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Everything posted by Rocky

  1. THAT would be IT. tnks Dr. GSG! :) I have no idea why they would. But it appears to be something they just DO.
  2. No. How could you read that into what I said?
  3. I still don't really know why they split, but don't think it was because Ellie wanted to stay in twi and didn't. And, glad to be of assistance.
  4. Her father was J Fred Wilson. He passed away a couple of years ago... and I noted it in the In memoriam forum. The other brother's name is Jack. I shared a house with Fred the year after he and Ellie separated. And stayed in touch with him for several years after. I understand that Rachel went to college in Minnesota but don't know anything after that. However, it's likely that Ellie still lives in NK. JFred had been out of twi since '86 and I'm thinking the kids were also. I can't say about Ellie. My guess would be that Rachel's doing well. And if I wanted to be in touch with her, I'd try looking Ellie up in NK.
  5. btw, it's obvious, especially from the Lally's past practices, that their disappearance from the new site is of their OWN devices, NOT by any decision made or action taken by ANYone other than themselves.
  6. I looked for it there too... and it's gone... I had heard she had a heck of (political) reading list. Poof indeed! :blink:
  7. Thanks! btw... I've gotten Elaine Pagels' book from the library and started reading it... and also got Goleman's new one on Social Intelligence... both seem pretty good so far. :)
  8. Thanks Tommy and Cowgirl... it was a very nice day... and I feel better at 53 than I did most of the time when I was in my 40s! :)
  9. Thanks Dougie -- that was great!
  10. tnks Dougie... btw, I've been in touch on another web site with your old buddy Pam from Marshall HS... she's in Massachusetts now and doing well.
  11. Oh, I dunno... to me, it seemed like P-Mosh was just suggesting growing up in the situation during the hayday of Martindale's reign of terror would have given him lots more to write about... not that PMosh was minimizing the guy's actual experience.
  12. I know this is a tangent off of the topic (Burns' series on PBS)... but I just finished watching Flags of Our Fathers on HBO (in HD, btw)... I didn't find anything in this forum where anyone had seen or commented on that movie. Being a veteran (Vietnam era, but FAR from any combat action), I enjoyed the movie... and am almost ashamed to say I've never seen Saving Private Ryan or some of the other recent war movies. I thought Clint Eastwood did a real good job in 'Flags' to put the viewer on the beach with the Marines... anyone else see it?
  13. It was indeed! Thank you Eyes and Excie! to you and everyone else... the best part was when the kids I volunteer with called me to sing happy birthday on a speakerphone! That was really sweet! And today, it's RAINING! But THAT, here in the desert, is a VERY good thing.
  14. I figure that as long as I'm not pushing up daisies, it's not too late. tnks hiway! AND RonG
  15. Back at ya... whenever your birthday may be! :) btw, each year (this time it's 53) is a wonderful milestone and a significant accomplishment. And for each of you here, as well as for my life, I am most thankful.
  16. Thank you for the kind words... R
  17. And I eat oatmeal EVERY day! And thank you Ex10 and WB and Mr. Einstein! from this tropical paradise in the Arizona desert! Well, we DO have palm trees here (an oasis) and it was in the 70s today... but we're expecting rain tomorrow and Saturday!
  18. Thanks... it's been nice.
  19. You're pretty wonderful yurself! Tnks
  20. Well, I better start training! Thanks friends! I appreciate the greeting!
  21. NO! The "TRUTH" comes from MSNBC and Keith Olbermann!
  22. Congrats... btw, I know I'm at risk of revealing my ignorance, but WHO would be the first? Might that be you, GSG?
  23. How in the world the former Sally Rood found her wits about her and divorced the guy, I don't know... but I can't help but be glad she did. I hope the daughters are all in touch with their mother at this point.
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