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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/16/2009 in all areas

  1. Well, I remember Lot was willing to sacrifice his daughters to the mob. Very Christian I guess. But if those freaks came near my home in the middle of the night, I would NOT be very "Christian".
    2 points
  2. I was watching an episode of Touched by an Angel this week, and in this particular episode, satan came to a small town disguised as a white supremacist to destroy the town with hate, fear and division. At the end, when confronted by the angels, Tess (Della Reese) said to the devil (satan himself) that God loves him too. This took me aback that she would say this, and I looked up on the internet to see what people thought about this. I was quite surprised to see how many people are saying that yes, indeed God loves the devil. He doesn't love his evil ways, but God does yes indeedie love satan himself. Some even went as far as to say that we should love satan too! They usually use the verse of loving our enimies, forgiving those who sinned against us, blah blah blah. I just cannot quite swallow this line of thinking. I know God loved Lucifer, but satan is more than just a being of evil ways, satan IS evil. Just as God is Love. I think the idea of loving satan can be very dangerous, to the point of being passive towards evil. I don't even think that satan or his minions (sp?) can be forgiven, in the impossible event that he would ask for it. I mean, I think his future is pretty well laid out in the bible, isn't it? Somebody once told me that God mourns satan. I don't know if that is in the bible or not though. I would really like to know if there is something in the bible that relates to this question. I don't know what is bugging me more, the idea that I'm suppose to love satan, or that God might love him or what.
    1 point
  3. God first hi Obana I know you are the man in charge now but do you really care for me I am 49 years old and I had a stoke where I could talk right for nine days. I watch fox news and I am not a person that watches it every day. I see a fear you have of Fox news and I see the people you are around like Rev Wright a person that you say that do not follower his teaching. But I see this a cult and I know from my life you do not change over night. So I see you a man that still wants to kick me in face this is the way I see you and have a lot black friends so it not about color. I did not vote for you for this reason so if your not afraid of Fox news sit down with them before its to late. I going to end this now and wait and see if your a man or mouse. love Roy
    1 point
  4. Once again. I am making it quite clear what satan I am talking about. I'd really like to keep this on track. Thanks. :)
    1 point
  5. Part of the wonderful aroma more than likely came from the product used to "fertilize" the area -- check with staff who worked with the "honey pot" crews...
    1 point
  6. Inbreeding can cause that.
    1 point
  7. Wonderful scripture, geisha: I didn't even know really, what apologetics meant, though I've heard the term a hundred times, and I looked on Amazon and saw the bible you are talking about. Thank you for the scripture and your answer. :)
    1 point
  8. He has been going directly to the people for the last several days Roy Yesterdays townhall meeting in Grand Junction Colorado was over an hour of direct questions from normal people (friend and foe) that the President answered without any media telling you their interpretations. It was carried on quite a few networks The White House Website is also fairly extensive on their stances on issues if you would like to see what they have to say about it without the media filtering it for you
    1 point
  9. God first hi Bramble yes a lot news out there but Obama wants to pass his bill and people are against it so I see it as his only way he will get a bill pasted I think Fox will be fair with him but I do not know he does not need to read Fox News but going on it would things get settle love Roy
    1 point
  10. Yes, some parts of Ohio have sulfur in the water. So does Florida. And I just about betcha Washington too. But the overall post is still very insulting.
    1 point
  11. The beatitudes are antithetical to worldly wisdom. You seem to have answered your own question here. . . . and very well too. "I think the idea of loving satan can be very dangerous, to the point of being passive towards evil." Scripture does not directly address your question about Satan, but the answer is found in understanding the attributes and character of God. . . . as best as we are able. Because God is love does that mean he cannot hate evil? For You are not a God who delights in wickedness; evil cannot lodge with You. The boastful cannot stand in Your presence; You hate all evildoers. Psalm 5:4,5 You seem to understand the issues with the line of reasoning you are examining. . . . What might be helpful for you is to start reading some good apologetics or even invest in an apologetics bible. The Apologetics Study Bible is really a good tool. . . it is the Holman Christian Standard version. It addresses many of the issues that come up when post modern thinking is applied to biblical interpretation.
    1 point
  12. Sorry George, but I agree with Watered Garden. I grew up in rural Ohio, and all the slams I see here on GS about the state get really old. Inbred? Seriously? That was uncalled for. And fetid odor? You obviously no nothing about the state. You have insulted my entire family heritage, and you really owe those of us that live here an apology. Oh and as to the remark about the water, guess what? We had a natural spring, and the water tasted so good, the people from the CITIES, would come and ask if they could get a gallon or two, quite often. And one last thing. It's freaking crawdad, not crayfish!
    1 point
  13. I don't think it was because we forfeited our minds. I think it was because TWI used misleading information to convince us they had a good product. TWI sold it ----We bought it. Now excuse me while I place my order for a "sham-wowzer". (If I act now, I get a second one free.)
    1 point
  14. God first hi Mister P-Mosh you can think that I hope ok that I do not "disagree with Obama over" what do you think they are love Roy God first God Word –v- Obama –v- Atheist 09-16-2009 Is there a middle ground where we can stand together on God and Atheist yes but Obama I do not know? The Atheism does not believe in God but does see love importance part of his life and I know God has nothing against Atheism. But Obama is against Atheism and white people because follower Rev Wright around as if he believe every thing that came out Rev Wright mouth. And Rev Wright said that he wanted to kick the white man in the face more of less. Since Obama heard every Sunday he must took in what he heard because I been a cult the Way Ministry and Dr Wierwille it took me years to change my mind on things about him. So I am sure Obama has some old ideals in his heart. So the white Atheism man is in the same boat I am because it is not about God but love and Rev Wright had none for the white man like Dr Wierwille had no love for other churches. Is the Black save with Obama I do not know because he can have not love me or people like because Rev Wright was about hate? Now I see the Atheism man has just a person who does not believe in God where I do believe in God Rev Wright and Obama believe in hate. Yes he the President of the USA but that just office he has now. I wrote this because it is in my heart and black has every right have a person black person in the office of President but needs to be the right person if we going to put race in the past. I think the word should not matter and we should not have on papers for job or anything. Love Roy.
    1 point
  15. Blessings WW! Love to hear what you have to say, as usual. :)
    1 point
  16. Let me get back to you in a few days. I don't have time to give this the attention it warrants right now.
    1 point
  17. God first hi Bolshevik "I don't know that the President pays attention to Fox news or any network" I really surprise if he even reads I wrote but I send to White House and put here and send it to Fox News Fox News has prove that Obama is playing a game thank you for written back to me love Roy
    1 point
  18. a lot of empty rooms.. yep.. may they never be filled..
    1 point
  19. Yeah, some come by and can look big an tough, but start crying and sobering about how Wierwille wouldn't have turned them away and where's the love and on and on. Heck, when I lived there I couldn't bring a relative in unless I gave two weeks notice at least and got the approval. And I know they've got a lot of empty rooms. It's just like fellowship really. Everyone sitting around talking about how to recapture the past. It's gone dudes.
    1 point
  20. Go ahead and send them to a Michigan university.. heh *we* are waiting for them.. friggin idjits..
    1 point
  21. at least two of them had a degree in education. One in psychology besides.. the way I look at it.. either I've "got it".. or I've really pulled the wool over a lot of eyes here.. and believe it or not.. I have been a hundred percent honest. Can you say the same? friggin morons.. Maybe you could steer your kids clear of education north of the Ohio border.. but I think you'll find the same conditions anywhere else in the us or known world..
    1 point
  22. then there was what howard the duck allen said.. darn, can't remember it.. something like there are no strangers at da way, or something.. maybe.. just maybe.. they asserted they could give that which they could not.. kiinda like the guy who built a tower and didn't consider the cost or something.. the only reason I personally am not welcome.. there is probably a calculated 35 percent chance that I am a fruitcake of sorts.. sorry fellas.. your loss, not mine.. if it makes any difference to you numbnuts.. I passed my "audition".. not before you. no. at least five others, with phd's in math think I have the wherewithal to teach YOUR kids math.. scary, isn't it.. if it makes any difference friend.. they actually invited these people.. just add it to the equation..
    1 point
  23. Okay, waysider. thanks for coming back and clearing things up. :) I am reading the link you provided, and I'm like, damn, this philosophy sounds awfuly familiar, and then I look up the author, Duncan Heaster, and he's a christidelphian! The reason I put and exclamation point at the end of that is because about 3 blocks away from me stands probably the only Christidelphian "church" in the USA. They usually have home fellowships, like the Way. And the reason I know about them is because I checked them out. I was curious about this "church" that although they don't go out knocking on doors trying to win others to their faith, they like are so closed off from the community, it's just weird.So I checked them out on google, years ago, and was intrigued that they don't believe in the trinity, like the Way, but then their beliefs get even stranger to me. They don't believe in the devil, they think man is the cause of his own sins. Kind of hard to go along with their views, since half the bible is about the devil. Anyway, I'll read more later, I have to go grill my chicken wings.
    1 point
  24. I'm sorry if my answer appeared to be flippant. I certainly didn't mean it to be so. But,this question is a bit like the old question of whether or not God can make a rock that is too big for himself to lift.Anyhow, if you really want to explore this question, you first have to understand that our modern day concept of "satan" is not derived from the Bible. The Real Devil
    1 point
  25. I did not think this would be necessary to say in the doctrinal section, but I would greatly appreciate NO flippant remarks. This is why I posted this question here and not in the Open forum. This question is really bugging me, I know we have some great minds on GS, who are very thoughtful and know God's Word, and it's disappointing to get blessed to see somebody took the time to respond only to find a remark that makes it sound like I'm a dope for reaching for an answer in a section that is supposed to be for doctrinal issues. Please have some respect. I'm asking this question seriously. Wheather or not somebody else believes in God is their personal thing and not what this question is about. cman: I thought in Jerimiah, that verse is talking about mans inability to change without God. And I know the lion and the lamb thing, but that doesn't mean to me that satan is included in that. The Word suggests just the opposite. That he is damned. Oh gee, I don't know. This is frustrating me! :)
    1 point
  26. I agree,psychotic,is right,the players become bipolar,nice to one,rip your head off to the other,paronoid,the mysterious "adversary will have his way with you,witchcraft as one dearly departed said here if they are christian why do they curse people? Protect us from who?The outside?or the wackos inside? The longer I am out the more I see the insanity The cornfield cult is becoming smaller,as the internet provides another side,some begin to see those that are there to protect them,really keep them in chains.
    1 point
  27. a lot of people don't. Even if they do.. so to speak. When crisis hits, they won't go to family. Can't admit they were "wrong".. or the personal ties are cut to the end they can't bring themselves to seek help from immediate family.. can't go to a psychologist or psychiatrist, lest they are attacked by Freudian spirits or something.. the doc must have a "fallacious spirit" or something, with all those degrees on the wall.. can't go to others who left. *they* must really be screwed up, worthless.. possessed.. I think maybe some of these people had issues to begin with, others da way manufactured them. It really is a psychotic place.. where one can go from zero, to da most beloved and faithful.. to possessed and to be abandoned at the drop of a hat..
    1 point
  28. How bizarre!!! Going to TWI during a crisis, even when I was in, never crossed my mind. Don't these people have friends or family? Sheeshh! JT
    1 point
  29. I guess you have to buy into the whole devil thing before it really matters to you.
    1 point
  30. With over two weeks gone by since the last corps post, I was going to post here, then put the 8th corps thread on top for a bit. But i changed my mind because I would rather add my wished to/for Karmi and let that sit here till the next post.
    1 point
  31. I know one dude was ordered by a judge to take his meds. Often ended up in the Sydney prison. Others I think came by after something happened in their life, divorce etc. They then drive accross the country to New K. Gotta go see twi at 2 a.m. They could get hostile, that's what the vans were for . . .he he. . . making ex-wayfer pancakes.
    1 point
  32. of these, I wonder how many da *ministry* gave a good reason to be hostile. Like, telling them to build on way land, promising access and all.. and dumping them, keeping their work.. or promises of friendship, fellowship and a JOB.. and dumping them mercilessly without notice on a spiritual "suspicion" and sending them off in the night, no home, no friends, no money.. maybe that's why rosie looks so haggard, old and ugly.. I bet she looks over her shoulder ever time she steps out of a car. then there's probably the set of fruitcakes they actually put in high leadership positions. the white van people.. are they really trained how to deal with this kind of thing? Or are they merely the first line of defense.. to take the bullet for rosie and the other sycophants, so to speak?
    1 point
  33. maybe they were spawned there. Have to swim back upstream once a year or so to do whatever..
    1 point
  34. Well, if there is ever a baying mob at their doorstep. . . they can offer up Rosalie as a consolation prize.
    1 point
  35. Thanks, JT. We don't have mountains or oceans, but our tomatoes are terrific! (that's not the state motto, by the way, but it could be)
    1 point
  36. George? Do us a favor, okay? STAY THE HE11 AWAY FROM OUR STATE! I've been to Snohomish, lived in Everett for three years. I hated living in Washington State, but you don't see me posting hateful things about it, now do you? If you like it, fine, stay there. But I've lived in Ohio off and on most of my life. My mother was from Ohio, and I don't appreciate your rude remarks. WG
    1 point
  37. And speaking of Cash for Clunkers (see, I told you it's impossible to derail),there is no longer a beat-up, gas-guzzling Wowmobile in the niKa driveway. There's an inexpensive, gets-great-gas-mileage, something-reliable-to-commute-to-the-new-job-mobile. And because of the stimulus plan, we can deduct the state and local sales taxes on it. Interesting week. Wooo-hooooo! Karmic, still thinking about you, Sweet Lady.
    1 point
  38. Yea, some threads at GS can be derailed; this one cant't be. Not even by a former 8th corps.
    1 point
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