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Seth R.

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Everything posted by Seth R.

  1. This is the dawning of the age of Aquarious... Happy Birthday! Seth
  2. One day I can tell my kids "Back in aught five we had a big argument about how we aught to say '05." Seth
  3. Well no I've never met George W. Bush. Seth
  4. People tell you exactly what they are, when they say they are not that. If a leader of a group tells you they are not a cult, then they are a cult. VPW said TWI was not a cult. One of the people in Market America said it's not a cult. You be the judge. One other thing, Amway considers itself a "motivational orginization" (spelling?) what they aren't a sales company? Talk about bait and switch. Zig Ziglar one of the biggest names in motivational speakers had something called the "Zig Ziglar Network" it was an MLM it fell flat on it's foot many years ago. So if MLM is a legitamate business model why is their track record for failure higher then traditional business? Seth
  5. I'm the other Seth, I think you are thinking of the Seth that was on staff at HQ. I'm also not the Seth that is the subject of "Seth speaks" nor am I the Seth of Egyptian mythology that was the God of the Nile. Oh, I'm also not the Seth who is a famous Cello player, and last but not least I'm not the Seth that makes all those clocks. Thank you and good day sir! Seth
  6. This is not good. How can we compete when there are pictures of young girls in Hooters t-shirts on that site? Wait I think this is good maybe, because all the preachers and teachers here can now go there. Seth
  7. Sounds alot like Hitler's complaint to IBM about not being able to start sorting the punch-cards before the machine started. I don't have the exact quote but it was something about getting the people on the trains and how they didn't have eletricity in berlin to power the punch-card sorting machine because of that damn Churchill. But seriously, a TCP based service needs to connect to a TCP/IP stack and if the network interface isn't up then TCP has nothing to connect to and the service will probly crash due to a buffer overflow or something, invalid memory pointers or somesuch. And who on god's green marble recommended OS/400? lordy talk about over kill. I guess they are planning some serious e-commerce and data-mining, maybe even multiple web servers via VM or something. What ever it is it's big iron from big blue. Wait! I know they are building a cluster to design a Dr. Vic simulator, and redo PFAL and they are going to call it iPFAL where people will get to fellowship 1-on-1 with the Virtual Mog or V-MOG™ a.k.a. V-VP™ or V-Doc™. I can see a whole new branding campaign: iRock of Ages(SM) "Your virtual First person simulation of the Rock of Ages hosted in the worlds largest virtual tent in the world!" iWOW™ "Be a virtual word over the world iAmbassador(sm)" iCorps™ "Be the greatest virtual servant you can be!" I could go on and on. Seth
  8. If I remember right the 25th apprentice year was '92-'93? So inresidence was '93-'94. So the '94-'95 year was interum (or wow year making corpse be team leaders). I remember because my wow sister was being trained to be a team leader. But '94-'95 was the height of the homo-purge. I was sitting in the big top, and I had learned the great-forheads body language so well that when he came out on stage, I knew something was up, I looked at my Mom who was sitting next to me and said. "something is up with craig, (i paused for a moment) and said they aren't sending any wow's out this year." And sure enough "the athlete" cancelled the WOW program sighting too many homo's were smoked out, blah blah blah. So '94-'95 was 27th corpse apprentice year, I'm not surprised the numbers are so low. Seth
  9. Video tape this and send it in to planets funniest animals I'd love to see it. Seth
  10. Wait, I'm not married but I'd start with finding what state they were married in, or should I say what state the marriage license was issued from. If everyone is assuming Ohio I think that could be a wrong assumtion. I don't know the answer. Something else, see if Donna changed her last name back to her maiden name. I know what that is but I think most people do. Seth
  11. Seth R.

    Merry Happieness

    Happy holidays to everyone. Seth
  12. Seth R.

    The Way of Yahoo

    Hi Roy, Rules are rules, if you take it personally that's your problem. The "Odd-List" on Yahoo has been around for many years, it started on a site called the "One-List" Yahoo bought them out. Roy, just some friendly advise. If you continue to ignore the rules in life, you may be disapointed to find there are people who don't send friendly notes when you break the rules. I hope you aren't as naive out in the world as you are on this board and on "The Way" list on yahoo, because if you are you're in for a very rude awakening. Seth
  13. Canning the believers bazzar (don't remember the real name) at the ROA --- miss Canning the WOW program --- mi$$ Canning the ROA --- mi$$ Starting University of Life --- miss Canning university of life --- hit Building the Way Corps chalet for the blessing and use of the whole ministry --- miss Hitchhiking to ROA '88 $200 Ticket for ROA '88 $50 Food and showers at ROA '88 $200 Hitchhike home from ROA '88 $20 ------------------------------------------- Almost dieing from dehydration on the trip back. PRICELESS Seth
  14. This was in my neck of the woods, Voorhees is only a few miles from where I live now. Here is why I have a problem with TWI's doctrine. If their is such a thing as manifestations and specificly revelation in the form of word-of-knowledge word-of-wisdom and discerning-of-spirits. Why on god's green earth did this shmuck get away with 1)Being a follower 2)being a leader 3)being waycorp 4)staying waycorp 5)doing anything in TWI. I think I know the answer to this. But I ask the question, if the waycorp are suppose to be the highly trained spiritually enlighted cream of the crop, able to sniff out a devilspirit a mile away. Why is it that none of the TWI leadership could smell dang on this guys lip when he kissed them? Seth
  15. Seth R.

    VPW and Rhoda

    I'm thinking of sending this link to my Mom. She was in many moons ago. Seth
  16. I go and get stupid drunk! But the last time I was invited to a business Xmas party was in 1999 Seth
  17. George don't lump Chiropractic in the list of pseudo sciences. It worked for me, and I was in terrible pain. Seth
  18. Oh, common bring LCM back, I'm bored. There's nothing new to talk about. All the interesting people left TWI over a year ago! Seth ;)-->
  19. Oh, no. The cat is out of the bag now! BTW, wrong section, probly be better in the "About The Way" section. I hope you're feeling better now mick. Seth
  20. Seth R.


    what a stupid b|+ch. Seth
  21. I'm a big history buff, so I really got into TWI's history while I was in. Now that I'm out the idea that those in power write the history is very evident in TWI. What Vic and Harry did to raise money to live like they wanted is far from believing God will provide. In the early days Harry and Vic even raised Mink for the pelts and other money making things to keep the ministry going. But once they figured out the formula for collecting money from the pie-eyed masses flocking to be fleeced by old Doc Vic they ditched the work. Keeping the old farm boy looks made it easy for two city slickers to milk their cash cow. Don't let New Knoxville fool you, Vic and Harry spent much time in the big cities and abroad learning how to ply their trade, old P.T. Barnum would be proud of Harry and Vic. Heck the only thing P.T. would change is to add three rings under the "Big Top" auditorium and use saw dust instead of astro-turf. But surely since 1942 for Vic a sucker was born every minute, and some times they were his own children. Seth
  22. Awesome just awesome. I loved reading your document production request, and the Early Neutral evaluator brief. Some great writting there man. BTW, if I need representation, what is your retainer? ;)--> Seth
  23. (In the style of Paul Simon's Still Crazy After All These Years.) I met my old Twig coordinator on the street last night. He seemed to glad to see me, I just smiled. And we talked about some old times and we drank our selves some beer. Still Way-brained after all these years. Oh, still way-brained after all these years. I'm not the kind of man who tends to spiritualize. I seem to lean on old biblical ways. And I ain't no fool for church groups that poison my peers. Still Way-brained after all these years. Oh, Still Way-brained after all these years. Four in the morning, kept up praying. Speak in tongues my life a--way. I'll never worry why should I? He's coming back one day. Now I set up my living room and I string the chairs. I need to make some coffee for the twig. But it better not be bitter, or my crown of life disappears. Still Way-brained after all these years. oh, Still Waybrained.... still way brained.... Still Way-brained after all these years. Seth
  24. Isn't that Paul jammin' on a guitar in the publicity photos section? Hey Paul that is some very sharp cheese you're serving in that picture. BTW, Kenny Roger's uses a 15 megapixel camera, what's your resolution? Seth
  25. As far as I'm concerned there's been occasions when I've heard 7 year olds debate with more intelligence and clarity then Bush v. Kerry. It felt like the old argument between Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dum last night, Kerry's "What is Bush's plan? Answer, four words: more of the same." Bush's "What kind of leadership says it's the wrong war at the wrong place at the wrong time." I have three words for both canidates describing their debate, Boring and repetitive. Bush can't answer a direct question, niether can Kerry. Both seem like two 5 year olds (no offence to 5 year olds) squaring off in the playground over the right to use the swing, they posture they prose, and niether really wants the swing, they want the whole playground for themselves. Al "Grandpa" Lewis for President Seth
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