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Everything posted by DontWorryBeHappy

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rfHtVgM14sM...feature=related#
  2. oh yeah!........another "E" to add to the list............"ECUMENICAL"!!!...................peace. #
  3. my pleasure waysider!!........here's one from a major "influence" on this young, "hippie" music lover from the fabulous 60's!........pharoah sanders, coltrane "offspring" and a great talent in his own right!.......from the album "karma"...........no video, (appropriate to the music imho).............enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1Ly63yAzrw...feature=related#
  4. from the master of time signature changes!........understated genius!.........dedicated to katherine and arnie y. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kc34Uj8wlmE#
  5. probably, one of my favorite mozart tunes!.......along with billions of other folks who love it too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Jh8_x2FwSM# though the most well known, the above is only the first movement of eine kleine nachtmusik!.......had trouble finding one with all four movements together, so here they all are, one-at-a-time! # # # #check out the joyful smile on this kid's face at the end of her incredible performance!.............that's "music appreciation"!!! # another smile on an older face!........this guy can fiddle dmiller! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVSgx7gKc_k...feature=related# one of the greatest "keyboard players" of all time, imho!!.......almost 80 years older than little amy, but that same smile, and exultation at the end of his performance!! #
  6. hiya george, sudo, waytsider, rainbow's girl, dmiller, a la prochaine, bfh, bullwinkl, and all other greasespotcafe music lovers who post here on this thread!!! i firmly believe that music is the best total communicator of the incredibly diverse, profound and all-encompassing nature of the human spirit, and the infinte experiences of the human soul!.......i believe it is a very necessary responsibility of all parents everywhere to expose their babies to music from day one of their lives!........music is the voice of humanity, common to us all........a great uniter of us all in the broad range of all our common emotions and experiences........i believe all schools everywhere should include "music appreciation" in their curriculums as a top priority, and it should never be cut due to budget or any otrher constraints!!!.......that's my opinion!!! having been born to a german lutheran mother and a russian jewish father, both of whom loved the great music and literature of their cultures, and enjoying the further serendipity of growing up in new york city with the benefits of a prosperous middle class socioeconomic "status", my exposure to the fine arts available because of my parents love for them, and the various world class concert halls and museums in nyc, is "quirk of fate" for which i am truly grateful for!........the only music i really can't seem to like is "gangsta rap".........but, other than that, there seems to be great stuff to be enjoyed and learned from every type of music played with skill and love, imho! regarding "the classics", sudo,........my folks took me to carnegie hall for my first concert in 1954, when i was three.........we made regular visits to philharmonic hall and lincoln center, especially to bernstein's young peoples' concerts........at the age of seven, on a 14 month visit to my maternal grandparents in germany, my folks took my sister and i to the vienna opera house, the louvre in france, royal albert hall in london to see the london philharmonic, and to so many great places and events it makes my head spin to this day!!!!...........funny you posted beautiful dreamer from mighty joe young........my favorite "tune" when i get into a "mighty joe young" kinda bad mood, is beethoven's 6th symphony, the pastorale........though i prefer bruno walter when it comes to beethoven, i couldn't find a good version of his on you tube, so, the following will have to do!........there isn't much beethoven, mozart, haydn, bach, tchaikofsky i don't like.........but, if i had to pick my favorite beethoven symphony of the nine, i'd pick the sixth!......great for a sunday morning.......or saturday for that matter................enjoy.........peace. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HZGb-Kjy0S0#
  7. hiya twinky! i know for a fact that eyes other than vic's perused many of those supposedly "confidential" from birth to the corps essays!........when these "autobiographical essays" were first demanded from the corps, it was via direct commandment from vic himself, in the fall of 1979.......it was first "discussed" by vic at the first corps week which took place the previous month in new knoxville, at hq, august, 1979.........the doofus from okie and finnegan were sitting up on the stage with vic when this was first batted around.......in september, king okie, while at emporia, got into the whole "suggestion of a general is tantamount to a command" thing, and the command from der fuhrer vic was sent forth to all the in-residence corps, and then extended to all corps everywhere when finnegan figured he'd better keep pace with the doofus!.........the whole thing blew up at corps week, 1980, when vic walked off the stage in disgust, because there was rampant "non-compliance" with the "order", from a large number of corps grads, who had, for whatever reasons, not submitted their "essays"...........the doofus himself, finnegan, yours truly, and many other "leaders" included!.......the "mad scramble" to write and submit the time-wasting essays was on, along with the flurry of "letters of apology" to vic by those who were "guilty" of "disobedience"! at the corps placement meetings in may of 1980, was the first time i heard this "strictly confidential" information mentioned by vic and the doofus, when discussion of various in-rez graduating and interim corps assignments for the upcoming year of 1980-81 were taking place, and vic's or king okie's "input" was based on information they had gleaned from their reading of the autobiographies of certain corps members whose assigments were under discussion at that time!........by the next corps placement meetings in may of 1981, corps coordinators from emporia and rome city were now mentioning information from autobiographies of in-residence corps, which they too were now obviously reading!!........and, such information now became "expected" from the in-residence corps coordinators at all the "root locales" whenever deemed "necessary" in order to make the "most appropriate" assignments for all the in-residence corps who were graduating or "going forth as leaders and workers" on their interim year assigments! those of us "on-the-field leaders" were not given access to these "confidential" autobiographies during my time of involvement at the placement meetings from 1981-1986.........this "confidential" information was apparently "restricted" to bot members and corps coordinators only during those years.......but was readily available, as i said previously, whenever it was deemed "necessary" to making assignments for specific corps members, from the corps coordinators who were present at the placement meetings. imo, these "confidential" essays were definitely used by vic, king okie, and the corps coordinators, at their discretion, to screen "candidates" who would provide good service to the various mogs and mogettes, whose "needs" included the servicing of their personal sexual pecadilloes!.......p*t l*nn admitted this to me personally in february, 1987, during the weekend she spent at my house, after being told by hq that i was "born again of the wrong seed", and wanting to "see for herself" if this "revelation" about me was indeed "true"!.......she also told me that doody moneyhands was providing the same "pimping service" for vic and king okie from the rome city campus!!!..........p*t repented, and "begged" me to help her "get through to john".......which i agreed to do, and which association with me eventually led to their being fired from twi on april 1, 1987!.......doody moneyhands has not repented to this day, and led many "lambs" to the slaughter from her ivory tower at rome city, including the young daughters of those who coordinated the family corps during the 1990's!!!........i wonder what boob and doody's current positions of "leadership" are at twi today??? so much for twi's "promise of confidentiality" regarding who was privvy to the personal information they were commanded by the mogs to provide, eh???..........how the information from the "from birth to the corps" essays was used, and who was "responsible" for reading them after 1986, i do not know.........maybe some of the current offshoot "leaders" who were corps coordinators during the years 1987 through 1998 could provide that information, since they're the ones who know???..........ask them twinky, and let us greasespotters know what their answers are!.......good luck!......................................peace.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBDkFcwmAuY...feature=related#
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC01c7VuYjM#
  10. with eric.............. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8JvPu3FCVM#
  11. first saw this guy play at jazzfest in nawlins in 1997.............blew me away, and i've been a fan ever since! #more!..........great band behind him on this too! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lx-zmfWCDAo...feature=related#
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn3iybtxNZw...feature=related#
  13. http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=2fBj2wsimvQ# http://ie.youtube.com/watch?v=yEfSnjL0pd8&...feature=related#
  15. HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAF!!........BEST WISHES FOR MANY MORE HAPPY AND HEALTHY ONES IN THE YEARS TO COME!...............................PEACE. p.s..............pineapples belong in polynesian drinks and fruit salads..............but no self-respecting expatriate new yorker wants to see 'em on anything that calls itself a pizza!!!!!!.............pepperoni?........yes!..........sausage?.............yes!...............pineapple???...............aw hell no!!!!!!...........LOL!
  16. favorites for me........parson's jack russell terrier and the german shepherd
  17. a well deserved winner, dmiller!.........thanks for posting it!.......................compassionate peace!
  19. hiya eyes!........most of the stuff vic taught on devil spirits was taken straight from b.g. leonard's gifts of the spirit class........like about 80% of the entire "advamced class"!!!.........the rest was just stuff vic made up on his own, and/or observed during his "research" among the purveyors of the "hooky-pook" stuff he was so enchanted with! not long after i left twi, the "word" on me was that i was "born again of the wrong seed"!..........LOL!............no one ever said it to my face..........but, i guess that's kinda like bein' possessed "in absentia", no???.....LOL!.........probably worse!.........amazing how many of us seed boys are still causin' all those powerful "christ-ins" so many "problens", eh?????...............ssshhhhhhhh!...........be vewy, vewy quiet!..........kwazy wabbits are evwywhere!!!....................peace.
  20. hiya JeffSjo! i believe it was a "mistake" because i actually expected an honest, or at least a more considered response than the one i got!........that was my mistake!..........i believed then, and i believe now, that given the request by the person involved with vic's abuse of her, and her family, that i did the right thing..........but, the fact that i thought that there might have been a response which may have encouraged or produced some kind of positive change leading to some kind of just resolution to this deep-rooted "problen"..........or that "god's word would prevail" in this situation and the many other similar situations that were snowballing into the light of day........that was a huge mistake!..........symptomatic of the self-delusion that the "cult mindset" had poisoned my "god-consciousness" with!.......all it did was set the well organized twi spin machine into ratcheting up the pressure on those beginning to demand justice from the vic loyalists and protectors!.........but, again, "hindsight is 20/20", isn't it?? and belle!..........thanks for bringing up that thread where outandabout shared her story!..........definitely a most compelling account of what she experienced during her 15 years in twi!.............and a truly poignant example of how utterly incapable twi and its "top leadership" was, of providing any real help to its most faithful and innocent followers!...........those in dire need of at least some genuine christ-like compassion, as well as readily available professional psychiatric care!........another vivid example of the utter nonsense that comprised the "spiritual meat" of twi's core belief and "ministering" systems!!!............................peace.
  23. hiya hap! the primary, legal policies and procedures governing the current client/provider relationship are covered by the Health Insurance Portability Accountability Act 1996, commonly referred to as HIPAA..........this is a matter of strictest enforcement, and has been a major point of focus throughout the healthcare delivery systems in our country since its enactment.......every healthcare facility in the country is governed by HIPAA, and every employee of any healthcare delivery system, as well as private practitioners in all healthcare disciplines is/are absolutely required to abide by and uphold HIPAA in every aspect of their operation and practice. hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent by the human resources, risk management, and legal departments of every healthcare facility in the country, on educating and training ALL employees, at every level of the organization regarding the strict requirements placed on all employees regarding the conduct prescribed by HIPAA.........here's a link to the dept of HHS official policies regarding the right to privacy of all patients/clients...............<H2 class=r>SUMMARY OF THE HIPAA PRIVACY RULE</H2>File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML to all my fellow greasespotters: regarding the incident i referred to in my first post on this thread.........i was asked by the person who confided in me what she described happened to her and her chikdren, if i would confront vic.........she felt, at that time, that she could not tell her own husband for fear that he would either collapse with a heart attack or stroke if she told him, or if not that, she feared he would "murder" vic!...........in late 1987, in the parking lot of a well-known restaurant in a large midwestern city......i had the unfortunate task of informing that man.........a family corps grad and "pillar of the church" for years in twi, of what i recounted in that post!........he was 58 years old at that time, and he collapsed in tears on the ground when i told him!!.......i sat on that paved parking lot, holding this sobbing man in my lap for 35 minutes until he regained his composure!........vic is fortunate he was already dead, because, as his wife had feared, this man would most certainly have gone after him in his understandable rage! as a healthcare provider, i am responsible, in my state, to report suspected child abuse, or elder abuse to my clinical managers, and the social workers in our facility.........no one is required by law to report cases of rape involving competent adults, unless such patients present for care claiming to have been raped, AND, agree to undergo the entire specimen gathering and testing process as prescribed by the laws governing such cases.......exceptions apply only to minors, or elders who are deemed "incompetent", or "unable" to act on their own....... it is the patient's responsibility to report the rape to the law enforcement authorities, or to request in writing, (usually various official printed forms supplied by the facility), that the healthcare providers "call the cops"..........it is also up to the victim to decide whether or not to pursue prosecution of the perpetrator........if anyone of the providers were to report the rape without the specific written authorization to do so, each would be in violation of HIPAA, and subject to immediate suspension without pay, severe fines, (up to $50,000 for the first offense), and subject to prosecution by the sate as well as the victim, in both criminal and civil cases! i will state this once, and only once..........not one of the literally hundreds of victims of sexual abuse at the hands of vic, king okie, or any other "twi leaders" that i personally counselled, ever decided to prosecute those perverts!........yes, i encouraged several to do so........but, none decided to do so........their reasons were and are just that........THEIR REASONS!!!..........had i gone against their decisions, for whatever reasons, i would have been subject to not only prosecution, etc.,.......but i would have been viciously attacked by the perps in addition.........thereby putting my wife and children at terrible risk.......... during my time in that foolish "yak twig", i spent hundreds of hours, face-to-face with the doofus from okie, as well as the other "trustees", except for ricardo caballero, confronting them on specific incidents of their sexual abuse of scores of twi women, who had reported their abuse to me personally, AND given me permission to confront their abusers on their behalf!........there were times during those 8 months, when there were literally lines of women in my trailer, waiting to tell me "their story".........it was an overwhelmingly stressful and fatiguing effort in futility, as it turned out!..........but, i persisted, until the telex came from the wizard of oz in scotland, read to me in november,1986, by DEW, at the morning "yak twig" meeting, that i "was no longer in control of mind", and that my presence in that "yak twig" was no longer of any benefit........i was told to continue "working with the corps", out in the woods, fields or the kipp farm.......but not in any "official" capacity...........i resigned from twi at that time, and was kept under "house arrest" with armed "bless patrol" and their dobermans, living in my trailer with my wife and three small children, ages 7, 4, and 2.........until the wizard could help the "yaks" figure out how to "handle" my resignation and departure from twi!!!........the infamous "clergy meeting" at which the fully armed and bullet-proof vest wearing wizard "officiated" transpired during that time, and shortly thereafter, i was allowed to leave.........after reading a pre-approved-by-the-wizard, resignation statement to the in-rez corps, in which i was told to state that my resiganation was for "personal reasons" pertaining to myself and my family..........i agreed to do so in order to protect my family and myself from what i perceived to be very "clear and present danger"! once away from the "twi family compound", i spent two years responding to numerous invitations from twi fellowships around the US and several foreign countries, to come and tell them what was really going on in twi which prompted my resignation.........i did so while i myself was trying to figure out how to provide for my family in the future, as well as trying to figure out what in the hell we had all just spent the previous 16 years of our lives "believing and doing"...........what were you doing during this time rhino???? perhaps now, we can return to the topic of this thread, which has been of some value and help to at least several of our fellow greasespotters!..........thanks again to those of you who have responded appropriately, honestly, and compassionately to this thread!..........please feel free to continue doing so..........please!..................................peace.
  24. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=absuj8MRTYw...feature=related#
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