Maybe there’s a PFAL parody in there somewhere…like the gameshow Jeopardy – contestants are given the answers and must provide a response in the form of a question...
PFAL Jeopardy - if there’s a danger of loss, harm, or failure you must be playing PFAL Jeopardy…game is already in progress...
Contestant # 1 Johnny Pump-u-up:Alex, I’ll take ‘law of believing’ for $400
Contestant # 3 Snow-job Pete: Do you know what killed that little boy?
Ding ding ding ding (4 ding-a-fied)
PFAL Jeopardy coordinator Alex:Alright – we have a winner... Snow-job just won a $400 voucher which is good for up to four new students to take PFAL Today, today only. Class starts in 20 minutes and hold all your questions until the end of the class.
Maybe there’s a PFAL parody in there somewhere…like the gameshow Jeopardy – contestants are given the answers and must provide a response in the form of a question...
PFAL Jeopardy is already in progress:
Contestant # 1 Johnny Pump-u-up:Alex, I’ll take ‘law of believing’ for $400
Contestant # 3 Snow-job Pete: Do you know what killed that little boy?
Ding ding ding ding (4 ding-a-fied)
PFAL Jeopardy coordinator Alex:Alright – we have a winner – Snow-job just won a $400 voucher which is good for up four new students to take PFAL Today, today only. Class starts in 20 minutes and hold all your questions until the end of the class.
Gal 3:5 and 4:6 even says it was specifically God who did the sending of the spirit without the mention of Jesus Christ. However, we know from John 16:15 that “All that belongs to the Father is mine. That is why I said the Spirit will receive from me what he will make known to you.” There’s no contradiction and the direction of movement is clear. The Father - -> The Son — > The Holy Spirit — > you
Re-read those passages – and see below – I marked the sentences with red font to indicate in the context God, the Son and The Holy Spirit ARE mentioned in close proximity – indicating interagency:
You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. 2 I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? 3 Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? 4 Have you experienced so much in vain—if it really was in vain? 5 So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard? 6 So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”…
…13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit…
…22 But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.
What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 3 So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces of the world. 4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. 6 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir…
…28 Now you, brothers and sisters, like Isaac, are children of promise. 29 At that time the son born according to the flesh persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now…
Maybe there’s a PFAL parody in there somewhere…like the gameshow Jeopardy – contestants are given the answers and must provide a response in the form of a question...
PFAL Jeopardy - if there’s a danger of loss, harm, or failure you must be playing PFAL Jeopardy…game is already in progress...
Contestant # 1 Johnny Pump-u-up:Alex, I’ll take ‘law of believing’ for $400
Contestant # 3 Snow-job Pete: Do you know what killed that little boy?
Ding ding ding ding (4 ding-a-fied)
PFAL Jeopardy coordinator Alex:Alright – we have a winner – Snow-job just won a $400 voucher which is good for up to four new students to take PFAL Today, today only. Class starts in 20 minutes and hold all your questions until the end of the class.
The strategy behind Excellors' Sessions probably eludes everyone here.
I have posted what that strategy was, but it was probably not absorbed.
Ownership, Mike. Take ownership of your communication skills or lack thereof. Genuine leaders don't blame. The support. Which one are you? Which one do you want to be?
Mike, don't you get it? Most of us here have moved on - moved way on - in our thinking from the little box in which VPW wanted to imprison us.
Do YOU remember what the one single key idea that should have run through all the Way ministry's teachings ought to have been?
Unlike you - I will give you a clue. It is to do with the fact that GOD LOVES US unconditionally and would really like it if we would love HIM back. Love him. And not some man, or some idol, or some book or some thing.
And it didn't stop with just that one. More kept popping up along side. I kept clicking on them hoping they would stop...but they didn't! As the Grinch would say, "Oh, the smiles, smiles, smiles, smiles." “O wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from all those teeth?”
Truly horrifying - Bravo T-Bone! It was a "snapping" good time!
Mike, don't you get it? Most of us here have moved on - moved way on - in our thinking from the little box in which VPW wanted to imprison us.
Do YOU remember what the one single key idea that should have run through all the Way ministry's teachings ought to have been?
Unlike you - I will give you a clue. It is to do with the fact that GOD LOVES US unconditionally and would really like it if we would love HIM back. Love him. And not some man, or some idol, or some book or some thing.
The key WAS "the little box where vpw wanted us imprisoned." As any sociologist or social psychologist (or cultural anthropologist) could tell you, repetition of social rituals is used as reinforcement to keep people in a group. The ritualized behavior- like excellors sessions- is substituted for actual thinking, which keeps one in the bondage of a group like twi. As for the alphabet exercise, that's the most blatant part for reinforcing a deception- it's obvious that it's used to reinforce a VOLUNTARY BEHAVIOR (otherwise we could not reproduce around a LETTER) rather than energize something supernatural.
Most of us have moved on from the little boxes of twi- and the little boxes of people who chose their little boxes and want us in them as well.
The key WAS "the little box where vpw wanted us imprisoned." As any sociologist or social psychologist (or cultural anthropologist) could tell you, repetition of social rituals is used as reinforcement to keep people in a group. The ritualized behavior- like excellors sessions- is substituted for actual thinking, which keeps one in the bondage of a group like twi. As for the alphabet exercise, that's the most blatant part for reinforcing a deception- it's obvious that it's used to reinforce a VOLUNTARY BEHAVIOR (otherwise we could not reproduce around a LETTER) rather than energize something supernatural.
Most of us have moved on from the little boxes of twi- and the little boxes of people who chose their little boxes and want us in them as well.
No, thank you.
Like the Nazi salute?
. . . Ritualized voluntary behavior replacing actual thinking?
All discussed here, by people familiar with twi and its terms and jargon.
On a recent reply to T-Bone, I wrote, “I still speak in tongues for people when I pray for them…I know the choice to SIT will be mine…”I read this again this morning and realized that what I said amounted to "me making a deliberate decision to 'operate the spirit' and SIT."
So naturally I got a teeny tiny bit confused and then I remembered one of the websites you had mentioned to me. So I've just started to read the 1 Cor 12-14 thread for better understanding of what the hell heck is going on. So thanks again WordWolf.
I think it's important to note that speaking in tongues, in and of itself, is harmless. If, on the other hand, you have unrealistic expectations of the results it will produce and base your behavior on those expectations, that's another matter entirely.
I think it's important to note that speaking in tongues, in and of itself, is harmless. If, on the other hand, you have unrealistic expectations of the results it will produce and base your behavior on those expectations, that's another matter entirely.
There's SIT, that's one thing
There's interpretation and prophecy, that's something else
There's the rest of the manifestations . . . That's other things as well
I think we agree that these are natural phenomenon being sold as something else entirely
SIT is like the gateway to practicing all of these various tricks at the same time. The cumulative effect is probably the most disorienting. Focusing on one might seem trivial.
Mike, don't you get it? Most of us here have moved on - moved way on - in our thinking from the little box in which VPW wanted to imprison us.
Do YOU remember what the one single key idea that should have run through all the Way ministry's teachings ought to have been? ... Unlike you - I will give you a clue. It is to do with the fact that GOD LOVES US unconditionally and would really like it if we would love HIM back. Love him.
You got it almost correct, the strategy for Excellors’ Sessions.
But you have NOT moved on; maybe just attempting to move on. I see you and the others here are constantly stuck in the past mistakes and problems and catastrophes.
The latest thing I notice here in this thread is the mockery and criticism of SIT and T.I.P. and the Excellors' Sessions. You haven’t moved on from Excellors' Sessions when you all are bringing them up over and over. You all criticize much, what you don't understand.
It is obvious that none of you put much thought into the Great Principle (GP) as it was being taught to you, when you were new students of PFAL and the Intermediate Class. You are all just now floundering in new mis-understandings of the GP. I see you groping in the dark on this topic, and it looks like it's the first time.
I wonder if any of you were ever appointed to be the leader, in charge of conducting an Excellors' Session.
I wonder if any of you ever had a good leader to teach you in your early Excellors' Sessions.
The main strategy in conducting an Excellors' Session was FEAR MANAGEMENT.
People taking the Intermediate Class, especially for the first time, would have all sorts of fears and concerns about the genuineness of their SIT, and even greater fears about getting T.I.P. genuine.
Excellors' Sessions were supposed to be soothing love sessions where perfect love casts out all fear. They were supposed to be relaxing and fun, as well as horizon expanding. People needed to be able to make mistakes with T.I.P.,and then see that all is easily forgiven, and then try again.
Untangling the fears that hold people back was what Excellors' Session were all about.
It wasn’t at all a matter of us controlling the spirit; the Spirit’s willingness and ability were never in question.It was always fears that limited people in SIT fluency, and in TIP.When you mechanically remove the fears, the inspiration can happen with no effort.The fear management does require effort.
God is totally loving and gentle with His kids as they learn to walk. It blew my mind how many wonderful things could come out of the Excellors' Sessions in the early days of the ministry, when it wasn’t all Way Corps supervised.
ut you have NOT moved on; maybe just attempting to move on.
Says the guy who is stuck in fantasy land with a 1970s version of pflap and thinking a corrupt organization will be less corrupt with new talking heads at the lectern
Do you think you're the only one here who ever led a twig or ran a class?
No, not in my thinking at all.
I was talking about running an EXCELLORS' SESSION.
I get the feeling I am the only one here who did it.
I get the feeling that I am the only one here who has had a paper file folder on Excellors' Sessions sitting around for 40 years, and who had thought long and hard about the Great Principle in the good old days of the ministry.
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Reading twi's article both was emotionally and physically sickening. It so reinforced the doctrinal and practical errors that robbed believers of having a personal relationship with God and Jesus Chr
Who among you (or us) might be strategic thinkers? Was Victor Wierwille a strategic thinker? (not necessarily a rhetorical question) Is Mike a strategic thinker? (rhetorical questi
Maybe there’s a PFAL parody in there somewhere…like the gameshow Jeopardy – contestants are given the answers and must provide a response in the form of a question...
PFAL Jeopardy - if there’s a danger of loss, harm, or failure you must be playing PFAL Jeopardy…game is already in progress...
Contestant # 1 Johnny Pump-u-up: Alex, I’ll take ‘law of believing’ for $400
PFAL Jeopardy coordinator Alex: Needs and Wants are parallel.
Contestant # 1 Johnny Pump-u-up: uhm…errr…what is collateral damage?
Buzzer sounds
PFAL Jeopardy coordinator Alex: No, but you’re getting warmer.
Toot toot sound - Contestant # 2 Maggie Mugs-a-lot just tooted in
PFAL Jeopardy coordinator Alex: Maggie, go ahead.
Contestant # 2 Maggie Mugs-a-lot: What is the greatest sin a person can commit?
Buzzer sounds
PFAL Jeopardy coordinator Alex: Sorry Maggie, that was already handled in the declining PFAL category.
Toot toot sound - Contestant # 3 Snow-job Pete just tooted in
PFAL Jeopardy coordinator Alex: Go ahead, Snow-job.
Contestant # 3 Snow-job Pete: Do you know what killed that little boy?
Ding ding ding ding (4 ding-a-fied)
PFAL Jeopardy coordinator Alex: Alright – we have a winner... Snow-job just won a $400 voucher which is good for up to four new students to take PFAL Today, today only. Class starts in 20 minutes and hold all your questions until the end of the class.
I lost on PFAL Jeopardy
Edited by T-BoneI lost it on Grease Spot
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I was already cracking myself up envisioning Jesus teaching from the orange book… and then, Then, THEN… I read this!
Holy shonta! I just pi$$ed myself…
Well done, T-Bone!
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Re-read those passages – and see below – I marked the sentences with red font to indicate in the context God, the Son and The Holy Spirit ARE mentioned in close proximity – indicating interagency:
You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified. 2 I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard? 3 Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh? 4 Have you experienced so much in vain—if it really was in vain? 5 So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard? 6 So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”…
…13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us, for it is written: “Cursed is everyone who is hung on a pole.” 14 He redeemed us in order that the blessing given to Abraham might come to the Gentiles through Christ Jesus, so that by faith we might receive the promise of the Spirit…
…22 But Scripture has locked up everything under the control of sin, so that what was promised, being given through faith in Jesus Christ, might be given to those who believe.
Galatians 3
~ ~ ~ ~
What I am saying is that as long as an heir is underage, he is no different from a slave, although he owns the whole estate. 2 The heir is subject to guardians and trustees until the time set by his father. 3 So also, when we were underage, we were in slavery under the elemental spiritual forces of the world. 4 But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. 6 Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” 7 So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir…
…28 Now you, brothers and sisters, like Isaac, are children of promise. 29 At that time the son born according to the flesh persecuted the son born by the power of the Spirit. It is the same now…
Galatians 4
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Here I am thinking seriously about the meaning of spiritual matters in 1 Cor 14, and I see this.
WAY TO GO T-BONE!!! I needed the
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Just when you thought it was safe to read the Bible again …..mwaaa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
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AND it's Friday the 13th to boot! Oh no - please no horrifying youtube videos
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you mean like this ?
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Ownership, Mike. Take ownership of your communication skills or lack thereof. Genuine leaders don't blame. The support. Which one are you? Which one do you want to be?
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Great post Twinky!
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And it didn't stop with just that one. More kept popping up along side. I kept clicking on them hoping they would stop...but they didn't! As the Grinch would say, "Oh, the smiles, smiles, smiles, smiles."
“O wretched man that I am, who will deliver me from all those teeth?”
Truly horrifying - Bravo T-Bone!
It was a "snapping" good time!
Edited by CharityLink to comment
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The key WAS "the little box where vpw wanted us imprisoned." As any sociologist or social psychologist (or cultural anthropologist) could tell you, repetition of social rituals is used as reinforcement to keep people in a group. The ritualized behavior- like excellors sessions- is substituted for actual thinking, which keeps one in the bondage of a group like twi. As for the alphabet exercise, that's the most blatant part for reinforcing a deception- it's obvious that it's used to reinforce a VOLUNTARY BEHAVIOR (otherwise we could not reproduce around a LETTER) rather than energize something supernatural.
Most of us have moved on from the little boxes of twi- and the little boxes of people who chose their little boxes and want us in them as well.
No, thank you.
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Like the Nazi salute?
. . . Ritualized voluntary behavior replacing actual thinking?
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I'll have to ask her.
(I seem to remember that on that on F. A.'s door in Founder's Hall)
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That thought you had that you left the coffee pot on . . . That's revelation . . . God is talking
If you can spontaneously fluently speak languages you've never heard of . . . Of course God is speaking to you.
So not only fill your head with SIT continuously . . . But listen to revelation coming at the same time
How does one not split their insides in two?
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On a recent reply to T-Bone, I wrote, “I still speak in tongues for people when I pray for them…I know the choice to SIT will be mine…” I read this again this morning and realized that what I said amounted to "me making a deliberate decision to 'operate the spirit' and SIT."
So naturally I got a teeny tiny bit confused
and then I remembered one of the websites you had mentioned to me. So I've just started to read the 1 Cor 12-14 thread for better understanding of what the
heck is going on. So thanks again WordWolf.
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I think it's important to note that speaking in tongues, in and of itself, is harmless. If, on the other hand, you have unrealistic expectations of the results it will produce and base your behavior on those expectations, that's another matter entirely.
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There's SIT, that's one thing
There's interpretation and prophecy, that's something else
There's the rest of the manifestations . . . That's other things as well
I think we agree that these are natural phenomenon being sold as something else entirely
SIT is like the gateway to practicing all of these various tricks at the same time. The cumulative effect is probably the most disorienting. Focusing on one might seem trivial.
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I was talking about the silent kind of stuff people do while riding the subway, sitting in the dentist's chair and so forth.
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You got it almost correct, the strategy for Excellors’ Sessions.
But you have NOT moved on; maybe just attempting to move on. I see you and the others here are constantly stuck in the past mistakes and problems and catastrophes.
The latest thing I notice here in this thread is the mockery and criticism of SIT and T.I.P. and the Excellors' Sessions. You haven’t moved on from Excellors' Sessions when you all are bringing them up over and over. You all criticize much, what you don't understand.
It is obvious that none of you put much thought into the Great Principle (GP) as it was being taught to you, when you were new students of PFAL and the Intermediate Class. You are all just now floundering in new mis-understandings of the GP. I see you groping in the dark on this topic, and it looks like it's the first time.
I wonder if any of you were ever appointed to be the leader, in charge of conducting an Excellors' Session.
I wonder if any of you ever had a good leader to teach you in your early Excellors' Sessions.
The main strategy in conducting an Excellors' Session was FEAR MANAGEMENT.
People taking the Intermediate Class, especially for the first time, would have all sorts of fears and concerns about the genuineness of their SIT, and even greater fears about getting T.I.P. genuine.
Excellors' Sessions were supposed to be soothing love sessions where perfect love casts out all fear. They were supposed to be relaxing and fun, as well as horizon expanding. People needed to be able to make mistakes with T.I.P., and then see that all is easily forgiven, and then try again.
Untangling the fears that hold people back was what Excellors' Session were all about.
It wasn’t at all a matter of us controlling the spirit; the Spirit’s willingness and ability were never in question. It was always fears that limited people in SIT fluency, and in TIP. When you mechanically remove the fears, the inspiration can happen with no effort. The fear management does require effort.
God is totally loving and gentle with His kids as they learn to walk. It blew my mind how many wonderful things could come out of the Excellors' Sessions in the early days of the ministry, when it wasn’t all Way Corps supervised.
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Says the guy who is stuck in fantasy land with a 1970s version of pflap and thinking a corrupt organization will be less corrupt with new talking heads at the lectern
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Good Lord, Mike
Do you think you're the only one here who ever led a twig or ran a class?
Edited by waysiderLink to comment
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No, not in my thinking at all.
I was talking about running an EXCELLORS' SESSION.
I get the feeling I am the only one here who did it.
I get the feeling that I am the only one here who has had a paper file folder on Excellors' Sessions sitting around for 40 years, and who had thought long and hard about the Great Principle in the good old days of the ministry.
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Fer cryin' out loud.
The whole stinkin' ministry did this stuff.
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VPW wore a plaid suit in the intermediate class, or was that a pimp?
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