well. I don't think its the hallucinations fault or anything..
it's what you DO with it..
there are a few good reasons why I don't shop at wally mart.
something like the employees one fine evening looking like the unliving dead..
the dream state is useful.. kind of points the way to reality at times.. I think that's what acid did for, or to some people.. and sometimes the dream was terrifying..
so I looked up the Big Corporation. The resulting paper not only documented to me personally, why the employees appeared in the form of da living dead, but it also got an A, and enthusiastic cheering from the professor..
no joke..
and there wasn't a single familiar spirit I had to cite as my source..
or maybe.. maybe chrissy poo was possessed with da spirit of wienerville, and the fine lady was merely operating da manifestation of discerning of spirits..
laughing or not.. I think any of the above might be a reasonable explanation.
but chrissy possessed with familiar spirits? I don't think so.. he wasn't (isn't) that important to da devil spirit "relm"..
he's just a small player. A small devil.. very, very, small..
In the days of my youth, my curiosity to learn led me thru such areas as comparative religion, psychology, philosophy, the occult and eastern mysticisms. Finally I ended up in TWI, you may draw your conclusions as you desire on that. ;)
Throughout the occult and spiritualist realms, the familiar spirit is an “advanced spiritual soul or being” usually with a fine pedigree of exceptional past lives, who is a companion, guide, teacher and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms for the practitioner of the occult arts.
For many in the ancient magic religions, the familiar spirit usually is visibly seen as an animal; say, the wizards - witches - druids: pet cat, wolf, snake, or raven.
As I remember, the witch of Endor was supposed to have conjured up the soul of the Prophet Samuel for King Saul. And it seems IÂ’ve read that Socrates the Greek philosopher had a familiar daemon who was his spiritual advisor.
Being both a twig leader and advanced crass grad at the time, I too was privileged to listen to the Leadership Tapes. As I recall, what The Great Foreski … er, Forehead said was G**r assumed many of V.P.s mannerisms, giving the sense of the presence of the ol’ DocVic. He then went on to name the 14 debbil spurts that that he revelated were in G**r at the time. I don’t recall familiars as one of them or not.
What I did see after that, was hardly a Sunday nite teaching went by without a rant on those who betrayed him and walked away. He nursed that pain and anger til it went Way beyond obsession and dare I say, ….{shudder}… possession!
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If you've ever taken acid, sleep deprivation can cause flashbacks, i.e. hallucinations.
(don't ask me how I know)
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well. I don't think its the hallucinations fault or anything..
it's what you DO with it..
there are a few good reasons why I don't shop at wally mart.
something like the employees one fine evening looking like the unliving dead..
the dream state is useful.. kind of points the way to reality at times.. I think that's what acid did for, or to some people.. and sometimes the dream was terrifying..
so I looked up the Big Corporation. The resulting paper not only documented to me personally, why the employees appeared in the form of da living dead, but it also got an A, and enthusiastic cheering from the professor..
no joke..
and there wasn't a single familiar spirit I had to cite as my source..
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I wonder if the girl who saw chrissy poos face morph into that of herr vicster, had previously taken lotsa LSD and was sleep deprived at the time..
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or maybe.. maybe chrissy poo was possessed with da spirit of wienerville, and the fine lady was merely operating da manifestation of discerning of spirits..
laughing or not.. I think any of the above might be a reasonable explanation.
but chrissy possessed with familiar spirits? I don't think so.. he wasn't (isn't) that important to da devil spirit "relm"..
he's just a small player. A small devil.. very, very, small..
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Morphing into Tic
Familia spirit
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Familia! Mmmmmm! Used to eat that all the time for breakfast.
Started when I was on the WOW field, and kept it up for several years after that.
Don't remember everything that went into it, but with apple juice poured all over it,
it was a tasty breakfast (since we made our own), and didn't skimp on ingredients.
Not sure what happened over the years. I guess I lost my "Familia spirit".

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Ah reflection.
The fog years. Fog. Morphing heads. A lot of people scared out of their minds.
This reminds me of a Scooby Doo episode.
"It was the bus driver. He did it with holographic projections."
Bus driver's quote: "And I would of gotten away with it if it wasn't for those meddling kids!!!!"
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In the days of my youth, my curiosity to learn led me thru such areas as comparative religion, psychology, philosophy, the occult and eastern mysticisms. Finally I ended up in TWI, you may draw your conclusions as you desire on that.
Throughout the occult and spiritualist realms, the familiar spirit is an “advanced spiritual soul or being” usually with a fine pedigree of exceptional past lives, who is a companion, guide, teacher and the connection between the physical and spiritual realms for the practitioner of the occult arts.
For many in the ancient magic religions, the familiar spirit usually is visibly seen as an animal; say, the wizards - witches - druids: pet cat, wolf, snake, or raven.
On the other hand, a medium or psychic has a familiar spirit who is a disembodied spirit seen or heard only by the psychic. In a séance the familiar spirit would be the one on the other side of the veil who makes the connection with the dearly departed loved ones and helps them to possess the medium.
As I remember, the witch of Endor was supposed to have conjured up the soul of the Prophet Samuel for King Saul. And it seems IÂ’ve read that Socrates the Greek philosopher had a familiar daemon who was his spiritual advisor.
Being both a twig leader and advanced crass grad at the time, I too was privileged to listen to the Leadership Tapes. As I recall, what The Great Foreski … er, Forehead said was G**r assumed many of V.P.s mannerisms, giving the sense of the presence of the ol’ DocVic. He then went on to name the 14 debbil spurts that that he revelated were in G**r at the time. I don’t recall familiars as one of them or not.
What I did see after that, was hardly a Sunday nite teaching went by without a rant on those who betrayed him and walked away. He nursed that pain and anger til it went Way beyond obsession and dare I say, ….{shudder}… possession!
Aww.. The spirit of Rosylie at work.
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Watered Garden
Waysider, where were the flax seeds in that familia???????
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If I lived the rest of my life without ingesting another flax seed, it would be just peachy, keen, jim-dandy with me.
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Nature's little scrub brushes!
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But really, who needs a colon that's so clean you whistle when you pass gas?
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reminds me of an old tv commercial..
"YOU got flax seed in MY familia.."
"No, YOU got familia in my flax seed.."
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If anyone wants to see the paper, I will email it..
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cmon.. somebody has to be interested in the end product of a hallucination..
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OK---I'll bite
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pm me or otherwise any kind of anonymous or otherwise email address.. even *disposable* hotmail or other wise.. and away it will go..
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Life---as seen through a glass eye
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I thought that was a glass onion..
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Oh, yeah. Guess I shouldn't try to post and roll a dove-tail joint at the same time.
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Ham has familia spirits.
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O.K., NOW I'm impressed!
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Steve Lortz
Is that why God didn't want the Israelites to eat pork?
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