Twinky, pleeze don't count it out this yr. After all, you never know what's around the corner.
And Mr. P, and CA dreaming, it's a rockin good time. Mr. P especially, dear. How many years have we been talkin about gettin together? I would so love to meet your sweet, sweet family.
And CA, geeze, it's about dang time...Old friends are the golden ones.... :wub:
Can't make it. In Alaska, we work hard all summer (construction industry for me), gearing up for the long winter. It is during the winter that we take off for parts South where the sun shines and life is warmer. Like, Mexico or Central America. OR, Viva La Vegas like we did last winter. And what a fine time it was! but, we won't be heading to Tejas this time. But what fun it would be to see you all! Even if it is me, "Jonny Lingo"!
I could use some specifics on this thing..........d..m, I didn't even know this thread was here. Nothing like being newbie! :lol:
Twinky, pleeze don't count it out this yr. After all, you never know what's around the corner.
And Mr. P, and CA dreaming, it's a rockin good time. Mr. P especially, dear. How many years have we been talkin about gettin together? I would so love to meet your sweet, sweet family.
And CA, geeze, it's about dang time...Old friends are the golden ones.... :wub:
I'll let ex10 add details, but the general gist is that the actual barbecue is Saturday afternoon-evening, with attendees bringing side dishes, etc. Ex10 and Dooj will probably coordinate. A "pre-party" on Friday night has also been part of the festivities, as has an informal fellowship on Sunday morning. You will not be marked and avoided for failing to miss any part, but you really shouldn't want to!
Depending on how far you live from The Woodlands, you might consider renting a nearby hotel room.
In the Gallery are some pictures from the first two affairs.
This started a couple of years ago when Tom Strange and I invited ourselves over to ex10's, and it grew out of control! :lol:
I'll let ex10 add details, but the general gist is that the actual barbecue is Saturday afternoon-evening, with attendees bringing side dishes, etc. Ex10 and Dooj will probably coordinate. A "pre-party" on Friday night has also been part of the festivities, as has an informal fellowship on Sunday morning. You will not be marked and avoided for failing to miss any part, but you really shouldn't want to!
Depending on how far you live from The Woodlands, you might consider renting a nearby hotel room.
In the Gallery are some pictures from the first two affairs.
This started a couple of years ago when Tom Strange and I invited ourselves over to ex10's, and it grew out of control! :lol:
I did see the pictures, of course Ex10 was the only person I recognized, but maybe I have met more of the bunch.
Airline ticket prices aren't bad - I just checked tixs from Manchester, NH to Dallas, TX and found it would be about $230 roundtrip. Not bad at all. That being said, we're installing a new propane heater to combat the cost of heating oil right now and we are beyond broke.... I will join by Skype, if that's an option....
Airline ticket prices aren't bad - I just checked tixs from Manchester, NH to Dallas, TX and found it would be about $230 roundtrip. Not bad at all. That being said, we're installing a new propane heater to combat the cost of heating oil right now and we are beyond broke.... I will join by Skype, if that's an option....
Dallas would still be quite a drive to ex10's place (though you could probably come with Tom Strange, TBone, or Doojable). Excie lives quite close to George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, however.
Not sure if I can make it or not.
Thanks :)
Hmmm... We may have to re-think that no-mark-and-avoid policy.
Hmmm... We may have to re-think that no-mark-and-avoid policy.
Was this meant for me? :) Since I live two hours East of Dallas, flying would be my preference. Money is a little tight right now, since my girlfriends daughter hung her self from a tree three months ago. The kids real father was supposed to pay for funeral costs, of course he won't answer his telephone and lives out of state. The SOB didn't in show for the funeral, said he couldn't handle it. Anyway, we all have problems don't we :lol: I will check airline prices from here, maybe they won't be to bad.
If you can make it, know we'd love to have you. You might consider PM-ing Dooj, TBone, or Tom to see if you could drive down with one of them (though if you're two hours from Dallas, a flight might be better).
All this BBQ talk is making me think I need to get organized. But, since I wasn't born with the organization gene, we just take it as it comes.
George is of course, correct in his synopsis of the weekend. Friday night is the pregame dinner for whoever happens to be in town, and wants to show up. The official BBQ day is Saturday, starting around noonish. The day is filled with food, and thanks to Tom Strange, beer. Dooj is the kitchen queen, my beloved her right hand, and they coordinate all the scruptous edibles. Tonto is the wine goddess, T-bone the photographer, and I usually end up helping folks figure out accomodations and flights. (And I might add, giving directions to all lost wanderers who didn't follow the directions I gave them to start with.) George keeps us all rolling our eyes with jokes, and the countess brings her famous potato salad. We usually stay up till the cock crows thrice, then sleep for 15 minutes.
Then on Sunday, whoever can still hang out does. We do a loose, informal "not-a- fellowship" which last year happened at about 11ish I think. After that, lunch, and everybody gets kicked out by 4pm or so, so I can clean up. Of course, the folks that have Monday flights usually end up sticking around for a supper of leftovers on Sunday, and then hang out til we are all so bleary eyed, that sleep is not optional, but required.
To do the Skype thingy, we need a techie volunteer. Any takers? ;)
All I need is a head count a couple of weeks before, so Dooj and I can plan the food. Anybody who needs hotel and flight information can either pm or email me.
Like George said, if you are flying into Houston, we are about 45 minutes from Bush Intercontinental Airport. I can't really arrange picking up people from the airport, but there is a shuttle to the big Marriot which is only a few minutes from my house, and close to where most of the hotels are, where most out of towners (with cars even) end up staying.
If anybody else needs any more info, you know where to find me. :B)
And Twinky, last year the hot tub had a leak, so we never got to do our soaking thing. And no, we haven't fixed it yet. It's been on my to do list all year, but then you know what a procrastinator I am.
But of course if Dave Miller is coming, and insists on experiencing the hot tub........
If you can make it, know we'd love to have you. You might consider PM-ing Dooj, TBone, or Tom to see if you could drive down with one of them (though if you're two hours from Dallas, a flight might be better).
Thanks, flying is the only way to go, I just hate to drive. Will do the "priceline" type thing soon.
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Twinky, pleeze don't count it out this yr. After all, you never know what's around the corner.
And Mr. P, and CA dreaming, it's a rockin good time. Mr. P especially, dear. How many years have we been talkin about gettin together? I would so love to meet your sweet, sweet family.
And CA, geeze, it's about dang time...Old friends are the golden ones.... :wub:
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Looks like another crowd.

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Ah good. You aren't a writer. Otherwise you'd be contemplating your NOVEL. ;)
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So what about it, dmiller?
Last year you threatened to join the BBQ but backed down. Are you man enough, this year?
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Hey there George.
Last year I had a three week vacation set up. I was in Indiana visiting my folks before heading over to the BBQ,
and a day or two before I was going to leave there to go to Texas ---
Dad fainted and cut his head badly on a kitchen cabinet. It wasn't pretty.
I felt I needed to stay in Indiana for the rest of the vacation.
If I recollect correct, he was getting out of the hospital the day the BBQ started.
THAT's why I wasn't there.
I hope I don't see a repeat of that this year, eh?
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Tom Strange
Mosh... get thee to the BBQ!
dave... you too! just head south on I35 and give me a call when you get to DFW, we'll pool from there!
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I-35 ends about 3/4 of a mile to a mile from my house.
I figure if I get on it there, I'm headed the right direction, right? ;)
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Mister P-Mosh
I'd love to go, but we'll see what happens closer to the date.
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J0nny Ling0
Can't make it. In Alaska, we work hard all summer (construction industry for me), gearing up for the long winter. It is during the winter that we take off for parts South where the sun shines and life is warmer. Like, Mexico or Central America. OR, Viva La Vegas like we did last winter. And what a fine time it was! but, we won't be heading to Tejas this time. But what fun it would be to see you all! Even if it is me, "Jonny Lingo"!
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Jim Wood
I could use some specifics on this thing..........d..m, I didn't even know this thread was here. Nothing like being newbie! :lol:
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I'll let ex10 add details, but the general gist is that the actual barbecue is Saturday afternoon-evening, with attendees bringing side dishes, etc. Ex10 and Dooj will probably coordinate. A "pre-party" on Friday night has also been part of the festivities, as has an informal fellowship on Sunday morning. You will not be marked and avoided for failing to miss any part, but you really shouldn't want to!
Depending on how far you live from The Woodlands, you might consider renting a nearby hotel room.
In the Gallery are some pictures from the first two affairs.
This started a couple of years ago when Tom Strange and I invited ourselves over to ex10's, and it grew out of control! :lol:
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Jim Wood
I did see the pictures, of course Ex10 was the only person I recognized, but maybe I have met more of the bunch.
Not sure if I can make it or not.
Thanks :)
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is that ham and pineapple pizza, or ham, and pineapple pizza?
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If Dooj is there (and she probably will be), it will be neither.
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Airline ticket prices aren't bad - I just checked tixs from Manchester, NH to Dallas, TX and found it would be about $230 roundtrip. Not bad at all. That being said, we're installing a new propane heater to combat the cost of heating oil right now and we are beyond broke.... I will join by Skype, if that's an option....
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Dallas would still be quite a drive to ex10's place (though you could probably come with Tom Strange, TBone, or Doojable). Excie lives quite close to George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, however.
Hmmm... We may have to re-think that no-mark-and-avoid policy.
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Jim Wood
Hmmm... We may have to re-think that no-mark-and-avoid policy.
Was this meant for me? :) Since I live two hours East of Dallas, flying would be my preference. Money is a little tight right now, since my girlfriends daughter hung her self from a tree three months ago. The kids real father was supposed to pay for funeral costs, of course he won't answer his telephone and lives out of state. The SOB didn't in show for the funeral, said he couldn't handle it. Anyway, we all have problems don't we :lol: I will check airline prices from here, maybe they won't be to bad.
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Sorry for your girlfriend's (and your) loss.
If you can make it, know we'd love to have you. You might consider PM-ing Dooj, TBone, or Tom to see if you could drive down with one of them (though if you're two hours from Dallas, a flight might be better).
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Hey I just found the pix for the 2006 BBQ in Gallery.
There's a great set of photos from the 2007 BBQ, some of which could do with posting somewhere on this site.
Ex10, are you cleaning out the hot tub again this year? Tell you what, I'll wallow in my bath and think of y'all.
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Jim Wood
Wonder if shorts or bathing suits are optional?..............guess I'll get back to fantasizing about Misti May/Treanor
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All this BBQ talk is making me think I need to get organized. But, since I wasn't born with the organization gene, we just take it as it comes.
George is of course, correct in his synopsis of the weekend. Friday night is the pregame dinner for whoever happens to be in town, and wants to show up. The official BBQ day is Saturday, starting around noonish. The day is filled with food, and thanks to Tom Strange, beer. Dooj is the kitchen queen, my beloved her right hand, and they coordinate all the scruptous edibles. Tonto is the wine goddess, T-bone the photographer, and I usually end up helping folks figure out accomodations and flights. (And I might add, giving directions to all lost wanderers who didn't follow the directions I gave them to start with.) George keeps us all rolling our eyes with jokes, and the countess brings her famous potato salad. We usually stay up till the cock crows thrice, then sleep for 15 minutes.
Then on Sunday, whoever can still hang out does. We do a loose, informal "not-a- fellowship" which last year happened at about 11ish I think. After that, lunch, and everybody gets kicked out by 4pm or so, so I can clean up. Of course, the folks that have Monday flights usually end up sticking around for a supper of leftovers on Sunday, and then hang out til we are all so bleary eyed, that sleep is not optional, but required.
To do the Skype thingy, we need a techie volunteer. Any takers? ;)
All I need is a head count a couple of weeks before, so Dooj and I can plan the food. Anybody who needs hotel and flight information can either pm or email me.
Like George said, if you are flying into Houston, we are about 45 minutes from Bush Intercontinental Airport. I can't really arrange picking up people from the airport, but there is a shuttle to the big Marriot which is only a few minutes from my house, and close to where most of the hotels are, where most out of towners (with cars even) end up staying.
If anybody else needs any more info, you know where to find me. :B)
And Twinky, last year the hot tub had a leak, so we never got to do our soaking thing. And no, we haven't fixed it yet.
It's been on my to do list all year, but then you know what a procrastinator I am.
But of course if Dave Miller is coming, and insists on experiencing the hot tub........
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i'm sorry. i just wanted to tell you, jim, how terribly sorry i am.
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I don't do hot tubs.
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Jim Wood
Thanks, flying is the only way to go, I just hate to drive. Will do the "priceline" type thing soon.
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