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Power for Abundant Living Today™


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They always like massaging the numbers. Just before they gave up announcing corps grad sizes (has that resumed?),  they announced one not by how many, but the PERCENTAGE that were going on to do specific things.  20% to one thing, 40% to another.  There were FIVE GRADS.   ONE grad did the first thing, TWO did another.....

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Just one question: Lo maka seetay?



"The eagerly anticipated Power for Abundant Living (PFAL) Today Intermediate Class is finally here! Students are already immersing themselves in this new class.

The greatness of this class is that it begins to move a believer from receiving to giving. In the Foundational Class, students learn how to receive into manifestation power from on high and speak in tongues. In the Intermediate Class, students learn how to accurately and lovingly operate the worship manifestations of speaking in tongues, interpretation of tongues and prophecy, enabling the believer to give to others and build up the Church.

Like its Foundational Class predecessor, the PFAL Today Intermediate Class was filmed in front of a live student audience at The Way International Headquarters on the same class set. It is presented in a more concise package, in three sessions with twelve total segments. This class is taught by three dynamic teachers—Rev. Eddie McInnis, Mrs. Chandler Greene (Liz), and Rev. Michael Cosgrove.

This new addition to the PFAL Today class series will make an impactful spiritual imprint on the hearts and lives of the believers worldwide. If you’re interested in taking this class, we encourage you to reach out to your local leadership about forming a class in your area. If you haven’t connected with our ministry yet, we would love to meet you and share more! You can reach us by completing our Contact Us form.

Born-again believers have received a powerful gift, the gift of holy spirit, from our heavenly Father, God. Enjoy learning more about how to put that gift into operation with the PFAL Today Intermediate Class!"

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In my Bible 1 Cor 12:21 says the eye cannot say to the hand I have no need of you.

This cult basically lives in that doctrinal and practical error.  If you live isolated from all the rest of the body of Christ, have no interaction with them throughout your life, and continue to believe you are the only sect that has the true interpretation of “God’s Word” since the first century you delude yourself.

Why would I trust anything they teach in I Cor 12-14 if they can’t live one simple verse in 12:21?

The fruit of their lives contradicts everything that comes out of their mouth.

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1 hour ago, modcat5 said:

So... have we heard from anyone who has taken this class? Or the intermediate?

Speculation aside?

Someone on Reddit told me the class is 18 hours, registration is $100, includes syllabus and books. He didn't say which books, only that they are revisions of old books, as the class is a revision of the original, errors and all. (He didn't know what I was talking about when I asked about error corrections.) He said they were holding classes "all over" and would try to connect me with one in my area, if I were interested.

I asked if "the class" was available for purchase on Blue-ray or DVD.

He said, "It's a class you can take, not something available for sale. Registration is $100..."

An answer like that should tell you all you need to know about how old the new one really is.

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So, in twi,

they're using plagiarized materials, and charging large sums for classes that have a negligible expense for them.  The books are published in-house on the cheap, and marked up for retail prices.  None of the content has been improved, and it's just got a new paint job.  Not stated, but obvious with twi, was that- once again-  everyone's now required to take the new classes all over again, and not considered grads of the new stuff just because they sat through 100% of the same material previously.

Personally, I think the increased price per student is meant to offset the decreased numbers.  Where they used to have 7-14 new students and a $40 class, they now have 3 new students (or rooms of grads retaking the new thing again "for the first time" and charge so much more to squeeze more money out of those leaned on to take the "new" class.   As if it was costing twi much to run the thing- almost all expenses are borne by locals out-of-pocket, and the printing costs are covered several times over in the retail prices of the books.

So, really, twi is re-treading what's already been re-treaded.


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