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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. :o That little car looks like a disaster waiting to happen. I definitely wouldn't venture out in something that small. You wouldn't be seen.
  2. Have a great day! You are in my thoughts.

  3. Hmmmm....taboulleh! I was just thinking today I wanted to make some! I don't know about cilantro though. :unsure:
  4. Those monkeys are cute! How could they not make you smile.
  5. Wouldn't you like to increase the power of God in your life? How could they say no to that? Many said yes, but didn't follow through. They were the smart ones.
  6. Sounds about right. How can people like that still live with their stinkin' selves?
  7. I actually liked familia on the days we had cream of wheat; it helped add some substance to the cream of wheat.
  8. Ah man!! I missed the Mojitos?? I got to get to a GSC event some time in my life.
  9. Oh gee whiz, Mike. Get over yourself.
  10. That is so lame she cut the conversaton with you. Did she even ask how you were? Just because they want to separate themselves from TWI doesn't mean they should be exempt from any apologies they owe to people. If they were REAL people, they would inquire if they hurt you while they were in TWI. That would be the honest thing to do. What if you were someone hurt by them? Trust me, they were NOT nice people. Their egotism of being reverends was nauseating.
  11. LCM had to eat crow on his opinions about microwaves. While I was on Staff at HQ, it was mandatory to get your microwave tested to be sure it wasn't leaking any microwaves. They had guys from one of the departments who would go to each room or home and test the microwaves. Later a guy on staff had written a letter to him explaining how microwaves work and that they weren't really dangerous. LCM's response was "Well, you can't be too careful."
  12. We haven't seen any kids yet. It is now 6:00 p.m. We usually get 20-30 kids. We got Reese's Peanut Butter cups, Reese's Pieces, and 2 other Reese's candies. We have lights, pumpkins, and we're ready!
  13. I heard LCM say he was ready to give it up. He was walking over to the OSC to turn in his resignation. Then he says he runs in to a woman along the way who said "God bless you Rev. Martindale." He said those words made him realize that the ministry needed him, and he changed his mind about resigning. He was pretty vicious about CG. It was then he came up with "CG has familiar spirits" and all that crap. My sister went the CG route, and I went the LCM route. Today we both realize they were both crazy.
  14. I never let any pill sit in my mouth. Are you drinking hot liquid with your fish oil? I noticed if I drank them with hot liquid, I would get disgusting fish burps. If I only drink it with cold water, it doesn't happen.
  15. Sudo, I don't understand why you are shy to ask? I don't get where your mind is going. :blink:
  16. The witching hour brought a party for me and hubby.
  17. I really believe my high triglycerides are a result of diet. I LOVE LOVE LOVE sweets!! I almost have a love affair with them. I know I'm sick. Fortunately I don't have any other maladies, yet. I have changed a lot of things in my diet. I only guy whole grain pastas and breads. I really don't eat many of those items anyway. I know to watch the trans fats. I've made these changes in the last year for my health. But I'm not all the way there. Food has always been an issue for me. I've gained quite a bit of weight in the past couple of years, and my activity level went down. I carry my weight in my belly too, which I know is the worst kind of fat. I just got diagnosed with Obstructive Sleep Apnea 6 months ago, so I've been on CPAP therapy for that. My energy is coming back, but I still feel like I have a ways to go to feel 100% again. Right now, I walk the dogs for exercise. I know I need to do more. I'm just still pretty tired even though I feel better from the therapy. I'm going to give it another month before I have the doc test my triglyceride levels again. That will help me determind if the fish oil is beneficial or not. If not, then I need to get back on the pills until I get my weight under control. I'm seriously thinking about gastric bypass. That could be a whole thread in itself.
  18. To get Omega 3 from fish, you have to be sure to eat deep water fish like mackrel and salmon and sardines. White fish like cod and tilapia don't have what you need. Here's a great link about Omega 3 on wikipedia: Omega 3 Link
  19. Yes, I got the cut down on sugars, white flour, etc. I was also told to consume healthier fats i.e., olive oil, canola oil, etc. And yes, the exercise. I had another doctor scare me in to taking Zetia for the high triglycerides because she said she had a patient who went straight in to insulin-dependent diabetes from high triglycerides and going on a joy-ride eating vacation. She said if she would have controlled her high triglycerides, that may not have happened. I took the Zetia for a couple of months. I didn't like the side effects. I read about the health benefits of Omega 3s and triglycerides, so I thought it might be a better option.
  20. I don't have specific questions. I read up on Omega 3s before I decided to take them. I have high triglycerides, but everything else in my blood tests comes out good. I just wanted to see if anyone had some specific results as a long-term supplement.
  21. Nottawayfer

    For Pet Owners

    AWESOME thread! I LOVE LOVE LOVE animals! Sometimes I think I love them more than people. I have 2 dogs. One is Pumpkin (aka Pumpkinator). He is a red cockerspaniel and is 7 years old. We adopted him from a cocker rescue in Southern California 2 years ago. He was our only dog for awhile because he demonstrated aggressive behavior at the Vet's office and other places toward other dogs.My other dog is Kallie, a border collie mix. She is 9 months old now. My co-worker's brother found her on the highway in the middle of the desert when she was barely 2 months old. He though she was a baby skunk. The car in front of him barely missed hitting her. He took her home hoping his mom would adopt her. She didn't want to adopt another dog as she just retired and recently had put down a long-time family pet. So my co-worker brought the picture to work, and the rest is history. She's my 2nd baby. Her main job is to torment Pumpkinator. She puts her paws on top of his head while she licks his eyes. He barks at her the whole time. :biglaugh:Here's the order of the picturesKallie as a babyKallie nowPumpkinator Close UpPumpkinator (King of the Couch)
  22. Nero, How sad some of the things you experienced. I was in TWI for 20 years as well, but I started at age 19. I can't imagine what it was like to be a kid growing up in The Way. I can't imagine the things kids have exerienced in the cult on top of dealing with every day kid things. Bless your heart. I can see it's big.
  23. Nottawayfer


    Hubby and I have started taking OMEGA 3 Fish Oil because we need more omega 3 in our diet. I read it is beneficial for high cholesterol, high triglycerides, your skin, and many other things. Anyone have any particular experiences with them?
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