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Everything posted by anotherDan

  1. that's great, nandon! sounds like the people who helped you really cared when you hear it yourself from God, it makes all the difference keep seeking Him, and His wisdom!
  2. When I knew U.H., he didn't drive a Caddy... he had traded it for a Gremlin. Not being a Wayfer anymore, I'm still interested in leading a principle-centered life. The difference is that I have accepted the liberty and responsibility to observe, define, and adhere to those principles that seem to me to be valid. Having been "out" of the Way so long, I could care less whether they line up with "what we were taught" or not. "Stuff" has at times been a burden to me, and I've reckoned with the reality that I hung on to stuff for no good reason.... it was a poverty mentality and false economy, so I had to let that stuff go, along with the attitude. I could go further in that direction. Giving is a good thing. I still look for ways to give that are inspired by a right spirit. Doing it quietly is good. It really does free one from the lie that the pie is too small. Some stuff is detrimental to one's wellbeing, and ought to be "burned." Sometimes iconoclastically. But I sold my Joni Mitchell collection rather than trashing it. It made me melancholy and leaned me toward narcissism, but dam she was good! I didn't get much for it. Muslims shot rockets at ancient Buddhist statues. Others have burned books and flags and bras and effigies. Others have burned or trashed their porn collections -- that, at least, I can approve of. Some people pour their whiskey down the drain. Like y'all have said, it's a personal decision. But sometimes it makes sense to belong to a community that has standards and accountability. Not all greasespotters have given up on the community thing. I haven't. And of course the GSC is itself a community with standards and accountability. Whatever!
  3. OK, I volunteer. Send me whatever you like via email and I'll take a look at it. I think the dispensationalism of the Way was quite in error. I haven't had real contact with any "innies" in a long time, though I've stayed in touch with a number of folks who might as well have stayed in! Looking forward to hearing from you. danhaasathomeATyahoo.com ( replace only the second "AT" with the ampersand ----> @ ) By all means, post your info in doctrinal here (if you dare!) .... Bliss and Belle have given you good advice!
  4. Hey, Nash! Thanks for the response. Yeah, you can tell them they can contact me via email if they like danhaasathomeATyahoo.com ( replace only the second "AT" with the ampersand ----> @ ) I'm not surprised they're doing well. They are first-class people. You must be all grown up by now! Thanks again for touching base. Likeaneagle... yes, Lauren's been to Bruce's a couple of times. If you're in the DC area, maybe we could get together some time when we visit Lauren.
  5. Hey, "bramble," I love your thoughtful posts!

  6. Pilate said, "What is truth?" And we all ask the same question
  7. I second Cynic's comments regarding TB's words. And my dear Pond, what you said reminds me of the feeling I got when my wife's words finally got through to me one day... she said, "It's OK if you don't have it all figured out," and I believed her. (May your year, my dear, be wrinkle-free.... beyond even the promises of the cold cream manufacturers.)
  8. Is it time again for resolutions? As others have said, I'm stickin' with my former game plan, which is to study to be quiet, and to do my own business, and to work with my own hands whining is not anticipated, including not whining about the whiners
  9. Reading what TB writes is like listening to myself think..... if only I were in a better frame of mind!
  10. Roy, I sometimes get that a lot.... "words of space." That's when it's so nice to have friends like you and TB and waysider
  11. I have nothing to add other than that I enjoyed reading this thread! :)
  12. At this stage in my journey, I view my place as one of cooperation with God. As already noted, this is an acknowledgement of God's rule, and a willingness on my part to do His will. He knows best, and He can see down the road. God is "at work" within His children, both to will and to do... so even the decision-making process is one in which we are engaged with God, seeking to please Him, to be obedient to His guidance and rule... whether it be to the principles/law He has revealed, or to His personal guidance. I do not think it is possible to do the former without having that personal, active "connection."
  13. Welcome, Joe. I enjoyed reading a little about your journey. We're close to the same age. I spent a long, long time involved with the Way before it (as you said) "fell apart." What you've written I'm sure hits a chord with many believers, as it does with me. Something that never "falls apart" but is always ongoing is God's love, and His love that is shared among believers. It "never faileth." I pray that your time here as the CSC is a blessing to you as you continue on that journey. With love and blessing, Dan
  14. Yes. And Paul's understanding of that community was that Christ was at the head of it, and everyone in it was a "member in particular" of his body. Still today, it seems a fresh and perfect way to see the "called out." What may begin as an authentic out-working of sincere and eyes-opened members of that body can and have become sham "ministries" with other "heads."
  15. Good stuff, my beautiful-footed friend! I agree that the "ordinary" is often where it's at, day after day. Nothing wrong with the extraordinary, of course. The close relationships are of primary importance... (if a man can't take care of his own household, etc.) Christianity is lived in our roles as fathers, sons, brothers, neighbors, co-workers, citizens, etc. -- or it ought to be. "Study to be quiet, and to do your own business, and to work with your own hands..." Great followup on Belle's mention of leadership recognizing and facilitating the gifts and strengths of others. I don't know if I'd use the term "fulfillment" for the motivation to service, unless it was defined as fulfillment of God's purposes for His children -- even Jesus. Today's self-actualization / self-fulfillment paradigm is (as usual) the world's idea at cross-purposes with the will of God. The way of the world's "fullfillment" is just another form of "personal gain" -- it's just not money. It's recognition, a nice warm (smug) feeling, or whatever. I know you know this, as your next statement shows, regarding passion -- a person gives regardless of what comes back. Quiet (unshowy --- even secret) sacrifice seems to be what can be gleaned from Jesus' teaching on the mountain. "And your Father, who sees in secret..." Having visited many churches, I'm often struck by the architectural element... most Protestant churches are rows of benches all facing a podium. And I'm sympathetic to that model, but it's not the only model. The Quakers, for example, often have the benches facing each other, the arrangement representing their conviction that there is no priest between the believer and God (the Light), and that all may prophesy.
  16. Belle, thanks for your answer. Good stuff. Socks, what if we take a step back, and ask the question without the idea of "leadership"? What Belle was saying about a leader recognizing the strengths or gifts of others and even themselves serving in a "shared" way, doesn't that illustrate in living color the people that Jesus said were "greatest of all"? The stepped-back question asks "what is the church."
  17. great question, Socks, and wonderful responses for me, authenticity has to do with union with God... in Jesus, it was to do the will of Him that sent him, and to finish His work, and so it is with all those who have touched my life sometimes it's no more than showing up when needed, "being there" for someone it may be the simplest and "least expensive" of blessings to bestow, but it can make all the difference "the real deal" is happening wherever love is
  18. hi def! interesting answers! Thanks for participating! Good to see you back. I was missing you. Dan
  19. Y'all look marvelous, darlings!
  20. I'm sure he'll be blessed to hear all those things. He does read GS once in a while, and with his name at the top of the thread, I'm sure he'll find your comments. I wish he'd join IGOTOUT's WC forum, but he hasn't yet. It's very friendly over there. Of course, "friendly" is not everyone's cup of tea, but it has taken off... as of right now, 255 members in just a few weeks. By the way, Ralph deservedly gets mention at the Pressed Down, Shaken Together, Running Over MySpace Page for his guitar work on their early stuff. Great site. They were really something. We all were, I guess. "It's outside of your mind."
  21. THAT's what they were saying? LOL
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