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The Ubiquitously Hidden Teaching of VPW


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I'm new here (left TWI from staff eons ago). I still believe the scriptures God-breathed. Despite the obvious plagarism in VP's writings, I came away thinking that studying the Bible was a whole lot cooler than I had ever known before. I guess God was able to make lemonade from lemons in my life.

So, what are we now to think of these hidden teachings...nothing. VPW was a plagarists. Plagarists are not that smart or subtle. Any effort to "weave" the "tapestry" of VPW's teachings is a counterfiet to how marvelously God put His word together. It elevates the teacher (VPW) and diminishes the Author (GOD).

Besides all that, the list looks like gobbledegook (literal according to usage...pardon me).

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If we can see more exactly what went wrong, we can more exactly fix it.

Mike, I believe there were too many things wrong, which led many, including myself, to walk away from TWI non-denominal denomination. That doesn't mean everyone has walked away from God. The two are not synonymous. There was a Godly reason for it's breakup.

You can't fix something that God wants dismantled.

Isn't it better that a hundred believers get their directives from Thee Source, that a hundred believers cow-towing to one believer and his supposed scorse?

There's balance in life that only the Creator can explain.

Isn't that the deeper purpose of what this place is all about?

I don't know what to say, Mike. I do know when The Awakening comes, most want to save everybody, but not everybody is where you is at the time. Keep worken the Word, and you may find that you believe something different than VP. Doesn't make him evil, and you good. For cripe sakes, if life isn't about learning and growing in the spirit, then I don't know what this life is aboot.

I know God is merciful, gracious, and faithful, and will go to the uttermost for His children.

Anticipating The Lords Return,


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Is this one of those canrnival mirror tricks???

posted March 31, 2003 17:58


...Step right up to guess your weight....



Here are some key words Dr often used with reference to one realm or the other:

Some of these are obvious, some are subtle. There are some that are still a work in progress, so please, let?s not get all bogged down in the details of which ones should be on the list or not. This is still introductory, and the details will come up again, later.

These words, in the PFAL writings, are reserved for emphasizing the spiritual side:













To some degree, some words are paired off so that one emphasizes the natural and the other the spiritual:

(please pardon the crude tabulation)

......................................Natural .../... Spiritual

......................................Factual .../... True

...........................................fact .../... truth

.....................................analyze .../... ascertain

...................................believing .../... faith

........................................below .../... above

.........................................Bible .../... Word of God

................................body&soul .../... spirit

................................corruptible .../... incorruptible

.................................countless .../... innumerable

.........................earthen vessel .../... treasure

......................................earthly .../... heavenly

...............................everlasting .../... eternal

............................everyday life .../... real, reality

...................................external .../... internal

....................................feelings .../... revelation

.........................................finite .../... infinite

.........................................flesh .../... spirit

.......................................carnal .../... spiritual

...................................anything .../... everything

.....immediate prophecy fulfillment .../... ultimate prophecy fulfillment

........................................static .../... dynamic

..................................5-senses .../... spiritual perception

................................forthtelling .../... foretelling

..............................government .../... gift ministries

................................happiness .../... joy

.........................................hear .../... see

.....................................human .../... divine

...............................immediate .../... ultimate

............................Jesus Christ .../... Christ Jesus

.........................................brag .../... glory

..........................................light .../... dark

........................................literal .../... figurative

.......................................make .../... create

.........................................man .../... Son of God

.........................man's viewpoint .../... God's viewpoint

.......................................mortal .../... immortal

.........................................night .../... day

......................................people .../... man

.......................................phileo .../... agape

....................................physical .../... spiritual

......................................reason .../... logic

.....................................religion .../... Christianity

..........................religious leader .../... doulos servant

......................................rhema .../... logos

....................................sensual .../... spiritual

................................sentences .../... communication

..........................Simon's cross .../... Jesus' cross

..................................sincerely .../... study/work to rightly divide

..............................Son of man .../... Son of God

..........................................soul .../... spirit

.....................................spoken .../... written

.....................................surface .../... deep

....................................tangible .../... unseen

..........................................tape .../... book

...................................teaching .../... instruction

.................................terrestrial .../... celestial

.........................................think .../... know

......................................visible .../... invisible

........................................satan .../... devil

................Gen.1:1 to Rev. 22:21 .../... Genesis to Revelation

.....................................opinion .../... right dividing


Oh Jeesh ... That is what I left out all the 2wenty yearz my involOVEment PFanAL!!!???

forgive me... i am hummmbled... NO BLOOD LEFT FOR twI...

Hey Mike ... do you run PFAL CLASSES!!!??? have you ever checked out fractal curves???

[This message was edited by TheSongRemainsTheSame on March 31, 2003 at 20:09.]

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Mike I am not hurt and if I can annoy you, Well who the hell are you to complain about it????

I do not think anyone wants to fix pfal or what happened in twi, many here can tell you it is a wasted attempt at nothingness...'

or we could turn into YOU!

either choice looks well I have no spiritual or natural or suble or any word to describe other than .


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Here is first place we encounter Dr bringing up, right out in the open, this subject of the Natural/Factual vs. the Spiritual/True Realms. It occurs in the middle of the chapter ?Are You Limiting God?? in the Blue Book.


?The Bible Tells Me So?

pages 23-25... (......substituting ALL CAPS for italics.....)

Have we been limiting God in our lives? We must

be if we do not have all sufficiency in everything.

Sufficiency is the will of God for His children in

order that His children may abound unto every good

work. Our having sufficiency is God?s will for us; yet

how many of us have limited God by not allowing

Him to fulfill this promise in our lives? How slow we

have been to realize that God is our ability, that He is

the life of our lives, the strength of our strength, that

He is our sufficiency.

We frequently limit God in ourselves by our wrong

believing, by accepting the knowledge that comes to

us through our senses. Our reason says, ?That just

cannot be,? and so we confess the negative, when all

the time His spirit within us is crying out, ?Sufficiency

in everything.? We have been so schooled to

revere the knowledge that comes to us through our

five senses that we fail to recognize the knowledge

that comes from the higher realm, the spiritual, where

the Word of God, and not reason, has first place.

Both realms or worlds are here: the natural world is

factual; the spiritual world is true. As there are four

kingdoms in this world, and one supersedes the other:

the plant kingdom, animal kingdom, kingdom of man

and the Kingdom of God; so, there is a natural world

and a supernatural or spiritual world. The natural

world and everything in it comes to the mind through

or by way of the natural senses. The truths of the

spiritual world are absolutely NOT dependent upon the

senses, but rather on the spirit from God in man.

We cannot know anything about the spiritual

world by way of the senses. That is why Paul said by

divine inspiration in I Corinthians 2:14, ?But the

natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of

God: for they are foolishness unto him ... because

they [spiritual matters] are spiritually discerned.?

Spiritual things from the spiritual world may be

known in this world only by the spirit which dwells

in us. Then, and only then, can the Spirit relate

impressions and truths to us about the spiritual world

and make them logical. Then, and only then, do we

have the God-given ability within us, making known

to us things about the spiritual world.

Time and time again, after I have explained the

difference between the natural and spiritual worlds,

how the one supersedes the other and that two

entirely different sets of laws are in existence, people

have said to me that they were thereafter able to give

God the place He deserves. Then they refused to limit

God within themselves.

Few people realize the great spiritual truth of

Christ?s substitution and the believer?s righteousness.

A man in whom the new creation lives is righteous

before God, according to the Word of God. The

born-again man is righteous, and to be righteous

means that we can stand before God in the righteous-

ness with which He clothed us by our acceptance of

Christ as our substitute for sin and the consequences

of sin.


I?ve come back to these Blue Book pages many, many times in the past 5 years. Getting to know how all these words were used very carefully by Dr is essential to understanding his teachings in their fullness.

The key vocabulary words I?ve identified and their distinctive Natural/Factual ? Spiritual/True associations are expounded upon in several more places besides this Blue Book passage. However they also are utilized with these same distinctive associations in ALL his teachings, and often in very subtle and hidden ways.

[This message was edited by Mike on March 31, 2003 at 22:23.]

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Here is another key place in Dr?s writings to note. I have mentioned this place previously, in more than one post, but only briefly. This passage is from the opening of Chapter 2 ?The Benefits of God? in Volume IV. It?s the chapter where the entire Psalm 103 is taught.


?God?s Magnified Word?

page 14

Psalms 103 is a tremendous example of knowledge

and praise. Just the reading of it thrills the heart of

anyone who loves God. The beauty with which this

is set just from a human point of view, without even

thinking of its spiritual impact, should set at peace

the soul of any man or woman. For us as born-again

believers there are tremendous spiritual truths hidden

in this psalm that will elevate and enrich our lives as

we learn them.


Line #4 mentions the Natural realm ?a human point of view.?

Line #5 the ?spiritual impact.?

Line #8 mentions how the spiritual is hidden from the 5-senses.

Here Dr teaches us that Psalm 103 can have more than just the 5-senses meaning we get with a natural reading. When passages and topics like this came to my dim attention in the 70?s, it seemed obvious and unimportant. I didn?t pay very close attention to passages like this back then.

Just like Psalm 103 has the potential to impart to us the hidden, deeper spiritual understanding, so do the PFAL writings. God arraigned it that way to help us go farther than believers have been able to go since the first century.

As we master the material on the 5-senses level, then God can give us the spiritual understanding. This is key #4 to walking in the spirit we were taught in the Advanced Class.

I didn?t pay very close attention to passages like page 14 of Vol. IV, or pages 23-25 of the Blue Book, back then... but... after looking at these matters closely in recent years I have since learned that this the precise point, the need to attain a deeper spiritual understanding of PFAL, where we older grad leadership balked in the 80?s. Our egos hit this stumbling block in obeying Dr?s oft issued instructions to master the material. Dr told us to master PFAL, to get into it again at the deeper, spiritual level, but we thought our 5-senses understanding of the material was sufficient.

It wasn?t.

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*plays Revolution #9 backwards*

Hey, there's secret messages hidden in this!


Mike, if you looked a the cracks in sidewalk

concrete long enough, you would find patterns in

it. That's a hard-wired function in the brain-

pattern recognition. However, like any

identification program, it can glitch, and

misidentify stuff.

People were killed in Europe when villagers sought

to find the person responsible for bad things

happening to them-like bad weather or disease in

crops. They refused to accept that there WAS no

guiding pattern, and kept looking until they

"found" one. So, people were killed for

"witchcraft". Even Sigmund Freud, whose entire

career was based on finding patterns said

"sometimes a cigar is just a cigar."

There's a lesson, there.

CLFOBS Ministries. Join NOW!

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Please forgive me if my notes are considered copious, but I like to write, and Mike enjoys the rigamorole. Besides, this is his thread. icon_wink.gif;)--> But, as mentioned elsewhere recently, the GSC's doctrinal table seems a more suitable venue for this stuff anyway (unless you really want everyone see your headlines at the top of the paper). Oh well.


Honest question for ya: Does persecution strengthen your faith?

If so, heerz a quote that might make ya chuckle (or weep): "Success is going from failure to failure without a loss of enthusiam." Winston Churchill.


Problem #1 - you seem to assume everyone else is more stupider than you.

Problem #2 - you seem to assume everyone else missed the EXACT same things you did in your own PFAL experience.

Problem #3 - you seem to assume that only those mysteries YOU have found in PFAL are worth the most.

Problem #4 - you seem to assume everyone else who wishes to be as smart as you about PFAL should be as willing as they are able to solve your riddles and find the cheese at the end of your maze.

Problem #5 - you seem to assume everyone else will marvel at the simplest of paradigms.

I can only suggest that THESE are the problems you should be trying to solve, my friend. And if you can, you may just meet more minds and hearts than that silent audience your faith is telling you is out there.


Are you suggesting we hafta get into VP?s mind in order to understood what his words meant to him, in order to understand advanced/basic PFAL, in order to understand the bible, in order to understand/get into the Kingdom of Heaven? a.k.a - ?Light through a Wierwillian Window? or ?Wierwillian Mannerisms that Perplex the Greasespot Mind??

That would be quite a camel-load of apparatus you want us to squeeze through the eye of the needle, dude.

Also, are you suggesting that recognizing VPW's dichotomies in PFAL is a sign of spiritual maturity? Maybe even THE sign of spiritual maturity?

I can?t help but wince at your being confounded and awestruck by some rather universal concepts of heaven and earth.

Regardless, I'll play along. Although I will step outside the lines of your FORMula of duality for understanding da verd. Sorry - I know how you hate to step outside of cages and boxes, but some have been playing these kinds of word games since we were kids, long before we learned PFAL lingo.

Dichotomy: Division into two usually contradictory parts or opinions.

Alpha - - - Omega

First - - - - Last

Beginning - - End

Above - - - Below

In - - - - Out

Within - - - Without

Life - - - Death

Light - - - Dark

Eternal - - - Temporary

Immortal - - - Mortal

Love - - - Hate

Hope - - - Sorrow

Spirit - - - not-spirit

Heaven - - - not-heaven

Light - - - not-light

Good - - - not-good

Quickened - - - not-quickened

Holy - - - not-holy

The God - - - not-The God


That was fun.

Lets set it on its side:

Right - - - Left

Male - - - Female

Husband - - - Wife

Give - - - Take

Push - - - Pull

Lion - - - Lamb

Carnivore - - - Herbivore

Lets turn it some more:

Light - - - Dark

White - - - Black

Blue - - - Orange

Yellow - - - Purple

Red - - - Green

Ok, now I'm dizzy.

There also seems quite a few neutral bibilical concepts that seem to exist on BOTH sides of a spiritual/natural dichotomy:















So, how bout a trichotomy? - just to keep from splitting the universe in two like those crazy naked kids did in paradise?

spirit - - soul - - - - body

positive - neutral - - negative

in - - - - middle - - - out

up - - - - middle - - - down

light - - form/color - shadow/reflection

life - - - knowledge - nourishment and pleasure

law - - - free - - - wild

Why not draw a dichotomy through a trichotomy to make a sextachotomy so we might try a more complex model of what it might be to be a human being?

right spirit/left spirit

right mind/left mind

right flesh/left flesh


inner spirit/outer spirit

inner mind/outer mind

inner flesh/outer flesh


masculine spirit/feminine spirit

masculine mind/feminine mind

masculine flesh/feminine flesh


carnivorous spirit/herbivorous spirit

carnivorous mind/herbivorous mind

carnivorous flesh/herbivorous flesh

Or maybe flip it on end for some sort of inverse:

1 - Inner spirit - eternal life

2 - Inner soul - - automatic life

3 - Inner flesh - internal systems

4 - Outer flesh - appearance

5 - Outer soul - - expression of self

6 - Outer spirit - spiritual manifestation

That would be a tough equilibrium to get on top of, let alone maintain all yer life?

What about a nonachotomy to express an even more manifold model?

- - - - - RIGHT - - MIDDLE - - LEFT

IN - - - - spirit - - spirit - - spirit

MIDDLE - mind - - mind - - - mind

OUT - - - flesh - - flesh - - flesh

(Mike, the line of your dichotomy would fit horizontally through the row of minds in this model.)

Hey, maybe even a decadichotomy - a system of 6 oppositions (12 forces) to express that marriage at the end of the world where heaven and earth finally meets again in whatever "New Jerusalem" means? If I was more enthused about it, I might try to express it by whipping up a jpeg using concentric circles rather than straight 2-D lines and graphs, or even concentric spheres. But I'm not.

In cosmological models, it seems that the numbers of sub-axis at any given crosshairs can and do diversify the more you reason, based on how much space you want to give them (i.e. how much free-time/space you want to blow on it.). But that eventually leads to chasing the dragon across the face of the deep, I suppose.

Ultimately, it seems that we can express spiritual paradigms that can never be 100% accurate or ultimate. They have limited application, as well as limited shelf-life.

They can be quintessential in character, even sublime. But baptising snapshots of cosmological formulas and pushing them as THE key seems one of the oldest human rackets there is.

How deep is God?

How high is heaven?

How dark is that darkness?

How many rungs are there on Jacob's ladder?

Vanity of vanities, saith the preacher, all is vanity.

No problem for me.



[This message was edited by sirguessalot on April 01, 2003 at 4:36.]

[This message was edited by sirguessalot on April 01, 2003 at 4:39.]

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Vike quoting Mic

The born-again man is righteous, and to be righteous means that we can stand before God in the righteous-ness with which He clothed us by our acceptance of Christ as our substitute for sin and the consequences of sin.

And this, my friends, is what allowed the great dictor to abuse, manipulate, and literally screw so many for so long. Having no care for the damage he did, the great dictor laughed at other?s immaturity and "sin" consciousness. Failing to understand his responsibilities before God, the great dictor plowed head on into a life of destruction and pain TOWARD OTHERS. His total disregard for the hearts of those who trusted him allowed the dictor to use, abuse, condemn and destroy so many. His extremism was the downfall of those he claimed to love.


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Amen, JesseJoe. That wasn't a definition, it was an excuse!

(BTW, I always hated that definition, because a definition shouldn't use the word it is trying to define in the explanation! Chalk up another one of VP's errors in PFAL. How come I saw that when I was 15, and Mike still can't see it?)



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