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Stayed Too Long

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Everything posted by Stayed Too Long

  1. I have bid only once. I had priced a particular model of gas furnace to install in my garage and decided to watch e-bay for a used one. The exact model was found, and the bidding lasted for a week or so. I put in my bid and followed closely everyday until the bid hit the same price as a new one. I checked back later and found the successful bidder paid $28 more than the price for a new one, plus shipping and handling. Haven't been back since.
  2. Loy's Way or the Hiway. Fortune 500 Ministries Prevailing Greasespots Ladies Nite In Ministries The Cleaned up Household HomoErectus Blaster's
  3. Bishops Screen Priests On Cruises The bishops have approved more than 650 priests to work on cruise lines in a process designed to weed out unsuitable candidates such as clergy who were suspended in the church's sex abuse scandal or those who have left the priesthood. Now this makes me feel really good!!
  4. "...if he were to contact me, personally acknowledge the damage he he did to me, apologize for the heartbreak, and ask me to forgive him......I am pretty sure that I would have it within me." This is a huge step in your life!! Hopefully I will be able to do the same if someone who has wronged me asked forgiveness. On the flip side of the coin, if I were to go to someone and ask for their forgiveness, hopefully they would respond positively.
  5. The feds are the ones really pushing political correctness to the upteenth degree. I work for an insurance company, and we do work with the federal government, which results in us having to take courses on being politically correct. We are prohibited from making any statements that could offend someone. For example lets say I went to a pawn shop, bargained with the owner, and got an item cheaper than what it was marked, I could not tell my coworkers "I Jewed him down" because it would be offensive to a Jewish person. Or if someone held back money from me I dare not say "you gyped me", because that would be offensive to a Gypsy. Blonde jokes?...excellent way to get yourself fired or suspended. Don't look at someone too long because it could be construed as an unwanted sexual overature. Prepare for a trip to human resources to explain yourself. We have become a nation obsessed with having to make everyone 'feel good', that we can't express ourselves. Satire is being attacked as offensive. Any joke you tell had better be thought out well so it doesn't step on someone's toes.
  6. Awwww, yes nothing like a little dirt about the royal family to kick start the day. After all the Peterson trial is over and it is not much fun seeing all the death and destruction from the tsunami every day.
  7. Congratulations!! If Cowgirl is a Canadian citizen and is planning to live in Texas, hope you are allowing lots of time for the immigration paper work to take place.....can be a real nightmare. I almost got married to a Canadian. Was in the middle of getting the immigration stuff done and decided to break it off. A lot of illegal options available, but if you get caught can spell real trouble. Talk to a reputable attorney.
  8. We called our grandmothers by their physical size---one loved it....the other not to sure. Big gramma and Little gramma.
  9. Religion through out time has always had to be dragged along kicking and screaming. Sometimes for centuries those who defy the church are killed and/or made to suffer. Then when it can no longer justify the dogma, through some decree or letter, it reverses the practice or belief, and washes itself clean of all the death and destruction inflicted. The church believed the earth was the center of the universe for centuries. Today we scoff at the idea, but when science challenged this belief, many were put to death. Just in my life time the changes have been dramatic. As a boy if you ate a piece of meat on Friday and died, he was damned to hell. Can you image how I felt when my uncle died on Saturday, after seeing him eat a hamburger on Friday at a company picnic? Our whole family was distraught knowing he was in hell forever for this sin. And then a few years later the rule was changed to allow eating meat on Fridays. If he had just lived a couple more years he would be enjoying life in heaven with God instead of eternal torment in hell with the devil. Most all of us have personal examples of how the church has changed it doctrine to 'keep up with the timess'. Woman's issues come to mind. Being able to work on Sundays are another. I remember when a Christian shouldn't dance. Fertilizing a woman's egg outside the womb was unthinkable to a church person a few years back....now most Christians look at it as a miracle. Sometime in the future a person stumbling across this thread will wonder what all the big stink was back in '05 about homosexuals? Someday it will be as acceptable as a person being left handed (that used to be a real no no). It will just take the church, again, a while to 'catch up' with the rest of society. And when it does, they will open their arms and act like nothing ever happened.
  10. Back in the 60's and 70's prophet's of doom were standing on soap boxes at every corner proclaiming "the end is near". Some found a few followers and convinced them to sell everything and go to a mountain top and wait for the end. When they finally ran out of breath, the message moved inside to the studio of the televangalist, where it seems to still be enjoying much success. I will venture to say within the next 10 years, when people realize they are still waking up each morning and going to work, still coming home and letting the dog out, still turning on the news and hear 'of wars and rumors of war', this current round of the 'eminent return' will die a quiet death. The only thing we can be sure of is it will be replaced with something just as compelling and riviting, to ensure a continuous flow of cash into the studio.
  11. wwjesuslaughat: ________________________________________________ I would also suggest perhaps a different picture on your home webpage. The current picture of an alluring young woman in a somewhat provocative pose with a guy nuzzling her neck doesn't seem to promote the ideas you're putting out there. ________________________________________________ I would hardly put that pic in the catagory of a 'somewhat provocative pose'.
  12. Welcome garthman...you are out in force today.
  13. How about these little gems? After the 'way king pin' begins chewing you out for screwing up, he/she adds "How did you miss the revelation? God would not have told me until He told you at least once!" Prior to my ex and I splitting up we went for 'counseling' from our coordinators. We were told they did not intend to spend much time with us, because "if we are really walking, we will only have to hear once what they have to say." "Endear yourself to leadership and open up to them." Once they did the axe fell quickly on some in our area. "Even if leadership is wrong God will bless you for doing what they ask."
  14. What The Hay: ________________________________________________ t seems one is supposed to feel sympathy for the victim of child abuse but never the abuser - no, they are to be condemned. That may be the natural response to child abuse, but without this recognition I don't believe the cycle of child abuse can be effectively broken. Sympathy for victim is no more effective treatment for child abuse than condemnation for the abuser. ________________________________________________ Please be very specific and describe the treatment you propose for the abuser. For this discussion let's assume the abuser will receive the needed amount of sympathy and/or condemnation.
  15. We never did "say" there was a Santa Claus....felt it would be a lie, but did give out presents from him. When our daughter asked us about Santa we told her he did not exist and we were the ones putting gifts under the tree. We told her the santa's at the store were men dressed up to look like him. She knodded her head and didn't say much after that. She is now 18 and still gets presents from Santa every year.
  16. Loy Boy was ranting and raving on some tape about all the sex that was going on between teenagers at one of the ROA in the early 90's. Supposedly some girl had gone to Donna complaining about all the sex, and Loy kicked into action with his manifestation of discerning of spirits. As I recall he named an animal spirit at work because the couples were letting others watch them.....only the animal kingdom does this I guess. And the ring leader boy had one of those dreaded '5 star general' spurts too. I can't remember how many of those ' buck private' spurts there were involved. As I recall there were some lieing and deception going on also. WOW....now that I think about it, Loy wasn't getting revelation at all....he was talking from experience!!!
  17. Having seen Barry Lynn on television a couple of times, it is obvious he is nothing more than an apologist for Christianity. Can't believe he actually considers himself a Christian Minister.
  18. Garth: ________________________________________________ So I guess thats why I find it rather amusing that many religious conservatives think that the 'politically correct liberals' are trying to 'steal' Christmas away from 'its true meaning'. Basically it was never really theirs to begin with as far as the meaning of the holiday goes. ________________________________________________ While this maybe the true origin of Christmas, when President Grant declared the federal holiday of Christmas 134 years ago, I don't image it was part of the celebration. The citizens of the United States were rejoicing in the birth of Jesus Christ, and set time aside on his supposed birthday to do that. You can even argue that December 25 is not Jesus Christ's birthday, but that doesn't make the federal holiday any less applicable. The holiday was made to recognize Christ, just like Martin Luther King's holiday was established to recognize Martin Luther King. I can't image eliminating King out of his January holiday, and say renaming it, "Down Hill Skiing Day" because someone felt offended by King. Finally Christians are standing up for what is right and not letting Christ being taken out of Christmas.
  19. I agree Vickles....so many though have been put throught the winger so to speak, and are really at a disadvantage. I beleive we should return to something like the old orphanage system of days gone by. In this setting the children would return to the same environment, and not have to readapt to a new setting and new people each time they were taken from their bio parents. Some continuity would be very helpful and would be much less expensive.
  20. Galen: ________________________________________________ Imagine being taken to a prison to be re-introduced to the father who molested you as an infant. Icck. All because he has parental rights and if he were only freed he could take you home with him. ________________________________________________ When I was married my wife couldn't have children so we decided to go the foster care route and adopt. WOW!! What an eye opener we were in for. By the time a child in foster care is even considered for adoption, they have been negelected or abused by their bio parents MULTIPLE times. These negelectful/abusive parents are given many chances to change and turn their lives around. When these poor, pitiful children are finally made available for adoption they are physically and mental screwed up for life. Many will require a lifetime of psychological counseling. They have been passed around the foster care system from family to family so many times, they lack the ability to bond into a normal child/parent relationship. Just to get some of these children to function minimually in a family setting is a major ordeal, and some never do. If anyone is considering going this route, these children will never bond to you as a child would, who say his parents died, and was put up for adoption. You need to be a very patient person and willing to give much love and not expect any in return. If we decided to adopt, the State wanted it to be an 'open adoption', meaning the low down, rotten parents who were responsible for this damage to their children, would still have some rights to the child. To me all parental rights should be terminated permanently if they abuse their children. And this guy should not be allowed to be around children once he gets out of prison. These jerks are never 'cured' and will continue abusing children. Needless to say we did not go this route. I am thankful we didn't for more than one reason, since we divorced, which would have compounded the problem more.
  21. Why do people give Donald Trump so much credit? He has a hit TV reality show many can't get enough of. Then the next day the 'loser' who heard the infamous "your fired", is booked on TV to say what a wonderful guy he is. Talk shows and news programs have him on to dispense his advice. Yet his business is bankrupt, and this is not the first time either. He seems like a con artist who has made it to the big times.
  22. .....and how about that tin of popcorn for only $6? A real bargain!
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