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Everything posted by waysider

  1. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    "God bless us every one."
  2. CK----In post #213 you have said:"The things I have seen will never compare to the things you have seen. The things I have done will never compare to you."(sic) Was it your intent to state that the things you have seen and done are in some way inferior to what others here have seen and done? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you meant to state the opposite of what you did. With that said, can you be more specific in citing these things you have done and seen? No philosophical mumbo jumbo, just straight forward specific facts,please.
  3. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    Rick----I don't "ignore" your audio posts, I just don't have the technical capabilities to enjoy them. I'm gonna have to kick my son in the pants and have him get some of this stuff fixed. Of course if he sees this post, my goose is cooked and I'll be "text only" for a long time. PM me if you are playing somewhere in the central Ohio area. I would love to get out and cheer you on.
  4. Amen, Tater &CC-------I believe God can and does heal. I've seen it in my own life as well as others. What I don't believe,though, is that VPW and TWI understood what it is and how it works. (Not that I do either but then I'm not claiming to have the inside track on it. ) Maybe we're not supposed to "understand" it. Maybe we're just supposed to be thankful for it. Just my opinion ------------everybody's got one.
  5. Beyond the seas of thought Beyond the realm of what Across the streams of hopes and dreams Where things are really not
  6. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    OOPS!---------The avitar did me in. I thought the question was from Socks(I should have known better) Thanks, Sprawled, for posting that pic. and thanks to Chas. for solving the mystery. I'm still puzzled by the color though. It appears green in the picture. Do you recall anything about the color from the VH1 broadcast, Sprawled? I'm also suprised to find that this axe was such a recent project of Fender. I would have guessed late '60's.
  7. CK-----If you could sum up your purpose in posting here in one short sentence, what would that purpose be?
  8. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    Socks-----The logo appears to say "Fender" but the headstock is rolled backwards from a typical fender. Miro Frets had a similar headstock, though there does not appear to be a "miro-nut" and there is still the problem of the logo. I checked out Dave Keuning on the web and this is not one of his listed axes.
  9. But please realise You'll probably be surprised For it's the land unknown to man Where fantasy is fact.
  10. Timothy Leary's dead!! No! No! He's outside looking in! Oh. Sorry. The answer is : Legend of the Mind----------The Moody Blues (astral traveling was never all it was cracked up to be.)
  11. Sudo----------You are cor-ect. Bette Nesmith Graham invented "cor-ection fluid" and founded the Liquid Paper Co. in 1951. In 1966, Bic introduced a "new and improv-d" version called "Wite Out". "White Out" has become the generic term for "cor-ection fluid". (This post has been typ-d and edit-d by a blonde) :) "You'll wonder where the yellow went when you brush your teeth with Pepsodent."
  12. I heard an interview with Michael Nesmith a couple of years ago on NPR( Terry Gross' show) He is a fascinating guy. Back in the day, he developed a show for the Nickalodeon Network called "Pop Clips". The show evolved and was sold to another network and eventually became what is now MTV. He said he never watches it because it has drifted so far from his original vision. He also developed a full length video called "Elephant Pants" which I think may have been the very first full length video. At any rate, he won the very first Grammy for "Video of the Year" for that work. T.G. asked him if he his memories of his days as a Monkey were good or bad and he said they were neither good nor bad, they just "were", like his memories of being in fifth grade. Every couple years he hosts some kind of summit with world experts to explore answers to problems that have global significance. Pretty lofty perch for a former teen idol in a wool cap. Added trivia: His mother invented "Wite-Out".
  13. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    I don't know how many guitaresses are at GSC but here is the short end of a long list of some that are worthy of discussion : 1) Joanna Conner 2) Deborah Coleman 3) Debbie Davies 4)Del Ray 5)The late Etta Baker OOPS!-----Almost forgot Bonnie( Does she really need a last name anymore?)
  14. waysider


    Thanks! You can never be too careful. Those dirty,commie,pinko rats could cut off the worlds' supply of beef jerky at a moments' notice! I can do all things through my -------MALpack--------Which strengtheneth me.
  15. waysider

    awesome wonder

    Whenever Ted Ferrell sang it he always "brought down the house". (That's a GOOD thing for those not familiar with the phrase.)
  16. O.K.--------Call me naive or guilty if you wish, but I find myself using that phrase from time to time. When I use it I am expressing an uncertainty regarding the result of my actions or statements. More accurately what I am saying is" I am unsure what it is that I did or said to offend you but I am offering this apology as a symbol of my remorse". Of course if I really phrased it like that it would probably draw some blank stares because no one talks like that in 2006. Maybe it would be more appropriate to phrase it as a question."Did I do or say something that offended you?"(followed by an apology for the offense.) Again, the language is a bit bulky for modern day conversation. I used to drive my Dad nuts with"Ya Know?" of course I wasn't really inquiring whether or not he" knew", I was using an idiom that was peculiar to that day and time. Maybe we read too much into the use of this expression that is so commonly used today----Ya Know?
  17. The first one is Beverly Sills. That's all I got.
  18. Ain't that how life goes? Just when you decide to get serious, everybody else wants to monkey around.
  19. Yes,Virginia, there is a Santa Clause.
  20. Mr. Radio Man "I don't want to go back to the olden days" Be thankful. There are some amongst us who never left them. P.S." Mr". sounds so formal. Do you friends call you "Skip"?
  21. waysider


    What's a MALPack?
  22. When I took the PFAL class, three areas of study that were stressed extensively were: !.) figures of speech 2.) the seven administrations 3.) the "great mystery" revealed in Ephesians. All three (and others as well ) can be found in Bullingers' writings. Yet, when I heard VPW teach them, he most definately implied that the origins of these ideas were unique to him(VPW) and made no attempt to convince anyone otherwise. It was presented by the local leadership as some sort of miraculous coincident that Bullinger too had arrived at the four crucified conclusion(Which for those inclined to do some legwork, has been academically discredited right here on GSC.) Even that in itself would nullify the claim that no one else had seen these things since the first century. When I became a class instructor, one thing we were told to specifically do after the session on "four crucified" was to instruct the students to NOT repeat this teaching to outsiders. It may have even been in the instructors syllabus(I don't recall.) The students were told that if outsiders got wind of this and wanted to know more they were to sign them up for "the class" and let VPW present it.Pleasant memories of times spent in The Way have absolutely no bearing on the fact that these teachings were not acceptably credited nor were they uniquely shown to VPW as they had not been shown for millenia. In summary, VPW intentionally failed to give proper credit for others' work and the claim that no one had seen these things since the first century was an out and out falsehood. (Yes, we had some good times and yes, we learned some lessons that were beneficial ) I only added that last part about good times and beneficial lessons so that if someone were so inclined they could cut and paste it out of context.
  23. Moryan--------You have asked some very pointed questions about particular beliefs. I am not currently involved with The Way so my answers are gleaned from past experiences. 1.)Anti-Depressants-----Definately taboo based on a number of beliefs involving : a)Devil spirit possesion being invited by pharmaceutical usage. b)Using the "law" of believing to reach a goal of healing. 2.)Drinking------not o.k. for rank and file but practised to extremes by upper level "leadership" ("Dr." Wierwille had a severe alcohol addiction which is well documented on this site. It ultimately contributed to his demise.) 3.)Anti-Semetics----As far as VPW (Victor Paul Wierwille) was concerned, followers of "The Way" were the chosen people of God and the Jews are a counterfit, not even connected to the Chosen ones of Biblical times who Wierwille said had been abandoned by God.(In not so politically correct terms he despised the Jews and RC's) 4.)Tithing-----10% was Old Testament. Not nearly as good as "sons of God " could do today. Why not 15 or 20 %?( or anything in excess of current needs?) And these are recollections of how it was before things got REALLY bad!(If you get my drift)
  24. Never been part of CES. Have no desire to be. But a "council on prophesy"?!! Gimme a break. Isn't there already more than enough prophesy in the scripture than anyone could possibly hope for that enlightens us on how to live a good and Godly life? My Mom always taught us kids (and later taught her twig) that God loves you for who you are,right here and now. Don't need a bunch of prophesy or in depth research to understand that. Just need to accept it and make it part of daily life by loving one another.
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