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Is the Devil the cause of the bad weather??

Second James

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Whatcha think?? I know what a certain cult taught us for years..do you still believe it?..I know many dismiss there being any devil..to my mind... a convenient "out" of sorts.

I personally think that Satan is alive & well & hurricans such as this as well as tornados etc are a direct result of his power.

What is your take on this?? JJ

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I think that "weather" sent the hurricane. I know many dismiss "weather" as superstition, promoted by TV people who believe in "meteorology."

I personally think "weather" is directly responsible for tornadoes and hurricanes, as well as "snow."

Call me naive, but I think if it weren't for the sun heating vast oceans of air and water around the globe, bathing this Earth in light, warming and cooling us daily as it spins upon its axis (the axis of evil?), and in seasons as it revolves around the hot, bright yellow star, we wouldn't be seeing this "weather."

Maybe someone should put a stop to it. Couldn't the government do something?

Edited by satori001
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i would say that "the devil" is more likely to be the cause of our being terrified of climate change

and perhaps the cause of our denial of evidences and further possibilities of radical climate change, and our role in it

and perhaps our incompetence and inability to deal with it as effectively as we might

and perhaps the cause of our ignorance to the good things that have and will come out of climate change right alongside the bad things

but not the actual cause of bad weather (as in a saturday morning cartoon sense of the relationship)

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I think many believe God's love and Satan's wrath revolves around the United States. Usually it takes an event happening in the U.S. for this type of thinking to begin. Bombs can be dropping in another part of the world, destroying life and property daily. Leaders in bukoo countries can be killing thousands of their people. Storms much, much bigger than what is going on now in New Orleans happen with loss of life and property much worse. But rarely a discussion of Satan causing all the destruction.

Let something happen in the United States though and suddenly satan is alive and well.

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This very same weather pattern has been happening for millions of years....gradual global warming followed by an ice age....it has to do with currents and atmospheric conditions that have already been set in motion....I think I read that scientists have found evidence of this cycle occuring at least 11 times so far....

The last 11 times this occured certainly wasn`t because of driving suv`s or the sin`s of mankind....I seriously doubt that we are responsible this time.

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i think the argument as to whether man did or did not cause a warming trend is too simple to get anywhere but absolute dead end answers

because periods of heating and cooling are obviously quite natural


humanity simply is capable of initiating environmental changes,

especially considering the unprecedented magnitude of this, our newest biggest global industrial humanity in earth history

the previous 11 shifts did not have quite the same industrial cocktail we have now to interact with

other questions, maybe,

is not whether we (or the devil or god) caused it or not,

but how might we have participated in it?

maybe its just a tad early?

or a tad faster than it would have been?

it wouldn't take near as much as 100% causing it

if a "tip" rests on the brink for centuries...

i mean, can we accidentally trigger a large undersea earthquake?

and in our histories, haven't we caused huge deserts that might not have otherwise been there?


get over the blame game, i guess

and fasten your friggin seatbelts


maybe start thinking about making your ark...21st century style

Edited by sirguessalot
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It has been established that the climate is warming. Global warming is a definete yes. However it hasn't been shown that man's activities have caused it - - OR ruled it out.

Studies of ice cores show repeated climate changes and some of tham appear to be quite rapid.

The warmer the temp of the earth, the greater the air circulation and, in general, the greater the storms since they are generated by heat...even in winter. So, we can expect more hurricanes and more of them will be more distructive.

Also we can expect more winter precip events as well as a greater dumping when the storms hit.

The devil didn't do it.

Wind circulation on this rotating planet redistributes heat from the center of the earth, the equator, to the poles. Those are explained by the laws of physics....conduction, convection and radiation.

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The Angels of Yahweh were oft attributed

power and authority over the elements of earth, wind, water and fire and their manipulation for providing to us and themselves explosive apocalyptic entertainment; Revelation ch.16 reflects this notion, also reverberated throughout the extra-canonical literature

(i.e., The Book of Enoch, Jubilees, etc.).

This was a belief that circulated among some ancient Jews and Christians (e.g.,the "elements of the world" in Gal.4 and Col.2, also considered the interpretation by the translators of the "Good News Bible" and the James Moffatt version through the rendering "elemental spirits of the world"(or "universe").

In "Revelation" and other contemporous literature, I do not see the writers credit weather patterns to the "devil". This honor belongs to angels, and not fallen ones.

Thus concludes my boring historical-mythological gobblygook for the evening.

Good nite.

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God first and last

Beloved All

God loves you all

I believe the weather has a natural way of working on earth and in the heaven

But I believe we have build things and destroy things we have stop the God's plan for natural things to happen naturally causing things like Hurricans and other things

But I do not understand all this

But I believe that when we cut down some of the rain forest it causes other things to happen

Or everything has a caused and effect

maybe every bomb goes off changes the orbit of the earth and that changes the orbit of the sun and so on

I believe we will caused the whole solar system to break apart over time

but that just me

So who do we blame I say ourselfs but who got us to do it the god of greed

with love and a holy kiss blowing your way Roy

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It is natural, it has happened before, we either adapt and survive or we don`t ... plain and simple...that is how it has been happening for millions of years.

No .... in the other known instances we didn`t have the current cocktail....but the volcanoes contributed significantly to providing the same type of atmospheric (polution and warming) effects and conditions....wildfires destroyed as many, (there wasn`t anyone to put em out) if not more acres time and again as any cutting in the rain forest ...

What has been set into motion began many many years before either of these became issues.

Can it be stopped? not likely... It would have to happened regardless of anything we did or did not do.

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The god of this world, Satan, the one who is the "author of death, that is the devil" is responsible for the hurricane. I have found biblical verses supporting this in Bibles that were writen way long before The Way International was even thought of. And one day Death will be swallowed up in victory.


It was the devil Bobby Booshay!

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Call me naive, but I think if it weren't for the sun heating vast oceans of air and water around the globe, bathing this Earth in light, warming and cooling us daily as it spins upon its axis (the axis of evil?), and in seasons as it revolves around the hot, bright yellow star, we wouldn't be seeing this "weather."

I agree 100%. I guess we do have some beliefs in common my friend.

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Great Reply Long Gone!! LOL

Guess I'm 1-18 in terms of people "siding" with my humble opinion.

Ya know...My ex-wife was in a tornado situation while WOW in Flint Mi years back & partiscipated in prayers which hopefully would protect their little house. I don't know about you...but if a tornado or hurricane were bearing down on my place I'd sure use the name of Jesus Christ a few times rather than to just run & hide. In that MI prayer situation the tornado was ripping apart homes all around hers but not her house!

I also agreee with many of your assessments regarding science...& yet spiritual influences can't be ruled out can they??

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Whatcha think?? I know what a certain cult taught us for years..do you still believe it?..I know many dismiss there being any devil..to my mind... a convenient "out" of sorts.

I personally think that Satan is alive & well & hurricans such as this as well as tornados etc are a direct result of his power.

What is your take on this?? JJ

Yes, I still believe what we were taught in PFAL.

Man was the ruler of this world until he transferred rulership over to satan, who is now the god of the world, who has the ability and willingness to cause these unnatural calamities that kill people.

HOWEVER, let's not blame the devil for everything. icon_eek.gif

Last night O'Reilly had on a scientist who wrote a paper a few years ago submitting that a hurricane greater than level 3 would wipe out New Orleans.

They were warned, but didn't improve their levees when they had the chance.

So it appears that it was a calamity waiting to happen. icon_frown.gif:(-->

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Well it`s a GOOD thing that God liked your ex better than the other folks who`s houses were being destroyed all around her..

Too bad THEY weren`t praying...

Geeze, I don`t know ANYBODY in the path of a tornado that isn`t praying.

I guess by that logic, none of the thousands who died as the twin towers collapsed, or any other disaster, like the cal earthquake a few years back were praying either or had family members on the ball.

I guess it is just too damn bad God didn`t like them enough to honor THEIR prayers....

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The reason is obvious.

Bush and Cheney along with Rumsfeld and officials at Halliburton, developed a secret weather machine that can create huricanes.

This machine located on a secret ship far offshore created Katrina, and with the help of storm guiding planes(disguised as spotting planes) it was sent into New Orleans.

Now, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld will line their pockets with kickbacks while Halliburton will reap great financial rewards as their subsidiaries will soon get contracts for the cleanup and reconstruction of the New Orleans area.

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