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TWI Song Contradicts Their Doctrine


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I was thinking about "He Lives", a song sang often in twi.

"I serve a risen saviour he's in the world today"

SERVE Jesus??? Would that make him God???? Surely we (wayfers) can't SERVE JESUS!!! But we'll sing about it. It attracts (errr confuses the new people).

"He walks with me and talks with me, along life's narrow way."

Yes, twi, Jesus does walk and talk with us. He's the head of the church for crying out loud!!

Why do they sing a song with words they don't promote? They should listen to the words of the song, maybe they would learn a thing or two.

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I bet when the WayGB sees this and reports back to HQ that this song will be removed from the Sing Along the Way.

Or like some others they could just change the lyrics to make it "accurate" . Maybe something like this:


They Care!

I serve the Board of Trustees

They watch me everyday

I know they love and care for me

Whatever folks may say

I see their tender kindess

So I will never stray

From all that they have taught me

Along their narrow way


They care! They care!

I know they care for me.

I send them all my money

I'm happy as can be.

They care, They care!

With knowing eyes they see.

They're serving me with all their heart

Hail to the Bee Oh Tee!

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Yes, twi, Jesus does walk and talk with us. He's the head of the church for crying out loud!!

Did anyone ever hear words from Jesus? As far as I know, he never spoke directly to me like I'm speaking to you now. Of course, I could have been distracted or not listening. I could be spiritually bankrupt.

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Oldies Posted and asked:

Did anyone ever hear words from Jesus? As far as I know, he never spoke directly to me like I'm speaking to you now. Of course, I could have been distracted or not listening. I could be spiritually bankrupt.

Oldies, did you ever directly hear any non-human "voice" speaking to you like I am speaking to you now? -- If so, did the voice specifically say, "Oldies, This is God speaking..." as oppossed to, "This is Jesus speaking ..."

Oldies, I wouldn't be too terribly concerned. It is doubtful that the absence of hearing voices is an accurate indicator of "spiritual bankruptcy".

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Did anyone ever hear words from Jesus? As far as I know, he never spoke directly to me like I'm speaking to you now. Of course, I could have been distracted or not listening. I could be spiritually bankrupt.

How does God talk to you? It's different and personal for each person.

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At an AC in the 80s, several of us asked this question of the staff. Johnny Townsend came out before a session and said, essentially, we know some of them aren't accurate but it's the best we have. If someone would like to write hymns, let us know. "If you're going to complain, offer to help fix it."

No one did it seems as they are still there.

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We got a different answer back in residence when somebody asked the same question. We were told that although they knew that some of the songs were not "accurate" that since Dr was suct a sentimentalist, that he wanted to keep these songs because it reminded him of his old days in the church growing up. He did manage to change some of the lyrics to some of the songs, once common one is: "Amazing Grace"

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They would have to take out half the songs in the Sing Along the Way book if they only put in ones that supported their doctrine.

I remember at one time during the LCM era I actually wished they would take all the ones about Jesus out. I thought it was idolatrous to sing most of those songs. How sick is that?

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Back in 1995-96 I sent Martindale a list of songs in the Sing Along The Way that contained lyrics that contradicted the doctrines held by TWI at the time since they were so anal about accuracy in their publications and public teachings. He thanked me. But nothing ever came of it.

In order to get permission to publish some of the songs in the book, they have to be printed as the copyright holder requests. In the singing of some of those songs, the congregation supplies the "accurate" word or phrase. However, in many of them, the words or phrases are not changed. Which begs the question...

Are they really concerned with accuracy?

I think we all know the answer to that one.

How can it be "harmful" spiritually to sit and listen to doctrines from "other" sources, yet not harmful to mindlessly sing the same doctrines in their songs?

Buncha hypocritical mindless idiots

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Jesus talked to Paul on the road to Damascus.

Also, remember the song "Family of God"

"I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God."

Well, the part where we sing "joint-heirs with Christ as we travel the way" according to our song books should have said

'joint-heirs with Jesus as we travel this sod,"

then it rhymes with the family of God on the next line.

the song was written by Bill Gaither. It is a cool song when sung his way and not twi's!

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As I recall, the song "Family of God" was one of the ones that DID get yanked from Sing Along the Way. Then they started publishing the brown covered book instead of the blue one.

It happened before my time in TWI. It was sometime in the early '80s, but I heard a lot about it when I took PFAL - specifically that the author had ordered it removed for some reason.

Speaking of parodies, in the brown covered book, there was a song I liked called, "Standing on Solid Ground" which bore a TWI copyright. My daughter (8 years old at that time) used to sing it, "Standing on coffee grounds..." to her own parodied words. One night she sang it for the Twig that way. They all got a kick out of it. At least some within TWI could take a joke.

Just a thought...



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