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Uhhh, my daughters jump rope contest has a weird prize......


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My daughter is competing in Jump Rope contest for the American Heart Association.


Today she tells me, if they get the most money her PE coach will DRESS UP LIKE A GIRL IN A DRESS AND SHAVE HIS LEGS!

She is 7

She laughed and thought it was funny.

I got an "icky" feeling about this and not sure if I am making it too big a deal.

I was going to write a note to the teacher and ask her to tell him NOT to do that.

Any input?

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Stuff like this isn't as "weird" as it sounds... schools do stuff like this all time to motivate the kids. I know one school where the principal kissed the school mascot - a goat! In another school, the vice principal shaved his head, and so on....

Yeah, to us it seems weird/sick - but to the sence of humor of a 7 year old - oh, man! THAT'S FUNNY! (Remember, they also think that making fart noises with your palm and armpit is a scream!)

I don't think you have anything to worry about... it's probably all in good, clean fun.

Oh, and on a side note - weird punishments are also popular - Hubby, who teaches math in public high school, is known to make kids sing their way out of detention for talking or other "minor" offences. He chooses a song like "I Will Survive" or "It's Raining Men" or something by some pop group that no high school student would admit to liking, and makes them sing in front of the class - acapella. They get embarassed and remember the punishment - he very seldom has repeat offenders - And almost never sends a kid to the office (and he's a tough teacher!)

Edited by ChasUFarley
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The others are right. I know the boy's principal got a pie in the face for a contest earlier this year.


I would never advise someone to just ignore their gut either. So, I would ask instead, have you met the gym teacher? Does HE make you feel creepy or is is it simply the prize? If it is the latter, maybe you should meet him and see what your gut tells you then. If it is the former, then I might suggest some further investigation.

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I dunno. There's a lot of ways to look silly. This coach may have issues. Doesn't make him a perv or a threat necessarily. But combine cross-dressing, the inherent exhibitionism of shaving his legs, and an audience of children, and something in the guy should have clicked on the warning sign. He could dress as a chicken. He could wear a tutu and sing The Battle Hymn of the Republic. There's no limit to silly ideas if that's the point.

There's not much you can do but go along - but make a mental note, keep a record of the event, with (innocent) pictures preferably, and just file them away. One nutty event does not make a pattern, but we'll miss the patterns if we fail to mark these sorts of things. I think your feelings have some validity, though it by no means suggests there is anything -dangerous- going on.

If you find out it was someone else's idea, where he took a dare, lost a bet, something like that, you can breathe a sigh of relief and forget about it. Otherwise, be mindful.

Edited by satori001
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I got an "icky" feeling about this and not sure if I am making it too big a deal.

And that's enough --- (to feel *icky*).

Doesn't matter what we think, you're the Mom,

and (imo) you are doing the right thing to protect your child, as YOU see fit.

It may be harmless, but you're voicing concern, and that counts

(since it's bothering you).

Satori and Chef made good points.

Up here -- things like that happen at the local schools,

but it usually involves the teacher, (principal, or whomever),

spending the night on the roof of the school in the dead of winter.

At 7 years old, I think the *sex* factor of this stunt is a bit much.

(just my imo)

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I'm out of step again. The church bus didn't bother me, but this does. I don't think the teacher needs to be shaving his legs in front of anyone. It just doesn't strike me as funny, or silly, or even mildly entertaining.

I agree that teachers do all sorts of silly things to entertain the kids as a reward or just for fun or whatever. I remember one time at a school concert, for the finale, the 3rd through 5th grade teachers (men and women, all older than 35) dressed up as the Rockettes and sang New York, New York. That was funny. But performing any sort of personal hygiene in front of the kids? I don't know. If it were me, I'd call the school. Doesn't seem appropriate.

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What do his legs look like?

Okay, just kidding. Seriously though - I'd want to know, are we talking a shift here or something glittery and tight?

Sorry. My only concern would be the shoes. Anything under 3 inches ain't going to be that funny.

Alright. That's just wrong. Enough.

I really don't know. The thing about kids is they pick things up. They remember. I'm probably taking it to seriously too, it's probably innocent. But if you feel weird about it, as already stated, you owe it to yourself to follow up on it, ask the teacher maybe where the idea came up, it seems weird to you. Talking it over with him might set your mind at ease, at the least.

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From the initial post, it did not sound like he was going to actually shave his legs in front of them. Or was he? That would be kinda strange, but I think sometimes we can get too "politically correct" about these things.

I really agree that 7 year olds would really just think this was funny. Like dressing up for Halloween. Reminds me of the 6 year old who got suspended for 3 days recently for touching inside the waist band of a female classmate. His mother and others were outraged (and should have been). The mother stated in an interview that she didn't even know how to begin to explain to him what he supposedly had done wrong, because he knew nothing about sex. All the adults were making this big deal out of it and he was scared to death he was going to go to jail. Eventually the school apologized to his parents and tried to put the whole thing to rest. Whatever happened to balance?

In our school, the principle kissed a pig one year, one year he let the kids make ice cream sundaes all over him and one year he was in his bathing trunks and got dunked in a dunking machine. The children roared with laughter at each stunt.

But I would never second guess any parent if they are uncomfortable. That is still your inalienable right as a parent. And nowadays in the news, you read of teachers taking advantage of children and that is sad and scary. Just continue to be what you are, a concerned parent, but make sure you are not over reacting also. I always like to think about things for a few days, and see if I still feel like I did upon my initial gut feeling - that way I feel like I am not reacting to something that might be totally innocent. Just some thoughts.

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Thanks everyone, I do value your input.

As mother, I like to trust in my gut and not others opinions for sure, but it is still a good measuring stick.

When I told hubby, he was not happy.

We think "what is the point of that?"

Why not shave his head?

Why shave legs (don't know if its live or not) and wear a dress.

What bothers me is the whole "desensitizing" effect it has.

Kinda like Britney Spears and her middriff outfits, after a while the kids don't think its a big deal.

But where does it stop?

Pretty soon, wearing bathing suit tops to the mall will be the norm.

I think I will just inquire about it, and get the teacher/coach or principals take on this, to WHY he's doing it.

I will let you know what happens.. thanks.

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Coaches and jocks have been dressing like girls for years and years for humor, however, much of the humor was derived from the spectacle of these guys tromping around in skirts, cheerleader outfits etc with their hairy legs.

The leg shaving part really raises my "ick" level, especially in these times when perverts are so determined to be considered "normal" and push it in the schools onto little kids.

If it were me, my kid would stay home that day.

Edited by Ron G.
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I dunno, the fact that his legs are hairy enough for shaving them to be a big deal sounds to me like there's not really anything to be concerned about. Besides that, athletes where friction and wind resistance is a big deal actually do shave.....Lance Armstrong, anyone?

What's funny to kids isn't always funny to adults and what's innocent and no biggie to kids is sometimes offensive and alarm sounding to adults. Like Ron said, it's the total silliness of seeing some macho male authority figure decked out in what is a totally humiliating getup is what's funny to the kids and it's only a one time thing - it's not like this guy goes out of his way to make this the "prize" for every challenge, is it?

We had this type of "reward" when I was in high school one year - it was hilarious and the talk of the school for the longest time. It was truly motivating and exciting to us. The next year it was the pie in the face reward and the year after that it was the football coaches having their heads shaved. (We went to the state championship all four years I was in high school and that's where these ideas came from)

It sounds harmless to me, but, then again, I have no kids of my own. :) I could be totally out of line here.

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Come on it`s FUNNY to a kid!

Coaches do this ...college frat boys do it.... High school foot ball players do it for a gag in parades....I have seen one kid who was going to have to go to summer school given the option of preforming in drag at a school talent show in order to graduate with his class mates. He did it and ended up having a ball....lol

Heck my then 13 yr old once donned a long pink glittery rapunzel wig as a gag to a holloween party....it was a riot, and he got lot of laughs. I am sure though that there was a raised eye brow or two concerning my son`s sexual issues :rolleyes:

You have to understand what makes us personally uncomfortable.... is just that personal, not always necessarily evil.

I have friends who are uncomfortable with me not wearing a dress in public who`s children are not allowed to swim in mixed company even brothers and sisters...and expect their daughters to wear dresses at summer camp....

I cannot TELL you the trouble some oh so self rightious overly zealous home school mothers have made for teenagers at some of our events......with typical teen behavior....rowdiness (not much) at skating...gathering in small groups to talk and laugh...one kid draping an arm over somebodies shoulder....My God you`d a thought that they were having sex on the skating rink floor from the stink raised.....and of course....these were all women with smaller kids and no sense of what was apropriate for teens....or the apropriate way to address the teens themselves or their parents....and though the actions were entirely innocent ....these mothers made these teens out to be sex crazed offensive punks (it hurt the kids terribly because it was all innocent)

My point is....this is considered funny because it is so outragious.....macho he man type coach behaving as far out of character as is thinkable.

Anyone remember Joe Namath in the panty hose comercials in the 70s?

If I cut my hair too short my mother is honestly concerned that I may be behaving butch or gay.....for heavens sake, anything that she is personally unconfortable with MUST be wrong.

It really isn`t a big deal.

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If they were insecure or if they were trying to propagandize/desensitize, they wouldn't choose this method for doing their work....that is making a joke of it.

Think about it, the politically-correct crowd would likely decry this as making a mockery of peoples' sexual preferences.

Frankly, it sounds like a lot of fun for the kids, to me!

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I can see a man shaving his legs rather than his head for many reasons.

If it's his legs, nobody will know whom he doesn't want to know. It stay's private in the adult world.

If you want to look at it in an ugly way - - realize that at the heart of this is a bribe. IF you do such and such.....THEN I will do this and that. What is wrong with a 7 year old, that she will enjoy watching a man in a dress who has shaved his legs! HHmmmmmm

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Deuteronomy 22:5

"The woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man, neither shall a man put on a woman's garment: for all that do so are abomination unto the LORD thy God."

This may also give you something to go by. But, you'd better get those blue jeans off I guess, and into that skirt or dress for the rest of your life. But personally, I do see a huge difference between a man dressing in drag, and a gal weaing blue jeans and a blouse.

In my son's high school, they would have a thing that they'd do during "spirit week" (school spirit), called "Dress Like The Opposite Sex Day". Of course, my kids never did it, but amazingly, my son was branded as a "hater" by his high school teacher because he refused to do it.

And so, at least I'd say that going by your "gut feeling" is probably the thing to do. Like some one said "You're the Mom", and, I might add, the situation "is as it is". This guy could be a flaming pervert. OR, it is simply the silly thing of a macho coach looking like a chick to make the kids laugh. But you are the Mom, and the one who is closer to the situation than any of us. Your call...

Edited by Jonny Lingo
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My small East Texas town has an annual Fall festival. One event is a "beauty" contest, in which the contestants are all fairly prominent (as prominent goes in a small town) men, dressed in drag. Most of the men who participate are either Baptists or Methodists who are active in their churches and in the community. They're doctors, dentists, lawyers, business owners. They're family men. None (to my knowledge) are perverts.

The whole thing is silly. It's fun. Because the votes are tallied according to how much each "lady" collects in donations, it raises a little money for the community. Nobody thinks of it as an abomination or even something kinky. It's just a goofy way to raise a little money for the Chamber of Commerce. I think what Bliss describes is similar. It's likely just a stunt to motivate the kids, by offering them the opportunity to see their gym teacher do something goofy.

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Just for the record, in my response above, I was kidding.

Coaches, teachers and school principals have all done strange things to encourage every worthwhile endeavor you'd care to mention. One elementary principal who made the local town tabloid here wore a red wig for an entire day. He promised he would if each class met their reading quota. They delivered...and so did he.

I think it builds comeraderie and kids realize that when a teacher or some other person in their educational vista does something like this, they really care about the project. Most students here have 2 parent families, but for those students who need it every little bit helps.

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Besides that, athletes where friction and wind resistance is a big deal actually do shave ... Lance Armstrong, anyone?

Well, you're right about athletes shaving, Belle.

I was friends with Jim Counsilman (son of Doc Counsilman - former IU swim team coach), and he was on the same swim team Mark Spitz was on back in the early 1970's. Mark Spitz (you may or may not remember) won 7 gold medals in the 1972 Olympics in swimming. They all shaved their legs, arms, etc., for greater speed in the water --- but that was for competitiion, not public display.

Sure -- I agree that it's fun for the kids, a novelty, builds camaraderie, etc., but there are a lot of things that could have been done (instead of this) to achieve the same goal.

And if Bliss is uncomfortable with it, she would be remiss as a parent to NOT follow her instincts to protect her child. Fyi -- I have no kids either, but I applaud her sensitivity to do what she considers best for her kids as a mother. :)

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if the phys. ed. coach offered to shave his privates and march around in a g-string and stilettos.... i'd be concerned, but i think it's a supportive goof

my little opinion only

and i did not reply sooner because i had to think about it

because i'm like miss paranoid when it comes to by kid


ps. don't put it in writing, go talk to whomever face to face or just let it come up naturally at the next school thing

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exie - LOL - that's quite a mind picture... although my gym teacher was a lesbian, so it really would be as bad as seeing a man do it! LOL!


Teachers are under a microscope every day. Hubby can tell you that if they breathe wrong, it's reported to a parent or adminitration. He's not one to get called on the carpet - he's been teaching for a long time - but I would expect that [a] the gym teacher doing this deed would have to have the principal's approval first and you can bet that nothing will be done that your kid wouldn't see on PBS or Nick Jr. - it's probably going to be pretty politically correct.

And if you find it's just not sitting right with you - give the principal a call or email - "Hey, I'm concerned..." - they should gladly address your concerns and either tone this event down or change it. It's certainly your right to voice your concerns!


BTW - When I first met hubby, he shaved his body because he was powerlifting (in competitions) and the bench shirts and squat shorts would pinch and grab - he was like a human chihuahua. I finally got him to stop (hated the friction) :redface2:

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