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I need a top 10 list for my Slavecorps friends....


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I have way too much icon_eek.gif info all jumbled up in this brain of mine (GS is so chock full)and I have really good friends at HQ and around the globe, that are going to want an explaination to my sudden (to them) disappearance. So: A top 10 list please of real, provable, no doubt about it questions to ask them before I tell them? thanks

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Why did Donna get to stay at hq when her husband was put on probation and required to leave?

In every other instance....if one spouse was found to be unworthey BOTH were asked to leave and branded with the same iron.

Why did SHE get to live in the corpes chalet that was BUILT for PAID for by corpes who expected to get to use it when they visited?

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Why were the corpes forced to live on a *needs* basis, forced to take pay cuts, not allowed to have any pets, number of children mandated, because the ministry needed to tighten it`s belt.....when tax records from the period show that they still had over 40 million dollars in money and assets?

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The sad thing about all this, is the SOB's are just sitting there, waiting.

"Have you been on the internet? These sound like internet driven questions"

"You sound like you're just being evil and vindictive"

"Its none of your business"

I don't know quite what to tell you..

Shant be very pretty. I don't think you'd succeed in getting question number two out of your mouth..

Well, one thing.. you may find out who your real friends are in there. We'll see how kinder and gentler "they" are, indeed.

"We respect your opinions, go in peace.."

I'd fall over..

But who knows. Maybe they'd be nice- to your face. Watch your back..

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I have found that innies MUST find your decision to leave wrong.So even if you have iron clad proof of evil, they won't recognise it as true. They'll just talk around in circles that lead to stuff like 'stand with the Ministry through good times and bad' kind of stuff. They won't believe internet proof. Heck, they don't even know that it wasn't a 'one time affair'. The One True Ministry Of God wouldn't lie to them!

You don't owe anyone an explanation. You can tell them you had good reasons...

I've told an innie or two what happened to us, they acknowledged that it happened, they know the leadershi+ involved play politics and power games--but it didn't happen to THEM. Somehow, they were blessed(implying that we somehow deserved the crap due to our believing.)

We found out we had very few real friends.

Hope I'm not dampening your desire to get out! But it is not a bad idea to start reconciling with family and old friends, if you've left them behind. We found that Those folk were great blessings to us after we left and were trying to figure life out.

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that are going to want an explaination

So? --You're an adult -You don't owe them one, the only common sense thing to do with an outfit like that is leave asap

If anything they owe you one as to why on earth they would decide to hide from life and stay

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Bliss -- I agree with both Bramble, and MStar.

You owe them nothing. If you try to defend your decision to leave, that makes you the underdog.

Don't give them that satisfaction. Tell them (if they ask) that they are from another planet, and that they have the explaining to do, not you.

Read them the riot act, and put the ball in their court. See how they respond. To be sure -- they will dance around the issues, but hold their balls to the fire, and see what kind of response you get then. icon_cool.gif

You do not need to answer to them ----


In case you haven't gotten my drift ---

You are in the *right*, and they are in the *wrong*.

It's up to them to tell you why you should stay, and they will NOT be able to come up with a good reason.

Tell the @ssholes to take a hike, and stop demanding that you account for what you are doing, when they can't do the same for themselves.

Sure -- they are steeped in *doctrine* (weren't we all), but they need to take the blinders off, and see the world as it really is.

Your blinders are off, and I'm thinking you are starting to have 20/20 vision, unlike the folks you know who are still in.

Make them come to you for an explanation -- don't you give in to them. By demanding an explanation from you, they are only entrenching themselves deeper into the cult known as twi,

and that ain't cool. icon_frown.gif:(-->


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I agree with Miller above me here...but, If you ask them anything ask them - WHERE HAS ALL THE ABUNDANT SHARING MONEY GONE OVER THE YEARS? Have them name one person with large medical bills, someone suddenly laid off from their job, or anyone in need that the der wey has helped - anyone other that the MOGFOT and associates. They can name no one - guarantee it.

Also, ask them, if this is a "biblical research outfit," why is it you don't follow common research practices, and why are people not allowed to read anything other than the same old way crap. Why aren't you allowed to read other theological materials (as part of research)?

Get to the fundamentals - money and the fact that they are the farthest thing from a research institute that there possibly could be.

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WHERE HAS ALL THE ABUNDANT SHARING MONEY GONE OVER THE YEARS? Have them name one person with large medical bills, someone suddenly laid off from their job, or anyone in need that the der wey has helped - anyone other that the MOGFOT and associates. They can name no one - guarantee it.

TaylorCompany ----

Amen, amen, and amen!! icon_cool.gif


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I left is 2002 and didn't give any explanations except to my boyfriend at the time. He knew it was coming though. I had been threatening to get the H out of twi, but his influence slowed the process. I sent emails to the BC and FC telling them that I would not be attending anymore fellowships or anything that had to do with twi. The BC had sent me an email asking what happened for me to get to that point, but I ignored it because I didn't want to keep a line of contact going just so they could try to talk me back in to it.

I have/had?? one friend who is still on Staff at HQ, and last I spoke to her was a few months ago. She inquired some, but when I brought up things which involved lcm, she just shrugged it off "because he's not around anymore." Somehow they think they can forget all the damage caused by that lunatic and expect people to keep moving on without explanations or apologies. MANY apologies are owed on that butthead's behalf. But it will be a cold day in hell too. That's OK, God handles things fairly. That keeps me sane about it all for now.

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bliss, I was out for about 6 years and still held onto the way's teachings. It wasnt till my sister told me about Waydale that I began to unravel the 'dreadful thread'.... In fact, I had told my sis not to listen to the guy who had told her about Waydale...that it was an attack from the adversary!!!!! I had been out for years!!!!! BUT, then I pulled up Waydale on the internet, and I could not believe my eyes.

What I am saying is: no matter what you have to say, unless they are ready to accept it (for example, they have heard a little bit and want to know more of the real 'truth')they will probably feel the way I felt... Dont be too shocked or hurt if they turn away from you. Just remember, plant that seed, and they may start to look for themselves like I did or they may be thrilled that you are telling them how it really is. That is my prayer for you and your Slavecorps friends.

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I don't know how good your friends are, so I won't get into the "you don't owe them anything" shtick. When our Founding fathers decided to leave the British Empire, they deemed it appropriate to set forth the reasons that impelled them to the separation. Hence, the Declaration of Independence. Of course, the response to THAT letter was a bit hostile. You may do some of them good by letting them know why you're out, but don't expect a lot of positive response.


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I recommend that letter for general advice.

(I recommend reading ALL the documents off the main site at least

once a year to refresh your memory, but nobody seems to take that



Some things to remember:

1) They will NOT "play fair" with you. Therefore, as with anyone

who cheats in a game, the only smart move is not to play.

Leave and let people know AFTER THE FACT that you have LEFT.

Have a logical set of reasons for those you respect.

Some of them-and all the people in the hierarchy-

will attack you no matter what you say.

They will spread vicious lies about you to those who stayed.

Expect that and provide contrary information to those you wish to

tell. They're adults and are supposedly able to think on their



In case you'd like to see the US Declaration of Independence,

you may find it many places, including here:


As you can see, it wasn't dashed off in a moment.

It was the result of the chain of events that preceeded it,

and it states several of them.

"...a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they

should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established

should not be changed for light and transient causes....

But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably

the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute

Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such

Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

They explained their situation had progressed, and all methods

of redress short of independence had proven ineffective. They

gave specifics.

Ultimately, the only persons you owe an explanation to are yourself

and God.

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Go ahead, ask your questions, tell the leadership off, AFTER you have left. If you tell them why you ARE LEAVING, you will give them the opportunity to kick you out and spin how possessed you are to the innies around you. You will not get the chance to have your say if they can stop the flow of communication first.

Regards, and welcome to freedom of thought,


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I agree that you do not owe them an explanation...but if you feel compelled to explain to your "friends" in twi why you are leaving...

1- over half of what twi teaches is wrong

2- the "leadership" is steeped in a long history of corruption that continues to this day

3- there is a total lack of spiritual fruit, spiritual power and unconditional love in twi.

One of the first things that I discovered when I left twi, was that the people whom I THOUGHT were my friends, were not really my friends at all.

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