... What is she hiding that she goes to such great lengths to keep her name and face off the internet?
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HAS anyone heard this fox speak in tongues? I haven't.
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Linda Z
Yes, they went on a jaunt to Scotland when I worked for RFR on staff, not long after twi acquired the Gartmore property but before PoP--I'm thinking it must have been '84 or early
As for RFR's son, I think we should leave him out of it. Wasn't it enough to have had her for a mother without having his business discussed here because of that unfortunate fact?
Linda Z
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Hey, I just found this ancient thread. Which is strange because I was just posting on some other thread about RFR owning property.
Here is a fresh link to the website mentioned above - the link indicated doesn't work.
So it's 288 acres valued then at just under £100K of forest but seems to have no building improvements. And it's jointly owned (in a previous name for RFR) with Virginia Fox - a sister??
Our poster is not a happy person about RFR...
Edited by TwinkyLink to comment
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288 acres of N.C. forest??
I wonder what kind of harvest value you're looking at there!
Could be like sitting on a gold mine.
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And don't forget mining rights too if it has been in the family a long time
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Can anybody explain to me why we don't have pictures of her posted regularly?
I would do it if I had them.
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I could really go for a section where every BOT/BOD individual was lined up mugshot style.
Given peoples' bad experiences we might need a disclaimer for those who had just eaten....
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After reading this thread, I would have to say that Rosie the riveter, for the most part...get's a free pass at GreaseSpot...relative to which she deserves!!
I remember meeting her for the first time at "pfal 77"...She had been put in charge of some important "operation function" at this event and old Vic was introducing her around. She came across as a southern belle with a sick syrupy southern drawl that invoked vague memories of a horror movie. She reeked of insincerity and her ambition bubbled from her like the fumes of a boiling tar pit. It was clear at that moment that she was a rising star in the false prohet's cult.
I figured that Vic was getting tired of the "hippie chick" image and was trying to inject, what he considered, a more polished and sophisticated look...but who knows, maybe Rosie was polishing Vic's knob.
At any rate, I think that we Greasespotters should be putting the boots to Rosie a little harder...afterall, it's OUR abs money she's still living off of!
Edited by GrouchoMarxJrLink to comment
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That, and she's a bitch.
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and a lesbian -- i'm not against lesbians -- just hyprocrisy
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and the b ruined or tried to ruin someone's life -- someone i love
i feel like saying something like i look forward to spitting on your grave
my mom would kill me for talking like that
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