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No leader.......No outreach


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Rosalie Rivenbark assumed the "leadership" role at twi in 1999.........after twi-lawyers stepped in and strongly advised the ouster of L. Craig Martindale to shield twi from his sexual predation and ensuing legal lawsuits/entanglements.  Thus, by default.......or "battlefield promotions" (as twi liked to say, from secular sources), Rosalie slipped into the big chair.

But.......wasn't this the same thing that happened in 1996 when Don Wierwille's health was fading and Rosalie was installed as vice-president?  Her close ties to Donna, and the fact that Rosalie was advising craig strategic steps after dem "fog years".......and bada bing, bada boom----Rosalie had moved up within striking distance of the presidency.  After all, it really was just an insider's club anyway.......where craig, don, howard, donna and rosalie held backroom conferences to thwart the chrisgeer power-grab.

Don Wierwille was always considered an "administrator".......even his dad, victor paul wierwille, despised his lack of leadership to command.  For 20 years, Rosalie has sat in the offices of vice-prez and now, prez............and WHAT LEGACY IS SHE LEAVING?

No Advanced Class .............. and "the last fellowship in his state is disbanding....."  Way to go, Rosalie-the-Administrator.  lol

No leader.......No outreach.

Really, with "leadership" like this.............disbanding fellowships was easy to predict.  Those who were on the frontlines of outreach......advanced class grads, corps and branch coordinators have been sounding THIS ALARM for 35 years.  Twi became so dogmatic and rigid that it stifled any outreach.  The heavy-handed dogma and techniques implemented from headquarters were fossilizing and institutionalizing the fold.  And, for many years, twi instituted sunday night phone hookups for branches on the field........it was just so surreal, the insanity of it all.  Craig, Don, Howard, Donna and Rosalie THOUGHT that these phone hookups to California, or Arizona, or wherever would invigorate outreach?  Were they nucking futs?

There were times when I thought, don't they (bod) see what lunacy this is?......heck, they spent 2 years on that crazy production, Athletes of the Spirit, and detailing each of those devil-spirit categories.....and twi had co-joined with the STATELY AND POWERFUL "spirits."  The daimon spirit leads the group forward and they mimic his every move.....then, when he snaps, they fall in line in uncanny unison.  Far from any Christ-like leadership, it wasn't even "leadership"........it was FOLLOWSHIP.  Rigid, coerced followship.  Period. And, you know what?  Certain types of people will still follow..........others will not.

So, Rosalie.......while you try to bask in the glow of your "presidential accomplishments" make sure you stay close to your admirers.  Because it's not pretty to step back and take a broader perspective of your "leadership" and "accomplishments" these past 20 years: 1) Outreach on the field has been decimated, 2) No advanced class? 3) Pathetic corps enrollees, 4) States with no twi-fellowships, 5) Dismal sunday service attendance, 6) Aging staff and no interest from youngbloods, and 7) Institutionalized idolatry.

No leader, no outreach.........no future.




Edited by skyrider
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13 hours ago, skyrider said:

Rosalie Rivenbark assumed the "leadership" role at twi in 1999.........after twi-lawyers stepped in and strongly advised the ouster of L. Craig Martindale to shield twi from his sexual predation and ensuing legal lawsuits/entanglements.  Thus, by default.......or "battlefield promotions" (as twi liked to say, from secular sources), Rosalie slipped into the big chair.

But.......wasn't this the same thing that happened in 1996 when Don Wierwille's health was fading and Rosalie was installed as vice-president?  Her close ties to Donna, and the fact that Rosalie was advising craig strategic steps after dem "fog years".......and bada bing, bada boom----Rosalie had moved up within striking distance of the presidency.  After all, it really was just an insider's club anyway.......where craig, don, howard, donna and rosalie held backroom conferences to thwart the chrisgeer power-grab.

Don Wierwille was always considered an "administrator".......even his dad, victor paul wierwille, despised his lack of leadership to command.  For 20 years, Rosalie has sat in the offices of vice-prez and now, prez............and WHAT LEGACY IS SHE LEAVING?

No Advanced Class .............. and "the last fellowship in his state is disbanding....."  Way to go, Rosalie-the-Administrator.  lol

No leader.......No outreach.

Really, with "leadership" like this.............disbanding fellowships was easy to predict.  Those who were on the frontlines of outreach......advanced class grads, corps and branch coordinators have been sounding THIS ALARM for 35 years.  Twi became so dogmatic and rigid that it stifled any outreach.  The heavy-handed dogma and techniques implemented from headquarters were fossilizing and institutionalizing the fold.  And, for many years, twi instituted sunday night phone hookups for branches on the field........it was just so surreal, the insanity of it all.  Craig, Don, Howard, Donna and Rosalie THOUGHT that these phone hookups to California, or Arizona, or wherever would invigorate outreach?  Were they nucking futs?

There were times when I thought, don't they (bod) see what lunacy this is?......heck, they spent 2 years on that crazy production, Athletes of the Spirit, and detailing each of those devil-spirit categories.....and twi had co-joined with the STATELY AND POWERFUL "spirits."  The daimon spirit leads the group forward and they mimic his every move.....then, when he snaps, they fall in line in uncanny unison.  Far from any Christ-like leadership, it wasn't even "leadership"........it was FOLLOWSHIP.  Rigid, coerced followship.  Period. And, you know what?  Certain types of people will still follow..........others will not.

So, Rosalie.......while you try to bask in the glow of your "presidential accomplishments" make sure you stay close to your admirers.  Because it's not pretty to step back and take a broader perspective of your "leadership" and "accomplishments" these past 20 years: 1) Outreach on the field has been decimated, 2) No advanced class? 3) Pathetic corps enrollees, 4) States with no twi-fellowships, 5) Dismal sunday service attendance, 6) Aging staff and no interest from youngbloods, and 7) Institutionalized idolatry.

No leader, no outreach.........no future.




You shall know them by their fruit. TWI was nothing more than a cult of personality (VeePee). Was there ever any spiritual substance to it?

Were they nucking futs? The question answers itself.

Edited by Rocky
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On 11/25/2016 at 7:58 AM, skyrider said:

No leader, no outreach.........no future.

You mean sitting on your @$$ behind a curtain like the Wizard of Oz manipulating all the puppet strings isn't as effective of an outreach strategy as actually going out on the field among the people and teaching and interacting?

Who would have thunk?

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Rosalie is not a leader, and neither is Jean Yves DeLisle. I know them both and they are defensive, aloof, and really disconnected from those they claim to serve. 

Really, wtf would they do on the field? Besides demanding those in the room to stand when they enter?

Those guys are completely clueless. The sad part is they really believe they have things figured out. Vee Pee is their idol, they will spare no expense in keeping their preservation society in tact, no matter how small the followers.

Leadership? Can the blind lead the blind?

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On 11/25/2016 at 9:58 AM, skyrider said:

Rosalie Rivenbark assumed the "leadership" role at twi in 1999.........after twi-lawyers stepped in and strongly advised the ouster of L. Craig Martindale to shield twi from his sexual predation and ensuing legal lawsuits/entanglements.  Thus, by default.......or "battlefield promotions" (as twi liked to say, from secular sources), Rosalie slipped into the big chair.

But.......wasn't this the same thing that happened in 1996 when Don Wierwille's health was fading and Rosalie was installed as vice-president?  Her close ties to Donna, and the fact that Rosalie was advising craig strategic steps after dem "fog years".......and bada bing, bada boom----Rosalie had moved up within striking distance of the presidency.  After all, it really was just an insider's club anyway.......where craig, don, howard, donna and rosalie held backroom conferences to thwart the chrisgeer power-grab.

Don Wierwille was always considered an "administrator".......even his dad, victor paul wierwille, despised his lack of leadership to command.  For 20 years, Rosalie has sat in the offices of vice-prez and now, prez............and WHAT LEGACY IS SHE LEAVING?

No Advanced Class .............. and "the last fellowship in his state is disbanding....."  Way to go, Rosalie-the-Administrator.  lol

No leader.......No outreach.

Really, with "leadership" like this.............disbanding fellowships was easy to predict.  Those who were on the frontlines of outreach......advanced class grads, corps and branch coordinators have been sounding THIS ALARM for 35 years.  Twi became so dogmatic and rigid that it stifled any outreach.  The heavy-handed dogma and techniques implemented from headquarters were fossilizing and institutionalizing the fold.  And, for many years, twi instituted sunday night phone hookups for branches on the field........it was just so surreal, the insanity of it all.  Craig, Don, Howard, Donna and Rosalie THOUGHT that these phone hookups to California, or Arizona, or wherever would invigorate outreach?  Were they nucking futs?

There were times when I thought, don't they (bod) see what lunacy this is?......heck, they spent 2 years on that crazy production, Athletes of the Spirit, and detailing each of those devil-spirit categories.....and twi had co-joined with the STATELY AND POWERFUL "spirits."  The daimon spirit leads the group forward and they mimic his every move.....then, when he snaps, they fall in line in uncanny unison.  Far from any Christ-like leadership, it wasn't even "leadership"........it was FOLLOWSHIP.  Rigid, coerced followship.  Period. And, you know what?  Certain types of people will still follow..........others will not.

So, Rosalie.......while you try to bask in the glow of your "presidential accomplishments" make sure you stay close to your admirers.  Because it's not pretty to step back and take a broader perspective of your "leadership" and "accomplishments" these past 20 years: 1) Outreach on the field has been decimated, 2) No advanced class? 3) Pathetic corps enrollees, 4) States with no twi-fellowships, 5) Dismal sunday service attendance, 6) Aging staff and no interest from youngbloods, and 7) Institutionalized idolatry.

No leader, no outreach.........no future.




I have yet to read any where here at the GSC of anything positive RSR accomplished during her time as President of TWI.  Perhaps she did do something good for someone, but I have yet to read about it.

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OK, here is one thing RFR did that was "positive."  Note the quotes.

It came to in-rez assignment time.  It seems I had been picked by LCM to help in the green room.  But Rosalie kyboshed that.  I know this because LCM yelled it at me in a face-melting session some time later.  (I probably ended up in Dishroom instead.  Where they sent troublemakers or people who asked questions. I don't remember)

BUT: now I know what happened in the green room.  Where LCM's "needs" got satisfied before he went on stage to yell at the congregation.  So it's likely he fancied a go at me.

AND Rosalie might remember my background.  I was a litigation lawyer before going in rez.  I think she could see potential litigation if I were in the green room and LCM assaulted me.  Her kyboshing my appointment to the green room was not, therefore, to protect me, but to protect TWI.

Whatever... Oh heck.  I'm not even going to let my imagination play out any scenario along those lines.  Too gross.

She'll protect TWI.  Not the minions, but the money.

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