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Did you ever find it curious....


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Did you ever find it curious that in the way international they talk EXTENSIVELY about seed of the serpent, the Devil's own seed, Children of the Devil, the unforgivable sin, wells w/o water, those who are open to possession from any spirit at anytime that the Devil chooses to send in to move things. Get the drift?

At other times they talk about homosexuals. They are called the lowest of the low - meaning the devil spirit that makes people homosexual are the lowest on the devil spirit totem pole, they are devoid of judgment, they are without feeling and have given themselves over to lasciviousness and I could go on.

Now, I am not trying to debate what the Bible states on either subject. However, I am calling attention to the fact that there was so much condemnation put on homosexuals that the seed of the serpent folks really got a pass in comparison. When you think about it the "seed boys" would be worth the greater damnation. No? Genocide, wars, poverty, famine, etc. versus having relations with people of the same sex. Mmmmmm....why wouldn't the seed of the serpent people be the lowest of the low?

What gives?

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For Shame! OldSkool - - - you're not supposed to think for yourself!!! The organization dreamed it up....you're not supposed to think about it....you are just supposed to do what they say and think what they tell you to think......

jk, of course

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For Shame! OldSkool - - - you're not supposed to think for yourself!!! The organization dreamed it up....you're not supposed to think about it....you are just supposed to do what they say and think what they tell you to think......

jk, of course


I'll stop thinking now...maybe they will let me retake the Foundational class again?


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I guess this is an example of how time and place had an effect on the message.

During my time in The Way (70s-80s), the lowest of the low were those who were born-again of the wrong seed. And boy, howdy! Wasn't everybody who had achieved a high level of success in the world?

But here's the catch. Supposedly, this is the only unforgivable sin. So, even though homosexuality was considered to be a very base form of spiritual corruption, there was supposedly hope that it, unlike the unforgivable sin, could be reversed.

Needless to say, I have a very different perspective on both issues today than I did back then.

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Needless to say, I have a very different perspective on both issues today than I did back then.


I guess this is an example of how time and place had an effect on the message.

Boy, I guess so. Craigory blathered CONSTANTLY about the hopelessness of homosexuality. According to The Forehead there was little hope because after a person fell that low their conscience was seared and that was almost always irrevocable, unless God could work out the healing by a series of miracles. That is the sum and substance of his drivel.

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According to The Forehead there was little hope because after a person fell that low their conscience was seared and that was almost always irrevocable

Knowing what you know now about the realities of homosexuality, do you see how easy it was for him to make this seem believable? It's like saying that, because a dog can't change itself into a cat, we have proof that spirits are repressing the dog's ability to change.

If a dog comes into this world as a dog, then a dog it shall remain.

Edited by waysider
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Boy, I guess so. Craigory blathered CONSTANTLY about the hopelessness of homosexuality. According to The Forehead there was little hope because after a person fell that low their conscience was seared and that was almost always irrevocable, unless God could work out the healing by a series of miracles. That is the sum and substance of his drivel.

Dude's wife was leaving him for another woman. It's little wonder he was so wacked out. I mean you actually might have felt sorry for him if he wasn't such a colossal d'bag.

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Knowing what you know now about the realities of homosexuality, do you see how easy it was for him to make this seem believable? It's like saying that, because a dog can't change itself into a cat, we have proof that spirits are repressing the dog's ability to change.

If a dog comes into this world as a dog, then a dog it shall remain.

Yep, makes sense.

Dude's wife was leaving him for another woman. It's little wonder he was so wacked out. I mean you actually might have felt sorry for him if he wasn't such a colossal d'bag.

See, I have heard this and REALLY believe it to be true. So it's likely he took his personal grievance with Donna and Rosalie and aired it out in front of the "household!" EEEEKS!!! That's not the Word of God! (stated the obvious for dramatic effect :anim-smile: )

I think it was Gallagher who posed the question, "If your wife leaves you for another woman, do you hold the door for both of them?"

That the same Gallagher who wielded the Sledge-O-Matic?

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The big doofus wasn't sharing any kind of spiritual insight. He was frustrated as hell by his own, personal predicament and opted to wear his heart on his shirt sleeve, as the old expression goes. Of course, he could come here and apologize for his misguided orations but I'm not going to hold my breath.

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The big doofus wasn't sharing any kind of spiritual insight. He was frustrated as hell by his own, personal predicament and opted to wear his heart on his shirt sleeve, as the old expression goes.he could come here and apologize for his misguided orations but I'm not going to hold my breath.

He really seems a tragedy in the truest sense. I understand that Victor Paul Wierwille took him as a young man and molded him into the egotistical beast he became. I don't feel sorry for him though, that forehead is just too big. :anim-smile:

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Boy, I guess so. Craigory blathered CONSTANTLY about the hopelessness of homosexuality. According to The Forehead there was little hope because after a person fell that low their conscience was seared and that was almost always irrevocable, unless God could work out the healing by a series of miracles. That is the sum and substance of his drivel.

But boinking other people's wives was ok.

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So much protest at homosexuals...

Parades round RoA carrying placards.

Escalating some years later to huuuuge long screaming sessions during Corps Nights.

Accusations about anyone kicked out or M&A'd that they were homos or homo-sympathisers or homo-fantasisers.

And all because ... the lady loves ... Rosalie.

Well, dunno about love but certainly got physical with.

And since LCM couldn't scream at D0nna or control her as he wished, he took it out on everyone else.

Like kicking the cat when you have a bad day at work.


LCM forgot - that his own behavior assaulting women might have provoked D0nna's disgust with him and her turning to another (who knows the real ins and outs of R&D?, not that that's the subject here).

He also forgot that God loves us ALL and that Jesus died for us ALL including homosexuals.

And adultery is an offence against God just the same as homosexuality is an offence against God.

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Sounds like hate, bigotry, prejudice, homophobia...etc.

All of those things come to mind for sure. And the way Craig directed purges from the ranks, yelled, screamed, made insulting remarks, etc. definitely fits the bill IMO.

I just found it odd that according to the way international seed of the serpent is way worse in every way, and is in fact the worst. Then they say before God that there are levels of sin, sin is sin. Then they turn yet again and say that homosexuality is the lowest of the low. Do these buffoons EVER quit contradicting themselves?

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...homosexuality is the lowest of the low.

One of the more distasteful changes I noticed in my friend was this condemnation of homosexuals. She wasn't like that when she left.

I told her that she's drinking a toxic Kool Aid and she need to "regurgitate it." But she says her feelings are supported by the bible. [sigh]

It's so disappointing -- but I use it as psychological tool when I have to convince myself that I don't love her anymore.

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One of the more distasteful changes I noticed in my friend was this condemnation of homosexuals. She wasn't like that when she left.

I told her that she's drinking a toxic Kool Aid and she need to "regurgitate it." But she says her feelings are supported by the bible. [sigh]

It's so disappointing -- but I use it as psychological tool when I have to convince myself that I don't love her anymore.

See that's the thing. Nowhere does the bible tell us to condemn, hate, judge, revile, etc. homosexuals. It does mark homosexuality as displeasing to God, but so also is fornication, adultery, and many other things along these lines. But so many "Christians" grab this I have to hate homosexuals because it's in the bible banner and march onward. Funny how you can't find one record of Jesus chasing off homosexuals. Or Paul for that matter. Certainly it was accepted amongst the Greek and Romans much more than the religious Jewish culture of Judea. Anywhoo, let me not get to far off topic.

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I think the American Christian Press once printed a book called:

The Hope of Glory: In Search of the Light

I know that it had been sold through the Way Bookstorein the late 70's or early eighties.

The book is about the story of the author who claimed he was delivered from Homosexuality. In it he recounted the lifestyle he was in and how PFAL and Way believers helped him come to terms with God

This book was destroyed in a Hurricane and tossed (along with many others) But I remember reading it in 98.

Anyone else remember this BooK? ...and who the publisher/author was?

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I was just curious rascal, if the Way published it. The book undoubtedly told a story others would later relate to. They would relate, take the class, and see if God might change their lives, and then LCM would later "Purge them all" Just curious about if the Way was largely responsible for inviting them all in to begin with? And I couldn't find it at Amazon......lol

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On the topic of seed of the serpent ("SSsssssssssss"), I love the comment I heard numerous times that whoever was selected as Time magazine's "Man of the Year", later "Person of the Year", was seed of the serpent. That's who these media empires are sold out to and who they esteem. "Person of the Year" was a sure sign of having committed the unforgivable sin.

Then a couple years ago I picked up Time's yearly issue on this subject, only to find a mirror like surface on the cover. Person of the Year is..... YOU! "Gah! When did I get born again of the wrong seed. When did we all?!!"

Oh wait, never mind, it's crap.

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