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Stayed Too Long

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Everything posted by Stayed Too Long

  1. Reconsider changing F's to D's asks principal Ester Jones. This principl needs to be "graduated" right out the front door and onto the street.
  2. .....may be coming down. Yankees Unveil Plans for $800 Million Park New home for the New York Yankees.
  3. Loy Boy looked ridiculous as the lead in Athletes of the Spirit. He was by far the least graceful, and so stiff and uncoordinated. It must have taken a huge ego to put himself in as the star of the show.
  4. Anyone know anything about this????? Format, who is teaching, content, ???
  5. In 1976 or so Wierwille declared the "Word was over the USA". Anyone know the specifics of what acheivements were attained for that announcement?
  6. It sounds like the second Christian man had problems before meeting you. You are much better off not living with a drunk. That was a wise choice to leave him. The first one chose TWI and its leadership over you, so a good choice to have avoided also. If you feel the problem is with "Christian men", date a man who is of another faith or none at all. See if things work out better for you. You have not had many opportunities to date, so why not? Is it your location? Do you feel comfortable dating? Do men ask you out? Trust is something you have to regain if you do want to have a lasting relationship. Have you sought help in dealing with these issues?
  7. Don't think how someone looks is valid criteria for denying entry to the U.S., especially since he is a citizen of the United States.
  8. Copenhagen snuff hands down was much harder to quit than cigs. The reason was I love the taste of cope....cigs were not that good except after a meal or out drinking. Been over 10 years since I "put a pinch between my cheek and gum."
  9. Prior to being M/A by TWI I pretty much knew I would one day be gone and used to wonder how to explain my years with a cult. At first I did avoid telling people what I did with 20 years of my life, but now if anyone asks I just tell them I was in a cult. In casual conversations sometimes I just volunteer the information. I really have not received any negative responses either. Apparently to most it is a non issue. That says it better than I have been able to sum up my time with TWI. Controlling my thoughts about any problems or concerns was of the utmost importance to me. Denial was the name of the game with me. And denial fit in so well with TWI's mode of operation. We were told, "do not confess any negatives because it was negative believing." And of course negative believing would lead to fear, and we all know what fear led to---disease, death, and whatever unimaginable things that had not yet happened to us. Exactly....same problems only twenty years later because they were never dealth with, only pushed under the carpet in the disguise of "positive believing." In the past 8 years I have been able to deal with many of them. For one thing they are not of such supreme importance anymore. Getting older has put a different slant on my perspective of what matters in life. Change still demands hard mental work but it seems to come a little easier because the anxiety is not there to be perfect. Somethings I just do not see as problems anymore.
  10. Please be more specific in what I posted leading you to believe I should consider a therapist again.
  11. Exactly. And even though it is a far more evil cult that TWI, many still are involved. Why do people remain when for decades the church allowed their leaders to o be pedophiles? To me it is impossible to understand how anyone could continue to support a group like this. But many still do, so they obviously are deriving some good from the group. I do not support TWI today, but can not deny my experiences were far more good than bad when I was involved.
  12. How true!! How true!! As life began for my generation, the baby boomers, it was perfectly acceptable for a person to defend themselves, their family, and property. If an attack or assualt happened you could put up a defense, up to and including, killing the perpetrator, if need be. There were no "warnings" coming from the police about "putting yourself in danger" because you own a weapon and are willing to use it to protect your child. No worry about being arrested or sued because some prosecutor or judge felt you used excessive force to save your wife's life as someone was attempting to rape her. Then the 'do gooders' and 'feel good' people got into power. They told us murderers, rapists, and criminals in general are really just nice people, and all it will take to change them is to "help them feel good' about themselves. In actuality it is not the criminal's fault they murder or rape, but the blame belongs squarely on society. It is your fault and mine that someone's child is laying dead at their feet. It is societies fault your daughter was assualted and raped last night. All personal responsibility is taken away and the crime rests on the shoulders of society. So we bought into this notion and decided to carry it even further. Not only should criminals feel good about themselves, but everyone else should also. So now in schools instead of having to pass math and english classes to reach the next grade level, we pass students solely for the purpose of them 'feeling good' about themselves. It is called a "social promotion", and the child bears no personal responsibility to learn or achieve. Slowly over the past 50 years as this liberal influence has risen in society, the crime rate has also risen. Somehow it has become "immoral" to blow some jerk's brains all over the bedroom wall as he is breaking into your home. Now it is fashionable to not defend your family, let the killer or rapist do whatever they want, then call the police. Don't let it bother you your wife is dead and you might have prevented it, but 'feel good' because you did not get involved in protecting her. After all that is not your job (and if you did have a fire arm your kid might accidentally find it and be traumatized for life). The police can protect your family so much better than you. Again, just as you learned in school, you bear no responsibility, it is someone elses. Passing more laws to restrict the movement of, or monitor perverts, is not going to work because there are just too many. If everyone convicted of a sexual offense had a monitoring device permanently attached it would be impossible to track them all the time because of their sheer numbers. Look at how many air traffic controllers it takes to know where all the planes in the country flying are located. The solution is to keep them locked up. There is a saying the punishment must fit the crime. We know that sexual offenders can not be rehabilitated and will more than likely offend again. The first offense should be life in prison for someone who rapes. I do not see why some see that as a too harsh a punishment. It should be classified just like murder. Why the soft gloves treatment for someone who rapes a child? Somehow we see ourselves as a 'moral' and 'caring' nation if we let rapist's run free in the streets. After all that is their right. That same 'moral' nation has made the decision it is also 'moral' to see children raped. If rapists are in prison they can not rape again. That seems very moral, and logical, to me.
  13. For me TWI had more positive expereinces than negative ones. Having been out for 8 years and gotten over the unpleasant times, I do not really regret my association with TWI. After having been in for a couple of years I knew it was time for me to move on, but I made the choice to stay for about 20 years. Why? For the friendships I had made. No doubt TWI made it more difficult for me to leave with their fear teachings of losing rewards and becoming 'a grease spot by midnight'. But bottom line it was the friends I did not want to loose. It had always been difficult for me to make friends and TWI provided an immediate, seemly endless supply, of them. This quickly took care of a very pressing concern in my life. I no longer felt unloved and an outcast. I also very much wanted to be married, but not being able to make friends prevented that from happening. No problem. I met a woman in fellowship, got married, and had a wonderful daughter. What could be better? I never experienced, or heard about, the disgusting reprobate hehavior of leadership presented by so many here at GSC. There was no real hurt inflicted on me and my family. That is why I use the word 'unpleasant' to describe some of my experiences with TWI. And up until Martindale announced "the word was over the world", stopped the ROA and WOW, declared we were now "living in the land of the prevailing word", and the began 'cleansing the household', I enjoyed being a part of the fellowship. My daughter was born and raised in TWI and her only negative comments are the restrictions placed on her during Way Disciples. She wanted to spend more time with her school friends, but because she was the only child, and could only go out 'two by two', her play time with buddies was non existant, except when they came over. I also feel TWI helped me very much in raising our daughter and being a good dad. In all the fellowhips I was a part of it was emphasized to be very forgiving of our children, to shower them with praise and affection, to be very protective of them physically and mentally, and for them to be involved in school activities. Discipline was emphasized but not to any great degree, and when disciplined, children were to be built up and forgiven. The way I look at it, I made the choice to join TWI. No one held a gun to my head and said stay. True I had a very over whelming need in my life to make friends, but it was my decision to be a part of TWI. If I had lived in a larger area I may have made the choice to join a gang to feel accepted by others. Or I could have become involved with drugs and alcohol to ease the pain. For whatever reason I chose TWI. And it was a much better choice than a gang, alcohol or drugs. Maybe not the best choice of alternatives but by no means the worst either. But then again what were the alternatives? I had gone to shrinks and group therapies once a week, or more, for 6 years. 6 long years of spilling my guts to some guy or woman and getting no results. 6 years of giving my hard earned money to people who did not help me. I also joined volunteer groups, civic and veterans organizations, trying to overcome this shyness I had. But to no avail. TWI was just another avenue in my quest to become more competent in my personal life and have friends. And it did just that. Abundant sharing expensive? Ha...compare that to paying out of pocket for a shrink. Our TWI experience is a matter of perspective, obviously some better than others. You could compare it to living in the United States. If you are a white person your perspective is probably quite good. You have had the opportunity of living the American Dream. But if you are an American Indian, had your land stolen, been lied to many times with broken treaties, had your spouse and children murdered, 'given' a piece of land to live on, then had it 'taken back' because there was some value found on it by the white man, your perspective might be a little different. Or if you are a black person living in the United States as a slave, or in the South when the KKK was strongly supported and active, and your children could not attend white schools, your perspective is probably much different than mine. Some people who post here did see and receive the worst possible treatment from TWI. It is shameful and I wish it had never happened. That is not the experience of everyone though. If they had not come around I really do not know what I would have done because I was running out of options. I had grown up in the church, attended christian schools, been to shrinks, belonged to charities and civic groups. but received no help. Traditional church, mental health, and groups society had to offer did nothing for me and were out of the question any more. Thankfully I did not choose gangs, drugs, or booze.
  14. Viagra For Sex Offenders ALBANY, N.Y. - Scores of convicted rapists and other high-risk sex offenders in New York have been getting Viagra paid by Medicaid for the last five years, the state's comptroller said Sunday. Audits by Comptroller Alan Hevesi's office showed that between January 2000 and March 2005, 198 sex offenders in New York received Medicaid-reimbursed Viagra after their convictions. Those included crimes against children as young as 2 years old, he said. Hevesi asked Michael Leavitt, secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, in a letter Sunday to "take immediate action to ensure that sex offenders do not receive erectile dysfunction medication paid for by taxpayers." A call to Leavitt's office was not immediately returned Sunday. According to Hevesi, the problem is an unintended consequence of a 1998 directive from federal officials telling states that Medicaid prescription programs must include Viagra. His office discovered that the state was helping sex offenders pay for Viagra by checking Medicaid pharmacy expenditures against the state's sex offender registry. New York's two senators said Sunday the problem should be corrected. Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton said in a statement that it was "deeply disturbing and runs contrary to the purpose of Medicaid, which is to provide health care coverage for uninsured, low-income individuals." Clinton, a Democrat, urged Leavitt to look into the matter, and said she would explore legislative options. New York's other senator, Democrat Chuck Schumer, said at a press conference in New York City that he hoped the issue could be resolved without a bill, but he's prepared to offer one if needed. "While I believe that HHS did not do this intentionally, when the government pays for Viagra for sex offenders, it could well hurt many innocent people," he said. New York auditors are reviewing whether other prescription drugs for sexual dysfunction are being reimbursed by Medicaid for convicted sex offenders, Hevesi spokesman David Neustadt said. While the auditors didn't review the situation on Viagra reimbursement by Medicaid in other states, he said they have no indication that the policies are different elsewhere. This is obviously a big problem. How can doctors, clinics, and pharmacies know if they are giving viagra to a convicted sex offender? Will they now be required to check to see if every viagra perscription they write or fill is going to a violent sexual predator? Will the ACLU become involved and defend these child molestors because they are being denied their constitutional rights?
  15. Event Sparks Creation/Evolution Debate PETERSBURG, Ky. - Ken Ham has spent 11 years working on a museum that poses the big question — when and how did life begin? Ham hopes to soon offer an answer to that question in his still-unfinished Creation Museum in northern Kentucky. The $25 million monument to creationism offers Ham's view that God created the world in six, 24-hour days on a planet just 6,000 years old. The largest museum of its kind in the world, it hopes to draw 600,000 people from the Midwest and beyond in its first year. Ham, 53, isn't bothered that his literal interpretation of the Bible runs counter to accepted scientific theory, which says Earth and its life forms evolved over billions of years. Ham said the museum is a way of reaching more people along with the Answers in Genesis Web site, which claims to get 10 million page views per month and his "Answers ... with Ken Ham" radio show, carried by more than 725 stations worldwide. "People will get saved here," Ham said of the museum. "It's going to fire people up. If nothing else, it's going to get them to question their own position of what they believe." Ham is ready for a fight over his beliefs — based on a literal interpretation of the book of Genesis, the first book of the Old Testament. "It's a foundational battle," said Ham, a native of Australia who still speaks with an accent. "You've got to get people believing the right history - and believing that you can trust the Bible." Among Ham's beliefs are that the Earth is about 6,000 years old, a figure arrived at by tracing the biblical genealogies, and not 4.5 billion years, as mainstream scientists say; the Grand Canyon was formed not by erosion over millions of years, but by floodwaters in a matter of days or weeks and that dinosaurs and man once coexisted, and dozens of the creatures — including Tyrannosaurus Rex — were passengers on the ark built by Noah, who was a real man, not a myth. Although the Creation Museum's full opening is still two years away, already a buzz is building. "When that museum is finished, it's going to be Cincinnati's No. 1 tourist attraction," says the Rev. Jerry Falwell, nationally known Baptist evangelist and chancellor of Liberty University in Lynchburg, Va. "It's going to be a mini-Disney World." Respected groups such as the National Science Board, the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the National Science Teachers Association strongly support the theory of evolution. John Marburger, the Bush administration's science adviser, has said, "Evolution is a cornerstone of modern biology." Many mainstream scientists worry that creationist theology masquerading as science will have an adverse effect on the public's science literacy. "It's a giant step backward in science education," says Carolyn Chambers, chair of the biology department at Xavier University, which is operated by the Jesuit order of the Catholic church. Glenn Storrs, curator of vertebrate paleontology for the Cincinnati Museum Center, leads dinosaur excavations in Montana each summer. He said the theory of dinosaurs and man coexisting is a "non-issue." "And so, I believe, is the age of the Earth," Storrs said. "It's very clear the Earth is much older than 6,000 years." The Rev. Mendle Adams, pastor of St. Peter's United Church of Christ in Pleasant Ridge, takes issue with Ham's views — and the man himself. "He takes extraordinary liberties with Scripture and theology to prove his point," Adams said. "The bottom line is, he is anti-gay, and he uses that card all the time." Ham says homosexual behavior is a sin. But he adds that he's careful to condemn the behavior, not the person. Even detractors concede that Ham has appeal. Ian Plimer, chair of geology at the University of Melbourne, became aware of Ham in the late 1980s, when Ham's creationist ministry in Australia was just a few years old. "He is promoting the religion and science of 350 years ago," says Plimer. "He's a far better communicator than most mainstream scientists." Despite his communication skills, Ham admits he doesn't always make a good first impression. But, that doesn't stop him from trying to spread his beliefs. "He'd be speaking 20 hours a day if his body would let him," said Mike Zovath, vice president of museum operations. Ham's wife of 32 years agrees. "He finds it difficult talking about things apart from the ministry," Mally Ham says. "He doesn't shut off." Ham said he has no choice but to speak out about what he believes. "The Lord gave me a fire in my bones," Ham says. "The Lord has put this burden in my heart: 'You've got to get this information out.'" There are quite a few Christian's that do not agree with Ham's conclusions on the beginning of the earth. Most Christian's have a difficult time changing their views when science proves them wrong. Take the debate of the sun revolving around the earth. In 1543, Nicolaus Copernicus published a new theory stating the earth revolves around the sun. This theory was considered a serious challenge by the Roman Catholic Church, who believed the sun revolved around the earth. Today modern Christianity has no probem with this.
  16. My daughter is graduating in a couple of weeks and 3 of her friend's sent me an announcement. I figure it is worth a $20 bill for each of her buddies.
  17. If it is used strictly for legal purposes I see nothing wrong with its use. I guess you will have to ask Puck what those legal uses are though.
  18. +Excellent!!! Excellent!!!
  19. Why do we assume that teachers are out to make life miserable for our children? In the evening, instead of planning lessons for the next day and correcting papers, they are apparently deviously planning how to trick a child into completely disrupting the class, so they can 'cuff em'. Then these crazy instructors decide not to allow cell phones in classrooms just so some kid can mouth off when he gets a call and they can suspend him. And if the teacher in this case is white you can bet it was racially motivated. All irrate parents should ban together and take the schools over. Then you can show the rest of the world how to properly maintain order in the classroom. G-d (finally got to use the dash) knows your time has come.
  20. I got a laugh out of it too, as did my friend Rosie Palm.
  21. Gambino Family Refuses to Use De Palm Anymore Three New York doctors were charged on Thursday with giving large amounts of Viagra and other anti-impotence drugs to mob members in return for construction and auto repair work done by mafia-controlled businesses. ......Shapiro had been treating Gregory DePalma, who prosecutors say is a powerful "captain" in the Gambino family, for a heart condition, Herman said.
  22. The left does not weigh in against communist slaughters. Under Mao Tse-Tung's Great Leap Forward 20 million died. He is held in high esteem for his 'famous' quotes. The Dems can not get enough of Fidel Castro even though he continues to kill his countrymen. Jane Fonda loved the communists in Viet Nam and still can not figure out why she is so hated for it.
  23. Thanks for the information Sharon. This Friday I will set a side time to reflect on man 's inhumanity to man. More than that how folks somehow found the strength and endurance to live through those horrific events. I can not imagine what it must have been like.
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