"It's called Power for Abundant Living," Tim continues.
"It's the class that changed my life. It's a foundational class,
giving you the keys to understanding God's Word. Thirty-three hours
of straight teaching, but they do it over three weeks here, so you
go four evenings a week, for three hours each time. It's fantastic
because when you've had it, you'll be able to understand what God
wants us to know. I was looking for God everywhere and missing Him
everywhere, 'til I took that class. Nowhere else can you get this
knowledge of how to read and understand God's Word. And the thing
you just can't deny about it is that it works. Apply the principles
and you get the results in your life."
Here is the thing, although I know what I know now, that is exactly how I felt at the time. It was the closer look that exposed the monsters in the man to me. Taking the class -- well at the time, it was the best thing ever.
I took it in 1972.
What the "class" did for me and what the "man" did to me were very different. But then I contend that the class was a good thing put together by BG Leonard, then hijacked by VP, he could not improve on the class in his life because it wasn't "his life."
To me it was a way for him to start a ministry on another man's work... Be hailed as king, visited by poor girls he tried to convert into chamber maids, .... blaa blaa blaa.
And yes, I knew him personally. I think I had to, in order to break the spell, or I might still be a lemming.
At least now I know why this book was so attractive to me at 16yo...'loafing' became 'work'...for others.
I mean, it's right there plain and simple. VP wouldn't do his chores, but he wanted things done 'right and up to snuff' and was one of 'our German people' who 'were not afraid of work'.
Yeah...everybody else doing the work to vp's oh so high standards...
I felt weird going in. Dr. Wierwille was teaching and Howard Allen was with him. That
was in March of 1969. Doctor taught on positive believing and negative believing. Or course, I'd seen that principle working in my life on the football team with the coach riding me and my
bad performance. Dr. Wierwille was so dynamic and confident. He had all the answers from the
Word. I was awed. I was amazed. He captured my attention and after that session I signed up
for the rest of the class.
Here, I take note of 2 things.
1) A coach 'riding' an athlete, and destroying his confidence isn't just bad coaching and
distraction, it's a 'confirmation of the law of believing.'
2) Again with the "Dr.". All the answers "he" had from the Word-which, of course, are all
the answers BG Leonard and the others had from The Word.
Moving on...
Charlene shares about her initial teachings and doctrinal exposure to twi-at a Way Home.
Patte and I went over. Were we surprised! It was beautiful-big, plush,
handsomely furnished. It kind of bothered me because I'd been taught a lot about Christians
living poorly. But they showed me from the Word were it says God wants us to prosper and lead
a more abundant life.
Then he taught us about the four crucified with Christ and we got into the Trinity. That was
very hard for me to see because I had been raised a Catholic. But I had to agree that it
just was not anywhere in the Word.
Two more things here.
1) FIRST off, they were taught about comfortable living-by misuse of John 10:10, which does
not refer to financial wealth. If it DID, Jesus wouldn't have said it was hard for a rich
man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
2) SECOND off, they jumped STRAIGHT into "4 crucified" and the Trinity.
For STARTING people. Nothing you'd think was needed to START with like "God loves you"
"God heals you", and so on-we jump straight into the "look how smart we are" stuff.
page-150, The Teacher prepares to speak.
His eyes squeezed shut, he seems to concentrate for a long time. Everyone waits in
anticipation, for when Doctor is relaxed and sharing after lunch or after supper, the
wonderful spirit and love of one big family is so thick and sweet that it can be touched and
felt. It's as though he just opens up his heart and lets us all walk right in, all of us.
He does not hold anything back, thereby putting each one of us in a privileged and special
position of being trusted, valued and loved. You see, he has lots of things to do,
decisions to make, letters to write, people to see; but he cares enough to take the time to
share with us. And that is a priceless honor.
Or, you know, he built anticipation by making the audience wait.
Standard speaker's tool number one. Even William Shatner's talked about it.
vpw tells a story about 2 men who supposedly lived in Van Wert, who did some remarkable things
yet nobody seemed to have ever heard of them, even after the fact. vpw even forgot their
names. Anyway, he says these guys just sat in an office together in silence for an hour
and MADE something happen by just thinking about it.
Here's some highlights.
"There were two men in Van Wert," he begins slowly. Now, they got together every
morning at 5am and believed together for an hour. Every morning. I don't know what they called
it. But they would set their minds on an agreed project. They never spoke; just got together
every morning and both concentrated on whatever it was, until it came to pass.
Well, they just got together and put their minds on it every single morning for a
couple of weeks, and lo and behold, one day suddenly some guy who wanted to sell his
distillery just called them up, asked if they wanted to buy it. They'd never heard of the
guy with the distillery before. He found them.
Yep, they made millions, gambled, won. One man set up a foundation for children from
broken gomes, also built the YMCA, YWCA and a hospital. It was something.
I used to watch how they operated. I was a minister there in Van Wert. I had my church,
my congregation. But I studied them. That was before God showed me the law of believing in all
its accuracy. You see, here were the two meanest guys you could ever want to meet.
Nobody liked them because they were so successful and no one else could hold a candle to
Ok, so these guys nobody ever heard of just sat in a room concentrating on a business,
and out of the blue, a guy calls them up to sell his.
They didn't go around and say "If someone's interested in selling, please give them this
phone# or anything"- he just dialed the numbers by extra-special perception or something.
They were "the two meanest guys you could ever want to meet"-but they spent a FORTUNE
setting up a foundation for broken homes
and a YMCA-or ALL YMCAs-the story isn't clear
and a YWCA-or ALL YWCAs-the story isn't clear
AND a hospital.
Pretty selfless for really mean guys.
Also, they did ALL these things, and nobody could STAND them because they were incredibly
jealous of these 2 guys who shared their money with everyone. Apparently, the part that
they GOT the money before spending it really chafed. Those Van Wert CHURCH people must be
the most SHALLOW people in the country.
Also, were they disliked because they were mean, or because they were rich?
The reason hops back and forth.
pg-152, the moral of this fable is given.
I used to look at their successes-one after another-and then I'd look at those
defeated Christians all around me. And I was just amazed. I just couldn'y understand it,
until I understood from the Word of God the law of believing, the greatest law in the world
today. The I could see just what was happening.
It says in Mark that whosoever-now what does whosoever mean? Whosoever means whosoever,
not just Christians, not just Catholics, not just Way believers, but 'Whosoever shall say
unto this mountain, Be thou removed and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his
heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall
have whatsoever he saith.' There it is, spelled out, the greatest law there is.
Then he gives some general plans for classes and growth and stuff, then,
"And you're my kids. You're just the greatest." His voice breaks momentarily, his
forehead wrinkles, his eyes red with tears of tenderness, he holds back nothing from us. And
we-we are all moved, touched to the core by his sharing his emotion with us.
And some of those who were quoted in Elena's book have been LONG GONE FROM TWI for years and years........Stxve Hxfner (gone), Elena (gone), Tim B (gone), Charlene (gone), Earl B (gone), etc. etc.
:D--> :D--> :D-->
What a commentary of "The Way: Living in Love." ??????
And because of this act, VP forever took the farm away from the family.
There are plenty of valid things for which to criticize Wierwille, but this isn't one of them. If four brothers were to sell a farm they inherited and one of them lost his share of the proceeds in a failed business venture, would you say that he "forever took the farm away from the family?"
When I was in all these stories were unquestionable proof of the greatness, godliness and divinely inspired nature of TWI. I think I was living in a place mentioned in a song by T Bone Burnett.- it was some where between Never Never Land and Wonderland, called Never Wonderland. :)-->
Thanks for the reminder that I have moved out of that God forsaken place.
I see it differently. I see that Wierwille figured out a way to never have to pay taxes on his home, but still live in luxury in it for the rest of his life. Servants to tend to his every (every!) need, and workers to maintain every inch of the farm in better shape than it had ever been before. The only drawback was that his heirs would never get it when he was gone. And if his wife should survive him, her living there would be at the whim of the organization.
And that is exactly what happened. When Mrs. W became too much of a burden, they tossed her out.
Dear WW,
You said
I feel it's not complete without something like
"and when he stepped forward, the sun shone directly on him, even at
Nah, you meant that the earth shook when he walked. And that he had an overabundance of brains and brawn.
If it was only VPW who wanted to turn the family farm into TWI, it never would have happened. Harry was right beside him all the way. VPW and Harry bought Rueben's(sp) interest, so he did not care to pass his land onto his heirs.
I see that Wierwille figured out a way to never have to pay taxes on his home, but still live in luxury in it for the rest of his life. Servants to tend to his every (every!) need, and workers to maintain every inch of the farm in better shape than it had ever been before. The only drawback was that his heirs would never get it when he was gone. And if his wife should survive him, her living there would be at the whim of the organization.
And that is exactly what happened. When Mrs. W became too much of a burden, they tossed her out.
I agree, furthermore,
having finished this book, I have the distinct impression that vpw
made so many inflated claims about himself that, eventually, he
bought into his own press releases, and considered it inconceivable
that his name wouldn't continue to cause people to cower in a
prostrate manner in perpetuity. If that was completely true, there
would be no worries about Mrs W.
As it was, it's still partially true-there are still vpw worshippers
I read "uncle HArry" "The Way: LIving in Love" And I can remember thinking at the time that they were just glorified Ads for TWI.
Everyone has struggles--there are dark spots in everyone's lives that is true of orgaizations too.
It's those struggles that make us strong, that build character, that define policy, that create firm foundations.
But in Way World, the struggles are minor blimps, everything just comes together, all is light and harmony.
And yet the truth is so far removed from the fantasy.
but my favorite quote has always been
"You see, denominations are man-made," Tim begins. "Here we learn
what God says and we do things according to His Word. This is the closest
thing you'll find to the first century Church anywhere in the world. The
Church in the Bible is the body of people who believe. It's not a building
or a denomination, but the people who believe and act on the Word of God.
Denominations are "man made" And VPW was a ????
"We do things according to Gods Word"--As interpreted and expounded by VPW
"we do things as the first century church"--
actually if you get right down to it there is really nothing in the Bible about the actual day to day nuts and bolts of how the first century church operated. THere are glimpses of meeting in homes, sharing of resources, preaching, etc.
But no manual of the actual workings you know things like --
"today we met and passed a rule that members meeting in the west sector of Jerusalem needed to confine themselves to no more than 15 people as larger groups have caused complaints from the neighbors of disturbing the peace"
VPW took "meeting in homes" "all things in common" and ran with it, codifying and making decrees
"It's not a building
or a denomination, but the people who believe and act on the Word of God"
Lets see, we have the Way HQ , we have buildings, we have tax exempt status, we have security to keep people away that aren't up to our standards
(even in the LDS church-which practices excommunication-you aren't kept away from meetings --unless there are legal reasons-- since it is by coming to meetings and fellowship that you are able to straighten your life out), ABS, etc.
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I agree that it is "garbage" insofar that it is propaganda. But I think it does have a certain value: it's a good case study on VPW's sick thinking (and lack thereof) and a red flag about the dangers
A la prochaine
If 'Calling him everynight' wasn't enough..then she visited him every weekend ... wowza That's quite the committed individual to Wierwille. What kind of life did she have? Man oh man...I can hard
"TW:LiL" gives an interesting quote on page 14 about some WOWs.
WOWs assigned to headquarters was not common when I was around.
Anyway, on to the next quote.
page 29, we get our first description of "the class".
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We hear denominations described on page 30.
Same discussion, page-33.
page 34, same discussion, has something I especially thought was worth
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Dot Matrix
Here is the thing, although I know what I know now, that is exactly how I felt at the time. It was the closer look that exposed the monsters in the man to me. Taking the class -- well at the time, it was the best thing ever.
I took it in 1972.
What the "class" did for me and what the "man" did to me were very different. But then I contend that the class was a good thing put together by BG Leonard, then hijacked by VP, he could not improve on the class in his life because it wasn't "his life."
To me it was a way for him to start a ministry on another man's work... Be hailed as king, visited by poor girls he tried to convert into chamber maids, .... blaa blaa blaa.
And yes, I knew him personally. I think I had to, in order to break the spell, or I might still be a lemming.
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Page 37, a guy tells a story about himself in the military.
Quite a coincidence.
pages 43-44, we get a description of the Way Corps.
page 59, someone speaks about the winter of 1967.
One guy from the Print Shop offered this on page-62.
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"Uncle" Harry gave some interesting biographical details that help
fill in some of the blanks, especially about the youngest son in
the family, vp.
page 77
Really, Harry? You admitted you didn't SEE him most of the time.
Why wasn't he doing his chores in sight and preaching to the
animals on the farm, or, you know, the other kids, people who might
actually hear something of use? Maybe Dad was on to something.
David was a good shepherd FIRST, then a good man of God....
Later, we'll see what vpw has to say about kids and their work
pg-78, Harry again.
I thought he'd been preaching for years, Harry-to the trees.
Also, Lamarckianism has been thoroughly discredited. You can not
inherit an interest in learning. You can ENCOURAGE it, but not pass it
along from birth. Finally, Dad seems to think vpw lacked drive, but
you said he DID, at least about preaching. Hm.
Maybe he had drive for preaching, but neglected his chores.
Harry spoke about their father's will.
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At least now I know why this book was so attractive to me at 16yo...'loafing' became 'work'...for others.
I mean, it's right there plain and simple. VP wouldn't do his chores, but he wanted things done 'right and up to snuff' and was one of 'our German people' who 'were not afraid of work'.
Yeah...everybody else doing the work to vp's oh so high standards...
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Uncle Harry, giving more history.
You were close, but there was NO indication he was searching out
deeper truths and, especially, overjoyed at finding some. What he
taught then was completely different than what he taught later
Harry seems to keep track of the money on things.
He says he paid Rhoda as secretary out of his OWN pocket, and
criticizes the people in Troy because they wanted to hear vpw
teach, and have him over for meals, but not support his ministry
financially. His part of this book ends with the final quote
Dave gives a partial history of the A/V aspects.
I noticed that EVERYBODY except his brother calls him "The Doctor",
not VP. If it wasn't at his directive, instituted and encouraged
by him, I'll eat my keyboard.
I also noticed he was calling HIMSELF 'The Teacher' as early
as 1963.
And yet, Dave keeps mentioning numbers after this, which he must
have 'looked at'.
Dave seems to think he came up with the idea of vpw on film, and
sold vpw on it. Perhaps he is correct.
pg 85, he says how they priced the filming, then raised all the
money IN ADVANCE of filming, and how "Doctor raised the final
$11,000 himself."
(He must have raised it by growing it, apparently.)
page 85, we see the prices invented.
We have all that on the authority of the man who never looked at
numbers again. How many people besides me see contradictions from
one page to the next, and in how such a high (for 1970) price for
those LITTLE books was set?
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Rhoda weighs in.
pg-88, she says she studied music in Moody Bible Institute,
graduating in 1946.
She grew up in a Mennonite church, but were excommunicated for
violating church policy. Her father had been involved with a Bible
College, and she had been on the radio-which was forbidden at the
time. Harsh stuff. I wish I could confirm this story.
Anyway, it turned her off churches.
When she shopped her resume around, she got a letter from VP
saying he needed a musician with secretarial skills.
She signed on as his secretary September 28, 1947.
Chimes Hour Youth Caravan was the name of vpw's radio show.
It had TWO choirs.
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We finally meet vpw on pg 124, and Mrs W on pg 125.
The contrast between them, as well as the spin on vpw's appearance,
are fascinating.
I feel it's not complete without something like
"and when he stepped forward, the sun shone directly on him, even at
Mrs W.
Hm. When she walks, she walks on the ground.
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pg-138, Earl gives us some of his story:
Here, I take note of 2 things.
1) A coach 'riding' an athlete, and destroying his confidence isn't just bad coaching and
distraction, it's a 'confirmation of the law of believing.'
2) Again with the "Dr.". All the answers "he" had from the Word-which, of course, are all
the answers BG Leonard and the others had from The Word.
Moving on...
Charlene shares about her initial teachings and doctrinal exposure to twi-at a Way Home.
Two more things here.
1) FIRST off, they were taught about comfortable living-by misuse of John 10:10, which does
not refer to financial wealth. If it DID, Jesus wouldn't have said it was hard for a rich
man to enter the kingdom of heaven.
2) SECOND off, they jumped STRAIGHT into "4 crucified" and the Trinity.
For STARTING people. Nothing you'd think was needed to START with like "God loves you"
"God heals you", and so on-we jump straight into the "look how smart we are" stuff.
page-150, The Teacher prepares to speak.
Or, you know, he built anticipation by making the audience wait.
Standard speaker's tool number one. Even William Shatner's talked about it.
vpw tells a story about 2 men who supposedly lived in Van Wert, who did some remarkable things
yet nobody seemed to have ever heard of them, even after the fact. vpw even forgot their
names. Anyway, he says these guys just sat in an office together in silence for an hour
and MADE something happen by just thinking about it.
Here's some highlights.
Ok, so these guys nobody ever heard of just sat in a room concentrating on a business,
and out of the blue, a guy calls them up to sell his.
They didn't go around and say "If someone's interested in selling, please give them this
phone# or anything"- he just dialed the numbers by extra-special perception or something.
They were "the two meanest guys you could ever want to meet"-but they spent a FORTUNE
setting up a foundation for broken homes
and a YMCA-or ALL YMCAs-the story isn't clear
and a YWCA-or ALL YWCAs-the story isn't clear
AND a hospital.
Pretty selfless for really mean guys.
Also, they did ALL these things, and nobody could STAND them because they were incredibly
jealous of these 2 guys who shared their money with everyone. Apparently, the part that
they GOT the money before spending it really chafed. Those Van Wert CHURCH people must be
the most SHALLOW people in the country.
Also, were they disliked because they were mean, or because they were rich?
The reason hops back and forth.
pg-152, the moral of this fable is given.
Then he gives some general plans for classes and growth and stuff, then,
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Very insightful.....after all these years.
And some of those who were quoted in Elena's book have been LONG GONE FROM TWI for years and years........Stxve Hxfner (gone), Elena (gone), Tim B (gone), Charlene (gone), Earl B (gone), etc. etc.
What a commentary of "The Way: Living in Love." ??????
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Oh, and the fun's just starting.
A) It's about 300 pages, so I'm about 1/2 way thru.
Most of the remaining stuff is from vpw's mouth.
B) We haven't had fun comparing vpw's accounts of things with Harry's,
and we haven't compared them with the other book,
AND other things he's said publicly,
AND what we know to be true.
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Originally posted by WordWolf:
Harry spoke about their father's will.
And because of this act, VP forever took the farm away from the family.Link to comment
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There are plenty of valid things for which to criticize Wierwille, but this isn't one of them. If four brothers were to sell a farm they inherited and one of them lost his share of the proceeds in a failed business venture, would you say that he "forever took the farm away from the family?"
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WW- I clicked on this topic because of the title.
When I was in all these stories were unquestionable proof of the greatness, godliness and divinely inspired nature of TWI. I think I was living in a place mentioned in a song by T Bone Burnett.- it was some where between Never Never Land and Wonderland, called Never Wonderland.
Thanks for the reminder that I have moved out of that God forsaken place.
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Dear LongGone,
I see it differently. I see that Wierwille figured out a way to never have to pay taxes on his home, but still live in luxury in it for the rest of his life. Servants to tend to his every (every!) need, and workers to maintain every inch of the farm in better shape than it had ever been before. The only drawback was that his heirs would never get it when he was gone. And if his wife should survive him, her living there would be at the whim of the organization.
And that is exactly what happened. When Mrs. W became too much of a burden, they tossed her out.
Dear WW,
You said
Nah, you meant that the earth shook when he walked. And that he had an overabundance of brains and brawn.Shaz
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Stayed Too Long
If it was only VPW who wanted to turn the family farm into TWI, it never would have happened. Harry was right beside him all the way. VPW and Harry bought Rueben's(sp) interest, so he did not care to pass his land onto his heirs.
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I agree, furthermore,
having finished this book, I have the distinct impression that vpw
made so many inflated claims about himself that, eventually, he
bought into his own press releases, and considered it inconceivable
that his name wouldn't continue to cause people to cower in a
prostrate manner in perpetuity. If that was completely true, there
would be no worries about Mrs W.
As it was, it's still partially true-there are still vpw worshippers
around the world.
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Ok, everyone playing the vpw drinking game,
take one drink whenever he says something is the best in the world.
Where did we leave off?
Oh, yeah, page 154. vpw was talking about people.
Um, that didn't answer his question....
Anyone who can untangle this sentence of vpw from pg-170, please do so..
So he remembers it forever until he's done with it, then he forgets it.
page 171-172, vpw shares an early childhood memory.
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pg-173, more of vpw's life...
Yet another thing vpw supposedly excelled at, which we NEVER saw any
evidence of. We know he was obsessed with music-his ministries all
seemed to circle around it-until he got ahold of Leonard's work.
Harry thinks you were preaching to the trees when you went off for
hours and neglected your chores. Since you had no plans to go into the
ministry at the time, it's obvious you weren't preaching...
Being a medical doctor or a lawyer is a LOT of work, and has MUCH
professional oversight. Just a thought.
For someone who can't remember the past, he sure could recall a lot
of names, almost as if he wants to name-drop.
Further, as someone found out, Moody has no record of vpw completing
ANY of its classes, which is the indicator someone completed a class.
Sounds like his claim of taking "all" their classes is just hot air.
We'll see more of his life soon. He's not very organized.
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pg-176, vpw continues his tale:
They told him he could do anything EXCEPT ONE,
and that was his immediate UNYIELDING focus,
and they had the nerve to be offended that he went 180 degrees from his instructions.
(ANY church where tithing is taught on for an ENTIRE MONTH looks like it's ONLY
in it for the money, and NOBODY will like it.)
"They said not to teach on money, so I didn't-I taught on tithing."
I'll bet he felt so clever, so pleased with himself for adhering-PARTLY-
to the letter while perverting the spirit of his instructions.
For those wondering if they were right to give him instructions,
they were the ELDERS-the experienced local leaders,
and he was the guy who JUST arrived and was young and lacking in experience.
Unless he had a compelling reason beyond tweaking their noses, he should have
considered their counsel wise and followed it.
Convenient coincidence that what served God just happened to be the easy path for him.
pg-177, he meets Rosalind Rinker in Indiana.
(page-178, since "Nothing cataclysmic...")
Watch this next quote from pg-179.
pg-185-186. vpw is continuing his tour.
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Isn't one of the classic indications of a liar someone who embellishes and gives a lot more information than necessary to make a point?
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Notice how he anticipateds the reader's objections..
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I read "uncle HArry" "The Way: LIving in Love" And I can remember thinking at the time that they were just glorified Ads for TWI.
Everyone has struggles--there are dark spots in everyone's lives that is true of orgaizations too.
It's those struggles that make us strong, that build character, that define policy, that create firm foundations.
But in Way World, the struggles are minor blimps, everything just comes together, all is light and harmony.
And yet the truth is so far removed from the fantasy.
but my favorite quote has always been
Denominations are "man made" And VPW was a ????
"We do things according to Gods Word"--As interpreted and expounded by VPW
"we do things as the first century church"--
actually if you get right down to it there is really nothing in the Bible about the actual day to day nuts and bolts of how the first century church operated. THere are glimpses of meeting in homes, sharing of resources, preaching, etc.
But no manual of the actual workings you know things like --
"today we met and passed a rule that members meeting in the west sector of Jerusalem needed to confine themselves to no more than 15 people as larger groups have caused complaints from the neighbors of disturbing the peace"
VPW took "meeting in homes" "all things in common" and ran with it, codifying and making decrees
"It's not a building
or a denomination, but the people who believe and act on the Word of God"
Lets see, we have the Way HQ , we have buildings, we have tax exempt status, we have security to keep people away that aren't up to our standards
(even in the LDS church-which practices excommunication-you aren't kept away from meetings --unless there are legal reasons-- since it is by coming to meetings and fellowship that you are able to straighten your life out), ABS, etc.
If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck....
TWI = denomination
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