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Everything posted by Nottawayfer

  1. That'll learn him. Mean people suck. Larry should go find another play ground if he doesn't like this one.
  2. I was wondering what was going on with you. I'm glad to hear all is OK and that you've accomplished quite a task. Good to "see" you again.
  3. Yes, my sister is fine. I don't think she's close to any fires. I've talked to her on the phone almost every day, and she actually hasn't said anything about fires at all. I was thinking about Rummie though knowing he lives near Rancho Bernardo. I think these fires are way worse than the ones in 2003. It seems there is a lot more damage. And what is "AQ"? Rummie, you mention it in your post.
  4. I still love a good ribeye and cows between buns.
  5. One thing I do know is that it takes someone loving themself before they can love another. Our society is full of people who don't love themselves. It is sad, and I hope that most find a way to find the happiness and love they deserve. I've seen a lot of old people who have seemed to give up on life and just accept mediocrity. After my first divorce, I decided I wouldn't accept mediocrity in a relationship. I had a few learning experiences to establish what mediocrity was to me. I value those experiences even though they caused my heart pain. I thank God I learned those lessions fairly early in my life. The ones I know who have accepted mediocrity are those who have remained in a loveless marriage for YEARS and YEARS because they didn't want to step outside their comfort zone. My mother is one of those people. It's sad to realize that she has lost a lot of zeal for life.
  6. The example given in the Bible that the Law or the Word is not written in stone is actually in the Bible. The record is that a woman was found in adultery. Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees that the Law said she must be stoned to death. He wrote in the sand, thought about it, and said "He who is without sin, cast the first stone." Then they all left and he told the woman to go sin no more. Ironically in the religious world, they indicate that this record isn't in original manuscripts. Then how do we know what is in the original manuscripts? I think if God wanted us to know so much of the Bible, it wouldn't be so contradictory. How much is in the "original manuscripts" and what is not. How do we know the "original manuscripts" are "God's Word"? It sure makes a ministry which bases it's whole fiber of beliefs and worship on it look weak. I'm glad He looks on the heart.
  7. Maybe my filing system is so big it doesn't need a box. We are in the computer age now.;)
  8. I, like you Suda, still consider myself somewhat Christian and still believe in God and Jesus. The big difference for me is the more I go along in life, the less I believe the Bible is the the Word or Will of God. That belief in itself makes it harder to say I am Christian (at least in my own mind). I do a lot of thinking about it because my previous teaching is against this completely. I see rigidity in the Bible, but I also see incredible love. I think the rigidity in it came from men who came from a Phariseeical background. I just don't believe the Bible is God-breathed anymore. Since I came from a Christian background, it is sometimes difficult for me to figure out where I am spiritually. That being said, I am perfectly OK with that. I think I'm trying to put myself back in to a box if I try to put a lable on my belief system. When I read this thread, I thought back to a girl I used to work with. I was still a very faithful Wayfer at the time. She asked me what the big deal with Good Friday and Easter was. Oh my! I thought is was a perfect opportunity to witness to her. I was going through the different doctrinal differences of how Jesus couldn't have died on Good Friday if he was raised on Sunday. Her only response out of it was "Nobody god raised from the dead." And she walked away. My twit-brained mind was screaming "AntiChrist!!" Now that I think back to that incidient, I don't think she was AntiChrist or even had a spirit. She had a different belief system. That's all.
  9. My best friend is dealing with losing her mother to brain and lung cancer. She's been dealing with it for the last 6 months, and now she is in hospice about to leave this world shortly. My heart goes out to my friend as she lost her father less than 10 years ago. Both parents were way too young to leave this world. My friend called me last night to talk about her mom and other things going on in her life. My friend is going through hard financial times. She bought too much house in California and is now foreclosing and claiming bankruptcy. While I don't share my friend's same ideas and opinions about finances, a comment she shared from her mother really struck a chord with me. Lat year before her mother got cancer, she went on a trip to Las Vegas with her mom. They became "victim" to a time share meeting. My friend decided to buy one. Her mom, who was usually extremely frugal about money, told her she thought it was a wonderful idea. Her mom had just retired. She told her daughter that she had spent her life saving and preparing for her retirement all her life, and now she wished she had taken more time and money to enjoy her life before retirement. I've been contributing to the Arizona Retirement System without my freedom of will. I am a county worker, and it is mandatory that they take money out of your check to go toward that retirement system. Many of my co-workers are elated to work at the county for the rest of their lives and retire. Not me. I want more out of life. I don't want to be a county worker the rest of my life. In addition to my ARS contributions, I contribute $250 a month toward my own retirement plan. I am starting late in life, and I want to be sure I'm not living on welfare when I retire. Only God knows if there will be any social security left by that time. In doing all of this necesary saving for my future, I have thought that it seems F'd up to save money to live well and travel when you might not be your best healthwise. Why am I not enjoying my life while I am still fairly young? I've enjoyed trips to my most favorite vacation place--the Mexican Carribean. I have plans for more, but they sure don't happen as much as I would like. Am I foolish to think I should enjoy life now and save a little for later? Without winning the lottery, I don't really have unlimited income as most americans don't. My dad retired early in his life. He saved and invested a lot of money. He was very frugal while I was growing up. My parents do very well financially, but they stay home most of the time and take an occasional trip. It's not necessarily my idea of enjoying an early retirement. They are not ill, but I think my dad has comfort knowing he's done a good job saving. Now what? What are your thoughts for retirement?
  10. cman, I'm confused. Why would they be "women of the flesh" if they were wives? I thought a wife was more than a lay. Please explain.
  11. Oldies, You still have Way Blinders on. Until you take them off, you won't understand other points of view.
  12. Oldies, Every time I read your posts, it proves time and time and time and time again what an ignorant arse you are. Sheesh! Why don't you go find some other idiots who want to sing Vic's praises with you? A spade is a spade whether you see it or not. How come you don't identify the wrongs done by Vic in this story? Is he exempt from evil in this scenario? Again, another dumb arse comment by OM!!
  13. They don't need to. I've been pulled over by safety for "speeding". Safety also had radar guns they used outside the OSC in the mornings.
  14. HQ Map I thought it was kind of weird that google maps has all of the private roads around HQ on this map.
  15. I know Mr. Strange. I want to go the Texas BBQ so bad this year, but it is the same weekend as hubby's birthday. He is on call that weekend, and his butthead boss won't cover for him. Otherwise, we would be there. I'm so envious that I can't. Well I could, but I can't fathom leaving my adorable husband at home by himself on his birthday weekend.
  16. I remember envying people because they hung out and enjoyed life together. At that time in my life, I was a brainwashed homophobic christian who thought she was valiant for the truth and nothing else. Boy was I stupid. I sure missed out on a lot of fun. I'm sure I will still get rewards when I go to heaven too! What's even more satisfying is that I won't have to push any stupid classes or invite anyone to fellowship.
  17. I've changed my way of making friends that for sure. Dooj hit the nail on the head about using people while we were in TWI. There was always a hidden agenda. Basically that agenda was "I have something you need. If you don't want it, then I'm done with you." I hang out with people I enjoy. I don't care what their beliefs, sexual orientation, or political associations are. I ike people who can enjoy life without focusing on such drastic discussions and who are not so zealous about those types of things (religion/politics, etc.). I remember awhile back that Plotinus posted something for us to ponder about our own lives. Can we go through life without having to be concerned whether or not our peers or friends are Christian, believe in Jesus, are gay or not, or have the same political agendas? There's always a time and a place for discussions in life, and they are a necessity or there would be no platform for change in our world. But then it shouldn't affect us so much that we can't enjoy people.
  18. For most of my adult life, my main friendship, if any, was at the fellowship level. Don't get me wrong, there were several people I enjoyed being around. But those real friendships that have no strings attached were not present. If you had friends in TWI and you left TWI, your friends were no longer your friends. Since leaving TWI, I've developed some friends from work. It started with me being invited to a Pampered Chef party. The party was so much fun, and I found some kitchen items I really like. Pretty soon, this year I've gone to 5 PC parties. Most of those parties have had the same people. I've had so much fun that I've been invited to birthday parties and Sunday brunches too. Then a bunch of us got together and bought tickets to see Heart in Laughlin, Nevada, and partied in my room afterward. Yesterday was a birthday party. It started at 2:00 p.m., and my husband and I finally came home at 9:30 p.m. last night. We were just talking, eating and drinking and playing some horseshoes. It is so nice to have people you enjoy to hang out with and no there's no underlying crust underneath it all. It is relaxing to hang out just because you want to. It doesn't have to be about breaking bread together or having all things common. I like that. We will have a Halloween party here in a few weeks too. I'm anticipating my time there and being around those people who don't want anything from me. They just like me, and they adore my husband. :P Life is great outside TWI.
  19. Absolutely awesome Rascal! You were already a very inspiring lady with the wonderful mother you are to all of your lovely children. This is a wonderful accomplishment and something to be proud of. I admire you sweet lady.
  20. Nottawayfer


    Rhino, I tried to add your final star, but it wouldn't let me. Sorry dude. You must not be born of the right seed. What the heck; I can make a mean mojito. You might want to trade in your wine for one.
  21. I forgot to mention that christiancafe.com was the place where I met the most weirdos in the online dating world. I mean this as no offense to Christians.
  22. Nottawayfer


    I see a rating on my profile; with stars on it. There are a total number of 5 stars. 3 of my stars are gold. What determines this? What does it mean? Anyone?
  23. I hate hearing or seeing anything about animals being abused or killed. It breaks my heart.
  24. POLISH DIVORCE A Polish man moved to the USA and married an American girl. Although his English was far from perfect, they got along very well until one day he rushed into a lawyer's office and asked him if he could arrange a divorce for him - "very quick." The lawyer said that the speed for getting a divorce would depend on the circumstances, and asked him the following questions: LAWYER: "Have you any grounds?" POLE: "JA, JA, acre and half and nice little home." LAWYER: "No," I mean what is the foundation of this case?" POLE: "It made of concrete." LAWYER: "Does either of you have a real grudge?" POLE: "No, we have carport, and not need one." LAWYER: "I mean, What are your relations like?" POLE: "All my relations still in Poland." LAWYER: "Is there any infidelity in your marr iage?" POLE: "Ja, we have hi- fidelity stereo set and good DVD player." LAW YER: Does your wife beat you up?" POLE: "No, I always up before her." LAWYER: "WHY do you want this divorce?" POLE: "She going to kill me." LAWYER: "What makes you think that?" POLE: "I got proof. LAWYER: "What kind of proof?" POLE: "She going to poison me. She buy a bottle at drugstore and put on shelf in bathroom. I can read, and it say, 'Polish Remover'."
  25. Oops; that previous article didn't have anything about his wife. Here's about as much as you can find out about her, and it's not much. NCW Info Here's the link to her involvement with the company: Mrs. Warren Involvement
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