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You Might Be In A Cult If........


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1. You are told you are out of fellowship for listening to any other Christian music except for Way Productions.

2. You are told that you are being tricked by the devil for reading any other outside research material other than the "colored books".

3. You get 2 hours of sleep a night for almost a week setting up for the ROA and think it's "logical" when leadership saying keep working you can sleep all you want when you are dead.

4. You thank him for his insight and helping you renew your mind.

5. As a wife you actually believe that you will get rewards in heaven for pressing your husband's suit so that he can go out and "move the Word" for the 5th night and leave you at home each time.

6. You never question why your WOW family of four single women was personally asked to find housing close to the married Limb coor. house.

7. You never question WHY you are abundantly sharing when you have NO abundance because you are always abundantly sharing.

8. After your 10 years in the ministry you never stop to figure out why everything you own still fits into one car.

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...both YOU and YOUR SPOUSE have subscriptions to the weekly taped teaching service and bi-monthly magazine because you're both supposed to be so into whatever crapola they're spewing that you can't possibly share.... you might be in a cult...

...you cringe when you use any word beginning with bi ('bi-monthly') because you're afraid of sounding homo-sympathetic... you might be in a cult...

...you consider 'homo-sympathetic' to be a real word - and a bad one, at that!... you might be in a cult..

(I'm just going to stop right there...)

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...you believe that the amount of dust on the top of your refrigerator is equal to the spiritual cleanliness of your mind...you might be in a cult

...you can't use any of the words derived from 'to create' without feeling guilty (unless you're talking about God)...you might be in a cult

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...if the guy who runs the cult spends most of his time bragging he is the 'MAN OF GOD FOR HIS TIME' and practically lives in his motor coach.

...if the guy who took over for the first 'MAN OF GOD FOR HIS TIME' likes to prance around on stage in lyratards when he is actually just a football player.

...if the words 'CUSHMAN' and 'REVELATION' are used in the same sentence. icon_rolleyes.gif:rolleyes:-->

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Ok - to be fair and balanced ......

If your best friends are people you have never met and you only know them by their screen names


If you hold the record for the most posts


Your entire social life revolves around a web site

You might be in an Internet cult.

icon_eek.gifYikes! I need some deprogramming!

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If a screen name like karmicdebt causes you initial discomfort upon seeing it...

If you embrace others who leave TWI - as long as they still don't believe in the trinity...

If you embrace others who leave TWI - as long as they are still conservative Republicans...

If you embrace others who leave TWI -as long as they still confess Christ-

well you might not be in a cult, but .......the cult might still be in you....

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You might be in a cult when the people you were in a year long cult program with can't wait till they get their brand new shiny cult reward pins so they can be done with each other for good and know you are in a cult when you & your wonderful cult sisters pretend in this cult family of 3 (one broke from the cult earlier ! smart guy he was ! how cultless he became !)during this wonderful cult ceremony in August. What a glorius cult year of spreading the cult like lifestyle ways ! My 2nd year cult family I love you and one of you owes me 500.oo for a long distance cult telephone bill but I have gotten over it ! And hope too we had at least some laughs during our most dysfunctional cult year where we even had the joy and

privilege of having the wonderful BiG CULT CHEESE Mr. Rev. P. spend a glorius week with us showing us how the cult dance should go ! Oh the memories and thankful I can at least still laugh at least a little! Cult never shut that off !

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Many of these posts are hilarious, and many are heartbreaking. I've lived many of them.

You might be in a cult if you believe, or have been taught, that being gay is "against God's plan" and you join up in order to rectify that. You might be in a cult, but you might have more than two active neurons if you realize, finally, that the rantings of some dancing, lunatic homophobe is just a box of crap, after your own research into Romans 1 leads you so close to suicide that you know what the business end of a .357 magnum revolver tastes like, because the "Word" can't be wrong, can it? The life experiences that you have had are all wrong, and therefore, there is something seriously defective with you.

So you put down the gun, for whatever reason, and temporarily reconsider. You can always do that later.

You are not in the cult any more if suicide is no longer considered to be a viable option.

I'm still alive. I like it that way.

And I'm still gay.


Lives in Franklin Park, Illinois with Alex, his cat

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if you cringe when people say "lucky" or "create"

you might be in a cult

if you drop your education and career advances to abundantly share (while in debt) or drop all of your dreams to live god's word according to the bible in the understanding that only we know..

you might be in a cult.

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If watching circus animals jump through hoops reminds you of fellowship...........

you might be in a cult

If you sold your nice home and moved into a dump that’s rent is higher than your mortgage payment was...............

you might be in a cult

anim-smile.gifNOW HERE'S YOUR SIGN anim-smile.gif

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If you pay $200 for a little bronze statue of the dead, former head of your group...

If you don't take marriage/medical/childrearing/mental health/legal advice from a professional but instead go to a mechanic/window washer/truck driver/former football player...

...you might be in a cult.

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If every time the phone rings you jump out of your skin because it's probably the branch leader asking you to bless the branch with cookies, posters, money towards some meeting room, an item to bless a visiting dignitary from another part of the cult, a last-minute meeting to attend....you might be in a cult.

If you attend meetings to plan other meetings...you might be in a cult.

If you and other cult members get together to throw a surprise birthday party for you local cult leader and after the party the cult leader's cult wife punishes the cult branch because the party wasn't respectful enough, you might be in a cult. So the cult leader and his wife take away your precious Sunday meetings to "show you."

You might be in a cult if you are told to leave because you aren't jumping through hoops fast enough but you stay anyway.

You might be in a cult if the local cult leader thinks it's this great idea to set up a booth at the county fair and you have to stand there for hours pushing your cult.

You might be in a cult if you hate the cult but feel like you have to get other people into the cult that you hate being in but it must be God's Will.

You might be in a cult if you envy other people who aren't in the cult and then feel guilty about it.

You might be in a cult if you've lost touch with all your real feelings, thoughts and opinions and you try to be the perfect cult member so the cult leaders won't yell at you or disgrace you before other cult members.

You might be in a cult if the best thing for you is to leave or get kicked out but it's your greatest fear.

Then one day the door opens wide before you and the light of understanding shines in and you realize that you are only a prisoner of the cult because you've let them make you one and the chains are in your mind. You finally see it's them, not you and you leave. Then you know you WERE in a cult.

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quote:If you look at the first of Johniam's posted links and your first

reaction is "that's not 'God's Blue Book'-'God's Blue Book' is called

'the Bible Tells Me So'",

you might be in a cult.

What the hell are you talking about?

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