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Everything posted by waysider

  1. According to professor GOOGLE, Way Corps class of '71 consisted of: Gary Curtis,Mike Smith,Bo Reahard,Del Duncan.Randy Anderson,Glenda Sue Maxwell,Naomi Townsand,Nancy Duncan, and Nancy Burton. Class of '72 was the same group except that Glenda Sue was absent and Earl Burton was present.
  2. Don't Fear The Reaper Blue Oyster Biblical Research and Teaching Ministry :blink:
  3. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    How appropriate to see Derrick (sp?) on stage with one of the original "Dominoes".
  4. Hey! How did "Name That Tune" get all the way over on THIS thread?
  5. About 25 years ago I read a book called "On Death and Dying" written by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross. In the book she states that people facing impending death go through five stages. 1.)denial and isolation 2.)anger 3.)bargaining 4.)depression 5.) acceptance Leaving a long term relationship is much like a form of death whether it be divorce from a marriage or coming to grips with the realization that the group one has exited was actually a cult. Alan W.----------I mean this to imply no disrespect,but is it possible you may be facing some form of this process? There are many here who have reached the acceptance stage and can help those who are still struggling through the first 4.At least consider if this may apply to you . There are many goodhearted folks here on GSC who have open ears to listen and a desire to help others through the struggle.
  6. Coolchef---------"There were good times if you allowed them to roll". I'll second that,brother and plenty of them. Unfortunately for some those good times were at the local level and started to vanish as we "moved up the ladder " of responsability. For me it all changed when I moved on to Fellowlaborers. Suddenly I was in a situation where there were 3 meetings per day,breakfast as a house,dinner as a "branch", required witnessing at our "9-5's",work assignments out the wazoo,not to mention a zero tolerance policy on any kind of drugs,sex, or alcohol. Add to that no dating non FL,no socializing with non FL,no unauthorized trips outside the enclave ,roustings in the middle of the night for reproof sessions or house inspections and virtually no time for any academic consideration or teaching of the Word at all.(And this was 30+ years ago!) And the 2 at all times thing.----YIKES!-----I remember one time my limb leader had me quit my job and move 50+ miles away (just me,myself and I) to set up shop and run classes because there were no believers in that area who had taken the AC. I guess somehow the AC made me more qualified to make sure the chairs were straight and the coffee was ready by breaktime. I just hope any of the locals can forgive me for the time I spent there. The point I'm driving at is that legalism has been a basic tenet of TWI for a very long time. But Yeah!----There were lots and lots of genuinely good times to be had at the grassroots level and allow them to roll we often did.
  7. Eric has a new CD. Very tasty if you lean toward the blues.
  8. Dedicated people at the grassroots level; That's what greased the wheels to keep the TWI machine running on track.Don't get me wrong. I'm sure there were people every bit as committed to serving God at the upper levels but the foot soldiers were what made the army of God victorious. It becomes obvious after reading a few threads that a lot of the good things people remember happened either at the grassroots level or at a micro level within the structure of HQ. Some were Way Corps;some were WOWS;some were everyday folks who stayed right in their hometowns,folks like Ray and Vera who were mentioned on the "Hidden Kitchens" thread. Ray is honored in the "In Memorium" thread very appropriately. When I read his memorium Ithought to myself, "Now THAT'S a REAL man of God! In my opinion ,you can't stay faithful to God's word without staying faithful to serving His people. Without pig roasts and big branch potlucks what is it really but a bunch of people ogling over some Greek words whose original meanings were lost forever centuries ago?
  9. Make a rabbit whip a hound Make a preacher lay his Bible down. That Same Thing-------------Muddy Waters
  10. Linda Z------------Those pig roasts at Ray and Vera's prove there really were some good times to remember in our old WAY days. People looked forward to those all year. Do you remember the clam bakes or had you already left the area by that time? And what Friday night in Cleveland could ever be the same without fishfry and pierogie at every corner tavern? ps.Who stole the kieshka?
  11. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    OK that last post sounded obscene "I'm talkin' 'bout GUITARS!" "Shut your mouth!"
  12. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    Chas----------I don't remember the "f" hole but it's been a few years since I actually looked at it. The ugly green finish and leather strap with "Johnny Lee" on it stand out in my memory.
  13. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    I just got off the phone after talking to a friend of mine. It seems he has a guitar he is considering parting with. I thought perhaps someone here might have some insight on this particular instrument. It is a Spacetone and was made by a company called Microfret. Microfret was in Frederick Maryland and had a limited production for 4 or 5 years. I do not know the serial number and haven't looked at it for a couple of years. As I recall,it is a foam green sort of color done in a similar manner to a sunburst. I have never played it so I can't comment on that aspect at all. Also, it may at one time have been owned by Johnny Lee but that is speculation. Any thoughts?
  14. WASWAY It might be just "Another Saturday Night" but you sure nailed that one. And so it is the baton is passed.
  15. Allan W.----------I too found the PFAL class somewhat beneficial and am prepared to "say so". However: 1.)Much of the material was already available elsewhere. 2.)The long term payment plan for participation was way (and I do mean WAY) too costly. In my opinion, the PFAL class was like that first "free" hit of smack that ultimately extracts a price beyond comprehension. Though the class hinted at academic growth if further participation ensued I never really saw this to be the case. The particular "training" program I was involved with was especially disappointing in this respect. The hook had some inviting bait on it but in the end it was the hook and not the bait that so many found to cause the pain they felt. Just my opinion.
  16. Wheatland------------Welcome. Stick around and sample the "treats".
  17. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    Rick----------What I saw McKendrie use actually looked like a violin bow. I can't even imagine the kind of butt he could have kicked with something like that EBOW. Us harp players are kinda backwards when it comes to special effects.
  18. waysider

    Guitar Talk

    Bluzifier----------I don't have access to much high tech gear(And that's a good thing since I wouldn't know what to do with it) and it's been a long time since I listened to any Beck (Jeff ,that is ,to clarify) but I recall seeing the effect I think you are describing done by two other guitarists. The first was in the late sixties by McKendrie from McKendrie Spring and then again in the early seventies by Phil Keagy of Glass Harp. Both used the same technique. They worked the volume switch with the ring finger while simultaneously picking. McKendrie added a tape delay(rare in those days) and created a sort of string quartet illusion. McKendrie also used a bow gismo for sustained rhythms. Keagy's usage ( for staccato) had a very emotion feel partly because his thinking was so modally based. Buchanan did something similar but the only time I SAW him play was in the mid-sixties. I never saw him use anything in the way a special device so I have to think he probably used this ring finger type of tchnique.
  19. I blew in town a week ago I ain't seen a lotta girls since then If I could find 'em I could get 'em But as yet I haven't met 'em That's why I'm in the shape I'm in. The original, please.
  20. Baby's In Black "The Fab Four"(That's The Beatles for those too young to remember)
  21. Self deception and sincerity Yep--------Two of the main ingredients of urban legends and cults. I'm not so sure they bought the whole believing deal.Maybe they knew people were starting to see how they had treated DocVic toward the end and saw an expression of remorse as an effort in damage control.
  22. You betcha! It was The Beau Brummels OH YEAH, You.re up
  23. When the frost is on the punkin Tis the time for Peter Dunkin
  24. What the heck was the point of taking the foundational class over and over and over again?(Aside from the obvious maintaining a sense of self induced allegiance?) I've posted on this before. People actually believed that some new enlightenment would be granted them each time they took the class. They thought they would see some kernal of truth that had been buried like a diamond. (and I am not absolving myself of guilt on this point either.) It went so far as to opening classes with prayer for God to show us things we had never seen before. Don't get me wrong, I Think God can and does open the eyes of our understanding in relation to His word. "The class" is not His word per se, it's just one of millions of classes that man has constructed over his time on Earth. The very idea that God would show us some hidden meaning in why the flowers were positioned where they were or why a certain facial expression was used is simply ludicrous. It was simply one of countless Bible classes that have been produced for mass consumption though I'm pretty sure none of us had any way(other than revelation) of knowing the impact it would and does have on our lives.
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