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Everything posted by TrustAndObey

  1. Well said.. And I don't think I had ever thought about it that way either.. Just seems rather silly too.. How dare you let us rob you blind.. You're possessed, go, get out of here.. lol.. Just plain silly.. Oh I'm sorry you got raped, only possessed people get raped.. What do you mean you were talked into having an abortion, only a possessed person would follow our advice and then complain about it! And how dare you have real family and friends that care and not in our cult, there is definitely devil spirits at work in your life! I'm sorry if I'm making light for those who truly were hurt.. I don't mean to offend, you certainly were not possessed. They were! You needed help, they attacked. You needed comfort, they bruised you more. You needed a true friend, and they threw you to the wolves. No, a normal person would be ashamed of such behavior.. But not TWI.. No, they call the good evil and the evil good. How dare they!
  2. You betcha, I agree 200%.. Course even if you believe in evolution, we all did come from the same bloodline.. Whether Adam or the ape.. So we are all the same family, so to speak. Course, I would never trade my immediate family for their fake one..
  3. I'm not a fan of much of VP's stuff.. Wouldn't glorify Usher's dates either.. Or Bullinger, or any other.. I love to keep my mind open to possibilities.. Only so far my mind's thrown out the whole Gen 1:2 "became" without form and void.. It lacked in the evidence department. So I don't subscribe to the first heaven/earth being destroyed by Satan. If anything I'd go with possibly the first being destroyed by the flood from what 1 Peters I believe mentions (and some have speculated the flood may not have even been worldwide and the words used in scripture could denote just a smaller contained area that destroyed life in that area) As far as dinosaurs, we do have a Dinosaur State Park right down the road here.. And they have uncovered plenty of fossilized human's footsteps alongside and even within the same footstep as a dinosaur. Does that mean they coexisted? It's a possibility, one I'm willing to entertain. Also, notice all the civilizations that talk about dragons, including the scriptures. Only it is usually translated with a different word. These huge monstrous fire breathing beings, very possibly could have been one type of dinosaur that didn't become extinct until more recently. Even Alexander the Great was said to have seen one and had a large mosaic done of him with it. Even if they are just mythical, there is usually some truth to most myths. And the whole 6000+ years... I've read some concerning both sides of the story, there's just too little time and too much info to go over it all, but the verdict is still out for me, only I'm still learning to it being still within the time frame..
  4. While I may have studied languages and how they have evolved.. I don't think I can really answer, and honestly have never heard anything outside of conjecture on the subject. There is definite proof to early languages(Prior to Aramaic) having much figurative purpose in the use of gender, but the more they developed and evolved, the more some of that became a lost art and meanings eroded. Just as the meanings of cunieform that led to hieroglyphs that led to the letters we have today (Which many have still survived in their same form from the beginning).. Who'd know that our 'D' represented a doorway and most words that had the letter represent attributes of it.. But ages go by, and languages have for the most part been simplified for the sake of writing/speaking. But the innate meanings they used to have are massive when they were first developed. Now, after millenniums, just too many ?? to be answered in all that. And with those civilizations gone, it's mostly conjecture. And my days of research are pretty much over anyways... Too much looking at the leaves, that I now care to just take in the beautiful scenery around.
  5. Yes, it did lend a bit of credence after you buy into all the other crap and out of context scriptures. It was also the whole grouping of the "new man", "inward man", "inner spirit", etc, etc, together that helped leverage it.. Unfortunately, it all goes back to us being like God, mini/demi gods at the least.. Course, no matter what the gender is, out of TWI and in the real world it just doesn't make much difference. Just like me trying to tell my wife that it's moj głow and not moj głowa.. She just ignores me.. (I insist my head is not female! But alas, the language says it is...)
  6. Just out of curiosity Tom, would it make any difference? You do realize in most languages besides English, every "noun/pronoun/adjective" has a "gender". Take the word "house" in Greek, typically oikos even in the scriptures.. That's masculine ("os" ending).. But it is actually used in the scriptures in the feminine form also (even in John 14).. Course a house to most people has no gender, but as in most languages, gender wasn't about your sexual organs, as it is more about it's philosophical qualities.. Even in the scriptures you have a word that by definition is a young girl, yet the word itself is in neuter form (Mat 14:11), yet it 100% describes a little girl!..
  7. Well, since then they have actually moved.. Last I heard from them, they moved to really nice house in Washington... And getting a good $$ from da way.. Well, it is only right since his wife is good friends with da BOT..
  8. I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one... You see, you wearing that cross anywhere near someone still "in" TWI, is an automatic whistle to bring them near you to try and get you into da class.. Yes, folks.. Them debil spirits will be after you to get rid of such trinkets, and if I were you, I'd run away really fast!
  9. Just don't let a simple thing like religion get int he way of your realationship.

  10. Was that the tomatoes giving the finger? That would be quite a nightmare if they were in your car too.. And especially if you happened to catch a glimpse of that snow falling on gas pumps with VP peering out the window. My worst dream that I have time and time again, is I am once again In-rez trying to figure out how the heck I got duped into signing up AGAIN to be in the corpse for the third time, while I clearly can recall I left for many a reasons!
  11. Is that an actual valid reason, just because we have busy judges/courts/public costs?! Yeah, we're just too busy, so you get a free ride.. Yes, I know it happens. It's how many get out of traffic tickets, and even some petty crimes. And just gives people more reason to keep on doing it! And can anyone guarantee someone has been reformed? Just cause they haven't been caught doing anything else, just cause they seem nicer. I think we all have heard of many cases were those who were "supposed" reformed only went and committed more crimes, sometimes more evil, and some the very day they were let out. Just because crimes happen doesn't mean the known consequences haven't deterred the many that would have happened had there been no or less consequences. Some people will no matter what. However, if they know I have a loaded gun, they sure ain't going to break into my house here where we have a castle law. You betcha they know the consequence, and they won't risk it. I have.. I also know many who have come out of Prison changed personally. In fact, I have given a couple of ex-convicts a job. My best employee came from there, was awesome for over a year, turned to God before being paroled from reading one of Nicky's book and red hot for God when he left prison, but ended up having a fight with his girlfriend which got him back into drugs cause he couldn't handle the pressure. Had to let him go (He's back in prison now). So yes, I know people "can" change. And they "can" change back. While I have nothing against showing mercy, there are some things while forgiveness is available, I believe there still ought to be consequences. Just because Adam and Eve were forgiven, didn't mean we still don't live in this fallen world today because of it. Consequences are still part of life.
  12. Since when would it be "ok" to NOT hold someone accountable and have to pay the consequences or pay 'less" than what every other criminal does? If even for one time, you allow a person off the hook for a lesser sentence, then you create a loophole. One that every psychopath in the world will seek to hide under. Yeah, sure, all I have to do after killing someone I hate, is be nice! Ok, fine. So be it.. Now I can kill anyone I want.. Do you really think that's wise? You take away consequences for anyone, or make them less than the "norm", then you'll end up doing the same for those who shouldn't. To bring it back to the primary topic of TWI.. Even if they turned the ministry around and Rosie or LCM or even if VP was still alive, and started doing charity work, yeah, sorry, I believe there must be consequences, and since one can't know another's heart always and motives can be hidden, those consequences shouldn't be lessened. Is that cold and heartless? No, I think it teaches people right from wrong. Rather than a murderers kids thinking his dad got off lightily, they realize, there are real consequences so you better think before you act. Course, that's my opinion.. Would love to hear an opposing view and reasons though?
  13. Nah, that would be using your brain, and anyways sounds too complicated and would take time and money to fix.. Much easier "and cheaper" to blame it on good ol' simple believing.
  14. You may not want to understand the answer to that one since many could have been named not just for their spiritual pap, but it could be even their bio.....
  15. I was really curious after hearing that if he really did what Rosalie asked him too.. It would have been the first few months of your first year in-rez... Just curious, did you see a difference? lol..
  16. Cult.. Hehe.. Yeah, I don't use the term.. Only because it means different things to different people.. And my in-laws.. Well, they think my wife was in a cult because she was going to a Baptist church in her home town! In her country, any "Christian group" outside of the Roman Catholic Church is considered a cult irregardless of their doctrines/creeds.) And especially Baptists and most Protestants.. The funniest thing is that even the Jehovah Witnesses in her country are larger than most denominations we would consider "orthodox" here in America. Ahh well, I just tell people I was with a church that I eventually found out had a bunch of corruption at the top.
  17. All that "being nice" was a show.. I remember after I had graduated Corps, one of my Corps brothers had brought an accusation against the coordinator (B01ch@k) because he thought he went overboard in things he said. Which honestly wasn't much different than what most of us heard, but this was personal (Actually it was more personal about his Corps "woman" he ended up marrying). Anyways, so the BOD get together in a private meeting with Bo1h@wk to figure out how to simmer my Corp bro down. It was probably the first I'd heard Rosalie actually having to tell our Corp Coordinator to apologize and to "let off" on the newbies being trained (That would have been you - OldSkool) for a few months. He was told to "be personal" and "kind" and then after a few months he could return to his "usual". lol.. I just had to laugh when I heard that.. What a farce!
  18. Yeah.. I actually got upset over that song even when I was IN.. I thought, what EGO and HATE! And everyone was cheering?!!?! Granted, I had to "renew my mind" lol, cause it is a verse in the scriptures.. There were a few songs I actually liked, and "Daddy's Arm" was one of them too JJ.. There was also this song I hadn't thought about in years. Played only once that I heard at a STS when we had a power outage at HQ from a big storm.. Mike Martin played and sang solo to "Trust In God", which basically was Proverbs 3:5ff put to music.. Never heard it again. But I kept it in mp3 form. Actually just thinking about it last night made me take out my guitar to pick out the notes and chords.. So there were some.. But that one, cause it actually talks about trusting in God.. So much talk about trusting in da verd, or your leaders.. But just simple trust in God himself.
  19. If I remember correctly, and maybe it was isolated or a faulty memory (I hope not, I'm still young!).. But I recall when I first got hooked up with TWI that they said the "love thy neighbor" didn't refer to anyone except those in the "household".. That somehow the "neighbor" part was used to signify they were in the "household"... Anyone else hear that? Clearly this isn't true since Jesus himself clarifies who thy "neighbor" referred to when he shared the story of the Good Samaritan... Yeah, those lowly Samaritans who you hate.. Those who believe differently.. Go figure. Your neighbors! Sometimes I just stop and wonder how I was so blind!! DOH! Ahh, but God is invisible.. So Love=Spirit=Light=Invisible Light, Invisible Spirit, and Invisible Love... That was TWI training 102.
  20. LOL.. After leaving I didn't go through the CDs but instead through the blue book, since they were the ones we sang, looking for the same thing.. I was amazed at how extreme few there were of the "regular" songs that were actually to God.. Like you said, the whole relationship, removed.. Instead it was with the book, da verd! da verd! and nuttin but da verd! yeah, no thanks, I'll take my loving heavenly Father over that and you can keep yer verd!
  21. I think you have a great point there.. Probably more true than I understand myself, not being that "up" on psychology and all.. But certainly realizing myself, it came to that, when I was asked to do things my conscience said no.. Some I caved in cause I thought I was right, but ultimately I finally listened and I left..
  22. An EPIC FAIL?! hahaha.. No, we got there alive! You might have been pi$$ed at me for driving all 20+ hours and not allowing someone else but we did make it alive! lol.. Course I was starting to wonder myself if we'd make it there.. Glad you guys had someone who knew more about cars than me.. A water pump was not on my list of repair abilities.. Even today! But yeah, every year was something there. Same city or right outside it. Another year it was a broken thermostat and plugged radiator, and another year it actually happened to my vehicle and the steering column broke. Luckily for that last one, it happened right AFTER my alternator started a fire so I pulled off only to have the steering column break after coming to a stop. Yeah, but was it God that saved us from going 70 and having the steering column break and possibly causing deaths? According to "el leaders" it was not.. It was all my bad believing to have a bad alternator and steering column! At least I was able to fix both myself fairly quickly.
  23. Chockfull, I don't disagree, she lies in sin. That the adversary is able to work through her. That her life is full of deceit and evil fruit. I don't think any of that is in question.. I think we all agree on this 100%. lol. They must be blind to not believe that. But to me, the topic is more a question of where is their thinking. Do they really recognize their actions, what they are doing.. We all agree what they do is evil. What they continue to do is deceptive and the work that is anti God and Christ.. But do they realize that.. And that, I don't know.. definitely self deluded.. Gen-2, Yup, she's a compassionless soul either way... Very sad.. She could do so much to help others, yet she won't.. Those in TWI could all be living joyously, yet they are weighted down with laws from the BOD only they don't recognize them as such. And she won't let them free, but rather does everything in her power to bind them up.. Compassionless to the very core.
  24. And we know what Timothy looked like? Or was the Timothy statue done later?
  25. I'm thinking you have another problem.. You are now +10.. Thus, because of your popularity, you have now become excommunicated out of the cult of zero.. We welcome your return when you lose 10 friends..
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