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Staffers, wouldn't it be nice..


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To live in a REAL house. Not the paper thin walls of founders hall, or in a defunct trailer..

To go on a honest to goodness, real, old fashioned VACATION. Even for just a whole week. No strings, no obligations, maybe even just BY YOURSELF. No reporting to superiors where you're going, who's going with you, who you are going to talk to, what you are going to talk about, just telling them when you are leaving, and when you are coming back.

To have no extra demands on your time and talents, past a normal forty hour work week.

To be able to have kids, without a committee deciding when and if you can.

To have a few stinking pets. Maybe just a dog, or a cat..

To be able to spend a decent amount of time with relatives, who are not involved in da Vey, without close scrutiny from your superiors.

To be able to just go to the bathroom without signing out on some dreaded form.

To have sex with your spouse, when and if you and he/she sees fit.

To have cable or satellite TV.

To have just a FEW guarantees in life.

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Wouldn't it be nice..

To enroll your child in a karate, or dance class, or music lessons..

To be able to disagree with your employer, about ANYTHING.

To be able to study the Bible, on your own.

To be able to spend what little money you have, as YOU see fit.

To be able to spend Thanksgiving, with your own family.

Just to be able to take your family, put them in YOUR car, and take them out for a nice, unscheduled ride in the country on a nice, Sunday afternoon..

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FREEDOM = not having some snot nosed jerk leader having you report every time you go to the bathroom, go on a vacation and report everything (minute by minute, blow by blow) on what you did where you went, what you ate and how much, cost of your vacation (so they can rake you over the coals if you spent more than you give to ABS) and trying to live up to the standards that they (the leadership) want you to live up to but they DON'T even live up to.

Look at what the leadership in your area are having you do to live up to "DA VERD". Are they living up to the same standards? OR are they living one set of standards while you live up to thier restrictive standards that they prescribe.

Way leadership = what they want to do

Regular belivers = restrictions on almost everything that you do. (even to what web pages you can and cannot go to)

Remember the saying "The truth is out there." "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free."

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Wouldn't it have been nice to have gone in manageable debt to purchase your dream home just at the very time when they were telling you "No Way!" It would have nearly doubled in value by now.

You may have lost tens of thousands if not a hundred thousand or more in some areas by obeying that false and unbiblical logic.

I thought Christians Should Be Prosperous???

John R.

Tampa, FL

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Wouldn't it be nice to admit to yourself that you made a mistake and it's time to get on with what's left of your life....

Wouldn't it be nice to be able to say hi to all those friends you once slammed the door on. Some of them might even say hi back...

Wouldn't it be nice to move where you can be near your relatives. You might be surprised to find that they might even welcome you...

Wouldn't it be nice to work for a real boss instead of playing "what would Rosy want me to say"

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Wouldn't it be nice to visit your family for the week-end whenever you want?

Wouldn't it be nice to have long phone conversations with your friends?

Wouldn't it be nice to go somewhere/anywhere by yourself?

Wouldn't it be nice to change jobs whenever you want to?

Wouldn't it be nice to know that you're going to have enough money to live on when you retire?

Wouldn't it be nice to know that you will someday be able to retire?

Wouldn't it be nice to move wherever you want to? instead of having to move someplace near "fellowship"?

Wouldn't it be nice to drive a car that doesn't require thousands of dollars each year to keep running?

Wouldn't it be nice to make your own decisions about your own life?

Wouldn't it be nice to feel confident that YOU know what's best for YOU and YOUR family instead of having to "run by" leadership every little decision?

Wouldn't it be nice to just go to a meeting sometime without having to scout for someplace free; spend hours cleaning it; hours tearing it down again; hours listening to boring teachings?

Wouldn't it be nice to read, study, watch something new? Anything without worrying about whether or not it's in violation of the legalism of TWI?

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Wouldn't it be nice:


No guilt about it.


Just to be able to do something for the community, and not have the haunting thought that you are contributing to a "second rate cause".

Maybe just to have the pleasure of taking a few college science classes and learning how the universe REALLY works, or at least the best that is known for now..

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Wouldn't it be nice to go to the mall to avoid the heat and decide last minute to make one last stop at Friendly's for dinner without having to tell anybody or without feeling guilty that you didn't make your family a home cooked meal just this one time?

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Yep. Or wouldn't it be nice- to be able to make a stop, an UNSCHEDULED stop, ANYWHERE.


The devil is not lurking behind McDonald's, whispering and gesturing to you to deviate from your scheduled flight path, into the ravening bowels of destruction.

Believe me. I've been there hundreds of times, without a schedule, and GASP! BY MYSELF.

Haven't got jumped by devils, at least to this day.

Maybe Ronald McDonald is hanging out behind there waiting for some poor sap, but I've never seen devils.

How childish, to treat grown adults like that..

And very very sad.

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Originally posted by krysilis:

Wouldn't it be nice to go to the mall to avoid the heat and decide last minute to make one last stop at Friendly's for dinner without having to tell anybody or without feeling guilty that you didn't make your family a home cooked meal just this one time?

Yeah Krys, wouldn't it be nice to make a home cooked dinner...... Bake cookies with your mom, take the kids to grandma's whenever they want to. What's so interesting to me is that God Almighty gave most of us Christian parents and they are not allowed to associate with them except on a scheduled visit or a few phoney phone calls. It's so off the Word and sick.

Imagine you have parents and you never see them. I suppose that Jesus had to leave his parents forever and never see his siblings again. Wrong.

I hate the way things went so wrong in TWI and I fault a fearful, paranoid leadership with this. Leaders that exist today to separate families. If your parents and siblings are believers they are in The Body of Christ and members in particular, so where is the Word in this stupid ministry.

Some of these people have been at headquarters for so long they don't even know how to exist in the real world. They have no clue as to what life is really about. When do they ever go witnessing? When do they ever undershepherd anyone. It's bogus bs.

Some of them will lose family and then they will realize what they did and gave up. All those years away from those that truly loved them the most. They are dispensible and don't realize it. They think that there will be loyalty to them. Yuch! They really are the unpriveledged ones and are so far away from the heart of God it's sickening.

Sorry for venting but it feels good.

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Or even to have a REAL job, that:

You wouldn't get raked over hot coals, for calling in sick because you had the stinking flu and 104 deg temperature. Even more than once a year.

That you would work your forty hours, go home, enjoy your family with NO OTHER OBLIGATIONS. No other after hour responsablilities to "da boss".

A job that, in between handling mountains of paperwork, you are not required to clean the parking lot, which has been assaulted with large oil leaks from the typical follower's cars.

A job that, you are not "reamed a couple of new ones" for merely disagreeing with the boss.

To have a job, that there is actually a small hope of self-improvement, or advancement.

That you could make an income, sufficient to rent or buy a place, so you can go home and relax or sleep, somewhere other than WHERE YOU WORK. Personally, I really like the work that I do, but enough is enough..

Honestly- when I am tempted to think life is unkind, unfair, to complain about my job, I stop and think. It could be a LOT worse. I could have been on staff at HQ.

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Or even to have a job, that there is at least an INKLING of a hope that one day, many years from now, you may actually be able to RETIRE.

The way I see it, there were only three jobs in the whole joint that could be enjoyed in an "emeritus" fashion. Now there are five.

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Or even to be able to sit down for supper, without listening to the ramblings and obscene angry outbursts from a madman..

Don't know how it is now, but that's the way it was, for a VERY LONG TIME.

Think things are better? Wait till the next generation gets ahold of the thing..

You've trained them well.

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If I were you, I wouldn't buy the idea that I am some kind of Tokyo Rose, taunting the boys in the ranks with inuendo about how their girlfriends are sleeping with their cousins back in the good ole USA or something..

You keep supporting that pile called a ministry- giving God a black eye at almost every turn- you are on the wrong side of the war. What you represent is not worth the fight, or the sacrifice.

It MAY have been, once.

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To be able to just go to the bathroom without signing out on some dreaded form

They have to do that??!!?

All those things described above sound like a living hell. No kidding. I've almost forgotten what it was like unless I think about it.

Man oh man how can they go on??? You'd think sheer misery would drive people out of there. (which it does I think)

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Yep. Sheer misery.. sometimes, I think the whole point of it all really WAS to bring the ministry down.

They certainly were successful in running off tens of thousands of dedicated followers.

And Rosies little pinky is well, fatter than the size of Loy's loins..

But just when the staff gets a little comfortable in their misery, they've gotta come up with new mandates, new hoops to jump through, new requirements.

And they apparently have not moderated any of the insanity- from the best I can tell.

But it just keeps going on and on- one more little sacrifice, just one more little duty to perform.

They've got those poor devils trying to bear up the weight of the whole world, then some.

At least one of them left with far less than one stomach.

Wouldn't it be nice to just be able to stand up and tell ole Rose to stick it up her a**?

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Originally posted by outandabout:

To be able to just go to the bathroom without signing out on some dreaded form

They have to do that??!!?

Actually, that particular practice was Rozilla's brainchild. It started with her

dept back when, under her "capable leadership."


All those things described above sound like a living hell. No kidding. I've almost forgotten what it was like unless I think about it.

Man oh man how can they go on??? You'd think sheer misery would drive people out of there. (which it does I think)

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I feel so much free-er and better remembering what it was like "in". Even then I knew I did not ever want to go WD or work at HQ.

"The light of the word shines so brightly there that every piece of lint in your life is exposed." Is what they would say about HQ. Well, YAH, you never got any privacy or time alone. People have their nose so far up your @$$ you probably go through a tube of KY a month. Not for me. No thanks.

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